Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.logs

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"""Backend group module"""
import abc

from .entities import BackendEntity, BackendCollection

__all__ = ('BackendLog', 'BackendLogCollection')

[docs]class BackendLog(BackendEntity): """ Backend Log interface """ @abc.abstractproperty def uuid(self): """ Get the UUID of the log entry :return: The entry's UUID :rtype: uuid.UUID """ @abc.abstractproperty def time(self): """ Get the time corresponding to the entry :return: The entry timestamp :rtype: :class:`!datetime.datetime` """ @abc.abstractproperty def loggername(self): """ The name of the logger that created this entry :return: The entry loggername :rtype: str """ @abc.abstractproperty def levelname(self): """ The name of the log level :return: The entry log level name :rtype: str """ @abc.abstractproperty def dbnode_id(self): """ Get the id of the object that created the log entry :return: The id of the object that created the log entry :rtype: int """ @abc.abstractproperty def message(self): """ Get the message corresponding to the entry :return: The entry message :rtype: str """ @abc.abstractproperty def metadata(self): """ Get the metadata corresponding to the entry :return: The entry metadata :rtype: dict """
[docs]class BackendLogCollection(BackendCollection[BackendLog]): """The collection of Log entries.""" ENTITY_CLASS = BackendLog
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete(self, log_id): """ Remove a Log entry from the collection with the given id :param log_id: id of the Log to delete :type log_id: int :raises TypeError: if ``log_id`` is not an `int` :raises `~aiida.common.exceptions.NotExistent`: if Log with ID ``log_id`` is not found """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_all(self): """ Delete all Log entries. :raises `~aiida.common.exceptions.IntegrityError`: if all Logs could not be deleted """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_many(self, filters): """ Delete Logs based on ``filters`` :param filters: similar to QueryBuilder filter :type filters: dict :return: (former) ``PK`` s of deleted Logs :rtype: list :raises TypeError: if ``filters`` is not a `dict` :raises `~aiida.common.exceptions.ValidationError`: if ``filters`` is empty """