Source code for aiida.manage.database.integrity

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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Methods to validate the database integrity and fix violations."""

WARNING_BORDER = '*' * 120

[docs]def write_database_integrity_violation(results, headers, reason_message, action_message=None): """Emit a integrity violation warning and write the violating records to a log file in the current directory :param results: a list of tuples representing the violating records :param headers: a tuple of strings that will be used as a header for the log file. Should have the same length as each tuple in the results list. :param reason_message: a human readable message detailing the reason of the integrity violation :param action_message: an optional human readable message detailing a performed action, if any """ # pylint: disable=duplicate-string-formatting-argument from datetime import datetime from tabulate import tabulate from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from aiida.cmdline.utils import echo from aiida.manage import configuration if configuration.PROFILE.is_test_profile: return if action_message is None: action_message = 'nothing' with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='migration-', suffix='.log', dir='.', delete=False, mode='w+') as handle: echo.echo('') echo.echo_warning( '\n{}\nFound one or multiple records that violate the integrity of the database\nViolation reason: {}\n' 'Performed action: {}\nViolators written to: {}\n{}\n'.format( WARNING_BORDER, reason_message, action_message,, WARNING_BORDER ) ) handle.write(f'# {datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}\n') handle.write(f'# Violation reason: {reason_message}\n') handle.write(f'# Performed action: {action_message}\n') handle.write('\n') handle.write(tabulate(results, headers))