Source code for aiida.schedulers.plugins.slurm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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Plugin for SLURM.
This has been tested on SLURM 14.03.7 on the machines.
import re

from aiida.common.lang import type_check
from aiida.schedulers import Scheduler, SchedulerError
from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import JobInfo, JobState, NodeNumberJobResource

# This maps SLURM state codes to our own status list

## List of states from the man page of squeue
## CA  CANCELLED       Job  was explicitly cancelled by the user or system
##                     administrator.  The job may or may  not  have  been
##                     initiated.
## CD  COMPLETED       Job has terminated all processes on all nodes.
## CF  CONFIGURING     Job  has  been allocated resources, but are waiting
##                     for them to become ready for use (e.g. booting).
## CG  COMPLETING      Job is in the process of completing. Some processes
##                     on some nodes may still be active.
## F   FAILED          Job  terminated  with  non-zero  exit code or other
##                     failure condition.
## NF  NODE_FAIL       Job terminated due to failure of one or more  allo-
##                     cated nodes.
## PD  PENDING         Job is awaiting resource allocation.
## PR  PREEMPTED       Job terminated due to preemption.
## R   RUNNING         Job currently has an allocation.
## S   SUSPENDED       Job  has an allocation, but execution has been sus-
##                     pended.
## TO  TIMEOUT         Job terminated upon reaching its time limit.

    'CA': JobState.DONE,
    'CD': JobState.DONE,
    'CF': JobState.QUEUED,
    'CG': JobState.RUNNING,
    'F': JobState.DONE,
    'NF': JobState.DONE,
    'PD': JobState.QUEUED,
    'PR': JobState.DONE,
    'R': JobState.RUNNING,
    'S': JobState.SUSPENDED,
    'TO': JobState.DONE,

# From the manual,
# possible lines are:
# salloc: Granted job allocation 65537
# sbatch: Submitted batch job 65541
# and in practice, often the part before the colon can be absent.
_SLURM_SUBMITTED_REGEXP = re.compile(r'(.*:\s*)?([Gg]ranted job allocation|[Ss]ubmitted batch job)\s+(?P<jobid>\d+)')

# From docs,
# acceptable  time  formats include
# "minutes",  "minutes:seconds",  "hours:minutes:seconds",
# "days-hours",  "days-hours:minutes" and "days-hours:minutes:seconds".
_TIME_REGEXP = re.compile(
    ^                            # beginning of string
    \s*                          # any number of white spaces
    (?=\d)                       # I check that there is at least a digit
                                 # in the string, without consuming it
    ((?P<days>\d+)(?P<dash>-)    # the number of days, if a dash is present,
                                 # composed by any number of digits;
                                 # may be absent
     (?=\d))?                    # in any case, I check that there is at least
                                 # a digit afterwards, without consuming it
    ((?P<hours>\d{1,2})          # match an hour (one or two digits)
     (?(dash)                    # check if the dash was found
       |                         # match nothing if the dash was found:
                                 # if the dash was found, we are sure that
                                 # the first number is a hour
       (?=:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})))?   # if no dash was found, the first
                                 # element found is an hour only if
                                 # it is followed by two more fields (mm:ss)
       (?P<firstcolon>:)?        # there (can) possibly be a further colon,
                                 # consume it
     (:(?P<seconds>\d{1,2}))?)?  # number of minutes (one or two digits)
                                 # and seconds. A number only means minutes.
                                 # (?<!-) means that the location BEFORE
                                 # the current position does NOT
                                 # match a dash, because the string 1-2
                                 # means 1 day and 2 hours, NOT one day and
                                 # 2 minutes
    \s*                          # any number of whitespaces
    $                            # end of line
   """, re.VERBOSE

# Separator between fields in the output of squeue

[docs]class SlurmJobResource(NodeNumberJobResource): """Class for SLURM job resources."""
[docs] @classmethod def validate_resources(cls, **kwargs): """Validate the resources against the job resource class of this scheduler. This extends the base class validator to check that the `num_cores_per_machine` are a multiple of `num_cores_per_mpiproc` and/or `num_mpiprocs_per_machine`. :param kwargs: dictionary of values to define the job resources :return: attribute dictionary with the parsed parameters populated :raises ValueError: if the resources are invalid or incomplete """ resources = super().validate_resources(**kwargs) # In this plugin we never used num_cores_per_machine so if it is not defined it is OK. if resources.num_cores_per_machine is not None and resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc is not None: if resources.num_cores_per_machine != resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc * resources.num_mpiprocs_per_machine: raise ValueError( '`num_cores_per_machine` must be equal to `num_cores_per_mpiproc * num_mpiprocs_per_machine` and in' ' particular it should be a multiple of `num_cores_per_mpiproc` and/or `num_mpiprocs_per_machine`' ) elif resources.num_cores_per_machine is not None: if resources.num_cores_per_machine < 1: raise ValueError('num_cores_per_machine must be greater than or equal to one.') resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc = (resources.num_cores_per_machine / resources.num_mpiprocs_per_machine) if int(resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc) != resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc: raise ValueError( '`num_cores_per_machine` must be equal to `num_cores_per_mpiproc * num_mpiprocs_per_machine` and in' ' particular it should be a multiple of `num_cores_per_mpiproc` and/or `num_mpiprocs_per_machine`' ) resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc = int(resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc) return resources
[docs]class SlurmScheduler(Scheduler): """ Support for the SLURM scheduler ( """ _logger = Scheduler._logger.getChild('slurm') # Query only by list of jobs and not by user _features = { 'can_query_by_user': False, } _detailed_job_info_fields = [ 'AllocCPUS', 'Account', 'AssocID', 'AveCPU', 'AvePages', 'AveRSS', 'AveVMSize', 'Cluster', 'Comment', 'CPUTime', 'CPUTimeRAW', 'DerivedExitCode', 'Elapsed', 'Eligible', 'End', 'ExitCode', 'GID', 'Group', 'JobID', 'JobName', 'MaxRSS', 'MaxRSSNode', 'MaxRSSTask', 'MaxVMSize', 'MaxVMSizeNode', 'MaxVMSizeTask', 'MinCPU', 'MinCPUNode', 'MinCPUTask', 'NCPUS', 'NNodes', 'NodeList', 'NTasks', 'Priority', 'Partition', 'QOSRAW', 'ReqCPUS', 'Reserved', 'ResvCPU', 'ResvCPURAW', 'Start', 'State', 'Submit', 'Suspended', 'SystemCPU', 'Timelimit', 'TotalCPU', 'UID', 'User', 'UserCPU' ] # The class to be used for the job resource. _job_resource_class = SlurmJobResource # Fields to query or to parse # Unavailable fields: substate, cputime fields = [ ('%i', 'job_id'), # job or job step id ('%t', 'state_raw'), # job state in compact form ('%r', 'annotation'), # reason for the job being in its current state ('%B', 'executing_host'), # Executing (batch) host ('%u', 'username'), # username ('%D', 'number_nodes'), # number of nodes allocated ('%C', 'number_cpus'), # number of allocated cores (if already running) ('%R', 'allocated_machines'), # list of allocated nodes when running, otherwise # reason within parenthesis ('%P', 'partition'), # partition (queue) of the job ('%l', 'time_limit'), # time limit in days-hours:minutes:seconds ('%M', 'time_used'), # Time used by the job in days-hours:minutes:seconds ('%S', 'dispatch_time'), # actual or expected dispatch time (start time) ('%j', 'job_name'), # job name (title) ('%V', 'submission_time') # This is probably new, it exists in version # 14.03.7 and later ]
[docs] def _get_joblist_command(self, jobs=None, user=None): """ The command to report full information on existing jobs. Separate the fields with the _field_separator string order: jobnum, state, walltime, queue[=partition], user, numnodes, numcores, title """ from aiida.common.exceptions import FeatureNotAvailable # I add the environment variable SLURM_TIME_FORMAT in front to be # sure to get the times in 'standard' format command = [ "SLURM_TIME_FORMAT='standard'", 'squeue', '--noheader', f"-o '{_FIELD_SEPARATOR.join(_[0] for _ in self.fields)}'" ] if user and jobs: raise FeatureNotAvailable('Cannot query by user and job(s) in SLURM') if user: command.append(f'-u{user}') if jobs: joblist = [] if isinstance(jobs, str): joblist.append(jobs) else: if not isinstance(jobs, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError("If provided, the 'jobs' variable must be a string or a list of strings") joblist = jobs # Trick: When asking for a single job, append the same job once more. # This helps provide a reliable way of knowing whether the squeue command failed (if its exit code is # non-zero, _parse_joblist_output assumes that an error has occurred and raises an exception). # When asking for a single job, squeue also returns a non-zero exit code if the corresponding job is # no longer in the queue (stderr: "slurm_load_jobs error: Invalid job id specified"), which typically # happens once in the life time of an AiiDA job, # However, when providing two or more jobids via `squeue --jobs=123,234`, squeue stops caring whether # the jobs are still in the queue and returns exit code zero irrespectively (allowing AiiDA to rely on the # exit code for detection of real issues). # Duplicating job ids has no other effect on the output. # Verified on slurm versions 17.11.2, 19.05.3-2 and 20.02.2. # See also if len(joblist) == 1: joblist += [joblist[0]] command.append(f"--jobs={','.join(joblist)}") comm = ' '.join(command) self.logger.debug(f'squeue command: {comm}') return comm
[docs] def _get_detailed_job_info_command(self, job_id): """ Return the command to run to get the detailed information on a job, even after the job has finished. The output text is just retrieved, and returned for logging purposes. --parsable split the fields with a pipe (|), adding a pipe also at the end. """ fields = ','.join(self._detailed_job_info_fields) return f'sacct --format={fields} --parsable --jobs={job_id}'
[docs] def _get_submit_script_header(self, job_tmpl): """ Return the submit script header, using the parameters from the job_tmpl. Args: job_tmpl: an JobTemplate instance with relevant parameters set. TODO: truncate the title if too long """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches import string lines = [] if job_tmpl.submit_as_hold: lines.append('#SBATCH -H') if job_tmpl.rerunnable: lines.append('#SBATCH --requeue') else: lines.append('#SBATCH --no-requeue') if # If not specified, but email events are set, SLURM # sends the mail to the job owner by default lines.append(f'#SBATCH --mail-user={}') if job_tmpl.email_on_started: lines.append('#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN') if job_tmpl.email_on_terminated: lines.append('#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL') lines.append('#SBATCH --mail-type=END') if job_tmpl.job_name: # The man page does not specify any specific limitation # on the job name. # Just to be sure, I remove unwanted characters, and I # trim it to length 128 # I leave only letters, numbers, dots, dashes and underscores # Note: I don't compile the regexp, I am going to use it only once job_title = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+', '', job_tmpl.job_name) # prepend a 'j' (for 'job') before the string if the string # is now empty or does not start with a valid charachter if not job_title or (job_title[0] not in string.ascii_letters + string.digits): job_title = f'j{job_title}' # Truncate to the first 128 characters # Nothing is done if the string is shorter. job_title = job_title[:128] lines.append(f'#SBATCH --job-name="{job_title}"') if job_tmpl.import_sys_environment: lines.append('#SBATCH --get-user-env') if job_tmpl.sched_output_path: lines.append(f'#SBATCH --output={job_tmpl.sched_output_path}') if job_tmpl.sched_join_files: # TODO: manual says: # pylint: disable=fixme # By default both standard output and standard error are directed # to a file of the name "slurm-%j.out", where the "%j" is replaced # with the job allocation number. # See that this automatic redirection works also if # I specify a different --output file if job_tmpl.sched_error_path: 'sched_join_files is True, but sched_error_path is set in ' 'SLURM script; ignoring sched_error_path' ) else: if job_tmpl.sched_error_path: lines.append(f'#SBATCH --error={job_tmpl.sched_error_path}') else: # To avoid automatic join of files lines.append('#SBATCH --error=slurm-%j.err') if job_tmpl.queue_name: lines.append(f'#SBATCH --partition={job_tmpl.queue_name}') if job_tmpl.account: lines.append(f'#SBATCH --account={job_tmpl.account}') if job_tmpl.qos: lines.append(f'#SBATCH --qos={job_tmpl.qos}') if job_tmpl.priority: # Run the job with an adjusted scheduling priority within SLURM. # With no adjustment value the scheduling priority is decreased by # 100. The adjustment range is from -10000 (highest priority) to # 10000 (lowest priority). lines.append(f'#SBATCH --nice={job_tmpl.priority}') if not job_tmpl.job_resource: raise ValueError('Job resources (as the num_machines) are required for the SLURM scheduler plugin') lines.append(f'#SBATCH --nodes={job_tmpl.job_resource.num_machines}') if job_tmpl.job_resource.num_mpiprocs_per_machine: lines.append(f'#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node={job_tmpl.job_resource.num_mpiprocs_per_machine}') if job_tmpl.job_resource.num_cores_per_mpiproc: lines.append(f'#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={job_tmpl.job_resource.num_cores_per_mpiproc}') if job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds is not None: try: tot_secs = int(job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds) if tot_secs <= 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'max_wallclock_seconds must be ' "a positive integer (in seconds)! It is instead '{}'" ''.format((job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds)) ) days = tot_secs // 86400 tot_hours = tot_secs % 86400 hours = tot_hours // 3600 tot_minutes = tot_hours % 3600 minutes = tot_minutes // 60 seconds = tot_minutes % 60 if days == 0: lines.append(f'#SBATCH --time={hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}') else: lines.append(f'#SBATCH --time={days:d}-{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}') # It is the memory per node, not per cpu! if job_tmpl.max_memory_kb: try: physical_memory_kb = int(job_tmpl.max_memory_kb) if physical_memory_kb <= 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ValueError( f'max_memory_kb must be a positive integer (in kB)! It is instead `{job_tmpl.max_memory_kb}`' ) # --mem: Specify the real memory required per node in MegaBytes. # --mem and --mem-per-cpu are mutually exclusive. lines.append(f'#SBATCH --mem={physical_memory_kb // 1024}') if job_tmpl.custom_scheduler_commands: lines.append(job_tmpl.custom_scheduler_commands) if job_tmpl.job_environment: lines.append(self._get_submit_script_environment_variables(job_tmpl)) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def _get_submit_command(self, submit_script): """ Return the string to execute to submit a given script. Args: submit_script: the path of the submit script relative to the working directory. IMPORTANT: submit_script should be already escaped. """ submit_command = f'sbatch {submit_script}''submitting with: {submit_command}') return submit_command
[docs] def _parse_submit_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr): """ Parse the output of the submit command, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_submit_command command. To be implemented by the plugin. Return a string with the JobID. """ if retval != 0: self.logger.error(f'Error in _parse_submit_output: retval={retval}; stdout={stdout}; stderr={stderr}') raise SchedulerError(f'Error during submission, retval={retval}\nstdout={stdout}\nstderr={stderr}') try: transport_string = f' for {self.transport}' except SchedulerError: transport_string = '' if stderr.strip(): self.logger.warning(f'in _parse_submit_output{transport_string}: there was some text in stderr: {stderr}') # I check for a valid string in the output. # See comments near the regexp above. # I check for the first line that matches. for line in stdout.split('\n'): match = _SLURM_SUBMITTED_REGEXP.match(line.strip()) if match: return'jobid') # If I am here, no valid line could be found. self.logger.error(f'in _parse_submit_output{transport_string}: unable to find the job id: {stdout}') raise SchedulerError( 'Error during submission, could not retrieve the jobID from ' 'sbatch output; see log for more info.' )
[docs] def _parse_joblist_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr): """ Parse the queue output string, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_joblist_command command, that is here implemented as a list of lines, one for each job, with _field_separator as separator. The order is described in the _get_joblist_command function. Return a list of JobInfo objects, one of each job, each relevant parameters implemented. Note: depending on the scheduler configuration, finished jobs may either appear here, or not. This function will only return one element for each job find in the qstat output; missing jobs (for whatever reason) simply will not appear here. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements num_fields = len(self.fields) # See discussion in _get_joblist_command on how we ensure that AiiDA can expect exit code 0 here. if retval != 0: raise SchedulerError( f"""squeue returned exit code {retval} (_parse_joblist_output function) stdout='{stdout.strip()}' stderr='{stderr.strip()}'""" ) if stderr.strip(): self.logger.warning( f"squeue returned exit code 0 (_parse_joblist_output function) but non-empty stderr='{stderr.strip()}'" ) # will contain raw data parsed from output: only lines with the # separator, and already split in fields # I put num_fields, because in this way # if the symbol _field_separator appears in the title (that is # the last field), I don't split the title. # This assumes that _field_separator never # appears in any previous field. jobdata_raw = [l.split(_FIELD_SEPARATOR, num_fields) for l in stdout.splitlines() if _FIELD_SEPARATOR in l] # Create dictionary and parse specific fields job_list = [] for job in jobdata_raw: thisjob_dict = {k[1]: v for k, v in zip(self.fields, job)} this_job = JobInfo() try: this_job.job_id = thisjob_dict['job_id'] this_job.annotation = thisjob_dict['annotation'] job_state_raw = thisjob_dict['state_raw'] except KeyError: # I skip this calculation if I couldn't find this basic info # (I don't append anything to job_list before continuing) self.logger.error(f"Wrong line length in squeue output! '{job}'") continue try: job_state_string = _MAP_STATUS_SLURM[job_state_raw] except KeyError: self.logger.warning(f"Unrecognized job_state '{job_state_raw}' for job id {this_job.job_id}") job_state_string = JobState.UNDETERMINED # QUEUED_HELD states are not specific states in SLURM; # they are instead set with state QUEUED, and then the # annotation tells if the job is held. # I check for 'Dependency', 'JobHeldUser', # 'JobHeldAdmin', 'BeginTime'. # Other states should not bring the job in QUEUED_HELD, I believe # (the man page of slurm seems to be incomplete, for instance # JobHeld* are not reported there; I also checked at the source code # of slurm 2.6 on github (, # file slurm/src/common/slurm_protocol_defs.c, # and these seem all the states to be taken into account for the # QUEUED_HELD status). # There are actually a few others, like possible # failures, or partition-related reasons, but for the moment I # leave them in the QUEUED state. if ( job_state_string == JobState.QUEUED and this_job.annotation in ['Dependency', 'JobHeldUser', 'JobHeldAdmin', 'BeginTime'] ): job_state_string = JobState.QUEUED_HELD this_job.job_state = job_state_string #### # Up to here, I just made sure that there were at least three # fields, to set the most important fields for a job. # I now check if the length is equal to the number of fields if len(job) < num_fields: # I store this job only with the information # gathered up to now, and continue to the next job # Also print a warning self.logger.warning( f'Wrong line length in squeue output!Skipping optional fields. Line: `{jobdata_raw}`' ) # I append this job before continuing job_list.append(this_job) continue # TODO: store executing_host? # pylint: disable=fixme this_job.job_owner = thisjob_dict['username'] try: this_job.num_machines = int(thisjob_dict['number_nodes']) except ValueError: self.logger.warning( 'The number of allocated nodes is not ' 'an integer ({}) for job id {}!'.format(thisjob_dict['number_nodes'], this_job.job_id) ) try: this_job.num_mpiprocs = int(thisjob_dict['number_cpus']) except ValueError: self.logger.warning( 'The number of allocated cores is not ' 'an integer ({}) for job id {}!'.format(thisjob_dict['number_cpus'], this_job.job_id) ) # ALLOCATED NODES HERE # string may be in the format # nid00[684-685,722-723,748-749,958-959] # therefore it requires some parsing, that is unnecessary now. # I just store is as a raw string for the moment, and I leave # this_job.allocated_machines undefined if this_job.job_state == JobState.RUNNING: this_job.allocated_machines_raw = thisjob_dict['allocated_machines'] this_job.queue_name = thisjob_dict['partition'] try: walltime = (self._convert_time(thisjob_dict['time_limit'])) this_job.requested_wallclock_time_seconds = walltime # pylint: disable=invalid-name except ValueError: self.logger.warning(f'Error parsing the time limit for job id {this_job.job_id}') # Only if it is RUNNING; otherwise it is not meaningful, # and may be not set (in my test, it is set to zero) if this_job.job_state == JobState.RUNNING: try: this_job.wallclock_time_seconds = (self._convert_time(thisjob_dict['time_used'])) except ValueError: self.logger.warning(f'Error parsing time_used for job id {this_job.job_id}') try: this_job.dispatch_time = self._parse_time_string(thisjob_dict['dispatch_time']) except ValueError: self.logger.warning(f'Error parsing dispatch_time for job id {this_job.job_id}') try: this_job.submission_time = self._parse_time_string(thisjob_dict['submission_time']) except ValueError: self.logger.warning(f'Error parsing submission_time for job id {this_job.job_id}') this_job.title = thisjob_dict['job_name'] # Everything goes here anyway for debugging purposes this_job.raw_data = job # Double check of redundant info # Not really useful now, allocated_machines in this # version of the plugin is never set if (this_job.allocated_machines is not None and this_job.num_machines is not None): if len(this_job.allocated_machines) != this_job.num_machines: self.logger.error( 'The length of the list of allocated ' 'nodes ({}) is different from the ' 'expected number of nodes ({})!'.format( len(this_job.allocated_machines), this_job.num_machines ) ) # I append to the list of jobs to return job_list.append(this_job) return job_list
[docs] def _convert_time(self, string): """ Convert a string in the format DD-HH:MM:SS to a number of seconds. """ if string == 'UNLIMITED': return 2147483647 # == 2**31 - 1, largest 32-bit signed integer (68 years) if string == 'NOT_SET': return None groups = _TIME_REGEXP.match(string) if groups is None: self.logger.warning(f"Unrecognized format for time string '{string}'") raise ValueError('Unrecognized format for time string.') groupdict = groups.groupdict() # should not raise a ValueError, they all match digits only days = int(groupdict['days'] if groupdict['days'] is not None else 0) hours = int(groupdict['hours'] if groupdict['hours'] is not None else 0) mins = int(groupdict['minutes'] if groupdict['minutes'] is not None else 0) secs = int(groupdict['seconds'] if groupdict['seconds'] is not None else 0) return days * 86400 + hours * 3600 + mins * 60 + secs
[docs] def _parse_time_string(self, string, fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'): """ Parse a time string in the format returned from qstat -f and returns a datetime object. """ import datetime import time try: time_struct = time.strptime(string, fmt) except Exception as exc: self.logger.debug(f'Unable to parse time string {string}, the message was {exc}') raise ValueError('Problem parsing the time string.') # I convert from a time_struct to a datetime object going through # the seconds since epoch, as suggested on stackoverflow: # return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time_struct))
[docs] def _get_kill_command(self, jobid): """ Return the command to kill the job with specified jobid. """ submit_command = f'scancel {jobid}''killing job {jobid}') return submit_command
[docs] def _parse_kill_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr): """ Parse the output of the kill command. To be implemented by the plugin. :return: True if everything seems ok, False otherwise. """ if retval != 0: self.logger.error(f'Error in _parse_kill_output: retval={retval}; stdout={stdout}; stderr={stderr}') return False try: transport_string = f' for {self.transport}' except SchedulerError: transport_string = '' if stderr.strip(): self.logger.warning(f'in _parse_kill_output{transport_string}: there was some text in stderr: {stderr}') if stdout.strip(): self.logger.warning(f'in _parse_kill_output{transport_string}: there was some text in stdout: {stdout}') return True
[docs] def parse_output(self, detailed_job_info=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): """Parse the output of the scheduler. :param detailed_job_info: dictionary with the output returned by the `Scheduler.get_detailed_job_info` command. This should contain the keys `retval`, `stdout` and `stderr` corresponding to the return value, stdout and stderr returned by the accounting command executed for a specific job id. :param stdout: string with the output written by the scheduler to stdout. :param stderr: string with the output written by the scheduler to stderr. :return: None or an instance of :class:`aiida.engine.processes.exit_code.ExitCode`. :raises TypeError or ValueError: if the passed arguments have incorrect type or value. """ from aiida.engine import CalcJob if detailed_job_info is not None: type_check(detailed_job_info, dict) try: detailed_stdout = detailed_job_info['stdout'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('the `detailed_job_info` does not contain the required key `stdout`.') type_check(detailed_stdout, str) # The format of the detailed job info should be a multiline string, where the first line is the header, with # the labels of the projected attributes. The following line should be the values of those attributes for # the entire job. Any additional lines correspond to those values for any additional tasks that were run. lines = detailed_stdout.splitlines() try: master = lines[1] except IndexError: raise ValueError('the `detailed_job_info.stdout` contained less than two lines.') attributes = master.split('|') # Pop the last element if it is empty. This happens if the `master` string just finishes with a pipe if not attributes[-1]: attributes.pop() if len(self._detailed_job_info_fields) != len(attributes): raise ValueError( 'second line in `detailed_job_info.stdout` differs in length with the `_detailed_job_info_fields ' 'attribute of the scheduler.' ) data = dict(zip(self._detailed_job_info_fields, attributes)) if data['State'] == 'OUT_OF_MEMORY': return CalcJob.exit_codes.ERROR_SCHEDULER_OUT_OF_MEMORY if data['State'] == 'TIMEOUT': return CalcJob.exit_codes.ERROR_SCHEDULER_OUT_OF_WALLTIME # Alternatively, if the ``detailed_job_info`` is not defined or hasn't already determined an error, try to match # known error messages from the output written to the ``stderr`` descriptor. if stderr is not None: type_check(stderr, str) stderr_lower = stderr.lower() if re.match(r'.*exceeded.*memory limit.*', stderr_lower): return CalcJob.exit_codes.ERROR_SCHEDULER_OUT_OF_MEMORY if re.match(r'.*cancelled at.*due to time limit.*', stderr_lower): return CalcJob.exit_codes.ERROR_SCHEDULER_OUT_OF_WALLTIME return None