
AiiDA is designed to run on Unix operating systems and requires the following software:

  • bash or zsh (The shell)
  • python-2.7.x (The programming language used by AiiDA)
  • python-pip (Python package manager)
  • postgresql (Database software, version 9.4 or higher)
  • RabbitMQ (A message broker necessary for AiiDA to communicate between processes)

Depending on your set up, there are a few optional dependencies:

  • virtualenv (Software to create a virtual python environment to install AiiDA in)
  • graphviz (For plotting AiiDA provenance graphs)
  • git (Version control system used for AiiDA development)

Supported operating systems

AiiDA has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04
  • Mac OS X

We expect AiiDA to also run on:

  • Older and newer Ubuntu versions
  • Other Linux distributions
  • Windows subsystem for Linux

Below, we provide installation instructions for a number of operating systems.


To install the prerequisites on Ubuntu and any other Debian derived distribution, you can use the apt package manager. The following will install the basic python requirements and the git source control manager:

sudo apt-get install git python2.7-dev python-pip virtualenv

To install the requirements for the postgres database run the following:

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql-client

For a more detailed description of database requirements and usage see the database section. Finally, to install the RabbitMQ message broker, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

After a reboot, RabbitMQ should be started automatically as it is added as a self starting service. You can check whether it is running by checking the status through the command:

sudo rabbitmqctl status

If you are having problems installing RabbitMQ, please refer to the detailed instructions provided on the website of RabbitMQ itself for Debian based distributions.

Mac OS X (homebrew)

For Mac OS we recommend using the Homebrew package manager. If you have not installed Homebrew yet, you can do so with the following command:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

After you have installed Homebrew, you can install the basic requirements as follows:

brew install git python postgresql

To start the postgres database server, execute:

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start

For a more detailed description of database requirements and usage see the database section. Installing the RabbitMQ message broke through Homebrew is as easy as:

brew install rabbitmq

To start the server and add it as a self-starting service, run:

brew services start rabbitmq

You can check whether it is running by checking the status through the command:

/usr/local/sbin/rabbitmqctl status

If you encounter problems installing RabbitMQ, please refer to the detailed instructions provided on the website of RabbitMQ itself for Homebrew.

Mac OS X (MacPorts)

Another package manager for MacOS is macports.

sudo port install git python postgresql96 postgresql96-server rabbitmq-server

To start the postgres database server, run:

sudo su postgres
pg_ctl -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql96/defaultdb start

To start the rabbitmq server, run:

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.rabbitmq-server.plist

You can check whether it is running as follows:

sudo rabbitmqctl status
# this starts ``rabbitmq`` at system startup:
sudo port load rabbitmq-server


Be sure to install rabbitmq-server 3.7.9 or later. If rabbitmqctl status returns an error “Hostname mismatch”, the easiest solution can be to simply sudo port uninstall the package and install it again.

Gentoo Linux

To install RabbitMQ on a Gentoo distribution through the portage package manager run the following command:

emerge -av rabbitmq-server

To make sure that RabbitMQ is started at system boot, execute:

rc-update add rabbitmq

If you want to manually start the RabbitMQ server you can use:

/etc/init.d/rabbitmq start

Make sure that RabbitMQ is running with:

rabbitmqctl status


If you have encounter the following error

Argument '-smp enable' not supported."

Remove the mentioned option from the file /usr/libexec/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env and restart the server. If you still have trouble getting RabbitMQ to run, please refer to the detailed instructions provided on the website of RabbitMQ itself for generic Unix systems.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu)

The guide for Ubuntu above can be followed but there are a few things to note:

  1. The windows native RabbitMQ should be installed and started, since the version in WSL Ubuntu 18.04 does not work properly.

  2. Linux services under WSL are not started automatically. To start the PostgreSQL service, type the command below in the terminal:

    sudo service postgresql start
  3. There is a known issue in WSL Ubuntu 18.04 where the timezone is not configured correctly out-of-the-box, which may cause problem for the database. The following command can be used to re-configure the time zone:

    dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
  4. The file open limit may need to be raised using sudo ulimit -n 2048 (default is 1024), when running tests.