Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.sqlalchemy.backend

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"""SqlAlchemy implementation of `aiida.orm.implementation.backends.Backend`."""
from contextlib import contextmanager

from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models import base
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.queries import SqlaQueryManager
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.manager import SqlaBackendManager

from ..sql.backends import SqlBackend
from . import authinfos
from . import comments
from . import computers
from . import convert
from . import groups
from . import logs
from . import nodes
from . import querybuilder
from . import users

__all__ = ('SqlaBackend',)

[docs]class SqlaBackend(SqlBackend[base.Base]): """SqlAlchemy implementation of `aiida.orm.implementation.backends.Backend`."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Construct the backend instance by initializing all the collections.""" self._authinfos = authinfos.SqlaAuthInfoCollection(self) self._comments = comments.SqlaCommentCollection(self) self._computers = computers.SqlaComputerCollection(self) self._groups = groups.SqlaGroupCollection(self) self._logs = logs.SqlaLogCollection(self) self._nodes = nodes.SqlaNodeCollection(self) self._query_manager = SqlaQueryManager(self) self._schema_manager = SqlaBackendManager() self._users = users.SqlaUserCollection(self)
[docs] def migrate(self): self._schema_manager.migrate()
@property def authinfos(self): return self._authinfos @property def comments(self): return self._comments @property def computers(self): return self._computers @property def groups(self): return self._groups @property def logs(self): return self._logs @property def nodes(self): return self._nodes @property def query_manager(self): return self._query_manager
[docs] def query(self): return querybuilder.SqlaQueryBuilder(self)
@property def users(self): return self._users
[docs] @contextmanager def transaction(self): """Open a transaction to be used as a context manager. If there is an exception within the context then the changes will be rolled back and the state will be as before entering. Transactions can be nested. """ session = self.get_session() nested = session.transaction.nested try: session.begin_nested() yield session session.commit() except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: if not nested: # Make sure to commit the outermost session session.commit()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_session(): """Return a database session that can be used by the `QueryBuilder` to perform its query. :return: an instance of :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` """ from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy import get_scoped_session return get_scoped_session()
# Below are abstract methods inherited from `aiida.orm.implementation.sql.backends.SqlBackend`
[docs] def get_backend_entity(self, model): """Return a `BackendEntity` instance from a `DbModel` instance.""" return convert.get_backend_entity(model, self)
[docs] @contextmanager def cursor(self): """Return a psycopg cursor to be used in a context manager. :return: a psycopg cursor :rtype: :class:`psycopg2.extensions.cursor` """ from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa try: connection = sa.ENGINE.raw_connection() yield connection.cursor() finally: self.get_connection().close()
[docs] def execute_raw(self, query): """Execute a raw SQL statement and return the result. :param query: a string containing a raw SQL statement :return: the result of the query """ from sqlalchemy.exc import ResourceClosedError # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module with self.transaction() as session: queryset = session.execute(query) try: results = queryset.fetchall() except ResourceClosedError: return None return results
[docs] @staticmethod def get_connection(): """Get the SQLA database connection :return: the SQLA database connection """ from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa return sa.ENGINE.raw_connection()