Source code for aiida.manage.configuration.config

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"""Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import io
import os
import shutil

from aiida.common import json

from .options import get_option, parse_option, NO_DEFAULT
from .profile import Profile

__all__ = ('Config',)

[docs]class Config(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods """Object that represents the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.""" KEY_VERSION = 'CONFIG_VERSION' KEY_VERSION_CURRENT = 'CURRENT' KEY_VERSION_OLDEST_COMPATIBLE = 'OLDEST_COMPATIBLE' KEY_DEFAULT_PROFILE = 'default_profile' KEY_PROFILES = 'profiles' KEY_OPTIONS = 'options'
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, config): """Instantiate a configuration object from a configuration dictionary and its filepath. If an empty dictionary is passed, the constructor will create the skeleton configuration dictionary. :param filepath: the absolute filepath of the configuration file :param config: the content of the configuration file in dictionary form """ version = config.get(self.KEY_VERSION, {}) current_version = version.get(self.KEY_VERSION_CURRENT, CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION) compatible_version = version.get(self.KEY_VERSION_OLDEST_COMPATIBLE, OLDEST_COMPATIBLE_CONFIG_VERSION) self._filepath = filepath self._current_version = current_version self._oldest_compatible_version = compatible_version self._profiles = {} known_keys = [self.KEY_VERSION, self.KEY_PROFILES, self.KEY_OPTIONS, self.KEY_DEFAULT_PROFILE] unknown_keys = set(config.keys()) - set(known_keys) if unknown_keys: keys = ', '.join(unknown_keys) self.handle_invalid('encountered unknown keys [{}] in `{}` which have been removed'.format(keys, filepath)) try: self._options = config[self.KEY_OPTIONS] except KeyError: self._options = {} try: self._default_profile = config[self.KEY_DEFAULT_PROFILE] except KeyError: self._default_profile = None for name, config_profile in config.get(self.KEY_PROFILES, {}).items(): if Profile.contains_unknown_keys(config_profile): self.handle_invalid('encountered unknown keys in profile `{}` which have been removed'.format(name)) self._profiles[name] = Profile(name, config_profile, from_config=True)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Two configurations are considered equal, when their dictionaries are equal.""" return self.dictionary == other.dictionary
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Two configurations are considered unequal, when their dictionaries are unequal.""" return self.dictionary != other.dictionary
[docs] def handle_invalid(self, message): """Handle an incoming invalid configuration dictionary. The current content of the configuration file will be written to a backup file. :param message: a string message to echo with describing the infraction """ from aiida.cmdline.utils import echo filepath = self._filepath + '.bak' self._backup(filepath) echo.echo_warning(message) echo.echo_warning('backup of the original config file written to: `{}`'.format(filepath))
@property def dictionary(self): """Return the dictionary representation of the config as it would be written to file. :return: dictionary representation of config as it should be written to file """ config = { self.KEY_VERSION: self.version_settings, self.KEY_PROFILES: {name: profile.dictionary for name, profile in self._profiles.items()} } if self._default_profile: config[self.KEY_DEFAULT_PROFILE] = self._default_profile if self._options: config[self.KEY_OPTIONS] = self._options return config @property def version(self): return self._current_version @version.setter def version(self, version): self._current_version = version @property def version_oldest_compatible(self): return self._oldest_compatible_version @version_oldest_compatible.setter def version_oldest_compatible(self, version_oldest_compatible): self._oldest_compatible_version = version_oldest_compatible @property def version_settings(self): return { self.KEY_VERSION_CURRENT: self.version, self.KEY_VERSION_OLDEST_COMPATIBLE: self.version_oldest_compatible } @property def filepath(self): return self._filepath @property def dirpath(self): return os.path.dirname(self.filepath) @property def default_profile_name(self): """Return the default profile name. :return: the default profile name or None if not defined """ return self._default_profile @property def current_profile(self): """Return the currently loaded profile. :return: the current profile or None if not defined """ from . import get_profile return get_profile() @property def profile_names(self): """Return the list of profile names. :return: list of profile names """ return list(self._profiles.keys()) @property def profiles(self): """Return the list of profiles. :return: the profiles :rtype: list of `Profile` instances """ return list(self._profiles.values())
[docs] def validate_profile(self, name): """Validate that a profile exists. :param name: name of the profile: :raises aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError: if the name is not found in the configuration file """ from aiida.common import exceptions if name not in self.profile_names: raise exceptions.ProfileConfigurationError('profile `{}` does not exist'.format(name))
[docs] def get_profile(self, name=None): """Return the profile for the given name or the default one if not specified. :return: the profile instance or None if it does not exist :raises aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError: if the name is not found in the configuration file """ from aiida.common import exceptions if not name and not self.default_profile_name: raise exceptions.ProfileConfigurationError( 'no default profile defined: {}\n{}'.format(self._default_profile, self.dictionary) ) if not name: name = self.default_profile_name self.validate_profile(name) return self._profiles[name]
[docs] def add_profile(self, profile): """Add a profile to the configuration. :param profile: the profile configuration dictionary :return: self """ self._profiles[] = profile return self
[docs] def update_profile(self, profile): """Update a profile in the configuration. :param profile: the profile instance to update :return: self """ self._profiles[] = profile return self
[docs] def remove_profile(self, name): """Remove a profile from the configuration. :param name: the name of the profile to remove :raises aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError: if the given profile does not exist :return: self """ self.validate_profile(name) self._profiles.pop(name) return self
[docs] def set_default_profile(self, name, overwrite=False): """Set the given profile as the new default. :param name: name of the profile to set as new default :param overwrite: when True, set the profile as the new default even if a default profile is already defined :raises aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError: if the given profile does not exist :return: self """ if self.default_profile_name and not overwrite: return self self.validate_profile(name) self._default_profile = name return self
@property def options(self): return self._options @options.setter def options(self, value): self._options = value
[docs] def set_option(self, option_name, option_value, scope=None, override=True): """Set a configuration option for a certain scope. :param option_name: the name of the configuration option :param option_value: the option value :param scope: set the option for this profile or globally if not specified :param override: boolean, if False, will not override the option if it already exists """ option, parsed_value = parse_option(option_name, option_value) if parsed_value is not None: value = parsed_value elif option.default is not NO_DEFAULT: value = option.default else: return if not option.global_only and scope is not None: self.get_profile(scope).set_option(option.key, value, override=override) else: if option.key not in self.options or override: self.options[option.key] = value
[docs] def unset_option(self, option_name, scope=None): """Unset a configuration option for a certain scope. :param option_name: the name of the configuration option :param scope: unset the option for this profile or globally if not specified """ option = get_option(option_name) if scope is not None: self.get_profile(scope).unset_option(option.key) else: self.options.pop(option.key, None)
[docs] def get_option(self, option_name, scope=None, default=True): """Get a configuration option for a certain scope. :param option_name: the name of the configuration option :param scope: get the option for this profile or globally if not specified :param default: boolean, If True will return the option default, even if not defined within the given scope :return: the option value or None if not set for the given scope """ option = get_option(option_name) # Default value is `None` unless `default=True` and the `option.default` is not `NO_DEFAULT` default_value = option.default if default and option.default is not NO_DEFAULT else None if scope is not None: value = self.get_profile(scope).get_option(option.key, default_value) else: value = self.options.get(option.key, default_value) return value
[docs] def store(self): """Write the current config to file.""" self._backup() umask = os.umask(DEFAULT_UMASK) try: with, 'wb') as handle: json.dump(self.dictionary, handle, indent=DEFAULT_CONFIG_INDENT_SIZE) finally: os.umask(umask) return self
[docs] def _backup(self, filepath=None): """Create a backup of the current config as it exists on disk.""" if not os.path.isfile(self.filepath): return umask = os.umask(DEFAULT_UMASK) if filepath is None: filepath = self.filepath + '~' try: shutil.copy(self.filepath, filepath) finally: os.umask(umask)