Source code for aiida.cmdline.utils.defaults

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"""Default values and lazy default get methods for command line options."""

from aiida.cmdline.utils import echo
from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.manage.configuration import get_config

[docs]def get_default_profile(): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Try to get the name of the default profile. This utility function should only be used for defaults or callbacks in command line interface parameters. Otherwise, the preference should go to calling `get_config` to load the actual config and using `config.default_profile_name` to get the default profile name. :raises click.UsageError: if the config could not be loaded or no default profile exists :return: the default profile name or None if no default is defined in the configuration """ try: config = get_config(create=True) except exceptions.ConfigurationError as exception: echo.echo_critical(str(exception)) try: default_profile = config.get_profile(config.default_profile_name).name except exceptions.ProfileConfigurationError: default_profile = None return default_profile