Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-lines,too-many-locals,too-many-statements
"""Import an archive."""
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Dict, Literal, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from tabulate import tabulate

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import timezone
from aiida.common.exceptions import IncompatibleStorageSchema
from aiida.common.lang import type_check
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.common.log import AIIDA_LOGGER
from aiida.common.progress_reporter import get_progress_reporter
from aiida.manage import get_manager
from aiida.orm.entities import EntityTypes
from aiida.orm.implementation import StorageBackend
from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder
from aiida.repository import Repository

from .abstract import ArchiveFormatAbstract
from .common import batch_iter, entity_type_to_orm
from .exceptions import ImportTestRun, ImportUniquenessError, ImportValidationError
from .implementations.sqlite_zip import ArchiveFormatSqlZip

__all__ = ('IMPORT_LOGGER', 'import_archive')


MergeExtrasType = Tuple[Literal['k', 'n'], Literal['c', 'n'], Literal['l', 'u', 'd']]
MergeExtraDescs = ({
    'k': '(k)eep',
    'n': 'do (n)ot keep'
}, {
    'c': '(c)reate',
    'n': 'do (n)ot create'
}, {
    'l': '(l)eave existing',
    'u': '(u)pdate with new',
    'd': '(d)elete'
MergeCommentsType = Literal['leave', 'newest', 'overwrite']

DUPLICATE_LABEL_TEMPLATE = '{0} (Imported #{1})'

[docs]def import_archive( path: Union[str, Path], *, archive_format: Optional[ArchiveFormatAbstract] = None, batch_size: int = 1000, import_new_extras: bool = True, merge_extras: MergeExtrasType = ('k', 'n', 'l'), merge_comments: MergeCommentsType = 'leave', include_authinfos: bool = False, create_group: bool = True, group: Optional[orm.Group] = None, test_run: bool = False, backend: Optional[StorageBackend] = None, ) -> Optional[int]: """Import an archive into the AiiDA backend. :param path: the path to the archive :param archive_format: The class for interacting with the archive :param batch_size: Batch size for streaming database rows :param import_new_extras: Keep extras on new nodes (except private aiida keys), else strip :param merge_extras: Rules for merging extras into existing nodes. The first letter acts on extras that are present in the original node and not present in the imported node. Can be either: 'k' (keep it) or 'n' (do not keep it). The second letter acts on the imported extras that are not present in the original node. Can be either: 'c' (create it) or 'n' (do not create it). The third letter defines what to do in case of a name collision. Can be either: 'l' (leave the old value), 'u' (update with a new value), 'd' (delete the extra) :param create_group: Add all imported nodes to the specified group, or an automatically created one :param group: Group wherein all imported Nodes will be placed. If None, one will be auto-generated. :param test_run: if True, do not write to file :param backend: the backend to import to. If not specified, the default backend is used. :returns: Primary Key of the import Group :raises `~aiida.common.exceptions.CorruptStorage`: if the provided archive cannot be read. :raises `~aiida.common.exceptions.IncompatibleStorageSchema`: if the archive version is not at head. :raises ``: if invalid entities are found in the archive. :raises ``: if a new unique entity can not be created. """ archive_format = archive_format or ArchiveFormatSqlZip() type_check(path, (str, Path)) type_check(archive_format, ArchiveFormatAbstract) type_check(batch_size, int) type_check(import_new_extras, bool) type_check(merge_extras, tuple) if len(merge_extras) != 3: raise ValueError('merge_extras not of length 3') if not (merge_extras[0] in ['k', 'n'] and merge_extras[1] in ['c', 'n'] and merge_extras[2] in ['l', 'u', 'd']): raise ValueError('merge_extras contains invalid values') if merge_comments not in ('leave', 'newest', 'overwrite'): raise ValueError(f"merge_comments not in {('leave', 'newest', 'overwrite')!r}") type_check(group, orm.Group, allow_none=True) type_check(test_run, bool) backend = backend or get_manager().get_profile_storage() type_check(backend, StorageBackend) if group and not group.is_stored: # check the version is latest # to-do we should have a way to check the version against aiida-core # i.e. its not whether the version is the latest that matters, it is that it is compatible with the backend version # its a bit weird at the moment because django/sqlalchemy have different versioning if not archive_format.read_version(path) == archive_format.latest_version: raise IncompatibleStorageSchema( f'The archive version {archive_format.read_version(path)!r} ' f'is not the latest version {archive_format.latest_version!r}' ) str( tabulate([ ['Archive', Path(path).name], ['New Node Extras', 'keep' if import_new_extras else 'strip'], ['Merge Node Extras (in database)', MergeExtraDescs[0][merge_extras[0]]], ['Merge Node Extras (in archive)', MergeExtraDescs[1][merge_extras[1]]], ['Merge Node Extras (in both)', MergeExtraDescs[2][merge_extras[2]]], ['Merge Comments', merge_comments], ['Computer Authinfos', 'include' if include_authinfos else 'exclude'], ], headers=['Parameters', '']) ) + '\n' ) if test_run:'Test run: nothing will be added to the profile') with, mode='r') as reader: backend_from = reader.get_backend() # To ensure we do not corrupt the backend database on a faulty import, # Every addition/update is made in a single transaction, which is commited on exit with backend.transaction(): user_ids_archive_backend = _import_users(backend_from, backend, batch_size) computer_ids_archive_backend = _import_computers(backend_from, backend, batch_size) if include_authinfos: _import_authinfos( backend_from, backend, batch_size, user_ids_archive_backend, computer_ids_archive_backend ) node_ids_archive_backend = _import_nodes( backend_from, backend, batch_size, user_ids_archive_backend, computer_ids_archive_backend, import_new_extras, merge_extras ) _import_logs(backend_from, backend, batch_size, node_ids_archive_backend) _import_comments( backend_from, backend, batch_size, user_ids_archive_backend, node_ids_archive_backend, merge_comments ) _import_links(backend_from, backend, batch_size, node_ids_archive_backend) group_labels = _import_groups( backend_from, backend, batch_size, user_ids_archive_backend, node_ids_archive_backend ) import_group_id = None if create_group: import_group_id = _make_import_group(group, group_labels, node_ids_archive_backend, backend, batch_size) new_repo_keys = _get_new_object_keys(archive_format.key_format, backend_from, backend, batch_size) if test_run: # exit before we write anything to the database or repository raise ImportTestRun('test run complete') # now the transaction has been successfully populated, but not committed, we add the repository files # if the commit fails, this is not so much an issue, since the files can be removed on repo maintenance _add_files_to_repo(backend_from, backend, new_repo_keys)'Committing transaction to database...') return import_group_id
[docs]def _add_new_entities( etype: EntityTypes, total: int, unique_field: str, backend_unique_id: dict, backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int, transform: Callable[[dict], dict] ) -> None: """Add new entities to the output backend and update the mapping of unique field -> id."""'Adding {total} new {etype.value}(s)') iterator = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from).append( entity_type_to_orm[etype], filters={ unique_field: { '!in': list(backend_unique_id) } } if backend_unique_id else {}, project=['**'], tag='entity' ).iterdict(batch_size=batch_size) with get_progress_reporter()(desc=f'Adding new {etype.value}(s)', total=total) as progress: for nrows, rows in batch_iter(iterator, batch_size, transform): new_ids = backend_to.bulk_insert(etype, rows) backend_unique_id.update({row[unique_field]: pk for pk, row in zip(new_ids, rows)}) progress.update(nrows)
[docs]def _import_users(backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int) -> Dict[int, int]: """Import users from one backend to another. :returns: mapping of input backend id to output backend id """ # get the records from the input backend qbuilder = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from) input_id_email = dict(qbuilder.append(orm.User, project=['id', 'email']).all(batch_size=batch_size)) # get matching emails from the backend output_email_id = {} if input_id_email: output_email_id = dict( orm.QueryBuilder( backend=backend_to ).append(orm.User, filters={ 'email': { 'in': list(input_id_email.values()) } }, project=['email', 'id']).all(batch_size=batch_size) ) new_users = len(input_id_email) - len(output_email_id) existing_users = len(output_email_id) if existing_users:'Skipping {existing_users} existing User(s)') if new_users: # add new users and update output_email_id with their email -> id mapping transform = lambda row: {k: v for k, v in row['entity'].items() if k != 'id'} _add_new_entities( EntityTypes.USER, new_users, 'email', output_email_id, backend_from, backend_to, batch_size, transform ) # generate mapping of input backend id to output backend id return {int(i): output_email_id[email] for i, email in input_id_email.items()}
[docs]def _import_computers(backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int) -> Dict[int, int]: """Import computers from one backend to another. :returns: mapping of input backend id to output backend id """ # get the records from the input backend qbuilder = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from) input_id_uuid = dict(qbuilder.append(orm.Computer, project=['id', 'uuid']).all(batch_size=batch_size)) # get matching uuids from the backend backend_uuid_id = {} if input_id_uuid: backend_uuid_id = dict( orm.QueryBuilder( backend=backend_to ).append(orm.Computer, filters={ 'uuid': { 'in': list(input_id_uuid.values()) } }, project=['uuid', 'id']).all(batch_size=batch_size) ) new_computers = len(input_id_uuid) - len(backend_uuid_id) existing_computers = len(backend_uuid_id) if existing_computers:'Skipping {existing_computers} existing Computer(s)') if new_computers: # add new computers and update backend_uuid_id with their uuid -> id mapping # Labels should be unique, so we create new labels on clashes labels = { label for label, in orm.QueryBuilder(backend=backend_to).append(orm.Computer, project='label' ).iterall(batch_size=batch_size) } relabelled = 0 def transform(row: dict) -> dict: data = row['entity'] pk = data.pop('id') nonlocal labels if data['label'] in labels: for i in range(DUPLICATE_LABEL_MAX): new_label = DUPLICATE_LABEL_TEMPLATE.format(data['label'], i) if new_label not in labels: data['label'] = new_label break else: raise ImportUniquenessError( f'Archive Computer {pk} has existing label {data["label"]!r} and re-labelling failed' ) nonlocal relabelled relabelled += 1 labels.add(data['label']) return data _add_new_entities( EntityTypes.COMPUTER, new_computers, 'uuid', backend_uuid_id, backend_from, backend_to, batch_size, transform ) if relabelled:'Re-labelled {relabelled} new Computer(s)') # generate mapping of input backend id to output backend id return {int(i): backend_uuid_id[uuid] for i, uuid in input_id_uuid.items()}
[docs]def _import_authinfos( backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int, user_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], computer_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int] ) -> None: """Import logs from one backend to another. :returns: mapping of input backend id to output backend id """ # get the records from the input backend qbuilder = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from) input_id_user_comp = ( qbuilder.append( orm.AuthInfo, project=['id', 'aiidauser_id', 'dbcomputer_id'], ).all(batch_size=batch_size) ) # translate user_id / computer_id, from -> to try: to_user_id_comp_id = [(user_ids_archive_backend[_user_id], computer_ids_archive_backend[_comp_id]) for _, _user_id, _comp_id in input_id_user_comp] except KeyError as exception: ImportValidationError(f'Archive AuthInfo has unknown User/Computer: {exception}') # retrieve existing user_id / computer_id backend_id_user_comp = [] if to_user_id_comp_id: qbuilder = orm.QueryBuilder(backend=backend_to) qbuilder.append( orm.AuthInfo, filters={ 'aiidauser_id': { 'in': [_user_id for _user_id, _ in to_user_id_comp_id] }, 'dbcomputer_id': { 'in': [_comp_id for _, _comp_id in to_user_id_comp_id] } }, project=['id', 'aiidauser_id', 'dbcomputer_id'] ) backend_id_user_comp = [(user_id, comp_id) for _, user_id, comp_id in qbuilder.all(batch_size=batch_size) if (user_id, comp_id) in to_user_id_comp_id] new_authinfos = len(input_id_user_comp) - len(backend_id_user_comp) existing_authinfos = len(backend_id_user_comp) if existing_authinfos:'Skipping {existing_authinfos} existing AuthInfo(s)') if not new_authinfos: return # import new authinfos'Adding {new_authinfos} new {EntityTypes.AUTHINFO.value}(s)') new_ids = [ _id for _id, _user_id, _comp_id in input_id_user_comp if (user_ids_archive_backend[_user_id], computer_ids_archive_backend[_comp_id]) not in backend_id_user_comp ] qbuilder = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from ).append(orm.AuthInfo, filters={'id': { 'in': new_ids }}, project=['**'], tag='entity') iterator = qbuilder.iterdict() def transform(row: dict) -> dict: data = row['entity'] data.pop('id') data['aiidauser_id'] = user_ids_archive_backend[data['aiidauser_id']] data['dbcomputer_id'] = computer_ids_archive_backend[data['dbcomputer_id']] return data with get_progress_reporter()( desc=f'Adding new {EntityTypes.AUTHINFO.value}(s)', total=qbuilder.count() ) as progress: for nrows, rows in batch_iter(iterator, batch_size, transform): backend_to.bulk_insert(EntityTypes.AUTHINFO, rows) progress.update(nrows)
[docs]def _import_nodes( backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int, user_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], computer_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], import_new_extras: bool, merge_extras: MergeExtrasType ) -> Dict[int, int]: """Import users from one backend to another. :returns: mapping of input backend id to output backend id """'Collecting Node(s) ...') # get the records from the input backend qbuilder = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from) input_id_uuid = dict(qbuilder.append(orm.Node, project=['id', 'uuid']).all(batch_size=batch_size)) # get matching uuids from the backend backend_uuid_id = {} if input_id_uuid: backend_uuid_id = dict( orm.QueryBuilder( backend=backend_to ).append(orm.Node, filters={ 'uuid': { 'in': list(input_id_uuid.values()) } }, project=['uuid', 'id']).all(batch_size=batch_size) ) new_nodes = len(input_id_uuid) - len(backend_uuid_id) if backend_uuid_id: _merge_node_extras(backend_from, backend_to, batch_size, backend_uuid_id, merge_extras) if new_nodes: # add new nodes and update backend_uuid_id with their uuid -> id mapping transform = NodeTransform(user_ids_archive_backend, computer_ids_archive_backend, import_new_extras) _add_new_entities( EntityTypes.NODE, new_nodes, 'uuid', backend_uuid_id, backend_from, backend_to, batch_size, transform ) # generate mapping of input backend id to output backend id return {int(i): backend_uuid_id[uuid] for i, uuid in input_id_uuid.items()}
[docs]class NodeTransform: """Callable to transform a Node DB row, between the source archive and target backend."""
[docs] def __init__( self, user_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], computer_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], import_new_extras: bool ): self.user_ids_archive_backend = user_ids_archive_backend self.computer_ids_archive_backend = computer_ids_archive_backend self.import_new_extras = import_new_extras
[docs] def __call__(self, row: dict) -> dict: """Perform the transform.""" data = row['entity'] pk = data.pop('id') try: data['user_id'] = self.user_ids_archive_backend[data['user_id']] except KeyError as exc: raise ImportValidationError(f'Archive Node {pk} has unknown User: {exc}') if data['dbcomputer_id'] is not None: try: data['dbcomputer_id'] = self.computer_ids_archive_backend[data['dbcomputer_id']] except KeyError as exc: raise ImportValidationError(f'Archive Node {pk} has unknown Computer: {exc}') if self.import_new_extras: # Remove node hashing and other aiida "private" extras data['extras'] = {k: v for k, v in data['extras'].items() if not k.startswith('_aiida_')} if data.get('node_type', '').endswith('code.Code.'): data['extras'].pop('hidden', None) else: data['extras'] = {} if data.get('node_type', '').startswith('process.'): # remove checkpoint from attributes of process nodes data['attributes'].pop(orm.ProcessNode.CHECKPOINT_KEY, None) return data
[docs]def _import_logs( backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int, node_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int] ) -> Dict[int, int]: """Import logs from one backend to another. :returns: mapping of input backend id to output backend id """ # get the records from the input backend qbuilder = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from) input_id_uuid = dict(qbuilder.append(orm.Log, project=['id', 'uuid']).all(batch_size=batch_size)) # get matching uuids from the backend backend_uuid_id = {} if input_id_uuid: backend_uuid_id = dict( orm.QueryBuilder( backend=backend_to ).append(orm.Log, filters={ 'uuid': { 'in': list(input_id_uuid.values()) } }, project=['uuid', 'id']).all(batch_size=batch_size) ) new_logs = len(input_id_uuid) - len(backend_uuid_id) existing_logs = len(backend_uuid_id) if existing_logs:'Skipping {existing_logs} existing Log(s)') if new_logs: # add new logs and update backend_uuid_id with their uuid -> id mapping def transform(row: dict) -> dict: data = row['entity'] pk = data.pop('id') try: data['dbnode_id'] = node_ids_archive_backend[data['dbnode_id']] except KeyError as exc: raise ImportValidationError(f'Archive Log {pk} has unknown Node: {exc}') return data _add_new_entities( EntityTypes.LOG, new_logs, 'uuid', backend_uuid_id, backend_from, backend_to, batch_size, transform ) # generate mapping of input backend id to output backend id return {int(i): backend_uuid_id[uuid] for i, uuid in input_id_uuid.items()}
[docs]def _merge_node_extras( backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int, backend_uuid_id: Dict[str, int], mode: MergeExtrasType ) -> None: """Merge extras from the input backend with the ones in the output backend. :param backend_uuid_id: mapping of uuid to output backend id :param mode: tuple of merge modes for extras """ num_existing = len(backend_uuid_id) if mode == ('k', 'n', 'l'): # 'none': keep old extras, do not add imported ones'Skipping {num_existing} existing Node(s)') return input_extras = QueryBuilder( backend=backend_from ).append(orm.Node, tag='node', filters={ 'uuid': { 'in': list(backend_uuid_id.keys()) } }, project=['uuid', 'extras']).order_by([{ 'node': 'uuid' }]) if mode == ('n', 'c', 'u'): # 'mirror' operation: remove old extras, put only the new ones'Replacing {num_existing} existing Node extras') transform = lambda row: {'id': backend_uuid_id[row[0]], 'extras': row[1]} with get_progress_reporter()(desc='Replacing extras', total=input_extras.count()) as progress: for nrows, rows in batch_iter(input_extras.iterall(batch_size=batch_size), batch_size, transform): backend_to.bulk_update(EntityTypes.NODE, rows) progress.update(nrows) return # run (slower) generic merge operation backend_extras = QueryBuilder( backend=backend_to ).append(orm.Node, tag='node', filters={ 'uuid': { 'in': list(backend_uuid_id.keys()) } }, project=['uuid', 'extras']).order_by([{ 'node': 'uuid' }])'Merging {num_existing} existing Node extras') if not input_extras.count() == backend_extras.count(): raise ImportValidationError( f'Number of Nodes in archive ({input_extras.count()}) and backend ({backend_extras.count()}) do not match' ) def _transform(data: Tuple[Tuple[str, dict], Tuple[str, dict]]) -> dict: """Transform the new and existing extras into a dict that can be passed to bulk_update.""" new_uuid, new_extras = data[0] old_uuid, old_extras = data[1] if new_uuid != old_uuid: raise ImportValidationError(f'UUID mismatch when merging node extras: {new_uuid} != {old_uuid}') backend_id = backend_uuid_id[new_uuid] old_keys = set(old_extras.keys()) new_keys = set(new_extras.keys()) collided_keys = old_keys.intersection(new_keys) old_keys_only = old_keys.difference(collided_keys) new_keys_only = new_keys.difference(collided_keys) final_extras = {} if mode == ('k', 'c', 'u'): # 'update_existing' operation: if an extra already exists, # overwrite its new value with a new one final_extras = new_extras for key in old_keys_only: final_extras[key] = old_extras[key] return {'id': backend_id, 'extras': final_extras} if mode == ('k', 'c', 'l'): # 'keep_existing': if an extra already exists, keep its original value final_extras = old_extras for key in new_keys_only: final_extras[key] = new_extras[key] return {'id': backend_id, 'extras': final_extras} if mode[0] == 'k': for key in old_keys_only: final_extras[key] = old_extras[key] elif mode[0] != 'n': raise ImportValidationError( f"Unknown first letter of the update extras mode: '{mode}'. Should be either 'k' or 'n'" ) if mode[1] == 'c': for key in new_keys_only: final_extras[key] = new_extras[key] elif mode[1] != 'n': raise ImportValidationError( f"Unknown second letter of the update extras mode: '{mode}'. Should be either 'c' or 'n'" ) if mode[2] == 'u': for key in collided_keys: final_extras[key] = new_extras[key] elif mode[2] == 'l': for key in collided_keys: final_extras[key] = old_extras[key] elif mode[2] != 'd': raise ImportValidationError( f"Unknown third letter of the update extras mode: '{mode}'. Should be one of 'u'/'l'/'a'/'d'" ) return {'id': backend_id, 'extras': final_extras} with get_progress_reporter()(desc='Merging extras', total=input_extras.count()) as progress: for nrows, rows in batch_iter( zip(input_extras.iterall(batch_size=batch_size), backend_extras.iterall(batch_size=batch_size)), batch_size, _transform ): backend_to.bulk_update(EntityTypes.NODE, rows) progress.update(nrows)
[docs]class CommentTransform: """Callable to transform a Comment DB row, between the source archive and target backend."""
[docs] def __init__( self, user_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], node_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], ): self.user_ids_archive_backend = user_ids_archive_backend self.node_ids_archive_backend = node_ids_archive_backend
[docs] def __call__(self, row: dict) -> dict: """Perform the transform.""" data = row['entity'] pk = data.pop('id') try: data['user_id'] = self.user_ids_archive_backend[data['user_id']] except KeyError as exc: raise ImportValidationError(f'Archive Comment {pk} has unknown User: {exc}') try: data['dbnode_id'] = self.node_ids_archive_backend[data['dbnode_id']] except KeyError as exc: raise ImportValidationError(f'Archive Comment {pk} has unknown Node: {exc}') return data
[docs]def _import_comments( backend_from: StorageBackend, backend: StorageBackend, batch_size: int, user_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], node_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], merge_comments: MergeCommentsType, ) -> Dict[int, int]: """Import comments from one backend to another. :returns: mapping of archive id to backend id """ # get the records from the input backend qbuilder = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from) input_id_uuid = dict(qbuilder.append(orm.Comment, project=['id', 'uuid']).all(batch_size=batch_size)) # get matching uuids from the backend backend_uuid_id = {} if input_id_uuid: backend_uuid_id = dict( orm.QueryBuilder( backend=backend ).append(orm.Comment, filters={ 'uuid': { 'in': list(input_id_uuid.values()) } }, project=['uuid', 'id']).all(batch_size=batch_size) ) new_comments = len(input_id_uuid) - len(backend_uuid_id) existing_comments = len(backend_uuid_id) archive_comments = QueryBuilder( backend=backend_from ).append(orm.Comment, filters={'uuid': { 'in': list(backend_uuid_id.keys()) }}, project=['uuid', 'mtime', 'content']) if existing_comments: if merge_comments == 'leave':'Skipping {existing_comments} existing Comment(s)') elif merge_comments == 'overwrite':'Overwriting {existing_comments} existing Comment(s)') def _transform(row): data = {'id': backend_uuid_id[row[0]], 'mtime': row[1], 'content': row[2]} return data with get_progress_reporter()(desc='Overwriting comments', total=archive_comments.count()) as progress: for nrows, rows in batch_iter(archive_comments.iterall(batch_size=batch_size), batch_size, _transform): backend.bulk_update(EntityTypes.COMMENT, rows) progress.update(nrows) elif merge_comments == 'newest':'Updating {existing_comments} existing Comment(s)') def _transform(row): # to-do this is probably not the most efficient way to do this uuid, new_mtime, new_comment = row cmt = orm.Comment.collection.get(uuid=uuid) if cmt.mtime < new_mtime: cmt.set_mtime(new_mtime) cmt.set_content(new_comment) with get_progress_reporter()(desc='Updating comments', total=archive_comments.count()) as progress: for nrows, rows in batch_iter(archive_comments.iterall(batch_size=batch_size), batch_size, _transform): progress.update(nrows) else: raise ImportValidationError(f'Unknown merge_comments value: {merge_comments}.') if new_comments: # add new comments and update backend_uuid_id with their uuid -> id mapping _add_new_entities( EntityTypes.COMMENT, new_comments, 'uuid', backend_uuid_id, backend_from, backend, batch_size, CommentTransform(user_ids_archive_backend, node_ids_archive_backend) ) # generate mapping of input backend id to output backend id return {int(i): backend_uuid_id[uuid] for i, uuid in input_id_uuid.items()}
[docs]class GroupTransform: """Callable to transform a Group DB row, between the source archive and target backend."""
[docs] def __init__(self, user_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], labels: Set[str]): self.user_ids_archive_backend = user_ids_archive_backend self.labels = labels self.relabelled = 0
[docs] def __call__(self, row: dict) -> dict: """Perform the transform.""" data = row['entity'] pk = data.pop('id') try: data['user_id'] = self.user_ids_archive_backend[data['user_id']] except KeyError as exc: raise ImportValidationError(f'Archive Group {pk} has unknown User: {exc}') # Labels should be unique, so we create new labels on clashes if data['label'] in self.labels: for i in range(DUPLICATE_LABEL_MAX): new_label = DUPLICATE_LABEL_TEMPLATE.format(data['label'], i) if new_label not in self.labels: data['label'] = new_label break else: raise ImportUniquenessError( f'Archive Group {pk} has existing label {data["label"]!r} and re-labelling failed' ) self.relabelled += 1 self.labels.add(data['label']) return data
[docs]def _import_groups( backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int, user_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], node_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int] ) -> Set[str]: """Import groups from the input backend, and add group -> node records. :returns: Set of labels """ # get the records from the input backend qbuilder = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from) input_id_uuid = dict(qbuilder.append(orm.Group, project=['id', 'uuid']).all(batch_size=batch_size)) # get matching uuids from the backend backend_uuid_id = {} if input_id_uuid: backend_uuid_id = dict( orm.QueryBuilder( backend=backend_to ).append(orm.Group, filters={ 'uuid': { 'in': list(input_id_uuid.values()) } }, project=['uuid', 'id']).all(batch_size=batch_size) ) # get all labels labels = { label for label, in orm.QueryBuilder(backend=backend_to).append(orm.Group, project='label' ).iterall(batch_size=batch_size) } new_groups = len(input_id_uuid) - len(backend_uuid_id) new_uuids = set(input_id_uuid.values()).difference(backend_uuid_id.keys()) existing_groups = len(backend_uuid_id) if existing_groups:'Skipping {existing_groups} existing Group(s)') if new_groups: # add new groups and update backend_uuid_id with their uuid -> id mapping transform = GroupTransform(user_ids_archive_backend, labels) _add_new_entities( EntityTypes.GROUP, new_groups, 'uuid', backend_uuid_id, backend_from, backend_to, batch_size, transform ) if transform.relabelled:'Re-labelled {transform.relabelled} new Group(s)') # generate mapping of input backend id to output backend id group_id_archive_backend = {i: backend_uuid_id[uuid] for i, uuid in input_id_uuid.items()} # Add nodes to new groups iterator = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from ).append(orm.Group, project='id', filters={ 'uuid': { 'in': new_uuids } }, tag='group').append(orm.Node, project='id', with_group='group') total = iterator.count() if total:'Adding {total} Node(s) to new Group(s)') def group_node_transform(row): group_id = group_id_archive_backend[row[0]] try: node_id = node_ids_archive_backend[row[1]] except KeyError as exc: raise ImportValidationError(f'Archive Group {group_id} has unknown Node: {exc}') return {'dbgroup_id': group_id, 'dbnode_id': node_id} with get_progress_reporter()(desc=f'Adding new {EntityTypes.GROUP_NODE.value}(s)', total=total) as progress: for nrows, rows in batch_iter( iterator.iterall(batch_size=batch_size), batch_size, group_node_transform ): backend_to.bulk_insert(EntityTypes.GROUP_NODE, rows) progress.update(nrows) return labels
[docs]def _make_import_group( group: Optional[orm.Group], labels: Set[str], node_ids_archive_backend: Dict[int, int], backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int ) -> Optional[int]: """Make an import group containing all imported nodes. :param group: Use an existing group :param labels: All existing group labels on the backend :param node_ids_archive_backend: node pks to add to the group :returns: The id of the group """ # Do not create an empty group if not node_ids_archive_backend: IMPORT_LOGGER.debug('No nodes to import, so no import group created') return None # Get the Group id if group is None: # Get an unique name for the import group, based on the current (local) time label = timezone.localtime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') if label in labels: for i in range(DUPLICATE_LABEL_MAX): new_label = DUPLICATE_LABEL_TEMPLATE.format(label, i) if new_label not in labels: label = new_label break else: raise ImportUniquenessError(f'New import Group has existing label {label!r} and re-labelling failed') dummy_orm = orm.ImportGroup(label) row = { 'label': label, 'description': 'Group generated by archive import', 'type_string': dummy_orm.type_string, 'user_id':, } group_id, = backend_to.bulk_insert(EntityTypes.GROUP, [row], allow_defaults=True)'Created new import Group: PK={group_id}, label={label}') group_node_ids = set() else: group_id ='Using existing import Group: PK={group_id}, label={group.label}') group_node_ids = { pk for pk, in orm.QueryBuilder(backend=backend_to).append(orm.Group, filters={ 'id': group_id }, tag='group').append(orm.Node, with_group='group', project='id').iterall(batch_size=batch_size) } # Add all the nodes to the Group with get_progress_reporter()( desc='Adding all Node(s) to the import Group', total=len(node_ids_archive_backend) ) as progress: iterator = ({ 'dbgroup_id': group_id, 'dbnode_id': node_id } for node_id in node_ids_archive_backend.values() if node_id not in group_node_ids) for nrows, rows in batch_iter(iterator, batch_size): backend_to.bulk_insert(EntityTypes.GROUP_NODE, rows) progress.update(nrows) return group_id
[docs]def _get_new_object_keys(key_format: str, backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, batch_size: int) -> Set[str]: """Return the object keys that need to be added to the backend.""" archive_hashkeys: Set[str] = set() query = QueryBuilder(backend=backend_from).append(orm.Node, project='repository_metadata') with get_progress_reporter()(desc='Collecting archive Node file keys', total=query.count()) as progress: for repository_metadata, in query.iterall(batch_size=batch_size): archive_hashkeys.update(key for key in Repository.flatten(repository_metadata).values() if key is not None) progress.update()'Checking keys against repository ...') repository = backend_to.get_repository() if not repository.key_format == key_format: raise NotImplementedError( f'Backend repository key format incompatible: {repository.key_format!r} != {key_format!r}' ) new_hashkeys = archive_hashkeys.difference(repository.list_objects()) existing_count = len(archive_hashkeys) - len(new_hashkeys) if existing_count:'Skipping {existing_count} existing repository files') if new_hashkeys:'Adding {len(new_hashkeys)} new repository files') return new_hashkeys
[docs]def _add_files_to_repo(backend_from: StorageBackend, backend_to: StorageBackend, new_keys: Set[str]) -> None: """Add the new files to the repository.""" if not new_keys: return None repository_to = backend_to.get_repository() repository_from = backend_from.get_repository() with get_progress_reporter()(desc='Adding archive files to repository', total=len(new_keys)) as progress: for key, handle in repository_from.iter_object_streams(new_keys): backend_key = repository_to.put_object_from_filelike(handle) if backend_key != key: raise ImportValidationError( f'Archive repository key is different to backend key: {key!r} != {backend_key!r}' ) progress.update()