Source code for aiida.cmdline.utils.echo

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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""" Convenience functions for printing output from verdi commands """
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from enum import IntEnum
from collections import OrderedDict
import sys
import yaml

import click

__all__ = ('echo', 'echo_info', 'echo_success', 'echo_warning', 'echo_error', 'echo_critical', 'echo_dictionary')

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class ExitCode(IntEnum):
    """Exit codes for the verdi command line."""
    CRITICAL = 1
    UNKNOWN = 99
    SUCCESS = 0

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def echo(message, bold=False, nl=True, err=False): """ Print a normal message through click's echo function to stdout :param message: the string representing the message to print :param bold: whether to print the message in bold :param nl: whether to print a newline at the end of the message :param err: whether to print to stderr """ click.secho(message, bold=bold, nl=nl, err=err)
[docs]def echo_info(message, bold=False, nl=True, err=False): """ Print an info message through click's echo function to stdout, prefixed with 'Info:' :param message: the string representing the message to print :param bold: whether to print the message in bold :param nl: whether to print a newline at the end of the message :param err: whether to print to stderr """ click.secho('Info: ', fg='blue', bold=True, nl=False, err=err) click.secho(message, bold=bold, nl=nl, err=err)
[docs]def echo_success(message, bold=False, nl=True, err=False): """ Print a success message through click's echo function to stdout, prefixed with 'Success:' :param message: the string representing the message to print :param bold: whether to print the message in bold include a newline character :param nl: whether to print a newline at the end of the message :param err: whether to print to stderr """ click.secho('Success: ', fg='green', bold=True, nl=False, err=err) click.secho(message, bold=bold, nl=nl, err=err)
[docs]def echo_warning(message, bold=False, nl=True, err=False): """ Print a warning message through click's echo function to stdout, prefixed with 'Warning:' :param message: the string representing the message to print :param bold: whether to print the message in bold :param nl: whether to print a newline at the end of the message :param err: whether to print to stderr """ click.secho('Warning: ', fg='bright_yellow', bold=True, nl=False, err=err) click.secho(message, bold=bold, nl=nl, err=err)
[docs]def echo_error(message, bold=False, nl=True, err=True): """ Print an error message through click's echo function to stdout, prefixed with 'Error:' :param message: the string representing the message to print :param bold: whether to print the message in bold :param nl: whether to print a newline at the end of the message :param err: whether to print to stderr """ click.secho('Error: ', fg='red', bold=True, nl=False, err=err) click.secho(message, bold=bold, nl=nl, err=err)
[docs]def echo_critical(message, bold=False, nl=True, err=True): """ Print an error message through click's echo function to stdout, prefixed with 'Critical:' and then calls sys.exit with the given exit_status. This should be used to print messages for errors that cannot be recovered from and so the script should be directly terminated with a non-zero exit status to indicate that the command failed :param message: the string representing the message to print :param bold: whether to print the message in bold :param nl: whether to print a newline at the end of the message :param err: whether to print to stderr """ click.secho('Critical: ', fg='red', bold=True, nl=False, err=err) click.secho(message, bold=bold, nl=nl, err=err) sys.exit(ExitCode.CRITICAL)
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin def echo_deprecated(message, bold=False, nl=True, err=True, exit=False): """ Print an error message through click's echo function to stdout, prefixed with 'Deprecated:' and then calls sys.exit with the given exit_status. This should be used to indicate deprecated commands. :param message: the string representing the message to print :param bold: whether to print the message in bold :param nl: whether to print a newline at the end of the message :param err: whether to print to stderr :param exit: whether to exit after printing the message """ click.secho('Deprecated: ', fg='red', bold=True, nl=False, err=err) click.secho(message, bold=bold, nl=nl, err=err) if exit: sys.exit(ExitCode.DEPRECATED) def echo_formatted_list(collection, attributes, sort=None, highlight=None, hide=None): """Print a collection of entries as a formatted list, one entry per line. :param collection: a list of objects :param attributes: a list of attributes to print for each entry in the collection :param sort: optional lambda to sort the collection :param highlight: optional lambda to highlight an entry in the collection if it returns True :param hide: optional lambda to skip an entry if it returns True """ if sort: entries = sorted(collection, key=sort) else: entries = collection template = '{symbol}' + ' {}' * len(attributes) for entry in entries: if hide and hide(entry): continue values = [getattr(entry, attribute) for attribute in attributes] if highlight and highlight(entry): click.secho(template.format(symbol='*', *values), fg='green') else: click.secho(template.format(symbol=' ', *values)) def _format_dictionary_json_date(dictionary): """Return a dictionary formatted as a string using the json format and converting dates to strings.""" from aiida.common import json def default_jsondump(data): """Function needed to decode datetimes, that would otherwise not be JSON-decodable.""" import datetime from aiida.common import timezone if isinstance(data, datetime.datetime): return timezone.localtime(data).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z') raise TypeError(repr(data) + ' is not JSON serializable') return json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=default_jsondump) VALID_DICT_FORMATS_MAPPING = OrderedDict((('json+date', _format_dictionary_json_date), ('yaml', yaml.dump), ('yaml_expanded', lambda d: yaml.dump(d, default_flow_style=False))))
[docs]def echo_dictionary(dictionary, fmt='json+date'): """ Print the given dictionary to stdout in the given format :param dictionary: the dictionary :param fmt: the format to use for printing """ try: format_function = VALID_DICT_FORMATS_MAPPING[fmt] except KeyError: formats = ', '.join(VALID_DICT_FORMATS_MAPPING.keys()) raise ValueError('Unrecognised printing format. Valid formats are: {}'.format(formats)) echo(format_function(dictionary))
def is_stdout_redirected(): """Determines if the standard output is redirected. For cases where the standard output is redirected and you want to inform the user without messing up the output. Example:: echo.echo_info("Found {} results".format(qb.count()), err=echo.is_stdout_redirected) echo.echo(tabulate.tabulate(qb.all())) """ # pylint: disable=no-member return not sys.stdout.isatty()