Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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""" Utility functions for export of AiiDA entities """
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-nested-blocks
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from aiida.orm import QueryBuilder, ProcessNode
from import exceptions
from import (
    file_fields_to_model_fields, entity_names_to_entities, get_all_fields_info

[docs]def fill_in_query(partial_query, originating_entity_str, current_entity_str, tag_suffixes=None, entity_separator='_'): """ This function recursively constructs QueryBuilder queries that are needed for the SQLA export function. To manage to construct such queries, the relationship dictionary is consulted (which shows how to reference different AiiDA entities in QueryBuilder. To find the dependencies of the relationships of the exported data, the get_all_fields_info (which described the exported schema and its dependencies) is consulted. """ if not tag_suffixes: tag_suffixes = [] relationship_dic = { 'Node': { 'Computer': 'with_computer', 'Group': 'with_group', 'User': 'with_user', 'Log': 'with_log', 'Comment': 'with_comment' }, 'Group': { 'Node': 'with_node' }, 'Computer': { 'Node': 'with_node' }, 'User': { 'Node': 'with_node', 'Group': 'with_group', 'Comment': 'with_comment', }, 'Log': { 'Node': 'with_node' }, 'Comment': { 'Node': 'with_node', 'User': 'with_user' } } all_fields_info, _ = get_all_fields_info() entity_prop = all_fields_info[current_entity_str].keys() project_cols = ['id'] for prop in entity_prop: nprop = prop if current_entity_str in file_fields_to_model_fields: if prop in file_fields_to_model_fields[current_entity_str]: nprop = file_fields_to_model_fields[current_entity_str][prop] project_cols.append(nprop) # Here we should reference the entity of the main query current_entity_mod = entity_names_to_entities[current_entity_str] rel_string = relationship_dic[current_entity_str][originating_entity_str] mydict = {rel_string: entity_separator.join(tag_suffixes)} partial_query.append( current_entity_mod, tag=entity_separator.join(tag_suffixes) + entity_separator + current_entity_str, project=project_cols, outerjoin=True, **mydict ) # prepare the recursion for the referenced entities foreign_fields = { k: v for k, v in all_fields_info[current_entity_str].items() # all_fields_info[model_name].items() if 'requires' in v } new_tag_suffixes = tag_suffixes + [current_entity_str] for value in foreign_fields.values(): ref_model_name = value['requires'] fill_in_query(partial_query, current_entity_str, ref_model_name, new_tag_suffixes)
[docs]def check_licenses(node_licenses, allowed_licenses, forbidden_licenses): """Check licenses""" from aiida.common.exceptions import LicensingException from inspect import isfunction for pk, license_ in node_licenses: if allowed_licenses is not None: try: if isfunction(allowed_licenses): try: if not allowed_licenses(license_): raise LicensingException except Exception: raise LicensingException else: if license_ not in allowed_licenses: raise LicensingException except LicensingException: raise LicensingException( 'Node {} is licensed ' 'under {} license, which ' 'is not in the list of ' 'allowed licenses'.format(pk, license_) ) if forbidden_licenses is not None: try: if isfunction(forbidden_licenses): try: if forbidden_licenses(license_): raise LicensingException except Exception: raise LicensingException else: if license_ in forbidden_licenses: raise LicensingException except LicensingException: raise LicensingException( 'Node {} is licensed ' 'under {} license, which ' 'is in the list of ' 'forbidden licenses'.format(pk, license_) )
[docs]def serialize_field(data, track_conversion=False): """ Serialize a single field. :todo: Generalize such that it the proper function is selected also during import """ import datetime import pytz from uuid import UUID if isinstance(data, dict): ret_data = {} if track_conversion: ret_conversion = {} for key, value in data.items(): ret_data[key], ret_conversion[key] = serialize_field(data=value, track_conversion=track_conversion) else: for key, value in data.items(): ret_data[key] = serialize_field(data=value, track_conversion=track_conversion) elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): ret_data = [] if track_conversion: ret_conversion = [] for value in data: this_data, this_conversion = serialize_field(data=value, track_conversion=track_conversion) ret_data.append(this_data) ret_conversion.append(this_conversion) else: for value in data: ret_data.append(serialize_field(data=value, track_conversion=track_conversion)) elif isinstance(data, datetime.datetime): # Note: requires timezone-aware objects! ret_data = data.astimezone(pytz.utc).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') ret_conversion = 'date' elif isinstance(data, UUID): ret_data = str(data) ret_conversion = None else: ret_data = data ret_conversion = None if track_conversion: return (ret_data, ret_conversion) return ret_data
[docs]def serialize_dict(datadict, remove_fields=None, rename_fields=None, track_conversion=False): """ Serialize the dict using the serialize_field function to serialize each field. :param remove_fields: a list of strings. If a field with key inside the remove_fields list is found, it is removed from the dict. This is only used at level-0, no removal is possible at deeper levels. :param rename_fields: a dictionary in the format ``{"oldname": "newname"}``. If the "oldname" key is found, it is replaced with the "newname" string in the output dictionary. This is only used at level-0, no renaming is possible at deeper levels. :param track_conversion: if True, a tuple is returned, where the first element is the serialized dictionary, and the second element is a dictionary with the information on the serialized fields. """ ret_dict = {} conversions = {} if not remove_fields: remove_fields = [] if not rename_fields: rename_fields = {} for key, value in datadict.items(): if key not in remove_fields: # rename_fields.get(key,key): use the replacement if found in rename_fields, # otherwise use 'key' as the default value. if track_conversion: (ret_dict[rename_fields.get(key, key)], conversions[rename_fields.get(key, key)]) = serialize_field(data=value, track_conversion=track_conversion) else: ret_dict[rename_fields.get(key, key)] = serialize_field(data=value, track_conversion=track_conversion) if track_conversion: return (ret_dict, conversions) return ret_dict
[docs]def check_process_nodes_sealed(nodes): """Check ``ProcessNode`` s are sealed Only sealed ``ProcessNode`` s may be exported. :param nodes: :py:class:`~aiida.orm.nodes.process.process.ProcessNode` s to be checked. Should be their PK(s). :type nodes: list, int :raises ``: if a ``ProcessNode`` is not sealed or `nodes` is not a `list`, `set`, or `int`. """ if not nodes: return # Check `nodes` type, and if necessary change to set if isinstance(nodes, set): pass elif isinstance(nodes, list): nodes = set(nodes) elif isinstance(nodes, int): nodes = set([nodes]) else: raise exceptions.ExportValidationError('nodes must be either an int or set/list of ints') filters = {'id': {'in': nodes}, 'attributes.sealed': True} sealed_nodes = QueryBuilder().append(ProcessNode, filters=filters, project=['id']).all() sealed_nodes = {_[0] for _ in sealed_nodes} if sealed_nodes != nodes: raise exceptions.ExportValidationError( 'All ProcessNodes must be sealed before they can be exported. ' 'Node(s) with PK(s): {} is/are not sealed.'.format(', '.join(str(pk) for pk in nodes - sealed_nodes)) )
[docs]def _retrieve_linked_nodes_query(current_node, input_type, output_type, direction, link_type_value): """Helper function for :py:func:`` A general :py:class:`~aiida.orm.querybuilder.QueryBuilder` query, retrieving linked Nodes and returning link information and the found Nodes. :param current_node: The current Node's PK. :type current_node: int :param input_type: Source Node class for Link :type input_type: :py:class:``, :py:class:`~aiida.orm.nodes.process.process.ProcessNode`. :param output_type: Target Node class for Link :type output_type: :py:class:``, :py:class:`~aiida.orm.nodes.process.process.ProcessNode`. :param direction: Link direction, must be either ``'forward'`` or ``'backward'``. :type direction: str :param link_type_value: A :py:class:`~aiida.common.links.LinkType` value, e.g. ``LinkType.RETURN.value``. :type link_type_value: str :return: Dictionary of link information to be used for the export archive and set of found Nodes. """ found_nodes = set() links_uuid_dict = {} filters_input = {} filters_output = {} if direction == 'forward': filters_input['id'] = current_node elif direction == 'backward': filters_output['id'] = current_node else: raise exceptions.ExportValidationError('direction must be either "forward" or "backward"') builder = QueryBuilder() builder.append(input_type, project=['uuid', 'id'], tag='input', filters=filters_input) builder.append( output_type, project=['uuid', 'id'], with_incoming='input', filters=filters_output, edge_filters={'type': link_type_value}, edge_project=['label', 'type'] ) for input_uuid, input_pk, output_uuid, output_pk, link_label, link_type in builder.iterall(): links_uuid_entry = { 'input': str(input_uuid), 'output': str(output_uuid), 'label': str(link_label), 'type': str(link_type) } links_uuid_dict[frozenset(links_uuid_entry.items())] = links_uuid_entry node_pk = output_pk if direction == 'forward' else input_pk found_nodes.add(node_pk) return links_uuid_dict, found_nodes
[docs]def retrieve_linked_nodes(process_nodes, data_nodes, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements """Recursively retrieve linked Nodes and the links The rules for recursively following links/edges in the provenance graph are as follows, where the Node types in bold symbolize the Node that is currently being exported, i.e., it is this Node onto which the Link in question has been found. +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ |**LinkType_Direction**| **From** | **To** |Follow (default)|Togglable| +======================+=====================+=====================+================+=========+ | INPUT_CALC_FORWARD | **Data** | CalculationNode | False | True | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | INPUT_CALC_BACKWARD | Data | **CalculationNode** | True | False | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | CREATE_FORWARD | **CalculationNode** | Data | True | False | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | CREATE_BACKWARD | CalculationNode | **Data** | True | True | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | RETURN_FORWARD | **WorkflowNode** | Data | True | False | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | RETURN_BACKWARD | WorkflowNode | **Data** | False | True | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | INPUT_WORK_FORWARD | **Data** | WorkflowNode | False | True | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | INPUT_WORK_BACKWARD | Data | **WorkflowNode** | True | False | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | CALL_CALC_FORWARD | **WorkflowNode** | CalculationNode | True | False | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | CALL_CALC_BACKWARD | WorkflowNode | **CalculationNode** | False | True | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | CALL_WORK_FORWARD | **WorkflowNode** | WorkflowNode | True | False | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ | CALL_WORK_BACKWARD | WorkflowNode | **WorkflowNode** | False | True | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+---------+ :param process_nodes: Set of :py:class:`~aiida.orm.nodes.process.process.ProcessNode` node PKs. :param data_nodes: Set of :py:class:`` node PKs. :param input_calc_forward: Follow INPUT_CALC links in the forward direction (recursively). :param create_backward: Follow CREATE links in the backward direction (recursively). :param return_backward: Follow RETURN links in the backward direction (recursively). :param input_work_forward: Follow INPUT_WORK links in the forward direction (recursively :param call_calc_backward: Follow CALL_CALC links in the backward direction (recursively). :param call_work_backward: Follow CALL_WORK links in the backward direction (recursively). :return: Set of retrieved Nodes, list of links information, and updated dict of LINK_FLAGS. :raises ``: if wrong or too many kwargs are given. """ from aiida.common.links import LinkType, GraphTraversalRules from aiida.orm import Data # Initialization and set flags according to rules retrieved_nodes = set() links_uuid_dict = {} traversal_rules = {} # Create the dictionary with graph traversal rules to be used in determing complete node set to be exported for name, rule in GraphTraversalRules.EXPORT.value.items(): # Check that rules that are not toggleable are not specified in the keyword arguments if not rule.toggleable and name in kwargs: raise exceptions.ExportValidationError('traversal rule {} is not toggleable'.format(name)) # Use the rule value passed in the keyword arguments, or if not the case, use the default traversal_rules[name] = kwargs.pop(name, rule.default) # We repeat until there are no further nodes to be visited while process_nodes or data_nodes: # If is is a ProcessNode if process_nodes: current_node_pk = process_nodes.pop() # If it is already visited continue to the next node if current_node_pk in retrieved_nodes: continue # Otherwise say that it is a node to be exported else: retrieved_nodes.add(current_node_pk) # INPUT_CALC(Data, CalculationNode) - Backward if traversal_rules['input_calc_backward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=Data, output_type=ProcessNode, direction='backward', link_type_value=LinkType.INPUT_CALC.value ) data_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # CREATE(CalculationNode, Data) - Forward if traversal_rules['create_forward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=ProcessNode, output_type=Data, direction='forward', link_type_value=LinkType.CREATE.value ) data_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # RETURN(WorkflowNode, Data) - Forward if traversal_rules['return_forward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=ProcessNode, output_type=Data, direction='forward', link_type_value=LinkType.RETURN.value ) data_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # INPUT_WORK(Data, WorkflowNode) - Backward if traversal_rules['input_work_backward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=Data, output_type=ProcessNode, direction='backward', link_type_value=LinkType.INPUT_WORK.value ) data_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # CALL_CALC(WorkflowNode, CalculationNode) - Forward if traversal_rules['call_calc_forward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=ProcessNode, output_type=ProcessNode, direction='forward', link_type_value=LinkType.CALL_CALC.value ) process_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # CALL_CALC(WorkflowNode, CalculationNode) - Backward if traversal_rules['call_calc_backward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=ProcessNode, output_type=ProcessNode, direction='backward', link_type_value=LinkType.CALL_CALC.value ) process_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # CALL_WORK(WorkflowNode, WorkflowNode) - Forward if traversal_rules['call_work_forward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=ProcessNode, output_type=ProcessNode, direction='forward', link_type_value=LinkType.CALL_WORK.value ) process_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # CALL_WORK(WorkflowNode, WorkflowNode) - Backward if traversal_rules['call_work_backward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=ProcessNode, output_type=ProcessNode, direction='backward', link_type_value=LinkType.CALL_WORK.value ) process_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # If it is a Data else: current_node_pk = data_nodes.pop() # If it is already visited continue to the next node if current_node_pk in retrieved_nodes: continue # Otherwise say that it is a node to be exported else: retrieved_nodes.add(current_node_pk) # INPUT_CALC(Data, CalculationNode) - Forward if traversal_rules['input_calc_forward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=Data, output_type=ProcessNode, direction='forward', link_type_value=LinkType.INPUT_CALC.value ) process_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # CREATE(CalculationNode, Data) - Backward if traversal_rules['create_backward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=ProcessNode, output_type=Data, direction='backward', link_type_value=LinkType.CREATE.value ) process_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # RETURN(WorkflowNode, Data) - Backward if traversal_rules['return_backward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=ProcessNode, output_type=Data, direction='backward', link_type_value=LinkType.RETURN.value ) process_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) # INPUT_WORK(Data, WorkflowNode) - Forward if traversal_rules['input_work_forward']: links_uuids, found_nodes = _retrieve_linked_nodes_query( current_node_pk, input_type=Data, output_type=ProcessNode, direction='forward', link_type_value=LinkType.INPUT_WORK.value ) process_nodes.update(found_nodes - retrieved_nodes) links_uuid_dict.update(links_uuids) return retrieved_nodes, list(links_uuid_dict.values()), traversal_rules