aiida.schedulers.plugins package


Plugin for direct execution.


Bases: aiida.schedulers.datastructures.NodeNumberJobResource

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = ''
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>

Bases: aiida.schedulers.scheduler.Scheduler

Support for the direct execution bypassing schedulers.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = ''
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>

Convert a string in the format HH:MM:SS to a number of seconds.

_features = {'can_query_by_user': True}
_get_joblist_command(jobs=None, user=None)[source]

The command to report full information on existing jobs.

TODO: in the case of job arrays, decide what to do (i.e., if we want

to pass the -t options to list each subjob).


Return the command to kill the job with specified jobid.


Return the string to execute to submit a given script.


One needs to redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null otherwise the daemon remains hanging for the script to run


submit_script – the path of the submit script relative to the working directory. IMPORTANT: submit_script should be already escaped.


Return the submit script header, using the parameters from the job_tmpl.


job_tmpl: an JobTemplate instance with relevant parameters set.


alias of

_logger = <Logger (REPORT)>
_parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the queue output string, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_joblist_command command (qstat -f).

Return a list of JobInfo objects, one of each job, each relevant parameters implemented.


depending on the scheduler configuration, finished jobs may either appear here, or not. This function will only return one element for each job find in the qstat output; missing jobs (for whatever reason) simply will not appear here.

_parse_kill_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the kill command.

To be implemented by the plugin.


True if everything seems ok, False otherwise.

_parse_submit_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the submit command, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_submit_command command.

To be implemented by the plugin.

Return a string with the JobID.

get_jobs(jobs=None, user=None, as_dict=False)[source]

Overrides original method from DirectScheduler in order to list missing processes as DONE.

Plugin for LSF. This has been tested on the CERN lxplus cluster (LSF 9.1.3)

class aiida.schedulers.plugins.lsf.LsfJobResource(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.datastructures.JobResource

An implementation of JobResource for LSF, that supports the OPTIONAL specification of a parallel environment (a string) + the total number of processors.

‘parallel_env’ should contain a string of the form “host1 host2! hostgroupA! host3 host4” where the “!” symbol indicates the first execution host candidates. Other hosts are added only if the number of processors asked is more than those of the first execution host. See for more details about the parallel environment definition (the -m option of bsub).

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'validate_resources'})

Initialize the job resources from the passed arguments (the valid keys can be obtained with the function self.get_valid_keys()).

__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.lsf'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_default_fields = ('parallel_env', 'tot_num_mpiprocs', 'default_mpiprocs_per_machine')
classmethod accepts_default_mpiprocs_per_machine()[source]

Return True if this JobResource accepts a ‘default_mpiprocs_per_machine’ key, False otherwise.


Return the total number of cpus of this job resource.

class aiida.schedulers.plugins.lsf.LsfScheduler[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.scheduler.Scheduler

Support for the IBM LSF scheduler ‘

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.lsf'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_features = {'can_query_by_user': False}

Return the command to run to get the detailed information on a job, even after the job has finished.

The output text is just retrieved, and returned for logging purposes.

_get_joblist_command(jobs=None, user=None)[source]

The command to report full information on existing jobs.

Separates the fields with the _field_separator string order: jobnum, state, walltime, queue[=partition], user, numnodes, numcores, title


Return the command to kill the job with specified jobid.


Return the string to execute to submit a given script.


submit_script – the path of the submit script relative to the working directory. IMPORTANT: submit_script should be already escaped.

Return the submit script final part, using the parameters from the job_tmpl.


job_tmpl – a JobTemplate instance with relevant parameters set.


Return the submit script header, using the parameters from the job_tmpl. See the following manual for more details about the possible options to bsub, in particular for the parallel environment definition (with the -m option).


job_tmpl – an JobTemplate instance with relevant parameters set.


alias of aiida.schedulers.plugins.lsf.LsfJobResource

_joblist_fields = ['id', 'stat', 'exit_reason', 'exec_host', 'user', 'slots', 'max_req_proc', 'exec_host', 'queue', 'finish_time', 'start_time', '%complete', 'submit_time', 'name']
_logger = <Logger aiida.scheduler.lsf (REPORT)>
_parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the queue output string, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_joblist_command command, that is here implemented as a list of lines, one for each job, with _field_separator as separator. The order is described in the _get_joblist_command function.

Return a list of JobInfo objects, one of each job, each relevant parameters implemented.

Note: depending on the scheduler configuration, finished jobs may

either appear here, or not. This function will only return one element for each job find in the qstat output; missing jobs (for whatever reason) simply will not appear here.

_parse_kill_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the kill command.


True if everything seems ok, False otherwise.

_parse_submit_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the submit command, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_submit_command command.

To be implemented by the plugin.

Return a string with the JobID.

_parse_time_string(string, fmt='%b %d %H:%M')[source]

Parse a time string and returns a datetime object. Example format: ‘Feb 2 07:39’ or ‘Feb 2 07:39 L’

Base classes for PBSPro and PBS/Torque plugins.

class aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbsbaseclasses.PbsBaseClass[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.scheduler.Scheduler

Base class with support for the PBSPro scheduler ( and for PBS and Torque (

Only a few properties need to be redefined, see examples of the pbspro and torque plugins

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbsbaseclasses'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
static _convert_time(string)[source]

Convert a string in the format HH:MM:SS to a number of seconds.

_features = {'can_query_by_user': False}

Return the command to run to get the detailed information on a job, even after the job has finished.

The output text is just retrieved, and returned for logging purposes.

_get_joblist_command(jobs=None, user=None)[source]

The command to report full information on existing jobs.

TODO: in the case of job arrays, decide what to do (i.e., if we want

to pass the -t options to list each subjob).


Return the command to kill the job with specified jobid.

_get_resource_lines(num_machines, num_mpiprocs_per_machine, num_cores_per_machine, max_memory_kb, max_wallclock_seconds)[source]

Return a set a list of lines (possibly empty) with the header lines relative to:

  • num_machines

  • num_mpiprocs_per_machine

  • num_cores_per_machine

  • max_memory_kb

  • max_wallclock_seconds

This is done in an external function because it may change in different subclasses.


Return the string to execute to submit a given script.

submit_script: the path of the submit script relative to the working

directory. IMPORTANT: submit_script should be already escaped.


Return the submit script header, using the parameters from the job_tmpl.


job_tmpl: an JobTemplate instance with relevant parameters set.

TODO: truncate the title if too long


alias of aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbsbaseclasses.PbsJobResource

_map_status = {'B': <JobState.RUNNING: 'running'>, 'C': <JobState.DONE: 'done'>, 'E': <JobState.RUNNING: 'running'>, 'F': <JobState.DONE: 'done'>, 'H': <JobState.QUEUED_HELD: 'queued held'>, 'M': <JobState.UNDETERMINED: 'undetermined'>, 'Q': <JobState.QUEUED: 'queued'>, 'R': <JobState.RUNNING: 'running'>, 'S': <JobState.SUSPENDED: 'suspended'>, 'T': <JobState.QUEUED: 'queued'>, 'U': <JobState.SUSPENDED: 'suspended'>, 'W': <JobState.QUEUED: 'queued'>, 'X': <JobState.DONE: 'done'>}
_parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the queue output string, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_joblist_command command (qstat -f).

Return a list of JobInfo objects, one of each job, each relevant parameters implemented.

Note: depending on the scheduler configuration, finished jobs may

either appear here, or not. This function will only return one element for each job find in the qstat output; missing jobs (for whatever reason) simply will not appear here.

_parse_kill_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the kill command.

To be implemented by the plugin.


True if everything seems ok, False otherwise.

_parse_submit_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the submit command, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_submit_command command.

To be implemented by the plugin.

Return a string with the JobID.

static _parse_time_string(string, fmt='%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')[source]

Parse a time string in the format returned from qstat -f and returns a datetime object.

class aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbsbaseclasses.PbsJobResource(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.datastructures.NodeNumberJobResource

Class for PBS job resources.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbsbaseclasses'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
classmethod validate_resources(**kwargs)[source]

Validate the resources against the job resource class of this scheduler.

This extends the base class validator and calculates the num_cores_per_machine fields to pass to PBSlike schedulers. Checks that num_cores_per_machine is a multiple of num_cores_per_mpiproc and/or num_mpiprocs_per_machine.


kwargs – dictionary of values to define the job resources


attribute dictionary with the parsed parameters populated


ValueError – if the resources are invalid or incomplete

Plugin for PBSPro. This has been tested on PBSPro v. 12.

class aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbspro.PbsproScheduler[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbsbaseclasses.PbsBaseClass

Subclass to support the PBSPro scheduler (

I redefine only what needs to change from the base class

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbspro'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_get_resource_lines(num_machines, num_mpiprocs_per_machine, num_cores_per_machine, max_memory_kb, max_wallclock_seconds)[source]

Return the lines for machines, memory and wallclock relative to pbspro.

Plugin for SGE. This has been tested on GE 6.2u3.

Plugin originally written by Marco Dorigo. Email: marco(DOT)dorigo(AT)rub(DOT)de

class aiida.schedulers.plugins.sge.SgeJobResource(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.datastructures.ParEnvJobResource

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.sge'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
class aiida.schedulers.plugins.sge.SgeScheduler[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.scheduler.Scheduler

Support for the Sun Grid Engine scheduler and its variants/forks (Son of Grid Engine, Oracle Grid Engine, …)

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.sge'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_features = {'can_query_by_user': True}

Return the command to run to get detailed information for a given job.

This is typically called after the job has finished, to retrieve the most detailed information possible about the job. This is done because most schedulers just make finished jobs disappear from the qstat command, and instead sometimes it is useful to know some more detailed information about the job exit status, etc.



_get_joblist_command(jobs=None, user=None)[source]

The command to report full information on existing jobs.

TODO: in the case of job arrays, decide what to do (i.e., if we want

to pass the -t options to list each subjob).

!!!ALL COPIED FROM PBSPRO!!! TODO: understand if it is worth escaping the username, or rather leave it unescaped to allow to pass $USER


Return the command to kill the job with specified jobid.


Return the string to execute to submit a given script.

submit_script: the path of the submit script relative to the working

directory. IMPORTANT: submit_script should be already escaped.


Return the submit script header, using the parameters from the job_tmpl.


job_tmpl: an JobTemplate instance with relevant parameters set.

TODO: truncate the title if too long


alias of aiida.schedulers.plugins.sge.SgeJobResource

_logger = <Logger aiida.scheduler.sge (REPORT)>
_parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the joblist output as returned by executing the command returned by _get_joblist_command method.


list of JobInfo objects, one of each job each with at least its default params implemented.

_parse_kill_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the kill command.

To be implemented by the plugin.


True if everything seems ok, False otherwise.

_parse_submit_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the submit command, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_submit_command command.

To be implemented by the plugin.

Return a string with the JobID.

_parse_time_string(string, fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')[source]

Parse a time string in the format returned from qstat -xml -ext and returns a datetime object. Example format: 2013-06-13T11:53:11

Plugin for SLURM. This has been tested on SLURM 14.03.7 on the machines.

class aiida.schedulers.plugins.slurm.SlurmJobResource(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.datastructures.NodeNumberJobResource

Class for SLURM job resources.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.slurm'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
classmethod validate_resources(**kwargs)[source]

Validate the resources against the job resource class of this scheduler.

This extends the base class validator to check that the num_cores_per_machine are a multiple of num_cores_per_mpiproc and/or num_mpiprocs_per_machine.


kwargs – dictionary of values to define the job resources


attribute dictionary with the parsed parameters populated


ValueError – if the resources are invalid or incomplete

class aiida.schedulers.plugins.slurm.SlurmScheduler[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.scheduler.Scheduler

Support for the SLURM scheduler (

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.slurm'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>

Convert a string in the format DD-HH:MM:SS to a number of seconds.

_detailed_job_info_fields = ['AllocCPUS', 'Account', 'AssocID', 'AveCPU', 'AvePages', 'AveRSS', 'AveVMSize', 'Cluster', 'Comment', 'CPUTime', 'CPUTimeRAW', 'DerivedExitCode', 'Elapsed', 'Eligible', 'End', 'ExitCode', 'GID', 'Group', 'JobID', 'JobName', 'MaxRSS', 'MaxRSSNode', 'MaxRSSTask', 'MaxVMSize', 'MaxVMSizeNode', 'MaxVMSizeTask', 'MinCPU', 'MinCPUNode', 'MinCPUTask', 'NCPUS', 'NNodes', 'NodeList', 'NTasks', 'Priority', 'Partition', 'QOSRAW', 'ReqCPUS', 'Reserved', 'ResvCPU', 'ResvCPURAW', 'Start', 'State', 'Submit', 'Suspended', 'SystemCPU', 'Timelimit', 'TotalCPU', 'UID', 'User', 'UserCPU']
_features = {'can_query_by_user': False}

Return the command to run to get the detailed information on a job, even after the job has finished.

The output text is just retrieved, and returned for logging purposes. –parsable split the fields with a pipe (|), adding a pipe also at the end.

_get_joblist_command(jobs=None, user=None)[source]

The command to report full information on existing jobs.

Separate the fields with the _field_separator string order: jobnum, state, walltime, queue[=partition], user, numnodes, numcores, title


Return the command to kill the job with specified jobid.


Return the string to execute to submit a given script.

submit_script: the path of the submit script relative to the working

directory. IMPORTANT: submit_script should be already escaped.


Return the submit script header, using the parameters from the job_tmpl.


job_tmpl: an JobTemplate instance with relevant parameters set.

TODO: truncate the title if too long


alias of aiida.schedulers.plugins.slurm.SlurmJobResource

_logger = <Logger aiida.scheduler.slurm (REPORT)>
_parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the queue output string, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_joblist_command command, that is here implemented as a list of lines, one for each job, with _field_separator as separator. The order is described in the _get_joblist_command function.

Return a list of JobInfo objects, one of each job, each relevant parameters implemented.

Note: depending on the scheduler configuration, finished jobs may

either appear here, or not. This function will only return one element for each job find in the qstat output; missing jobs (for whatever reason) simply will not appear here.

_parse_kill_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the kill command.

To be implemented by the plugin.


True if everything seems ok, False otherwise.

_parse_submit_output(retval, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the submit command, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_submit_command command.

To be implemented by the plugin.

Return a string with the JobID.

_parse_time_string(string, fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')[source]

Parse a time string in the format returned from qstat -f and returns a datetime object.

fields = [('%i', 'job_id'), ('%t', 'state_raw'), ('%r', 'annotation'), ('%B', 'executing_host'), ('%u', 'username'), ('%D', 'number_nodes'), ('%C', 'number_cpus'), ('%R', 'allocated_machines'), ('%P', 'partition'), ('%l', 'time_limit'), ('%M', 'time_used'), ('%S', 'dispatch_time'), ('%j', 'job_name'), ('%V', 'submission_time')]
parse_output(detailed_job_info, stdout, stderr)[source]

Parse the output of the scheduler.

  • detailed_job_info – dictionary with the output returned by the Scheduler.get_detailed_job_info command. This should contain the keys retval, stdout and stderr corresponding to the return value, stdout and stderr returned by the accounting command executed for a specific job id.

  • stdout – string with the output written by the scheduler to stdout

  • stderr – string with the output written by the scheduler to stderr


None or an instance of aiida.engine.processes.exit_code.ExitCode


TypeError or ValueError – if the passed arguments have incorrect type or value

Plugin for PBS/Torque. This has been tested on Torque v.2.4.16 (from Ubuntu).

class aiida.schedulers.plugins.torque.TorqueScheduler[source]

Bases: aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbsbaseclasses.PbsBaseClass

Subclass to support the Torque scheduler..

I redefine only what needs to change from the base class

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'aiida.schedulers.plugins.torque'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_get_resource_lines(num_machines, num_mpiprocs_per_machine, num_cores_per_machine, max_memory_kb, max_wallclock_seconds)[source]

Return the lines for machines, memory and wallclock relative to pbspro.