Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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""" Utility functions for import of AiiDA entities """
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements,too-many-branches
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from six.moves import zip

import click

from aiida.orm import QueryBuilder, Comment
from aiida.common.utils import get_new_uuid
from import exceptions

[docs]def merge_comment(incoming_comment, comment_mode): """ Merge comment according comment_mode :return: New UUID if new Comment should be created, else None. """ # Get incoming Comment's UUID, 'mtime', and 'comment' incoming_uuid = str(incoming_comment['uuid']) incoming_mtime = incoming_comment['mtime'] incoming_content = incoming_comment['content'] # Compare modification time 'mtime' if comment_mode == 'newest': # Get existing Comment's 'mtime' and 'content' builder = QueryBuilder().append(Comment, filters={'uuid': incoming_uuid}, project=['mtime', 'content']) if builder.count() != 1: raise exceptions.ImportValidationError('Multiple Comments with the same UUID: {}'.format(incoming_uuid)) builder = builder.all() existing_mtime = builder[0][0] existing_content = builder[0][1] # Existing Comment is "newer" than imported Comment: KEEP existing if existing_mtime > incoming_mtime: return None # Existing Comment is "older" than imported Comment: OVERWRITE existing if existing_mtime < incoming_mtime: cmt = Comment.objects.get(uuid=incoming_uuid) cmt.set_content(incoming_content) cmt.set_mtime(incoming_mtime) return None # Existing Comment has the same modification time as the imported Comment # Check content. If the same, ignore Comment. If different, add as new Comment. if existing_mtime == incoming_mtime: if existing_content == incoming_content: # Ignore return None # ELSE: Add it as a new comment return get_new_uuid() # Overwrite existing Comment elif comment_mode == 'overwrite': cmt = Comment.objects.get(uuid=incoming_uuid) cmt.set_content(incoming_content) cmt.set_mtime(incoming_mtime) return None # Invalid comment_mode else: raise exceptions.ImportValidationError( 'Unknown comment_mode value: {}. Should be ' "either 'newest' or 'overwrite'".format(comment_mode) )
[docs]def merge_extras(old_extras, new_extras, mode): """ :param old_extras: a dictionary containing the old extras of an already existing node :param new_extras: a dictionary containing the new extras of an imported node :param extras_mode_existing: 3 letter code that will identify what to do with the extras import. The first letter acts on extras that are present in the original node and not present in the imported node. Can be either k (keep it) or n (do not keep it). The second letter acts on the imported extras that are not present in the original node. Can be either c (create it) or n (do not create it). The third letter says what to do in case of a name collision. Can be l (leave the old value), u (update with a new value), d (delete the extra), a (ask what to do if the content is different). """ from six import string_types if not isinstance(mode, string_types): raise exceptions.ImportValidationError( "Parameter 'mode' should be of string type, you provided '{}' type".format(type(mode)) ) elif not len(mode) == 3: raise exceptions.ImportValidationError( "Parameter 'mode' should be a 3-letter string, you provided: '{}'".format(mode) ) old_keys = set(old_extras.keys()) new_keys = set(new_extras.keys()) collided_keys = old_keys.intersection(new_keys) old_keys_only = old_keys.difference(collided_keys) new_keys_only = new_keys.difference(collided_keys) final_extras = {} # Fast implementations for the common operations: if mode == 'ncu': # 'mirror' operation: remove old extras, put only the new ones return new_extras if mode == 'knl': # 'none': keep old extras, do not add imported ones return old_extras if mode == 'kcu': # 'update_existing' operation: if an extra already exists, # overwrite its new value with a new one final_extras = new_extras for key in old_keys_only: final_extras[key] = old_extras[key] elif mode == 'kcl': # 'keep_existing': if an extra already exists, keep its original value final_extras = old_extras for key in new_keys_only: final_extras[key] = new_extras[key] elif mode == 'kca': # 'ask': if an extra already exists ask a user whether to update its value final_extras = old_extras for key in new_keys_only: final_extras[key] = new_extras[key] for key in collided_keys: if old_extras[key] != new_extras[key]: if click.confirm( 'The extra {} collided, would you' ' like to overwrite its value?\nOld value: {}\nNew value: {}\n'.format( key, old_extras[key], new_extras[key] ) ): final_extras[key] = new_extras[key] # Slow, but more general implementation else: if mode[0] == 'k': for key in old_keys_only: final_extras[key] = old_extras[key] elif mode[0] != 'n': raise exceptions.ImportValidationError( "Unknown first letter of the update extras mode: '{}'. Should be either 'k' or 'n'".format(mode) ) if mode[1] == 'c': for key in new_keys_only: final_extras[key] = new_extras[key] elif mode[1] != 'n': raise exceptions.ImportValidationError( "Unknown second letter of the update extras mode: '{}'. Should be either 'c' or 'n'".format(mode) ) if mode[2] == 'u': for key in collided_keys: final_extras[key] = new_extras[key] elif mode[2] == 'l': for key in collided_keys: final_extras[key] = old_extras[key] elif mode[2] == 'a': for key in collided_keys: if old_extras[key] != new_extras[key]: if click.confirm( 'The extra {} collided, would you' ' like to overwrite its value?\nOld value: {}\nNew value: {}\n'.format( key, old_extras[key], new_extras[key] ) ): final_extras[key] = new_extras[key] else: final_extras[key] = old_extras[key] elif mode[2] != 'd': raise exceptions.ImportValidationError( "Unknown third letter of the update extras mode: '{}'. Should be one of 'u'/'l'/'a'/'d'".format(mode) ) return final_extras
[docs]def deserialize_attributes(attributes_data, conversion_data): """Deserialize attributes""" import datetime import pytz if isinstance(attributes_data, dict): ret_data = {} for key, value in attributes_data.items(): if conversion_data is not None: ret_data[key] = deserialize_attributes(value, conversion_data[key]) else: ret_data[key] = deserialize_attributes(value, None) elif isinstance(attributes_data, (list, tuple)): ret_data = [] if conversion_data is not None: for value, conversion in zip(attributes_data, conversion_data): ret_data.append(deserialize_attributes(value, conversion)) else: for value in attributes_data: ret_data.append(deserialize_attributes(value, None)) else: if conversion_data is None: ret_data = attributes_data else: if conversion_data == 'date': ret_data = datetime.datetime.strptime(attributes_data, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f').replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) else: raise exceptions.ArchiveImportError("Unknown convert_type '{}'".format(conversion_data)) return ret_data
[docs]def deserialize_field(key, value, fields_info, import_unique_ids_mappings, foreign_ids_reverse_mappings): """Deserialize field using deserialize attributes""" try: field_info = fields_info[key] except KeyError: raise exceptions.ArchiveImportError("Unknown field '{}'".format(key)) if key in ('id', 'pk'): raise exceptions.ImportValidationError('ID or PK explicitly passed!') requires = field_info.get('requires', None) if requires is None: # Actual data, no foreign key converter = field_info.get('convert_type', None) return (key, deserialize_attributes(value, converter)) # Foreign field # Correctly manage nullable fields if value is not None: unique_id = import_unique_ids_mappings[requires][value] # map to the PK/ID associated to the given entry, in the arrival DB, # rather than in the export DB # I store it in the FIELDNAME_id variable, that directly stores the # PK in the remote table, rather than requiring to create Model # instances for the foreign relations return ('{}_id'.format(key), foreign_ids_reverse_mappings[requires][unique_id]) # else return ('{}_id'.format(key), None)