Source code for aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_computer

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
"""`verdi computer` command."""
from functools import partial

import click
import tabulate

from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_verdi import verdi
from aiida.cmdline.params import options, arguments
from aiida.cmdline.params.options.commands import computer as options_computer
from aiida.cmdline.utils import echo
from aiida.cmdline.utils.decorators import with_dbenv, deprecated_command
from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError
from aiida.plugins.entry_point import get_entry_points
from aiida.transports import cli as transport_cli'computer')
def verdi_computer():
    """Setup and manage computers."""

[docs]def get_computer_names(): """ Retrieve the list of computers in the DB. """ from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilder() builder.append(entity_type='computer', project=['name']) if builder.count() > 0: return next(zip(*builder.all())) # return the first entry return []
[docs]def prompt_for_computer_configuration(computer): # pylint: disable=unused-argument pass
[docs]def _computer_test_get_jobs(transport, scheduler, authinfo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Internal test to check if it is possible to check the queue state. :param transport: an open transport :param scheduler: the corresponding scheduler class :param authinfo: the AuthInfo object (from which one can get computer and aiidauser) :return: tuple of boolean indicating success or failure and an optional string message """ found_jobs = scheduler.get_jobs(as_dict=True) return True, '{} jobs found in the queue'.format(len(found_jobs))
[docs]def _computer_test_no_unexpected_output(transport, scheduler, authinfo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Test that there is no unexpected output from the connection. This can happen if e.g. there is some spurious command in the .bashrc or .bash_profile that is not guarded in case of non-interactive shells. :param transport: an open transport :param scheduler: the corresponding scheduler class :param authinfo: the AuthInfo object (from which one can get computer and aiidauser) :return: tuple of boolean indicating success or failure and an optional string message """ # Execute a command that should not return any error retval, stdout, stderr = transport.exec_command_wait('echo -n') if retval != 0: return False, 'The command `echo -n` returned a non-zero return code ({})'.format(retval) template = """ We detected some spurious output in the {} when connecting to the computer, as shown between the bars ===================================================================================================== {} ===================================================================================================== Please check that you don't have code producing output in your ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc or similar. If you don't want to remove the code, but just to disable it for non-interactive shells, see comments in this troubleshooting section of the online documentation: """ if stdout: return False, template.format('stdout', stdout) if stderr: return False, template.format('stderr', stderr) return True, None
[docs]def _computer_get_remote_username(transport, scheduler, authinfo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Internal test to check if it is possible to determine the username on the remote. :param transport: an open transport :param scheduler: the corresponding scheduler class :param authinfo: the AuthInfo object :return: tuple of boolean indicating success or failure and an optional string message """ remote_user = transport.whoami() return True, remote_user
[docs]def _computer_create_temp_file(transport, scheduler, authinfo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Internal test to check if it is possible to create a temporary file and then delete it in the work directory :note: exceptions could be raised :param transport: an open transport :param scheduler: the corresponding scheduler class :param authinfo: the AuthInfo object (from which one can get computer and aiidauser) :return: tuple of boolean indicating success or failure and an optional string message """ import tempfile import datetime import os file_content = "Test from 'verdi computer test' on {}".format( workdir = authinfo.get_workdir().format(username=transport.whoami()) try: transport.chdir(workdir) except IOError: transport.makedirs(workdir) transport.chdir(workdir) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as tempf: fname = os.path.split([1] remote_file_path = os.path.join(workdir, fname) tempf.write(file_content) tempf.flush() transport.putfile(, remote_file_path) if not transport.path_exists(remote_file_path): return False, 'failed to create the file `{}` on the remote'.format(remote_file_path) handle, destfile = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(handle) try: transport.getfile(remote_file_path, destfile) with open(destfile, encoding='utf8') as dfile: read_string = if read_string != file_content: message = 'retrieved file content is different from what was expected' message += '\n Expected: {}'.format(file_content) message += '\n Retrieved: {}'.format(read_string) return False, message finally: os.remove(destfile) transport.remove(remote_file_path) return True, None
[docs]def get_parameter_default(parameter, ctx): """ Get the value for a specific parameter from the computer_builder or the default value of that option :param parameter: parameter name :param ctx: click context of the command :return: parameter default value, or None """ default = None for param in ctx.command.get_params(ctx): if == parameter: default = param.default try: value = getattr(ctx.computer_builder, parameter) if value == '' or value is None: value = default except KeyError: value = default return value
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs]def set_computer_builder(ctx, param, value): """Set the computer spec for defaults of following options.""" from import ComputerBuilder ctx.computer_builder = ComputerBuilder.from_computer(value) return value
@verdi_computer.command('setup') @options_computer.LABEL() @options_computer.HOSTNAME() @options_computer.DESCRIPTION() @options_computer.TRANSPORT() @options_computer.SCHEDULER() @options_computer.SHEBANG() @options_computer.WORKDIR() @options_computer.MPI_RUN_COMMAND() @options_computer.MPI_PROCS_PER_MACHINE() @options_computer.PREPEND_TEXT() @options_computer.APPEND_TEXT() @options.NON_INTERACTIVE() @options.CONFIG_FILE() @click.pass_context @with_dbenv() def computer_setup(ctx, non_interactive, **kwargs): """Create a new computer.""" from import ComputerBuilder if kwargs['label'] in get_computer_names(): echo.echo_critical( 'A computer called {c} already exists. ' 'Use "verdi computer duplicate {c}" to set up a new ' 'computer starting from the settings of {c}.'.format(c=kwargs['label']) ) kwargs['transport'] = kwargs['transport'].name kwargs['scheduler'] = kwargs['scheduler'].name computer_builder = ComputerBuilder(**kwargs) try: computer = except (ComputerBuilder.ComputerValidationError, ValidationError) as e: echo.echo_critical('{}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e)) try: except ValidationError as err: echo.echo_critical('unable to store the computer: {}. Exiting...'.format(err)) else: echo.echo_success('Computer<{}> {} created'.format(, computer.label)) echo.echo_info('Note: before the computer can be used, it has to be configured with the command:') echo.echo_info(' verdi computer configure {} {}'.format(computer.transport_type, computer.label)) @verdi_computer.command('duplicate') @arguments.COMPUTER(callback=set_computer_builder) @options_computer.LABEL(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'label')) @options_computer.HOSTNAME(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'hostname')) @options_computer.DESCRIPTION(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'description')) @options_computer.TRANSPORT(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'transport')) @options_computer.SCHEDULER(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'scheduler')) @options_computer.SHEBANG(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'shebang')) @options_computer.WORKDIR(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'work_dir')) @options_computer.MPI_RUN_COMMAND(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'mpirun_command')) @options_computer.MPI_PROCS_PER_MACHINE(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'mpiprocs_per_machine')) @options_computer.PREPEND_TEXT(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'prepend_text')) @options_computer.APPEND_TEXT(contextual_default=partial(get_parameter_default, 'append_text')) @options.NON_INTERACTIVE() @click.pass_context @with_dbenv() def computer_duplicate(ctx, computer, non_interactive, **kwargs): """Duplicate a computer allowing to change some parameters.""" from aiida import orm from import ComputerBuilder if kwargs['label'] in get_computer_names(): echo.echo_critical('A computer called {} already exists'.format(kwargs['label'])) kwargs['transport'] = kwargs['transport'].name kwargs['scheduler'] = kwargs['scheduler'].name computer_builder = ctx.computer_builder for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value is not None: setattr(computer_builder, key, value) try: computer = except (ComputerBuilder.ComputerValidationError, ValidationError) as e: echo.echo_critical('{}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e)) else: echo.echo_success('stored computer {}<{}>'.format(computer.label, try: except ValidationError as err: echo.echo_critical('unable to store the computer: {}. Exiting...'.format(err)) else: echo.echo_success('Computer<{}> {} created'.format(, computer.label)) is_configured = computer.is_user_configured(orm.User.objects.get_default()) if not is_configured: echo.echo_info('Note: before the computer can be used, it has to be configured with the command:') echo.echo_info(' verdi computer configure {} {}'.format(computer.transport_type, computer.label)) @verdi_computer.command('enable') @arguments.COMPUTER() @arguments.USER() @with_dbenv() def computer_enable(computer, user): """Enable the computer for the given user.""" from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent try: authinfo = computer.get_authinfo(user) except NotExistent: echo.echo_critical( "User with email '{}' is not configured for computer '{}' yet.".format(, computer.label) ) if not authinfo.enabled: authinfo.enabled = True echo.echo_info("Computer '{}' enabled for user {}.".format(computer.label, user.get_full_name())) else: echo.echo_info( "Computer '{}' was already enabled for user {} {}.".format(computer.label, user.first_name, user.last_name) ) @verdi_computer.command('disable') @arguments.COMPUTER() @arguments.USER() @with_dbenv() def computer_disable(computer, user): """Disable the computer for the given user. Thi can be useful, for example, when a computer is under maintenance.""" from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent try: authinfo = computer.get_authinfo(user) except NotExistent: echo.echo_critical( "User with email '{}' is not configured for computer '{}' yet.".format(, computer.label) ) if authinfo.enabled: authinfo.enabled = False echo.echo_info("Computer '{}' disabled for user {}.".format(computer.label, user.get_full_name())) else: echo.echo_info( "Computer '{}' was already disabled for user {} {}.".format( computer.label, user.first_name, user.last_name ) ) @verdi_computer.command('list') @options.ALL(help='Show also disabled or unconfigured computers.') @options.RAW(help='Show only the computer names, one per line.') @with_dbenv() def computer_list(all_entries, raw): """List all available computers.""" from aiida.orm import Computer, User if not raw: echo.echo_info('List of configured computers') echo.echo_info("Use 'verdi computer show COMPUTERNAME' to display more detailed information") computers = Computer.objects.all() user = User.objects.get_default() if not computers: echo.echo_info("No computers configured yet. Use 'verdi computer setup'") sort = lambda computer: computer.label highlight = lambda comp: comp.is_user_configured(user) and comp.is_user_enabled(user) hide = lambda comp: not (comp.is_user_configured(user) and comp.is_user_enabled(user)) and not all_entries echo.echo_formatted_list(computers, ['name'], sort=sort, highlight=highlight, hide=hide) @verdi_computer.command('show') @arguments.COMPUTER() @with_dbenv() def computer_show(computer): """Show detailed information for a computer.""" table = [] table.append(['Label', computer.label]) table.append(['PK',]) table.append(['UUID', computer.uuid]) table.append(['Description', computer.description]) table.append(['Hostname', computer.hostname]) table.append(['Transport type', computer.transport_type]) table.append(['Scheduler type', computer.scheduler_type]) table.append(['Work directory', computer.get_workdir()]) table.append(['Shebang', computer.get_shebang()]) table.append(['Mpirun command', ' '.join(computer.get_mpirun_command())]) table.append(['Prepend text', computer.get_prepend_text()]) table.append(['Append text', computer.get_append_text()]) echo.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table)) @verdi_computer.command('rename') @arguments.COMPUTER() @arguments.LABEL('NEW_NAME') @deprecated_command("This command has been deprecated. Please use 'verdi computer relabel' instead.") @click.pass_context @with_dbenv() def computer_rename(ctx, computer, new_name): """Rename a computer.""" ctx.invoke(computer_relabel, computer=computer, label=new_name) @verdi_computer.command('relabel') @arguments.COMPUTER() @arguments.LABEL('LABEL') @with_dbenv() def computer_relabel(computer, label): """Relabel a computer.""" from aiida.common.exceptions import UniquenessError old_label = computer.label if old_label == label: echo.echo_critical('The old and new labels are the same.') try: computer.label = label except ValidationError as error: echo.echo_critical('Invalid input! {}'.format(error)) except UniquenessError as error: echo.echo_critical( "Uniqueness error encountered! Probably a computer with label '{}' already exists: {}".format(label, error) ) echo.echo_success("Computer '{}' relabeled to '{}'".format(old_label, label)) @verdi_computer.command('test') @options.USER( required=False, help='Test the connection for a given AiiDA user, specified by' 'their email address. If not specified, uses the current default user.', ) @options.PRINT_TRACEBACK() @arguments.COMPUTER() @with_dbenv() def computer_test(user, print_traceback, computer): """ Test the connection to a computer. It tries to connect, to get the list of calculations on the queue and to perform other tests. """ import traceback from aiida import orm from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent # Set a user automatically if one is not specified in the command line if user is None: user = orm.User.objects.get_default() echo.echo_info('Testing computer<{}> for user<{}>...'.format(computer.label, try: authinfo = computer.get_authinfo(user) except NotExistent: echo.echo_critical('Computer<{}> is not yet configured for user<{}>'.format(computer.label, if not authinfo.enabled: echo.echo_warning('Computer<{}> is disabled for user<{}>'.format(computer.label, click.confirm('Do you really want to test it?', abort=True) scheduler = transport = authinfo.get_transport() # STARTING TESTS HERE num_failures = 0 num_tests = 0 tests = { _computer_test_no_unexpected_output: 'Checking for spurious output', _computer_test_get_jobs: 'Getting number of jobs from scheduler', _computer_get_remote_username: 'Determining remote user name', _computer_create_temp_file: 'Creating and deleting temporary file' } try: echo.echo('* Opening connection... ', nl=False) with transport: num_tests += 1 echo.echo_highlight('[OK]', color='success') scheduler.set_transport(transport) for test, test_label in tests.items(): echo.echo('* {}... '.format(test_label), nl=False) num_tests += 1 try: success, message = test(transport=transport, scheduler=scheduler, authinfo=authinfo) except Exception as exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except success = False message = '{}: {}'.format(exception.__class__.__name__, str(exception)) if print_traceback: message += '\n Full traceback:\n' message += '\n'.join([' {}'.format(l) for l in traceback.format_exc().splitlines()]) else: message += '\n Use the `--print-traceback` option to see the full traceback.' if not success: num_failures += 1 if message: echo.echo_highlight('[Failed]: ', color='error', nl=False) echo.echo(message) else: echo.echo_highlight('[Failed]', color='error') else: if message: echo.echo_highlight('[OK]: ', color='success', nl=False) echo.echo(message) else: echo.echo_highlight('[OK]', color='success') if num_failures: echo.echo_warning('{} out of {} tests failed'.format(num_failures, num_tests)) else: echo.echo_success('all {} tests succeeded'.format(num_tests)) except Exception as exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except echo.echo_highlight('[FAILED]: ', color='error', nl=False) message = 'Error while trying to connect to the computer' if print_traceback: message += '\n Full traceback:\n' message += '\n'.join([' {}'.format(l) for l in traceback.format_exc().splitlines()]) else: message += '\n Use the `--print-traceback` option to see the full traceback.' echo.echo(message) echo.echo_warning('{} out of {} tests failed'.format(1, num_tests)) @verdi_computer.command('delete') @arguments.COMPUTER() @with_dbenv() def computer_delete(computer): """ Delete a computer. Note that it is not possible to delete the computer if there are calculations that are using it. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import InvalidOperation from aiida import orm label = computer.label try: orm.Computer.objects.delete( except InvalidOperation as error: echo.echo_critical(str(error)) echo.echo_success("Computer '{}' deleted.".format(label))'configure') def computer_configure(): """Configure the Authinfo details for a computer (and user).""" @computer_configure.command('show') @click.option( '--defaults', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Show the default configuration settings for this computer.' ) @click.option('--as-option-string', is_flag=True) @options.USER( help='Email address of the AiiDA user for whom to configure this computer (if different from default user).' ) @arguments.COMPUTER() def computer_config_show(computer, user, defaults, as_option_string): """Show the current configuration for a computer.""" from aiida.common.escaping import escape_for_bash transport_cls = computer.get_transport_class() option_list = [ param for param in transport_cli.create_configure_cmd(computer.transport_type).params if isinstance(param, click.core.Option) ] option_list = [option for option in option_list if in transport_cls.get_valid_auth_params()] if defaults: config = { transport_cli.transport_option_default(, computer) for option in option_list} else: config = computer.get_configuration(user) option_items = [] if as_option_string: for option in option_list: t_opt = transport_cls.auth_options[] if config.get( or config.get( is False: if t_opt.get('switch'): option_value = option.opts[-1] if config.get( ) else '--no-{}'.format('_', '-')) elif t_opt.get('is_flag'): is_default = config.get( ) == transport_cli.transport_option_default(, computer) option_value = option.opts[-1] if is_default else '' else: option_value = '{}={}'.format(option.opts[-1], option.type(config[])) option_items.append(option_value) opt_string = ' '.join(option_items) echo.echo(escape_for_bash(opt_string)) else: table = [] for name in transport_cls.get_valid_auth_params(): if name in config: table.append(('* ' + name, config[name])) else: table.append(('* ' + name, '-')) echo.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, tablefmt='plain')) for ep in get_entry_points('aiida.transports'): computer_configure.add_command(transport_cli.create_configure_cmd(