Source code for aiida.manage.tests.unittest_classes

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Test classes and test runners for testing AiiDA plugins with unittest.

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import unittest

from aiida.manage.manager import get_manager
from . import _GLOBAL_TEST_MANAGER, test_manager, get_test_backend_name, get_test_profile_name

__all__ = ('PluginTestCase', 'TestRunner')

[docs]class PluginTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Set up a complete temporary AiiDA environment for plugin tests. Note: This test class needs to be run through the :py:class:`~aiida.manage.tests.unittest_classes.TestRunner` and will **not** work simply with `python -m unittest discover`. Usage example:: MyTestCase(aiida.manage.tests.unittest_classes.PluginTestCase): def setUp(self): # load my tests data # optionally extend setUpClass / tearDownClass / tearDown if needed def test_my_plugin(self): # execute tests """ # Filled in during setUpClass backend = None # type :class:`aiida.orm.implementation.Backend`
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.test_manager = _GLOBAL_TEST_MANAGER if not cls.test_manager.has_profile_open(): raise ValueError( 'Fixture mananger has no open profile.' + 'Please use aiida.manage.tests.unittest_classes.TestRunner to run these tests.' ) cls.backend = get_manager().get_backend()
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.test_manager.reset_db()
[docs]class TestRunner(unittest.runner.TextTestRunner): """ Testrunner for unit tests using the fixture manager. Usage example:: import unittest from aiida.manage.tests.unittest_classes import TestRunner tests ='.') TestRunner().run(tests) """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def run(self, suite, backend=None, profile_name=None): """ Run tests using fixture manager for specified backend. :param suite: A suite of tests, as returned e.g. by :py:meth:`` :param backend: name of database backend to be used. :param profile_name: name of test profile to be used or None (will use temporary profile) """ import warnings from aiida.common.warnings import AiidaDeprecationWarning warnings.warn( # pylint: disable=no-member 'Please use "pytest" for testing AiiDA plugins. Support for "unittest" be removed in `v2.0.0`', AiidaDeprecationWarning ) with test_manager( backend=backend or get_test_backend_name(), profile_name=profile_name or get_test_profile_name() ): return super(TestRunner, self).run(suite)