Source code for

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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Tools to operate on `CifData` nodes."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from six.moves import range

from aiida.engine import calcfunction
from aiida.orm import CifData
from aiida.orm.utils.node import clean_value

[docs]class InvalidOccupationsError(Exception): """ An exception that will be raised if pymatgen fails to parse the structure from a cif because some site occupancies exceed the occupancy tolerance. This often happens for structures that have attached species, such as hydrogen, and specify a placeholder position for it, leading to occupancies greater than one. Pymatgen only issues a warning in this case and simply does not return a structure """
symmetry_tags = [ '_symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id', '_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz', '_symmetry_Int_Tables_number', '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M', '_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall', '_space_group_symop_id', '_space_group_symop_operation_xyz', '_space_group_symop_sg_id', '_space_group_id', '_space_group_IT_number', '_space_group_name_H-M_alt', '_space_group_name_Hall', ]
[docs]def symop_string_from_symop_matrix_tr(matrix, tr=(0, 0, 0), eps=0): """ Construct a CIF representation of symmetry operator plus translation. See International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A. (2002) for definition. :param matrix: 3x3 matrix, representing the symmetry operator :param tr: translation vector of length 3 (default 0) :param eps: epsilon parameter for fuzzy comparison x == 0 :return: CIF representation of symmetry operator """ import re axes = ['x', 'y', 'z'] parts = ['', '', ''] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): sign = None if matrix[i][j] > eps: sign = '+' elif matrix[i][j] < -eps: sign = '-' if sign: parts[i] = format('{}{}{}'.format(parts[i], sign, axes[j])) if tr[i] < -eps or tr[i] > eps: sign = '+' if tr[i] < -eps: sign = '-' parts[i] = format('{}{}{}'.format(parts[i], sign, abs(tr[i]))) parts[i] = re.sub(r'^\+', '', parts[i]) return ','.join(parts)
[docs]@calcfunction def _get_aiida_structure_ase_inline(cif, **kwargs): """ Creates :py:class:`` using ASE. .. note:: unable to correctly import structures of alloys. .. note:: requires ASE module. """ from aiida.orm import Dict, StructureData parameters = kwargs.get('parameters', {}) if isinstance(parameters, Dict): # Note, if `parameters` is unstored, it might contain stored `Node` instances which might slow down the parsing # enormously, because each time their value is used, a database call is made to refresh the value parameters = clean_value(parameters.get_dict()) parameters.pop('occupancy_tolerance', None) parameters.pop('site_tolerance', None) return {'structure': StructureData(ase=cif.get_ase(**parameters))}
[docs]@calcfunction def _get_aiida_structure_pymatgen_inline(cif, **kwargs): """ Creates :py:class:`` using pymatgen. :param occupancy_tolerance: If total occupancy of a site is between 1 and occupancy_tolerance, the occupancies will be scaled down to 1. :param site_tolerance: This tolerance is used to determine if two sites are sitting in the same position, in which case they will be combined to a single disordered site. Defaults to 1e-4. .. note:: requires pymatgen module. """ from import CifParser from aiida.orm import Dict, StructureData parameters = kwargs.get('parameters', {}) if isinstance(parameters, Dict): # Note, if `parameters` is unstored, it might contain stored `Node` instances which might slow down the parsing # enormously, because each time their value is used, a database call is made to refresh the value parameters = clean_value(parameters.get_dict()) constructor_kwargs = {} parameters['primitive'] = parameters.pop('primitive_cell', False) for argument in ['occupancy_tolerance', 'site_tolerance']: if argument in parameters: constructor_kwargs[argument] = parameters.pop(argument) with as handle: parser = CifParser(handle, **constructor_kwargs) try: structures = parser.get_structures(**parameters) except ValueError: # Verify whether the failure was due to wrong occupancy numbers try: constructor_kwargs['occupancy_tolerance'] = 1E10 with as handle: parser = CifParser(handle, **constructor_kwargs) structures = parser.get_structures(**parameters) except ValueError: # If it still fails, the occupancies were not the reason for failure raise ValueError('pymatgen failed to provide a structure from the cif file') else: # If it now succeeds, non-unity occupancies were the culprit raise InvalidOccupationsError( 'detected atomic sites with an occupation number larger than the occupation tolerance' ) return {'structure': StructureData(pymatgen_structure=structures[0])}
[docs]@calcfunction def refine_inline(node): """ Refine (reduce) the cell of :py:class:``, find and remove symmetrically equivalent atoms. :param node: a :py:class:`` instance. :return: dict with :py:class:`` .. note:: can be used as inline calculation. """ from import StructureData, ase_refine_cell if len(node.values.keys()) > 1: raise ValueError( 'CifData seems to contain more than one data ' 'block -- multiblock CIF files are not ' 'supported yet' ) name = list(node.values.keys())[0] original_atoms = node.get_ase(index=None) if len(original_atoms) > 1: raise ValueError( 'CifData seems to contain more than one crystal ' 'structure -- such refinement is not supported ' 'yet' ) original_atoms = original_atoms[0] refined_atoms, symmetry = ase_refine_cell(original_atoms) cif = CifData(ase=refined_atoms) if name != str(0): cif.values.rename(str(0), name) # Remove all existing symmetry tags before overwriting: for tag in symmetry_tags: cif.values[name].RemoveCifItem(tag) cif.values[name]['_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M'] = symmetry['hm'] cif.values[name]['_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall'] = symmetry['hall'] cif.values[name]['_symmetry_Int_Tables_number'] = symmetry['tables'] cif.values[name]['_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz'] = \ [symop_string_from_symop_matrix_tr(symmetry['rotations'][i], symmetry['translations'][i]) for i in range(len(symmetry['rotations']))] # Summary formula has to be calculated from non-reduced set of atoms. cif.values[name]['_chemical_formula_sum'] = \ StructureData(ase=original_atoms).get_formula(mode='hill', separator=' ') # If the number of reduced atoms multiplies the number of non-reduced # atoms, the new Z value can be calculated. if '_cell_formula_units_Z' in node.values[name].keys(): old_Z = node.values[name]['_cell_formula_units_Z'] if len(original_atoms) % len(refined_atoms): new_Z = old_Z * len(original_atoms) // len(refined_atoms) cif.values[name]['_cell_formula_units_Z'] = new_Z return {'cif': cif}