Source code for aiida.common.links

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Module with utilities and data structures pertaining to links between nodes in the provenance graph."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum

import six

from .lang import isidentifier, type_check

__all__ = ('GraphTraversalRule', 'GraphTraversalRules', 'LinkType', 'validate_link_label')

[docs]class LinkType(Enum): """A simple enum of allowed link types.""" CREATE = 'create' RETURN = 'return' INPUT_CALC = 'input_calc' INPUT_WORK = 'input_work' CALL_CALC = 'call_calc' CALL_WORK = 'call_work'
GraphTraversalRule = namedtuple('GraphTraversalRule', ['link_type', 'direction', 'toggleable', 'default']) """A namedtuple that defines a graph traversal rule. When starting from a certain sub set of nodes, the graph traversal rules specify which links should be followed to add adjacent nodes to finally arrive at a set of nodes that represent a valid and consistent sub graph. :param link_type: the `LinkType` that the rule applies to :param direction: whether the link type should be followed backwards or forwards :param toggleable: boolean to indicate whether the rule can be changed from the default value. If this is `False` it means the default value can never be changed as it will result in an inconsistent graph. :param default: boolean, the default value of the rule, if `True` means that the link type for the given direction should be followed. """
[docs]class GraphTraversalRules(Enum): """Graph traversal rules when deleting or exporting nodes.""" DELETE = { 'input_calc_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.INPUT_CALC, 'forward', False, True), 'input_calc_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.INPUT_CALC, 'backward', False, False), 'create_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CREATE, 'forward', True, True), 'create_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CREATE, 'backward', False, True), 'return_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.RETURN, 'forward', False, False), 'return_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.RETURN, 'backward', False, True), 'input_work_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.INPUT_WORK, 'forward', False, True), 'input_work_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.INPUT_WORK, 'backward', False, False), 'call_calc_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CALL_CALC, 'forward', True, True), 'call_calc_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CALL_CALC, 'backward', False, True), 'call_work_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CALL_WORK, 'forward', True, True), 'call_work_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CALL_WORK, 'backward', False, True) } EXPORT = { 'input_calc_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.INPUT_CALC, 'forward', True, False), 'input_calc_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.INPUT_CALC, 'backward', False, True), 'create_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CREATE, 'forward', False, True), 'create_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CREATE, 'backward', True, True), 'return_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.RETURN, 'forward', False, True), 'return_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.RETURN, 'backward', True, False), 'input_work_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.INPUT_WORK, 'forward', True, False), 'input_work_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.INPUT_WORK, 'backward', False, True), 'call_calc_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CALL_CALC, 'forward', False, True), 'call_calc_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CALL_CALC, 'backward', True, True), 'call_work_forward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CALL_WORK, 'forward', False, True), 'call_work_backward': GraphTraversalRule(LinkType.CALL_WORK, 'backward', True, True) }