Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.querybuilder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Abstract `QueryBuilder` definition.

Note that this abstract class actually contains parts of the implementation, which are tightly coupled to SqlAlchemy.
This is done because currently, both database backend implementations, both Django and SqlAlchemy, directly use the
SqlAlchemy library to implement the query builder. If there ever is another database backend to be implemented that does
not go through SqlAlchemy, this class will have to be refactored. The SqlAlchemy specific implementations should most
likely be moved to a `SqlAlchemyBasedQueryBuilder` class and restore this abstract class to being a pure agnostic one.
import abc
import uuid

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.choice import Choice
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, Float, Boolean, DateTime
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB

from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.common.lang import type_check
from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError

__all__ = ('BackendQueryBuilder',)

[docs]class BackendQueryBuilder: """Backend query builder interface""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-public-methods outer_to_inner_schema = None inner_to_outer_schema = None
[docs] def __init__(self, backend): """ :param backend: the backend """ from . import backends type_check(backend, backends.Backend) self._backend = backend self.inner_to_outer_schema = dict() self.outer_to_inner_schema = dict()
@abc.abstractproperty def Node(self): """ Decorated as a property, returns the implementation for DbNode. It needs to return a subclass of sqlalchemy.Base, which means that for different ORM's a corresponding dummy-model must be written. """ @abc.abstractproperty def Link(self): """ A property, decorated with @property. Returns the implementation for the DbLink """ @abc.abstractproperty def Computer(self): """ A property, decorated with @property. Returns the implementation for the Computer """ @abc.abstractproperty def User(self): """ A property, decorated with @property. Returns the implementation for the User """ @abc.abstractproperty def Group(self): """ A property, decorated with @property. Returns the implementation for the Group """ @abc.abstractproperty def AuthInfo(self): """ A property, decorated with @property. Returns the implementation for the AuthInfo """ @abc.abstractproperty def Comment(self): """ A property, decorated with @property. Returns the implementation for the Comment """ @abc.abstractproperty def Log(self): """ A property, decorated with @property. Returns the implementation for the Log """ @abc.abstractproperty def table_groups_nodes(self): """ A property, decorated with @property. Returns the implementation for the many-to-many relationship between group and nodes. """ @property def AiidaNode(self): """ A property, decorated with @property. Returns the implementation for the AiiDA-class for Node """ from aiida.orm import Node return Node
[docs] def get_session(self): """ :returns: a valid session, an instance of :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` """ return self._backend.get_session()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def modify_expansions(self, alias, expansions): """ Modify names of projections if ** was specified. This is important for the schema having attributes in a different table. """
[docs] @abc.abstractclassmethod def get_filter_expr_from_attributes(cls, operator, value, attr_key, column=None, column_name=None, alias=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Returns an valid SQLAlchemy expression. :param operator: The operator provided by the user ('==', '>', ...) :param value: The value to compare with, e.g. (5.0, 'foo', ['a','b']) :param str attr_key: The path to that attribute as a tuple of values. I.e. if that attribute I want to filter by is the 2nd element in a list stored under the key 'mylist', this is ('mylist', '2'). :param column: Optional, an instance of sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute or :param str column_name: The name of the column, and the backend should get the InstrumentedAttribute. :param alias: The aliased class. :returns: An instance of sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression """
[docs] @classmethod def get_corresponding_properties(cls, entity_table, given_properties, mapper): """ This method returns a list of updated properties for a given list of properties. If there is no update for the property, the given property is returned in the list. """ if entity_table in mapper.keys(): res = list() for given_property in given_properties: res.append(cls.get_corresponding_property(entity_table, given_property, mapper)) return res return given_properties
[docs] @classmethod def get_corresponding_property(cls, entity_table, given_property, mapper): """ This method returns an updated property for a given a property. If there is no update for the property, the given property is returned. """ try: # Get the mapping for the specific entity_table property_mapping = mapper[entity_table] try: # Get the mapping for the specific property return property_mapping[given_property] except KeyError: # If there is no mapping, the property remains unchanged return given_property except KeyError: # If it doesn't exist, it means that the given_property remains v return given_property
[docs] @classmethod def get_filter_expr_from_column(cls, operator, value, column): """ A method that returns an valid SQLAlchemy expression. :param operator: The operator provided by the user ('==', '>', ...) :param value: The value to compare with, e.g. (5.0, 'foo', ['a','b']) :param column: an instance of sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute or :returns: An instance of sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression """ # Label is used because it is what is returned for the # 'state' column by the hybrid_column construct # Remove when is fixed # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import Cast, Label from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute, QueryableAttribute from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ColumnClause from sqlalchemy.types import String if not isinstance(column, (Cast, InstrumentedAttribute, QueryableAttribute, Label, ColumnClause)): raise TypeError(f'column ({type(column)}) {column} is not a valid column') database_entity = column if operator == '==': expr = database_entity == value elif operator == '>': expr = database_entity > value elif operator == '<': expr = database_entity < value elif operator == '>=': expr = database_entity >= value elif operator == '<=': expr = database_entity <= value elif operator == 'like': # the like operator expects a string, so we cast to avoid problems # with fields like UUID, which don't support the like operator expr = database_entity.cast(String).like(value) elif operator == 'ilike': expr = database_entity.ilike(value) elif operator == 'in': expr = database_entity.in_(value) else: raise InputValidationError(f'Unknown operator {operator} for filters on columns') return expr
[docs] def get_projectable_attribute(self, alias, column_name, attrpath, cast=None, **kwargs): """ :returns: An attribute store in a JSON field of the give column """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument entity = self.get_column(column_name, alias)[attrpath] if cast is None: pass elif cast == 'f': entity = entity.astext.cast(Float) elif cast == 'i': entity = entity.astext.cast(Integer) elif cast == 'b': entity = entity.astext.cast(Boolean) elif cast == 't': entity = entity.astext elif cast == 'j': entity = entity.astext.cast(JSONB) elif cast == 'd': entity = entity.astext.cast(DateTime) else: raise InputValidationError(f'Unkown casting key {cast}') return entity
[docs] def get_aiida_res(self, res): """ Some instance returned by ORM (django or SA) need to be converted to AiiDA instances (eg nodes). Choice (sqlalchemy_utils) will return their value :param res: the result returned by the query :returns: an aiida-compatible instance """ if isinstance(res, Choice): return res.value if isinstance(res, uuid.UUID): return str(res) try: return self._backend.get_backend_entity(res) except TypeError: return res
[docs] def yield_per(self, query, batch_size): """ :param int batch_size: Number of rows to yield per step Yields *count* rows at a time :returns: a generator """ try: return query.yield_per(batch_size) except Exception: self.get_session().close() raise
[docs] def count(self, query): """ :returns: the number of results """ try: return query.count() except Exception: self.get_session().close() raise
[docs] def first(self, query): """ Executes query in the backend asking for one instance. :returns: One row of aiida results """ try: return query.first() except Exception: self.get_session().close() raise
[docs] def iterall(self, query, batch_size, tag_to_index_dict): """ :return: An iterator over all the results of a list of lists. """ try: if not tag_to_index_dict: raise Exception(f'Got an empty dictionary: {tag_to_index_dict}') results = query.yield_per(batch_size) if len(tag_to_index_dict) == 1: # Sqlalchemy, for some strange reason, does not return a list of lsits # if you have provided an ormclass if list(tag_to_index_dict.values()) == ['*']: for rowitem in results: yield [self.get_aiida_res(rowitem)] else: for rowitem, in results: yield [self.get_aiida_res(rowitem)] elif len(tag_to_index_dict) > 1: for resultrow in results: yield [self.get_aiida_res(rowitem) for colindex, rowitem in enumerate(resultrow)] else: raise ValueError('Got an empty dictionary') except Exception: self.get_session().close() raise
[docs] def iterdict(self, query, batch_size, tag_to_projected_properties_dict, tag_to_alias_map): """ :returns: An iterator over all the results of a list of dictionaries. """ try: nr_items = sum(len(v) for v in tag_to_projected_properties_dict.values()) if not nr_items: raise ValueError('Got an empty dictionary') results = query.yield_per(batch_size) if nr_items > 1: for this_result in results: yield { tag: { self.get_corresponding_property( self.get_table_name(tag_to_alias_map[tag]), attrkey, self.inner_to_outer_schema ): self.get_aiida_res(this_result[index_in_sql_result]) for attrkey, index_in_sql_result in projected_entities_dict.items() } for tag, projected_entities_dict in tag_to_projected_properties_dict.items() } elif nr_items == 1: # I this case, sql returns a list, where each listitem is the result # for one row. Here I am converting it to a list of lists (of length 1) if [v for entityd in tag_to_projected_properties_dict.values() for v in entityd.keys()] == ['*']: for this_result in results: yield { tag: { self.get_corresponding_property( self.get_table_name(tag_to_alias_map[tag]), attrkey, self.inner_to_outer_schema ): self.get_aiida_res(this_result) for attrkey, position in projected_entities_dict.items() } for tag, projected_entities_dict in tag_to_projected_properties_dict.items() } else: for this_result, in results: yield { tag: { self.get_corresponding_property( self.get_table_name(tag_to_alias_map[tag]), attrkey, self.inner_to_outer_schema ): self.get_aiida_res(this_result) for attrkey, position in projected_entities_dict.items() } for tag, projected_entities_dict in tag_to_projected_properties_dict.items() } else: raise ValueError('Got an empty dictionary') except Exception: self.get_session().close() raise
[docs] @abc.abstractstaticmethod def get_table_name(aliased_class): """Returns the table name given an Aliased class."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_column_names(self, alias): """ Return the column names of the given table (alias). """
[docs] def get_column(self, colname, alias): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Return the column for a given projection. """ try: return getattr(alias, colname) except AttributeError: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( '{} is not a column of {}\n' 'Valid columns are:\n' '{}'.format( colname, alias, '\n'.join(alias._sa_class_manager.mapper.c.keys()) # pylint: disable=protected-access ) )