Source code for aiida.restapi.resources

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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""" Resources for REST API """

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote  # pylint: disable=import-error
from flask import request, make_response
from flask_restful import Resource

from aiida.common.lang import classproperty
from aiida.restapi.common.exceptions import RestInputValidationError
from aiida.restapi.common.utils import Utils

[docs]class ServerInfo(Resource): # pylint: disable=fixme """Endpointd to return general server info"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Configure utils utils_conf_keys = ('PREFIX', 'PERPAGE_DEFAULT', 'LIMIT_DEFAULT') self.utils_confs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in utils_conf_keys if k in kwargs} self.utils = Utils(**self.utils_confs)
[docs] def get(self): """ It returns the general info about the REST API :return: returns current AiiDA version defined in aiida/ """ ## Decode url parts path = unquote(request.path) url = unquote(request.url) url_root = unquote(request.url_root) pathlist = self.utils.split_path(self.utils.strip_api_prefix(path)) if len(pathlist) > 1: resource_type = pathlist.pop(1) else: resource_type = 'info' response = {} import aiida.restapi.common.config as conf from aiida import __version__ if resource_type == 'info': response = {} # Add Rest API version api_version = conf.VERSION.split('.') response['API_major_version'] = api_version[0] response['API_minor_version'] = api_version[1] response['API_revision_version'] = api_version[2] # Add Rest API prefix response['API_prefix'] = conf.PREFIX # Add AiiDA version response['AiiDA_version'] = __version__ elif resource_type == 'endpoints': from aiida.restapi.common.utils import list_routes response['available_endpoints'] = list_routes() headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) ## Build response and return it data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=path, query_string=request.query_string.decode('utf-8'), resource_type='Info', data=response ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)
[docs]class BaseResource(Resource): # pylint: disable=fixme """ Each derived class will instantiate a different type of translator. This is the only difference in the classes. """ from aiida.restapi.translator.base import BaseTranslator _translator_class = BaseTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = None # Flag to tell the path parser whether to expect a pk or a uuid pattern ## TODO add the caching support. I cache total count, results, and possibly
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.trans = self._translator_class(**kwargs) # Configure utils utils_conf_keys = ('PREFIX', 'PERPAGE_DEFAULT', 'LIMIT_DEFAULT') self.utils_confs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in utils_conf_keys if k in kwargs} self.utils = Utils(**self.utils_confs) self.method_decorators = {'get': kwargs.get('get_decorators', [])}
@classproperty def parse_pk_uuid(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument return cls._parse_pk_uuid
[docs] def _load_and_verify(self, node_id=None): """Load node and verify it is of the required type""" from aiida.orm import load_node node = load_node(node_id) if not isinstance(node, self.trans._aiida_class): # pylint: disable=protected-access raise RestInputValidationError( 'node {} is not of the required type {}'.format(node_id, self.trans._aiida_class) # pylint: disable=protected-access ) return node
[docs] def get(self, id=None, page=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name,unused-argument # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ Get method for the resource :param id: node identifier :param page: page no, used for pagination :return: http response """ ## Decode url parts path = unquote(request.path) query_string = unquote(request.query_string.decode('utf-8')) url = unquote(request.url) url_root = unquote(request.url_root) ## Parse request (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type) = self.utils.parse_path(path, parse_pk_uuid=self.parse_pk_uuid) # pylint: disable=unused-variable ( limit, offset, perpage, orderby, filters, download_format, download, filename, tree_in_limit, tree_out_limit, attributes, attributes_filter, extras, extras_filter, full_type ) = self.utils.parse_query_string(query_string) ## Validate request self.utils.validate_request( limit=limit, offset=offset, perpage=perpage, page=page, query_type=query_type, is_querystring_defined=(bool(query_string)) ) ## Treat the projectable_properties case which does not imply access to the DataBase if query_type == 'projectable_properties': ## Retrieve the projectable properties projectable_properties, ordering = self.trans.get_projectable_properties() results = dict(fields=projectable_properties, ordering=ordering) ## Build response and return it headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) else: ## Set the query, and initialize qb object self.trans.set_query(filters=filters, orders=orderby, node_id=node_id) ## Count results total_count = self.trans.get_total_count() ## Pagination (if required) if page is not None: (limit, offset, rel_pages) = self.utils.paginate(page, perpage, total_count) self.trans.set_limit_offset(limit=limit, offset=offset) headers = self.utils.build_headers(rel_pages=rel_pages, url=request.url, total_count=total_count) else: self.trans.set_limit_offset(limit=limit, offset=offset) headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=total_count) ## Retrieve results results = self.trans.get_results() ## Build response and return it data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=request.path, id=node_id, query_string=request.query_string.decode('utf-8'), resource_type=resource_type, data=results ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)
[docs]class Node(BaseResource): """ Differs from BaseResource in trans.set_query() mostly because it takes query_type as an input and the presence of additional result types like "tree" """ from aiida.restapi.translator.nodes.node import NodeTranslator _translator_class = NodeTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = 'uuid' # Parse a uuid pattern in the URL path (not a pk)
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Node, self).__init__(**kwargs) from aiida.orm import Node as tNode self.tclass = tNode # Configure utils utils_conf_keys = ('PREFIX', 'PERPAGE_DEFAULT', 'LIMIT_DEFAULT') self.utils_confs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in utils_conf_keys if k in kwargs} self.utils = Utils(**self.utils_confs) self.method_decorators = {'get': kwargs.get('get_decorators', [])}
[docs] def get(self, id=None, page=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name,unused-argument # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches,fixme,unused-variable """ Get method for the Node resource. :param id: node identifier :param page: page no, used for pagination :return: http response """ ## Decode url parts path = unquote(request.path) query_string = unquote(request.query_string.decode('utf-8')) url = unquote(request.url) url_root = unquote(request.url_root) ## Parse request (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type) = self.utils.parse_path(path, parse_pk_uuid=self.parse_pk_uuid) ( limit, offset, perpage, orderby, filters, download_format, download, filename, tree_in_limit, tree_out_limit, attributes, attributes_filter, extras, extras_filter, full_type ) = self.utils.parse_query_string(query_string) ## Validate request self.utils.validate_request( limit=limit, offset=offset, perpage=perpage, page=page, query_type=query_type, is_querystring_defined=(bool(query_string)) ) ## Treat the projectable properties case which does not imply access to the DataBase if query_type == 'projectable_properties': ## Retrieve the projectable properties projectable_properties, ordering = self.trans.get_projectable_properties() results = dict(fields=projectable_properties, ordering=ordering) ## Build response and return it headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) ## Treat the statistics elif query_type == 'statistics': headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0) if filters: usr = filters['user']['=='] else: usr = None results = self.trans.get_statistics(usr) elif query_type == 'full_types': headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0) results = self.trans.get_namespace() # TODO improve the performance of tree endpoint by getting the data from database faster # TODO add pagination for this endpoint (add default max limit) elif query_type == 'tree': headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0) results = self.trans.get_io_tree(node_id, tree_in_limit, tree_out_limit) elif node_id is None and query_type == 'download_formats': headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0) results = self.trans.get_all_download_formats(full_type) else: ## Initialize the translator self.trans.set_query( filters=filters, orders=orderby, query_type=query_type, node_id=node_id, download_format=download_format, download=download, filename=filename, attributes=attributes, attributes_filter=attributes_filter, extras=extras, extras_filter=extras_filter, full_type=full_type ) ## Count results total_count = self.trans.get_total_count() ## Pagination (if required) if page is not None: (limit, offset, rel_pages) = self.utils.paginate(page, perpage, total_count) self.trans.set_limit_offset(limit=limit, offset=offset) ## Retrieve results results = self.trans.get_results() headers = self.utils.build_headers(rel_pages=rel_pages, url=request.url, total_count=total_count) else: self.trans.set_limit_offset(limit=limit, offset=offset) ## Retrieve results results = self.trans.get_results() if attributes_filter is not None and attributes: for node in results['nodes']: node['attributes'] = {} if not isinstance(attributes_filter, list): attributes_filter = [attributes_filter] for attr in attributes_filter: node['attributes'][str(attr)] = node['attributes.' + str(attr)] del node['attributes.' + str(attr)] if extras_filter is not None and extras: for node in results['nodes']: node['extras'] = {} if not isinstance(extras_filter, list): extras_filter = [extras_filter] for extra in extras_filter: node['extras'][str(extra)] = node['extras.' + str(extra)] del node['extras.' + str(extra)] if query_type == 'repo_contents' and results: response = make_response(results) response.headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(filename) return response if query_type == 'download' and download not in ['false', 'False', False] and results: if results['download']['status'] == 200: data = results['download']['data'] response = make_response(data) response.headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format( results['download']['filename'] ) return response results = results['download']['data'] headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=total_count) ## Build response data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=path, id=node_id, query_string=request.query_string.decode('utf-8'), resource_type=resource_type, data=results ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)
[docs]class Computer(BaseResource): """ Resource for Computer """ from import ComputerTranslator _translator_class = ComputerTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = 'uuid'
[docs]class Group(BaseResource): """ Resource for Group """ from import GroupTranslator _translator_class = GroupTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = 'uuid'
[docs]class User(BaseResource): """ Resource for User """ from aiida.restapi.translator.user import UserTranslator _translator_class = UserTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = 'pk'
[docs]class ProcessNode(Node): """ Resource for ProcessNode """ from aiida.restapi.translator.nodes.process.process import ProcessTranslator _translator_class = ProcessTranslator
[docs] def get(self, id=None, page=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ Get method for the Process resource. :param id: node identifier :return: http response """ ## Decode url parts path = unquote(request.path) url = unquote(request.url) url_root = unquote(request.url_root) ## Parse request (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type) = self.utils.parse_path(path, parse_pk_uuid=self.parse_pk_uuid) results = None if query_type == 'report': node = self._load_and_verify(node_id) report = self.trans.get_report(node) results = report elif query_type == 'projectable_properties': ## Retrieve the projectable properties projectable_properties, ordering = self.trans.get_projectable_properties() results = dict(fields=projectable_properties, ordering=ordering) ## Build response and return it headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) ## Build response data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=path, id=node_id, query_string=request.query_string.decode('utf-8'), resource_type=resource_type, data=results ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)
[docs]class CalcJobNode(ProcessNode): """ Resource for CalcJobNode """ from aiida.restapi.translator.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob import CalcJobTranslator _translator_class = CalcJobTranslator
[docs] def get(self, id=None, page=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ Get method for the Process resource. :param id: node identifier :return: http response """ ## Decode url parts path = unquote(request.path) url = unquote(request.url) url_root = unquote(request.url_root) ## Parse request (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type) = self.utils.parse_path(path, parse_pk_uuid=self.parse_pk_uuid) node = self._load_and_verify(node_id) results = None params = request.args filename = params.get('filename', '') if query_type == 'input_files': results = self.trans.get_input_files(node, filename) elif query_type == 'output_files': results = self.trans.get_output_files(node, filename) ## Build response and return it headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) ## Build response data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=path, id=node_id, query_string=request.query_string.decode('utf-8'), resource_type=resource_type, data=results ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)