Source code for aiida.manage.configuration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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"""Modules related to the configuration of an AiiDA instance."""


# yapf: disable
# pylint: disable=wildcard-import

from .config import *
from .migrations import *
from .options import *
from .profile import *

__all__ = (

# yapf: enable


# pylint: disable=global-statement,redefined-outer-name,wrong-import-order

__all__ += (
    'get_config', 'get_config_option', 'get_config_path', 'get_profile', 'load_profile', 'reset_config', 'CONFIG'

from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
import shutil
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
import warnings

from aiida.common.warnings import AiidaDeprecationWarning, warn_deprecation

    from aiida.manage.configuration import Config, Profile  # pylint: disable=import-self

# global variables for aiida
CONFIG: Optional['Config'] = None

[docs]def get_config_path(): """Returns path to .aiida configuration directory.""" from .settings import AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME return os.path.join(AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
[docs]def load_config(create=False) -> 'Config': """Instantiate Config object representing an AiiDA configuration file. Warning: Contrary to :func:`~aiida.manage.configuration.get_config`, this function is uncached and will always create a new Config object. You may want to call :func:`~aiida.manage.configuration.get_config` instead. :param create: if True, will create the configuration file if it does not already exist :type create: bool :return: the config :rtype: :class:`~aiida.manage.configuration.config.Config` :raises aiida.common.MissingConfigurationError: if the configuration file could not be found and create=False """ from aiida.common import exceptions from .config import Config filepath = get_config_path() if not os.path.isfile(filepath) and not create: raise exceptions.MissingConfigurationError(f'configuration file {filepath} does not exist') try: config = Config.from_file(filepath) except ValueError as exc: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f'configuration file {filepath} contains invalid JSON') from exc _merge_deprecated_cache_yaml(config, filepath) return config
[docs]def _merge_deprecated_cache_yaml(config, filepath): """Merge the deprecated cache_config.yml into the config.""" from aiida.common import timezone cache_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), 'cache_config.yml') if not os.path.exists(cache_path): return cache_path_backup = None # Keep generating a new backup filename based on the current time until it does not exist while not cache_path_backup or os.path.isfile(cache_path_backup): cache_path_backup = f"{cache_path}.{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f')}" warn_deprecation( 'cache_config.yml use is deprecated and support will be removed in `v3.0`. Merging into config.json and ' f'moving to: {cache_path_backup}', version=3 ) import yaml with open(cache_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as handle: cache_config = yaml.safe_load(handle) for profile_name, data in cache_config.items(): if profile_name not in config.profile_names: warnings.warn(f"Profile '{profile_name}' from cache_config.yml not in config.json, skipping", UserWarning) continue for key, option_name in [('default', 'caching.default_enabled'), ('enabled', 'caching.enabled_for'), ('disabled', 'caching.disabled_for')]: if key in data: value = data[key] # in case of empty key value = [] if value is None and key != 'default' else value config.set_option(option_name, value, scope=profile_name) shutil.move(cache_path, cache_path_backup)
[docs]def load_profile(profile: Optional[str] = None, allow_switch=False) -> 'Profile': """Load a global profile, unloading any previously loaded profile. .. note:: if a profile is already loaded and no explicit profile is specified, nothing will be done :param profile: the name of the profile to load, by default will use the one marked as default in the config :param allow_switch: if True, will allow switching to a different profile when storage is already loaded :return: the loaded `Profile` instance :raises `aiida.common.exceptions.InvalidOperation`: if another profile has already been loaded and allow_switch is False """ from aiida.manage import get_manager return get_manager().load_profile(profile, allow_switch)
[docs]def get_profile() -> Optional['Profile']: """Return the currently loaded profile. :return: the globally loaded `Profile` instance or `None` """ from aiida.manage import get_manager return get_manager().get_profile()
[docs]@contextmanager def profile_context(profile: Optional[str] = None, allow_switch=False) -> 'Profile': """Return a context manager for temporarily loading a profile, and unloading on exit. :param profile: the name of the profile to load, by default will use the one marked as default in the config :param allow_switch: if True, will allow switching to a different profile :return: a context manager for temporarily loading a profile """ from aiida.manage import get_manager manager = get_manager() current_profile = manager.get_profile() manager.load_profile(profile, allow_switch) yield profile if current_profile is None: manager.unload_profile() else: manager.load_profile(current_profile, allow_switch=True)
[docs]def reset_config(): """Reset the globally loaded config. .. warning:: This is experimental functionality and should for now be used only internally. If the reset is unclean weird unknown side-effects may occur that end up corrupting or destroying data. """ global CONFIG CONFIG = None
[docs]def get_config(create=False): """Return the current configuration. If the configuration has not been loaded yet * the configuration is loaded using ``load_config`` * the global `CONFIG` variable is set * the configuration object is returned Note: This function will except if no configuration file can be found. Only call this function, if you need information from the configuration file. :param create: if True, will create the configuration file if it does not already exist :type create: bool :return: the config :rtype: :class:`~aiida.manage.configuration.config.Config` :raises aiida.common.ConfigurationError: if the configuration file could not be found, read or deserialized """ global CONFIG if not CONFIG: CONFIG = load_config(create=create) if CONFIG.get_option('warnings.showdeprecations'): # If the user does not want to get AiiDA deprecation warnings, we disable them - this can be achieved with:: # verdi config warnings.showdeprecations False # Note that the AiidaDeprecationWarning does NOT inherit from DeprecationWarning warnings.simplefilter('default', AiidaDeprecationWarning) # pylint: disable=no-member # This should default to 'once', i.e. once per different message else: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', AiidaDeprecationWarning) # pylint: disable=no-member return CONFIG
[docs]def get_config_option(option_name: str) -> Any: """Return the value of a configuration option. In order of priority, the option is returned from: 1. The current profile, if loaded and the option specified 2. The current configuration, if loaded and the option specified 3. The default value for the option :param option_name: the name of the option to return :return: the value of the option :raises `aiida.common.exceptions.ConfigurationError`: if the option is not found """ from aiida.manage import get_manager return get_manager().get_option(option_name)
[docs]def load_documentation_profile(): """Load a dummy profile just for the purposes of being able to build the documentation. The building of the documentation will require importing the `aiida` package and some code will try to access the loaded configuration and profile, which if not done will except. Calling this function allows the documentation to be built without having to install and configure AiiDA, nor having an actual database present. """ import tempfile # imports required for docs/source/reference/api/public.rst from aiida import ( # pylint: disable=unused-import cmdline, common, engine, manage, orm, parsers, plugins, schedulers, tools, transports, ) from aiida.cmdline.params import arguments, options # pylint: disable=unused-import from import get_orm_metadata from .config import Config global CONFIG with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handle: profile_name = 'readthedocs' profile_config = { 'storage': { 'backend': 'psql_dos', 'config': { 'database_engine': 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'database_port': 5432, 'database_hostname': 'localhost', 'database_name': 'aiidadb', 'database_password': 'aiidadb', 'database_username': 'aiida', 'repository_uri': 'file:///dev/null', } }, 'process_control': { 'backend': 'rabbitmq', 'config': { 'broker_protocol': 'amqp', 'broker_username': 'guest', 'broker_password': 'guest', 'broker_host': 'localhost', 'broker_port': 5672, 'broker_virtual_host': '', } }, } config = {'default_profile': profile_name, 'profiles': {profile_name: profile_config}} CONFIG = Config(, config) load_profile(profile_name) # we call this to make sure the ORM metadata is fully populated, # so that ORM models can be properly documented get_orm_metadata()