Source code for aiida.orm.utils.remote

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import six

[docs]def clean_remote(transport, path): """ Recursively remove a remote folder, with the given absolute path, and all its contents. The path should be made accessible through the transport channel, which should already be open :param transport: an open Transport channel :param path: an absolute path on the remote made available through the transport """ if not isinstance(path, six.string_types): raise ValueError('the path has to be a string type') if not os.path.isabs(path): raise ValueError('the path should be absolute') if not transport.is_open: raise ValueError('the transport should already be open') basedir, relative_path = os.path.split(path) try: transport.chdir(basedir) transport.rmtree(relative_path) except IOError: pass
[docs]def get_calcjob_remote_paths(pks=None, past_days=None, older_than=None, computers=None, user=None): """ Return a mapping of computer uuids to a list of remote paths, for a given set of calcjobs. The set of calcjobs will be determined by a query with filters based on the pks, past_days, older_than, computers and user arguments. :param pks: onlu include calcjobs with a pk in this list :param past_days: only include calcjobs created since past_days :param older_than: only include calcjobs older than :param computers: only include calcjobs that were ran on these computers :param user: only include calcjobs of this user :return: mapping of computer uuid and list of remote paths, or None """ from datetime import timedelta from aiida import orm from aiida.orm import CalcJobNode from aiida.common import timezone filters_calc = {} filters_computer = {} if user is None: user = orm.User.objects.get_default() if computers is not None: filters_computer['id'] = {'in': [ for computer in computers]} if past_days is not None: filters_calc['mtime'] = {'>': - timedelta(days=past_days)} if older_than is not None: filters_calc['mtime'] = {'<': - timedelta(days=older_than)} if pks: filters_calc['id'] = {'in': pks} qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(CalcJobNode, tag='calc', project=['attributes.remote_workdir'], filters=filters_calc) qb.append(orm.Computer, with_node='calc', tag='computer', project=['*'], filters=filters_computer) qb.append(orm.User, with_node='calc', filters={'email':}) if qb.count() == 0: return None path_mapping = {} for path, computer in qb.all(): if path is not None: path_mapping.setdefault(computer.uuid, []).append(path) return path_mapping