Source code for aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_config

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"""`verdi config` command."""
import textwrap

import click

from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_verdi import verdi
from aiida.cmdline.params import arguments
from aiida.cmdline.utils import decorators, echo

[docs]class _DeprecateConfigCommandsGroup(click.Group): """Overloads the get_command with one that identifies deprecated commands."""
[docs] def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name): """Override the default click.Group get_command with one that identifies deprecated commands.""" cmd = click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name) if cmd is not None: return cmd if cmd_name in [ 'daemon.default_workers', 'logging.plumpy_loglevel', 'daemon.timeout', 'logging.sqlalchemy_loglevel', 'daemon.worker_process_slots', 'logging.tornado_loglevel', 'db.batch_size', 'runner.poll.interval', 'logging.aiida_loglevel', '', 'logging.alembic_loglevel', 'user.first_name', 'logging.circus_loglevel', 'user.institution', 'logging.db_loglevel', 'user.last_name', 'logging.kiwipy_loglevel', '', 'logging.paramiko_loglevel', 'warnings.showdeprecations', '', 'autofill.user.first_name', 'autofill.user.last_name', 'autofill.user.institution' ]: ctx.obj.deprecated_name = cmd_name cmd = click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, '_deprecated') return cmd"'{cmd_name}' is not a verdi config command.") return None'config', cls=_DeprecateConfigCommandsGroup) def verdi_config(): """Manage the AiiDA configuration.""" @verdi_config.command('list') @click.argument('prefix', metavar='PREFIX', required=False, default='') @click.option('-d', '--description', is_flag=True, help='Include description of options') @click.pass_context def verdi_config_list(ctx, prefix, description: bool): """List AiiDA options for the current profile. Optionally filtered by a prefix. """ from tabulate import tabulate from aiida.manage.configuration import Config, Profile config: Config = ctx.obj.config profile: Profile = ctx.obj.profile if not profile: echo.echo_warning('no profiles configured: run `verdi setup` to create one') option_values = config.get_options( if profile else None) def _join(val): """split arrays into multiple lines.""" if isinstance(val, list): return '\n'.join(str(v) for v in val) return val if description: table = [[name, source, _join(value), '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(c.description))] for name, (c, source, value) in option_values.items() if name.startswith(prefix)] headers = ['name', 'source', 'value', 'description'] else: table = [[name, source, _join(value)] for name, (c, source, value) in option_values.items() if name.startswith(prefix)] headers = ['name', 'source', 'value'] # sort by name table = sorted(table, key=lambda x: x[0]) echo.echo(tabulate(table, headers=headers)) @verdi_config.command('show') @arguments.CONFIG_OPTION(metavar='OPTION_NAME') @click.pass_context def verdi_config_show(ctx, option): """Show details of an AiiDA option for the current profile.""" from aiida.manage.configuration import Config, Profile from aiida.manage.configuration.options import NO_DEFAULT config: Config = ctx.obj.config profile: Profile = ctx.obj.profile dct = { 'schema': option.schema, 'values': { 'default': '<NOTSET>' if option.default is NO_DEFAULT else option.default, 'global': config.options.get(, '<NOTSET>'), } } if not profile: echo.echo_warning('no profiles configured: run `verdi setup` to create one') else: dct['values']['profile'] = profile.options.get(, '<NOTSET>') echo.echo_dictionary(dct, fmt='yaml', sort_keys=False) @verdi_config.command('get') @arguments.CONFIG_OPTION(metavar='OPTION_NAME') def verdi_config_get(option): """Get the value of an AiiDA option for the current profile.""" from aiida import get_config_option value = get_config_option( echo.echo(str(value)) @verdi_config.command('set') @arguments.CONFIG_OPTION(metavar='OPTION_NAME') @click.argument('value', metavar='OPTION_VALUE') @click.option('-g', '--global', 'globally', is_flag=True, help='Apply the option configuration wide.') @click.option('-a', '--append', is_flag=True, help='Append the value to an existing array.') @click.option('-r', '--remove', is_flag=True, help='Remove the value from an existing array.') @click.pass_context def verdi_config_set(ctx, option, value, globally, append, remove): """Set an AiiDA option. List values are split by whitespace, e.g. "a b" becomes ["a", "b"]. """ from aiida.manage.configuration import Config, Profile, ConfigValidationError if append and remove: echo.echo_critical('Cannot flag both append and remove') config: Config = ctx.obj.config profile: Profile = ctx.obj.profile if option.global_only: globally = True # Define the string that determines the scope: for specific profile or globally scope = if (not globally and profile) else None scope_text = f"for '{}' profile" if (not globally and profile) else 'globally' if append or remove: try: current = config.get_option(, scope=scope) except ConfigValidationError as error: echo.echo_critical(str(error)) if not isinstance(current, list): echo.echo_critical(f'cannot append/remove to value: {current}') if append: value = current + [value] else: value = [item for item in current if item != value] # Set the specified option try: value = config.set_option(, value, scope=scope) except ConfigValidationError as error: echo.echo_critical(str(error)) echo.echo_success(f"'{}' set to {value} {scope_text}") @verdi_config.command('unset') @arguments.CONFIG_OPTION(metavar='OPTION_NAME') @click.option('-g', '--global', 'globally', is_flag=True, help='Unset the option configuration wide.') @click.pass_context def verdi_config_unset(ctx, option, globally): """Unset an AiiDA option.""" from aiida.manage.configuration import Config, Profile config: Config = ctx.obj.config profile: Profile = ctx.obj.profile if option.global_only: globally = True # Define the string that determines the scope: for specific profile or globally scope = if (not globally and profile) else None scope_text = f"for '{}' profile" if (not globally and profile) else 'globally' # Unset the specified option config.unset_option(, scope=scope) echo.echo_success(f"'{}' unset {scope_text}") @verdi_config.command('caching') @click.option('-d', '--disabled', is_flag=True, help='List disabled types instead.') def verdi_config_caching(disabled): """List caching-enabled process types for the current profile.""" from aiida.plugins.entry_point import ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR, get_entry_point_names from aiida.manage.caching import get_use_cache for group in ['aiida.calculations', 'aiida.workflows']: for entry_point in get_entry_point_names(group): identifier = ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR.join([group, entry_point]) if get_use_cache(identifier=identifier): if not disabled: echo.echo(identifier) elif disabled: echo.echo(identifier) @verdi_config.command('_deprecated', hidden=True) @decorators.deprecated_command("This command has been deprecated. Please use 'verdi config show/set/unset' instead.") @click.argument('value', metavar='OPTION_VALUE', required=False) @click.option('--global', 'globally', is_flag=True, help='Apply the option configuration wide.') @click.option('--unset', is_flag=True, help='Remove the line matching the option name from the config file.') @click.pass_context def verdi_config_deprecated(ctx, value, globally, unset): """"This command has been deprecated. Please use 'verdi config show/set/unset' instead.""" from aiida.manage.configuration import get_option option = get_option(ctx.obj.deprecated_name) if unset: ctx.invoke(verdi_config_unset, option=option, globally=globally) elif value is not None: ctx.invoke(verdi_config_set, option=option, value=value, globally=globally) else: ctx.invoke(verdi_config_get, option=option)