Source code for aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.testbase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
""" This module contains the codebase for the setUpClass and tearDown methods used
internally by the AiidaTestCase. This inherits only from 'object' to avoid
that it is picked up by the automatic discovery of tests
(It shouldn't, as it risks to destroy the DB if there are not the checks
in place, and these are implemented in the AiidaTestCase. """

from aiida.backends.testimplbase import AiidaTestImplementation

[docs]class SqlAlchemyTests(AiidaTestImplementation): """Base class to test SQLA-related functionalities.""" connection = None
[docs] def clean_db(self): from sqlalchemy.sql import table # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbGroupNodes = table('db_dbgroup_dbnodes') DbGroup = table('db_dbgroup') DbLink = table('db_dblink') DbNode = table('db_dbnode') DbLog = table('db_dblog') DbAuthInfo = table('db_dbauthinfo') DbUser = table('db_dbuser') DbComputer = table('db_dbcomputer') with self.backend.transaction() as session: session.execute(DbGroupNodes.delete()) session.execute(DbGroup.delete()) session.execute(DbLog.delete()) session.execute(DbLink.delete()) session.execute(DbNode.delete()) session.execute(DbAuthInfo.delete()) session.execute(DbComputer.delete()) session.execute(DbUser.delete()) session.commit()