Source code for aiida.backends.djsite.db.migrations.0029_rename_parameter_data_to_dict

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods
"""Data migration for after `ParameterData` was renamed to `Dict`."""

# Remove when is fixed
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error
from django.db import migrations
from aiida.backends.djsite.db.migrations import upgrade_schema_version

REVISION = '1.0.29'
DOWN_REVISION = '1.0.28'

[docs]class Migration(migrations.Migration): """Data migration for after `ParameterData` was renamed to `Dict`.""" dependencies = [ ('db', '0028_remove_node_prefix'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunSQL( sql=r"""UPDATE db_dbnode SET type = 'data.dict.Dict.' WHERE type = 'data.parameter.ParameterData.';""", reverse_sql=r""" UPDATE db_dbnode SET type = 'data.parameter.ParameterData.' WHERE type = 'data.dict.Dict.'; """ ), upgrade_schema_version(REVISION, DOWN_REVISION) ]