Source code for aiida.manage.configuration.profile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""AiiDA profile related code"""
import collections
import os

from aiida.common import exceptions
from .settings import DAEMON_DIR, DAEMON_LOG_DIR

__all__ = ('Profile',)

CIRCUS_PID_FILE_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(DAEMON_DIR, 'circus-{}.pid')
DAEMON_PID_FILE_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(DAEMON_DIR, 'aiida-{}.pid')
CIRCUS_LOG_FILE_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(DAEMON_LOG_DIR, 'circus-{}.log')
DAEMON_LOG_FILE_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(DAEMON_LOG_DIR, 'aiida-{}.log')
CIRCUS_PORT_FILE_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(DAEMON_DIR, 'circus-{}.port')
CIRCUS_SOCKET_FILE_TEMPATE = os.path.join(DAEMON_DIR, 'circus-{}.sockets')

[docs]class Profile: # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods """Class that models a profile as it is stored in the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.""" RMQ_PREFIX = 'aiida-{uuid}' KEY_OPTIONS = 'options' KEY_UUID = 'PROFILE_UUID' KEY_DEFAULT_USER = 'default_user_email' KEY_DATABASE_ENGINE = 'AIIDADB_ENGINE' KEY_DATABASE_BACKEND = 'AIIDADB_BACKEND' KEY_DATABASE_NAME = 'AIIDADB_NAME' KEY_DATABASE_PORT = 'AIIDADB_PORT' KEY_DATABASE_HOSTNAME = 'AIIDADB_HOST' KEY_DATABASE_USERNAME = 'AIIDADB_USER' KEY_DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'AIIDADB_PASS' # noqa KEY_REPOSITORY_URI = 'AIIDADB_REPOSITORY_URI' # A mapping of valid attributes to the key under which they are stored in the configuration dictionary _map_config_to_internal = { KEY_OPTIONS: 'options', KEY_UUID: 'uuid', KEY_DEFAULT_USER: 'default_user', KEY_DATABASE_ENGINE: 'database_engine', KEY_DATABASE_BACKEND: 'database_backend', KEY_DATABASE_NAME: 'database_name', KEY_DATABASE_PORT: 'database_port', KEY_DATABASE_HOSTNAME: 'database_hostname', KEY_DATABASE_USERNAME: 'database_username', KEY_DATABASE_PASSWORD: 'database_password', KEY_REPOSITORY_URI: 'repository_uri', }
[docs] @classmethod def contains_unknown_keys(cls, dictionary): """Return whether the profile dictionary contains any unsupported keys. :param dictionary: a profile dictionary :return: boolean, True when the dictionay contains unsupported keys """ return set(dictionary.keys()) - set(cls._map_config_to_internal.keys())
[docs] def __init__(self, name, attributes, from_config=False): if not isinstance(attributes, raise TypeError('attributes should be a mapping but is {}'.format(type(attributes))) self._name = name self._attributes = {} for internal_key, value in attributes.items(): if from_config: try: internal_key = self._map_config_to_internal[internal_key] except KeyError: from aiida.cmdline.utils import echo echo.echo_warning( 'removed unsupported key `{}` with value `{}` from profile `{}`'.format( internal_key, value, name ) ) continue setattr(self, internal_key, value) # Create a default UUID if not specified if self.uuid is None: from uuid import uuid4 self.uuid = uuid4().hex # Currently, whether a profile is a test profile is solely determined by its name starting with 'test_' self._test_profile = bool('test_'))
@property def uuid(self): """Return the profile uuid. :return: string UUID """ try: return self._attributes[self.KEY_UUID] except KeyError: return None @uuid.setter def uuid(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_UUID] = value @property def default_user(self): return self._attributes.get(self.KEY_DEFAULT_USER, None) @default_user.setter def default_user(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_DEFAULT_USER] = value @property def database_engine(self): return self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_ENGINE] @database_engine.setter def database_engine(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_ENGINE] = value @property def database_backend(self): return self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_BACKEND] @database_backend.setter def database_backend(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_BACKEND] = value @property def database_name(self): return self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_NAME] @database_name.setter def database_name(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_NAME] = value @property def database_port(self): return self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_PORT] @database_port.setter def database_port(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_PORT] = value @property def database_hostname(self): return self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_HOSTNAME] @database_hostname.setter def database_hostname(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_HOSTNAME] = value @property def database_username(self): return self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_USERNAME] @database_username.setter def database_username(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_USERNAME] = value @property def database_password(self): return self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_PASSWORD] @database_password.setter def database_password(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_DATABASE_PASSWORD] = value @property def repository_uri(self): return self._attributes[self.KEY_REPOSITORY_URI] @repository_uri.setter def repository_uri(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_REPOSITORY_URI] = value @property def options(self): self._attributes.setdefault(self.KEY_OPTIONS, {}) return self._attributes[self.KEY_OPTIONS] @options.setter def options(self, value): self._attributes[self.KEY_OPTIONS] = value
[docs] def get_option(self, option_key, default=None): return self.options.get(option_key, default)
[docs] def set_option(self, option_key, value, override=True): """Set a configuration option for a certain scope. :param option_key: the key of the configuration option :param option_value: the option value :param override: boolean, if False, will not override the option if it already exists """ if option_key not in self.options or override: self.options[option_key] = value
[docs] def unset_option(self, option_key): self.options.pop(option_key, None)
@property def name(self): """Return the profile name. :return: the profile name """ return self._name @property def dictionary(self): """Return the profile attributes as a dictionary with keys as it is stored in the config :return: the profile configuration dictionary """ return self._attributes @property def rmq_prefix(self): """Return the prefix that should be used for RMQ resources :return: the rmq prefix string """ return self.RMQ_PREFIX.format(uuid=self.uuid) @property def is_test_profile(self): """Return whether the profile is a test profile :return: boolean, True if test profile, False otherwise """ return self._test_profile @property def repository_path(self): """Return the absolute path of the repository configured for this profile. :return: absolute filepath of the profile's file repository """ return self._parse_repository_uri()[1]
[docs] def _parse_repository_uri(self): """ This function validates the REPOSITORY_URI, that should be in the format protocol://address :note: At the moment, only the file protocol is supported. :return: a tuple (protocol, address). """ from urllib.parse import urlparse parts = urlparse(self.repository_uri) if parts.scheme != 'file': raise exceptions.ConfigurationError('invalid repository protocol, only the local `file://` is supported') if not os.path.isabs(parts.path): raise exceptions.ConfigurationError('invalid repository URI: the path has to be absolute') return parts.scheme, os.path.expanduser(parts.path)
[docs] def configure_repository(self): """Validates the configured repository and in the case of a file system repo makes sure the folder exists.""" import errno try: os.makedirs(self.repository_path) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError( 'could not create the configured repository `{}`: {}'.format(self.repository_path, str(exception)) )
@property def filepaths(self): """Return the filepaths used by this profile. :return: a dictionary of filepaths """ return { 'circus': { 'log': CIRCUS_LOG_FILE_TEMPLATE.format(, 'pid': CIRCUS_PID_FILE_TEMPLATE.format(, 'port': CIRCUS_PORT_FILE_TEMPLATE.format(, 'socket': { 'file': CIRCUS_SOCKET_FILE_TEMPATE.format(, 'controller': CIRCUS_CONTROLLER_SOCKET_TEMPLATE, 'pubsub': CIRCUS_PUBSUB_SOCKET_TEMPLATE, 'stats': CIRCUS_STATS_SOCKET_TEMPLATE, } }, 'daemon': { 'log': DAEMON_LOG_FILE_TEMPLATE.format(, 'pid': DAEMON_PID_FILE_TEMPLATE.format(, } }