Source code for aiida.manage.external.pgsu

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Connect to an existing PostgreSQL cluster as the `postgres` superuser and execute SQL commands.

Note: Once the API of this functionality has converged, this module should be moved out of aiida-core and into a
  separate package that can then be tested on multiple OS / postgres setups. Therefore, **please keep this
  module entirely AiiDA-agnostic**.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

    import subprocess32 as subprocess
except ImportError:
    import subprocess

from enum import IntEnum
import click

    'host': 'localhost',
    'port': 5432,
    'user': 'postgres',
    'password': None,
    'database': 'template1',

[docs]class PostgresConnectionMode(IntEnum): """Describe mode of connecting to postgres.""" DISCONNECTED = 0 PSYCOPG = 1 PSQL = 2
[docs]class PGSU(object): """ Connect to an existing PostgreSQL cluster as the `postgres` superuser and execute SQL commands. Tries to use psycopg2 with a fallback to psql subcommands (using ``sudo su`` to run as postgres user). Simple Example:: postgres = PGSU() postgres.execute("CREATE USER testuser PASSWORD 'testpw'") Complex Example:: postgres = PGSU(interactive=True, dbinfo={'port': 5433}) postgres.execute("CREATE USER testuser PASSWORD 'testpw'") Note: In postgresql * you cannot drop databases you are currently connected to * 'template0' is the unmodifiable template database (which you cannot connect to) * 'template1' is the modifiable template database (which you can connect to) """
[docs] def __init__(self, interactive=False, quiet=True, dbinfo=None, determine_setup=True): """Store postgres connection info. :param interactive: use True for verdi commands :param quiet: use False to show warnings/exceptions :param dbinfo: psycopg dictionary containing keys like 'host', 'user', 'port', 'database' :param determine_setup: Whether to determine setup upon instantiation. You may set this to False and use the 'determine_setup()' method instead. """ self.interactive = interactive self.quiet = quiet self.connection_mode = PostgresConnectionMode.DISCONNECTED self.setup_fail_callback = prompt_db_info if interactive else None self.setup_fail_counter = 0 self.setup_max_tries = 1 self.dbinfo = DEFAULT_DBINFO.copy() if dbinfo is not None: self.dbinfo.update(dbinfo) if determine_setup: self.determine_setup()
[docs] def execute(self, command, **kwargs): """Execute postgres command using determined connection mode. :param command: A psql command line as a str :param kwargs: will be forwarded to _execute_... function """ # Use self.dbinfo as default kwargs, update with provided kwargs kw_copy = self.dbinfo.copy() kw_copy.update(kwargs) if self.connection_mode == PostgresConnectionMode.PSYCOPG: # pylint: disable=no-else-return return _execute_psyco(command, **kw_copy) elif self.connection_mode == PostgresConnectionMode.PSQL: return _execute_psql(command, **kw_copy) raise ValueError('Could not connect to postgres.')
[docs] def set_setup_fail_callback(self, callback): """ Set a callback to be called when setup cannot be determined automatically :param callback: a callable with signature ``callback(interactive, dbinfo)`` that returns a ``dbinfo`` dictionary. """ self.setup_fail_callback = callback
[docs] def determine_setup(self): """Determine how to connect as the postgres superuser. Depending on how postgres is set up, psycopg2 can be used to create dbs and db users, otherwise a subprocess has to be used that executes psql as an os user with appropriate permissions. Note: We aim to connect as a superuser (typically 'postgres') with privileges to manipulate (create/drop) databases and database users. :returns success: True, if connection could be established. :rtype success: bool """ # find out if we run as a postgres superuser or can connect as postgres # This will work on OSX in some setups but not in the default Debian one dbinfo = self.dbinfo.copy() for pg_user in set([dbinfo.get('user'), None]): dbinfo['user'] = pg_user if _try_connect_psycopg(**dbinfo): self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.connection_mode = PostgresConnectionMode.PSYCOPG return True # This will work for the default Debian postgres setup, assuming that sudo is available to the user # Check if the user can find the sudo command if _sudo_exists(): if _try_subcmd(interactive=self.interactive, quiet=self.quiet, **dbinfo): self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.connection_mode = PostgresConnectionMode.PSQL return True elif not self.quiet: click.echo('Warning: Could not find `sudo` for connecting to the database.') self.setup_fail_counter += 1 return self._no_setup_detected()
[docs] def _no_setup_detected(self): """Print a warning message and calls the failed setup callback :returns: False, if no successful try. """ message = '\n'.join([ 'Warning: Unable to autodetect postgres setup - do you know how to access it?', ]) if not self.quiet: click.echo(message) if self.setup_fail_callback and self.setup_fail_counter <= self.setup_max_tries: self.dbinfo = self.setup_fail_callback(self.interactive, self.dbinfo) return self.determine_setup() return False
@property def is_connected(self): return self.connection_mode in (PostgresConnectionMode.PSYCOPG, PostgresConnectionMode.PSQL)
[docs]def prompt_db_info(interactive, dbinfo): """ Prompt interactively for postgres database connection details Can be used as a setup fail callback for :py:class:`PGSU` :return: dictionary with the following keys: host, port, database, user """ if not interactive: return DEFAULT_DBINFO access = False while not access: dbinfo_new = {} dbinfo_new['host'] = click.prompt('postgres host', default=dbinfo.get('host'), type=str) dbinfo_new['port'] = click.prompt('postgres port', default=dbinfo.get('port'), type=int) dbinfo_new['user'] = click.prompt('postgres super user', default=dbinfo.get('user'), type=str) dbinfo_new['database'] = click.prompt('database', default=dbinfo.get('database'), type=str) click.echo('') click.echo('Trying to access postgres ...') if _try_connect_psycopg(**dbinfo_new): access = True else: dbinfo_new['password'] = click.prompt( 'postgres password of {}'.format(dbinfo_new['user']), hide_input=True, type=str, default='' ) if not dbinfo_new.get('password'): dbinfo_new.pop('password') return dbinfo_new
[docs]def _try_connect_psycopg(**kwargs): """ try to start a psycopg2 connection. :return: True if successful, False otherwise """ from psycopg2 import connect success = False try: conn = connect(**kwargs) success = True conn.close() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass return success
[docs]def _sudo_exists(): """ Check that the sudo command can be found :return: True if successful, False otherwise """ try: subprocess.check_output(['sudo', '-V']) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False except OSError: return False return True
[docs]def _try_subcmd(**kwargs): """ try to run psql in a subprocess. :return: True if successful, False otherwise """ success = False try: kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT _execute_psql(r'\q', **kwargs) success = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass return success
[docs]def _execute_psyco(command, **kwargs): """ executes a postgres commandline through psycopg2 :param command: A psql command line as a str :param kwargs: will be forwarded to psycopg2.connect """ import psycopg2 # Note: Ubuntu 18.04 uses "peer" as the default postgres configuration # which allows connections only when the unix user matches the database user. # This restriction no longer applies for IPv4/v6-based connection, # when specifying host=localhost. if kwargs.get('host') is None: kwargs['host'] = 'localhost' output = None with psycopg2.connect(**kwargs) as conn: conn.autocommit = True with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(command) if cursor.description is not None: output = cursor.fetchall() # see conn.close() return output
[docs]def _execute_psql(command, user='postgres', quiet=True, interactive=False, **kwargs): """ Executes an SQL command via ``psql`` as another system user in a subprocess. Tries to "become" the user specified in ``kwargs`` (i.e. interpreted as UNIX system user) and run psql in a subprocess. :param command: A psql command line as a str :param quiet: If True, don't print warnings. :param interactive: If False, `sudo` won't ask for a password and fail if one is required. :param kwargs: connection details to forward to psql, signature as in psycopg2.connect """ option_str = '' database = kwargs.pop('database', None) if database: option_str += '-d {}'.format(database) # to do: Forward password to psql; ignore host only when the password is None. # pylint: disable=fixme kwargs.pop('password', None) host = kwargs.pop('host', 'localhost') if host and host != 'localhost': option_str += ' -h {}'.format(host) elif not quiet: click.echo( "Warning: Found host 'localhost' but dropping '-h localhost' option for psql " + 'since this may cause psql to switch to password-based authentication.' ) port = kwargs.pop('port', None) if port: option_str += ' -p {}'.format(port) user = kwargs.pop('user', 'postgres') # Build command line sudo_cmd = ['sudo'] if not interactive: sudo_cmd += ['-n'] su_cmd = ['su', user, '-c'] psql_cmd = ['psql {opt} -tc {cmd}'.format(cmd=escape_for_bash(command), opt=option_str)] sudo_su_psql = sudo_cmd + su_cmd + psql_cmd result = subprocess.check_output(sudo_su_psql, **kwargs) result = result.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\n') result = [i for i in result if i] return result
[docs]def escape_for_bash(str_to_escape): """ This function takes any string and escapes it in a way that bash will interpret it as a single string. Explanation: At the end, in the return statement, the string is put within single quotes. Therefore, the only thing that I have to escape in bash is the single quote character. To do this, I substitute every single quote ' with '"'"' which means: First single quote: exit from the enclosing single quotes Second, third and fourth character: "'" is a single quote character, escaped by double quotes Last single quote: reopen the single quote to continue the string Finally, note that for python I have to enclose the string '"'"' within triple quotes to make it work, getting finally: the complicated string found below. """ escaped_quotes = str_to_escape.replace("'", """'"'"'""") return "'{}'".format(escaped_quotes)