Source code for aiida.cmdline.params.options.commands.code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Reusable command line interface options for Code commands."""
import click

from aiida.cmdline.params import options, types
from aiida.cmdline.params.options.interactive import InteractiveOption, TemplateInteractiveOption
from aiida.cmdline.params.options.overridable import OverridableOption

[docs]def is_on_computer(ctx): return bool(ctx.params.get('on_computer'))
[docs]def is_not_on_computer(ctx): return bool(not is_on_computer(ctx))
ON_COMPUTER = OverridableOption( '--on-computer/--store-in-db', is_eager=False, default=True, cls=InteractiveOption, prompt='Installed on target computer?', help='Whether the code is installed on the target computer, or should be copied to the target computer each time ' 'from a local path.' ) REMOTE_ABS_PATH = OverridableOption( '--remote-abs-path', prompt='Remote absolute path', required_fn=is_on_computer, prompt_fn=is_on_computer, type=types.AbsolutePathParamType(dir_okay=False), cls=InteractiveOption, help='[if --on-computer]: Absolute path to the executable on the target computer.' ) FOLDER = OverridableOption( '--code-folder', prompt='Local directory containing the code', required_fn=is_not_on_computer, prompt_fn=is_not_on_computer, type=click.Path(file_okay=False, exists=True, readable=True), cls=InteractiveOption, help='[if --store-in-db]: Absolute path to directory containing the executable and all other files necessary for ' 'running it (to be copied to target computer).' ) REL_PATH = OverridableOption( '--code-rel-path', prompt='Relative path of executable inside code folder', required_fn=is_not_on_computer, prompt_fn=is_not_on_computer, type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), cls=InteractiveOption, help='[if --store-in-db]: Relative path of the executable inside the code-folder.' ) LABEL = options.LABEL.clone( prompt='Label', cls=InteractiveOption, help="This label can be used to identify the code (using 'label@computerlabel'), as long as labels are unique per " 'computer.' ) DESCRIPTION = options.DESCRIPTION.clone( prompt='Description', cls=InteractiveOption, help='A human-readable description of this code, ideally including version and compilation environment.' ) INPUT_PLUGIN = options.INPUT_PLUGIN.clone( prompt='Default calculation input plugin', cls=InteractiveOption, help="Entry point name of the default calculation plugin (as listed in 'verdi plugin list aiida.calculations')." ) COMPUTER = options.COMPUTER.clone( prompt='Computer', cls=InteractiveOption, required_fn=is_on_computer, prompt_fn=is_on_computer, help='Name of the computer, on which the code is installed.' ) PREPEND_TEXT = OverridableOption( '--prepend-text', cls=TemplateInteractiveOption, prompt='Prepend script', type=click.STRING, default='', help='Bash commands that should be prepended to the executable call in all submit scripts for this code.', extension='.bash', header='PREPEND_TEXT: if there is any bash commands that should be prepended to the executable call in all ' 'submit scripts for this code, type that between the equal signs below and save the file.', footer='All lines that start with `#=` will be ignored.' ) APPEND_TEXT = OverridableOption( '--append-text', cls=TemplateInteractiveOption, prompt='Append script', type=click.STRING, default='', help='Bash commands that should be appended to the executable call in all submit scripts for this code.', extension='.bash', header='APPEND_TEXT: if there is any bash commands that should be appended to the executable call in all ' 'submit scripts for this code, type that between the equal signs below and save the file.', footer='All lines that start with `#=` will be ignored.' )