Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Migration from v0.3 to v0.4, used by `verdi export migrate` command.

The migration steps are named similarly to the database migrations for Django and SQLAlchemy.
In the description of each migration, a revision number is given, which refers to the Django migrations.
The individual Django database migrations may be found at:


Where XX are the numbers in the migrations' documentation: REV. 1.0.XX
And migration-name is the name of the particular migration.
The individual SQLAlchemy database migrations may be found at:


Where id is a SQLA id and migration-name is the name of the particular migration.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import copy
import os

import numpy as np

from aiida.common import json
from import CacheFolder
from import ArchiveMigrationError
from .utils import verify_metadata_version, update_metadata, remove_fields

[docs]def migration_base_data_plugin_type_string(data): """Apply migration: 0009 - REV. 1.0.9 `DbNode.type` content changes: 'data.base.Bool.' -> 'data.bool.Bool.' 'data.base.Float.' -> 'data.float.Float.' 'data.base.Int.' -> '' 'data.base.Str.' -> 'data.str.Str.' 'data.base.List.' -> 'data.list.List.' """ for content in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values(): if content.get('type', '').startswith('data.base.'): type_str = content['type'].replace('data.base.', '') type_str = f'data.{type_str.lower()}{type_str}' content['type'] = type_str
[docs]def migration_process_type(metadata, data): """Apply migrations: 0010 - REV. 1.0.10 Add `DbNode.process_type` column """ # For data.json for content in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values(): if 'process_type' not in content: content['process_type'] = '' # For metadata.json metadata['all_fields_info']['Node']['process_type'] = {}
[docs]def migration_code_sub_class_of_data(data): """Apply migrations: 0016 - REV. 1.0.16 The Code class used to be just a sub class of Node, but was changed to act like a Data node. code.Code. -> data.code.Code. """ for content in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values(): if content.get('type', '') == 'code.Code.': content['type'] = 'data.code.Code.'
[docs]def migration_add_node_uuid_unique_constraint(data): """Apply migration: 0014 - REV. 1.0.14, 0018 - REV. 1.0.18 Check that no entries with the same uuid are present in the archive file if yes - stop the import process """ for entry_type in ['Group', 'Computer', 'Node']: if entry_type not in data['export_data']: # if a particular entry type is not present - skip continue all_uuids = [content['uuid'] for content in data['export_data'][entry_type].values()] unique_uuids = set(all_uuids) if len(all_uuids) != len(unique_uuids): raise ArchiveMigrationError(f"""{entry_type}s with exactly the same UUID found, cannot proceed further.""")
[docs]def migration_migrate_builtin_calculations(data): """Apply migrations: 0019 - REV. 1.0.19 Remove 'simpleplugin' from ArithmeticAddCalculation and TemplatereplacerCalculation type ATTENTION: The 'process_type' column did not exist before migration 0010, consequently, it could not be present in any export archive of the currently existing stable releases (0.12.*). Here, however, the migration acts on the content of the 'process_type' column, which could only be introduced in alpha releases of AiiDA 1.0. Assuming that 'add' and 'templateplacer' calculations are expected to have both 'type' and 'process_type' columns, they will be added based solely on the 'type' column content (unlike the way it is done in the DB migration, where the 'type_string' content was also checked). """ for key, content in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).items(): if content.get('type', '') == 'calculation.job.simpleplugins.arithmetic.add.ArithmeticAddCalculation.': content['type'] = 'calculation.job.arithmetic.add.ArithmeticAddCalculation.' content['process_type'] = 'aiida.calculations:arithmetic.add' elif content.get('type', '') == 'calculation.job.simpleplugins.templatereplacer.TemplatereplacerCalculation.': content['type'] = 'calculation.job.templatereplacer.TemplatereplacerCalculation.' content['process_type'] = 'aiida.calculations:templatereplacer' elif content.get('type', '') == 'data.code.Code.': if data['node_attributes'][key]['input_plugin'] == 'simpleplugins.arithmetic.add': data['node_attributes'][key]['input_plugin'] = 'arithmetic.add' elif data['node_attributes'][key]['input_plugin'] == 'simpleplugins.templatereplacer': data['node_attributes'][key]['input_plugin'] = 'templatereplacer'
[docs]def migration_provenance_redesign(data): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements """Apply migration: 0020 - REV. 1.0.20 Provenance redesign """ from aiida.manage.database.integrity.plugins import infer_calculation_entry_point from aiida.manage.database.integrity import write_database_integrity_violation from aiida.plugins.entry_point import ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR fallback_cases = [] calcjobs_to_migrate = {} for key, value in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).items(): if value.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.job.'): calcjobs_to_migrate[key] = value if calcjobs_to_migrate: # step1: rename the type column of process nodes mapping_node_entry = infer_calculation_entry_point( type_strings=[e['type'] for e in calcjobs_to_migrate.values()] ) for uuid, content in calcjobs_to_migrate.items(): type_string = content['type'] entry_point_string = mapping_node_entry[type_string] # If the entry point string does not contain the entry point string separator, # the mapping function was not able to map the type string onto a known entry point string. # As a fallback it uses the modified type string itself. # All affected entries should be logged to file that the user can consult. if ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR not in entry_point_string: fallback_cases.append([uuid, type_string, entry_point_string]) content['process_type'] = entry_point_string if fallback_cases: headers = ['UUID', 'type (old)', 'process_type (fallback)'] warning_message = 'found calculation nodes with a type string ' \ 'that could not be mapped onto a known entry point' action_message = 'inferred `process_type` for all calculation nodes, ' \ 'using fallback for unknown entry points' write_database_integrity_violation(fallback_cases, headers, warning_message, action_message) # step2: detect and delete unexpected links action_message = 'the link was deleted' headers = ['UUID source', 'UUID target', 'link type', 'link label'] def delete_wrong_links(node_uuids, link_type, headers, warning_message, action_message): """delete links that are matching link_type and are going from nodes listed in node_uuids""" violations = [] new_links_list = [] for link in data['links_uuid']: if link['input'] in node_uuids and link['type'] == link_type: violations.append([link['input'], link['output'], link['type'], link['label']]) else: new_links_list.append(link) data['links_uuid'] = new_links_list if violations: write_database_integrity_violation(violations, headers, warning_message, action_message) # calculations with outgoing CALL links calculation_uuids = { value['uuid'] for value in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values() if ( value.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.job.') or value.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.inline.') ) } warning_message = 'detected calculation nodes with outgoing `call` links.' delete_wrong_links(calculation_uuids, 'calllink', headers, warning_message, action_message) # calculations with outgoing RETURN links warning_message = 'detected calculation nodes with outgoing `return` links.' delete_wrong_links(calculation_uuids, 'returnlink', headers, warning_message, action_message) # outgoing CREATE links from FunctionCalculation and WorkCalculation nodes warning_message = 'detected outgoing `create` links from FunctionCalculation and/or WorkCalculation nodes.' work_uuids = { value['uuid'] for value in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values() if ( value.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.function') or value.get('type', '').startswith('') ) } delete_wrong_links(work_uuids, 'createlink', headers, warning_message, action_message) for node_id, node in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).items(): # migrate very old `ProcessCalculation` to `WorkCalculation` if node.get('type', '') == 'calculation.process.ProcessCalculation.': node['type'] = '' # WorkCalculations that have a `function_name` attribute are FunctionCalculations if node.get('type', '') == '': if ( 'function_name' in data['node_attributes'][node_id] and data['node_attributes'][node_id]['function_name'] is not None ): # for some reason for the workchains the 'function_name' attribute is present but has None value node['type'] = 'node.process.workflow.workfunction.WorkFunctionNode.' else: node['type'] = 'node.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode.' # update type for JobCalculation nodes if node.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.job.'): node['type'] = 'node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' # update type for InlineCalculation nodes if node.get('type', '') == 'calculation.inline.InlineCalculation.': node['type'] = 'node.process.calculation.calcfunction.CalcFunctionNode.' # update type for FunctionCalculation nodes if node.get('type', '') == 'calculation.function.FunctionCalculation.': node['type'] = 'node.process.workflow.workfunction.WorkFunctionNode.' uuid_node_type_mapping = { node['uuid']: node['type'] for node in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values() if 'type' in node } for link in data['links_uuid']: inp_uuid = link['output'] # rename `createlink` to `create` if link['type'] == 'createlink': link['type'] = 'create' # rename `returnlink` to `return` elif link['type'] == 'returnlink': link['type'] = 'return' elif link['type'] == 'inputlink': # rename `inputlink` to `input_calc` if the target node is a calculation type node if uuid_node_type_mapping[inp_uuid].startswith('node.process.calculation'): link['type'] = 'input_calc' # rename `inputlink` to `input_work` if the target node is a workflow type node elif uuid_node_type_mapping[inp_uuid].startswith('node.process.workflow'): link['type'] = 'input_work' elif link['type'] == 'calllink': # rename `calllink` to `call_calc` if the target node is a calculation type node if uuid_node_type_mapping[inp_uuid].startswith('node.process.calculation'): link['type'] = 'call_calc' # rename `calllink` to `call_work` if the target node is a workflow type node elif uuid_node_type_mapping[inp_uuid].startswith('node.process.workflow'): link['type'] = 'call_work'
[docs]def migration_dbgroup_name_to_label_type_to_type_string(metadata, data): """Apply migrations: 0021 - REV. 1.0.21 Rename dbgroup fields: name -> label type -> type_string """ # For data.json for content in data['export_data'].get('Group', {}).values(): if 'name' in content: content['label'] = content.pop('name') if 'type' in content: content['type_string'] = content.pop('type') # For metadata.json metadata_group = metadata['all_fields_info']['Group'] if 'name' in metadata_group: metadata_group['label'] = metadata_group.pop('name') if 'type' in metadata_group: metadata_group['type_string'] = metadata_group.pop('type')
[docs]def migration_dbgroup_type_string_change_content(data): """Apply migrations: 0022 - REV. 1.0.22 Change type_string according to the following rule: '' -> 'user' '' -> 'data.upf' 'aiida.import' -> 'auto.import' '' -> '' """ for content in data['export_data'].get('Group', {}).values(): key_mapper = { '': 'user', '': 'data.upf', 'aiida.import': 'auto.import', '': '' } if content['type_string'] in key_mapper: content['type_string'] = key_mapper[content['type_string']]
[docs]def migration_calc_job_option_attribute_keys(data): """Apply migrations: 0023 - REV. 1.0.23 `custom_environment_variables` -> `environment_variables` `jobresource_params` -> `resources` `_process_label` -> `process_label` `parser` -> `parser_name` """ # Helper function def _migration_calc_job_option_attribute_keys(attr_id, content): """Apply migration 0023 - REV. 1.0.23 for both `node_attributes*` dicts in `data.json`""" # For CalcJobNodes only if data['export_data']['Node'][attr_id]['type'] == 'node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.': key_mapper = { 'custom_environment_variables': 'environment_variables', 'jobresource_params': 'resources', 'parser': 'parser_name' } # Need to loop over a clone because the `content` needs to be modified in place for key in copy.deepcopy(content): if key in key_mapper: content[key_mapper[key]] = content.pop(key) # For all processes if data['export_data']['Node'][attr_id]['type'].startswith('node.process.'): if '_process_label' in content: content['process_label'] = content.pop('_process_label') # Update node_attributes and node_attributes_conversion attribute_dicts = ['node_attributes', 'node_attributes_conversion'] for attribute_dict in attribute_dicts: for attr_id, content in data[attribute_dict].items(): if 'type' in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).get(attr_id, {}): _migration_calc_job_option_attribute_keys(attr_id, content)
[docs]def migration_move_data_within_node_module(data): """Apply migrations: 0025 - REV. 1.0.25 The type string for `Data` nodes changed from `data.*` to `*`. """ for value in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values(): if value.get('type', '').startswith('data.'): value['type'] = value['type'].replace('data.', '', 1)
[docs]def migration_trajectory_symbols_to_attribute(data: dict, folder: CacheFolder): """Apply migrations: 0026 - REV. 1.0.26 and 0027 - REV. 1.0.27 Create the symbols attribute from the repository array for all `TrajectoryData` nodes. """ from import NODES_EXPORT_SUBFOLDER path = folder.get_path(flush=False) for node_id, content in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).items(): if content.get('type', '') == '': uuid = content['uuid'] symbols_path = path.joinpath(NODES_EXPORT_SUBFOLDER, uuid[0:2], uuid[2:4], uuid[4:], 'path', 'symbols.npy') symbols = np.load(os.path.abspath(symbols_path)).tolist() symbols_path.unlink() # Update 'node_attributes' data['node_attributes'][node_id].pop('array|symbols', None) data['node_attributes'][node_id]['symbols'] = symbols # Update 'node_attributes_conversion' data['node_attributes_conversion'][node_id].pop('array|symbols', None) data['node_attributes_conversion'][node_id]['symbols'] = [None] * len(symbols)
[docs]def migration_remove_node_prefix(data): """Apply migrations: 0028 - REV. 1.0.28 Change node type strings: '' -> 'data.' 'node.process.' -> 'process.' """ for value in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values(): if value.get('type', '').startswith(''): value['type'] = value['type'].replace('', 'data.', 1) elif value.get('type', '').startswith('node.process.'): value['type'] = value['type'].replace('node.process.', 'process.', 1)
[docs]def migration_rename_parameter_data_to_dict(data): """Apply migration: 0029 - REV. 1.0.29 Update ParameterData to Dict """ for value in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values(): if value.get('type', '') == 'data.parameter.ParameterData.': value['type'] = 'data.dict.Dict.'
[docs]def migration_dbnode_type_to_dbnode_node_type(metadata, data): """Apply migration: 0030 - REV. 1.0.30 Renaming DbNode.type to DbNode.node_type """ # For data.json for content in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values(): if 'type' in content: content['node_type'] = content.pop('type') # For metadata.json if 'type' in metadata['all_fields_info']['Node']: metadata['all_fields_info']['Node']['node_type'] = metadata['all_fields_info']['Node'].pop('type')
[docs]def migration_remove_dbcomputer_enabled(metadata, data): """Apply migration: 0031 - REV. 1.0.31 Remove DbComputer.enabled """ remove_fields(metadata, data, ['Computer'], ['enabled'])
[docs]def migration_replace_text_field_with_json_field(data): """Apply migration 0033 - REV. 1.0.33 Store dict-values as JSON serializable dicts instead of strings NB! Specific for Django backend """ for content in data['export_data'].get('Computer', {}).values(): for value in ['metadata', 'transport_params']: if isinstance(content[value], str): content[value] = json.loads(content[value]) for content in data['export_data'].get('Log', {}).values(): if isinstance(content['metadata'], str): content['metadata'] = json.loads(content['metadata'])
[docs]def add_extras(data): """Update data.json with the new Extras Since Extras were not available previously and usually only include hashes, the Node ids will be added, but included as empty dicts """ node_extras: dict = {} node_extras_conversion: dict = {} for node_id in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}): node_extras[node_id] = {} node_extras_conversion[node_id] = {} data.update({'node_extras': node_extras, 'node_extras_conversion': node_extras_conversion})
[docs]def migrate_v3_to_v4(folder: CacheFolder): """ Migration of archive files from v0.3 to v0.4 Note concerning migration 0032 - REV. 1.0.32: Remove legacy workflow tables: DbWorkflow, DbWorkflowData, DbWorkflowStep These were (according to Antimo Marrazzo) never exported. """ old_version = '0.3' new_version = '0.4' _, metadata = folder.load_json('metadata.json') verify_metadata_version(metadata, old_version) update_metadata(metadata, new_version) _, data = folder.load_json('data.json') # Apply migrations in correct sequential order migration_base_data_plugin_type_string(data) migration_process_type(metadata, data) migration_code_sub_class_of_data(data) migration_add_node_uuid_unique_constraint(data) migration_migrate_builtin_calculations(data) migration_provenance_redesign(data) migration_dbgroup_name_to_label_type_to_type_string(metadata, data) migration_dbgroup_type_string_change_content(data) migration_calc_job_option_attribute_keys(data) migration_move_data_within_node_module(data) migration_trajectory_symbols_to_attribute(data, folder) migration_remove_node_prefix(data) migration_rename_parameter_data_to_dict(data) migration_dbnode_type_to_dbnode_node_type(metadata, data) migration_remove_dbcomputer_enabled(metadata, data) migration_replace_text_field_with_json_field(data) # Add Node Extras add_extras(data) # Update metadata.json with the new Log and Comment entities new_entities = { 'Log': { 'uuid': {}, 'time': { 'convert_type': 'date' }, 'loggername': {}, 'levelname': {}, 'message': {}, 'metadata': {}, 'dbnode': { 'related_name': 'dblogs', 'requires': 'Node' } }, 'Comment': { 'uuid': {}, 'ctime': { 'convert_type': 'date' }, 'mtime': { 'convert_type': 'date' }, 'content': {}, 'dbnode': { 'related_name': 'dbcomments', 'requires': 'Node' }, 'user': { 'related_name': 'dbcomments', 'requires': 'User' } } } metadata['all_fields_info'].update(new_entities) metadata['unique_identifiers'].update({'Log': 'uuid', 'Comment': 'uuid'}) folder.write_json('metadata.json', metadata) folder.write_json('data.json', data)