Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.sqlalchemy.utils

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"""Utilities for the implementation of the SqlAlchemy backend."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import contextlib

# pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified

from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy import get_scoped_session
from aiida.common import exceptions

IMMUTABLE_MODEL_FIELDS = {'id', 'pk', 'uuid'}

[docs]class ModelWrapper(object): """Wrap a database model instance to correctly update and flush the data model when getting or setting a field. If the model is not stored, the behavior of the get and set attributes is unaltered. However, if the model is stored, which is to say, it has a primary key, the `getattr` and `setattr` are modified as follows: * `getattr`: if the item corresponds to a mutable model field, the model instance is refreshed first * `setattr`: if the item corresponds to a mutable model field, changes are flushed after performing the change """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] def __init__(self, model, auto_flush=()): """Construct the ModelWrapper. :param model: the database model instance to wrap :param auto_flush: an optional tuple of database model fields that are always to be flushed, in addition to the field that corresponds to the attribute being set through `__setattr__`. """ super(ModelWrapper, self).__init__() # Have to do it this way because we overwrite __setattr__ object.__setattr__(self, '_model', model) object.__setattr__(self, '_auto_flush', auto_flush)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, item): """Get an attribute of the model instance. If the model is saved in the database, the item corresponds to a mutable model field and the current scope is not in an open database connection, then the field's value is first refreshed from the database. :param item: the name of the model field :return: the value of the model's attribute """ # Python 3's implementation of copy.copy does not call __init__ on the new object # but manually restores attributes instead. Make sure we never get into a recursive # loop by protecting the only special variable here: _model if item == '_model': raise AttributeError() if self.is_saved() and self._is_mutable_model_field(item) and not self._in_transaction(): self._ensure_model_uptodate(fields=(item,)) return getattr(self._model, item)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Set the attribute on the model instance. If the field being set is a mutable model field and the model is saved, the changes are flushed. :param key: the name of the model field :param value: the value to set """ setattr(self._model, key, value) if self.is_saved() and self._is_mutable_model_field(key): fields = set((key,) + self._auto_flush) self._flush(fields=fields)
[docs] def is_saved(self): """Retun whether the wrapped model instance is saved in the database. :return: boolean, True if the model is saved in the database, False otherwise """ return is not None
[docs] def save(self): """Store the model instance. .. note:: If one is currently in a transaction, this method is a no-op. :raises `aiida.common.IntegrityError`: if a database integrity error is raised during the save. """ try: commit = not self._in_transaction() except IntegrityError as exception: self._model.session.rollback() raise exceptions.IntegrityError(str(exception))
[docs] def _is_mutable_model_field(self, field): """Return whether the field is a mutable field of the model. :return: boolean, True if the field is a model field and is not in the `IMMUTABLE_MODEL_FIELDS` set. """ if field in IMMUTABLE_MODEL_FIELDS: return False return self._is_model_field(field)
[docs] def _is_model_field(self, field): """Return whether the field is a field of the model. :return: boolean, True if the field is a model field, False otherwise. """ return inspect(self._model.__class__).has_property(field)
[docs] def _flush(self, fields=()): """Flush the fields of the model to the database. .. note:: If the wrapped model is not actually save in the database yet, this method is a no-op. :param fields: the model fields whose currently value to flush to the database """ if self.is_saved(): for field in fields: flag_modified(self._model, field)
[docs] def _ensure_model_uptodate(self, fields=None): """Refresh all fields of the wrapped model instance by fetching the current state of the database instance. :param fields: optionally refresh only these fields, if `None` all fields are refreshed. """ self._model.session.expire(self._model, attribute_names=fields)
[docs] @staticmethod def _in_transaction(): """Return whether the current scope is within an open database transaction. :return: boolean, True if currently in open transaction, False otherwise. """ return get_scoped_session().transaction.nested
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def disable_expire_on_commit(session): """Context manager that disables expire_on_commit and restores the original value on exit :param session: The SQLA session :type session: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` """ current_value = session.expire_on_commit session.expire_on_commit = False try: yield session finally: session.expire_on_commit = current_value