aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs package#

Module for the CalcJob process and related utilities.


Implementation of the CalcJob process.

class aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.calcjob.CalcJob(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: aiida.engine.processes.process.Process

Implementation of the CalcJob process.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__annotations__ = {'CLASS_NAME': 'str', 'SINGLE_OUTPUT_LINKNAME': 'str', 'STATES': 'Optional[Sequence[Type[State]]]', '_STATES_MAP': 'Optional[Dict[Hashable, Type[State]]]', '__called': 'bool', '_auto_persist': 'Optional[Set[str]]', '_cleanups': 'Optional[List[Callable[[], None]]]', '_creation_time': 'Optional[float]', '_event_callbacks': 'Dict[Hashable, List[EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE]]', '_interrupt_action': 'Optional[futures.CancellableAction]', '_killing': 'Optional[futures.CancellableAction]', '_node': 'Optional[orm.ProcessNode]', '_outputs': 'Dict[str, Any]', '_parsed_inputs': 'Optional[utils.AttributesFrozendict]', '_paused': 'Optional[persistence.SavableFuture]', '_pausing': 'Optional[futures.CancellableAction]', '_pre_paused_status': 'Optional[str]', '_state': 'Optional[State]', '_status': 'Optional[str]', '_uuid': 'Optional[uuid.UUID]', 'link_label_retrieved': <class 'str'>}#
__init__(*args, **kwargs) None[source]#

Construct a CalcJob instance.

Construct the instance only if it is a sub class of CalcJob, otherwise raise InvalidOperation.

See documentation of aiida.engine.Process.

__module__ = 'aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.calcjob'#
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>#

alias of aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode


Perform a dry run.

Instead of performing the normal sequence of steps, just the presubmit is called, which will call the method prepare_for_submission of the plugin to generate the input files based on the inputs. Then the upload action is called, but using a normal local transport that will copy the files to a local sandbox folder. The generated input script and the absolute path to the sandbox folder are stored in the dry_run_info attribute of the node of this process.


Perform the import of an already completed calculation.

The inputs contained a RemoteData under the key remote_folder signalling that this is not supposed to be run as a normal calculation job, but rather the results are already computed outside of AiiDA and merely need to be imported.


alias of aiida.engine.processes.process_spec.CalcJobProcessSpec

classmethod define(spec: aiida.engine.processes.process_spec.CalcJobProcessSpec) None[source]#

Define the process specification, including its inputs, outputs and known exit codes.

Ports are added to the metadata input namespace (inherited from the base Process), and a code input Port, a remote_folder output Port and retrieved folder output Port are added.


spec – the calculation job process spec to define.

classmethod get_importer(entry_point_name: Optional[str] = None) aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.importer.CalcJobImporter[source]#

Load the CalcJobImporter associated with this CalcJob if it exists.

By default an importer with the same entry point as the CalcJob will be loaded, however, this can be overridden using the entry_point_name argument.


entry_point_name – optional entry point name of a CalcJobImporter to override the default.


the loaded CalcJobImporter.


if no importer class could be loaded.

classmethod get_state_classes() Dict[Hashable, Type[plumpy.process_states.State]][source]#

A mapping of the State constants to the corresponding state class.

Overrides the waiting state with the Calcjob specific version.

on_terminated() None[source]#

Cleanup the node by deleting the calulation job state.


This has to be done before calling the super because that will seal the node after we cannot change it

property options: aiida.common.extendeddicts.AttributeDict#

Return the options of the metadata that were specified when this process instance was launched.


options dictionary

parse(retrieved_temporary_folder: Optional[str] = None) aiida.engine.processes.exit_code.ExitCode[source]#

Parse a retrieved job calculation.

This is called once it’s finished waiting for the calculation to be finished and the data has been retrieved.


retrieved_temporary_folder – The path to the temporary folder

parse_retrieved_output(retrieved_temporary_folder: Optional[str] = None) Optional[aiida.engine.processes.exit_code.ExitCode][source]#

Parse the retrieved data by calling the parser plugin if it was defined in the inputs.

parse_scheduler_output(retrieved: aiida.orm.nodes.node.Node) Optional[aiida.engine.processes.exit_code.ExitCode][source]#

Parse the output of the scheduler if that functionality has been implemented for the plugin.

prepare_for_submission(folder: aiida.common.folders.Folder) aiida.common.datastructures.CalcInfo[source]#

Prepare the calculation for submission.

Convert the input nodes into the corresponding input files in the format that the code will expect. In addition, define and return a CalcInfo instance, which is a simple data structure that contains information for the engine, for example, on what files to copy to the remote machine, what files to retrieve once it has completed, specific scheduler settings and more.


folder – a temporary folder on the local file system.


the CalcInfo instance

presubmit(folder: aiida.common.folders.Folder) aiida.common.datastructures.CalcInfo[source]#

Prepares the calculation folder with all inputs, ready to be copied to the cluster.


folder – a SandboxFolder that can be used to write calculation input files and the scheduling script.

Return calcinfo

the CalcInfo object containing the information needed by the daemon to handle operations.

run() Union[plumpy.process_states.Stop, int, plumpy.process_states.Wait][source]#

Run the calculation job.

This means invoking the presubmit and storing the temporary folder in the node’s repository. Then we move the process in the Wait state, waiting for the UPLOAD transport task to be started.


the Stop command if a dry run, int if the process has an exit status, Wait command if the calcjob is to be uploaded

spec_options = <aiida.engine.processes.ports.PortNamespace object>#
aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.calcjob.validate_additional_retrieve_list(additional_retrieve_list: Any, _: Any) Optional[str][source]#

Validate the additional retrieve list.


string with error message in case the input is invalid.

aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.calcjob.validate_calc_job(inputs: Any, ctx: aiida.engine.processes.ports.PortNamespace) Optional[str][source]#

Validate the entire set of inputs passed to the CalcJob constructor.

Reasons that will cause this validation to raise an InputValidationError:

  • No Computer has been specified, neither directly in nor indirectly through the Code input

  • The specified computer is not stored

  • The Computer specified in is not the same as that of the specified Code

  • No Code has been specified and no remote_folder input has been specified, i.e. this is no import run


string with error message in case the inputs are invalid

aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.calcjob.validate_parser(parser_name: Any, _: Any) Optional[str][source]#

Validate the parser.


string with error message in case the inputs are invalid

aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.calcjob.validate_stash_options(stash_options: Any, _: Any) Optional[str][source]#

Validate the stash options.

Abstract utility class that helps to import calculation jobs completed outside of AiiDA.

class aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.importer.CalcJobImporter[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

An abstract class, to define an importer for computations completed outside of AiiDA.

This class is used to import the results of a calculation that was completed outside of AiiDA. The importer is responsible for parsing the output files of the calculation and creating the corresponding AiiDA nodes.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'parse_remote_data'})#
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.importer', '__doc__': 'An abstract class, to define an importer for computations completed outside of AiiDA.\n\n    This class is used to import the results of a calculation that was completed outside of AiiDA.\n    The importer is responsible for parsing the output files of the calculation and creating the\n    corresponding AiiDA nodes.\n    ', 'parse_remote_data': <staticmethod object>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'CalcJobImporter' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'CalcJobImporter' objects>, '__abstractmethods__': frozenset({'parse_remote_data'}), '_abc_impl': <_abc_data object>, '__annotations__': {}})#
__module__ = 'aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.importer'#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>#
abstract static parse_remote_data(remote_data:, **kwargs) Dict[str, Union[aiida.orm.nodes.node.Node, Dict]][source]#

Parse the input nodes from the files in the provided RemoteData.

  • remote_data – the remote data node containing the raw input files.

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments to control the parsing process.


a dictionary with the parsed inputs nodes that match the input spec of the associated CalcJob.

Module containing utilities and classes relating to job calculations running on systems that require transport.

class aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.manager.JobManager(transport_queue: TransportQueue)[source]#

Bases: object

A manager for CalcJob submitted to Computer instances.

When a calculation job is submitted to a Computer, it actually uses a specific AuthInfo, which is a computer configured for a User. The JobManager maintains a mapping of JobsList instances for each authinfo that has active calculation jobs. These jobslist instances are then responsible for bundling scheduler updates for all the jobs they maintain (i.e. that all share the same authinfo) and update their status.

As long as a Runner will create a single JobManager instance and use that for its lifetime, the guarantees made by the JobsList about respecting the minimum polling interval of the scheduler will be maintained. Note, however, that since each Runner will create its own job manager, these guarantees only hold per runner.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.manager', '__doc__': 'A manager for :py:class:`~aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.calcjob.CalcJob` submitted to ``Computer`` instances.\n\n    When a calculation job is submitted to a :py:class:`~aiida.orm.computers.Computer`, it actually uses a specific\n    :py:class:`~aiida.orm.authinfos.AuthInfo`, which is a computer configured for a :py:class:`~aiida.orm.users.User`.\n    The ``JobManager`` maintains a mapping of :py:class:`~aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.manager.JobsList` instances\n    for each authinfo that has active calculation jobs. These jobslist instances are then responsible for bundling\n    scheduler updates for all the jobs they maintain (i.e. that all share the same authinfo) and update their status.\n\n    As long as a :py:class:`~aiida.engine.runners.Runner` will create a single ``JobManager`` instance and use that for\n    its lifetime, the guarantees made by the ``JobsList`` about respecting the minimum polling interval of the scheduler\n    will be maintained. Note, however, that since each ``Runner`` will create its own job manager, these guarantees\n    only hold per runner.\n    ', '__init__': <function JobManager.__init__>, 'get_jobs_list': <function JobManager.get_jobs_list>, 'request_job_info_update': <function JobManager.request_job_info_update>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'JobManager' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'JobManager' objects>, '__annotations__': {'_job_lists': "Dict[Hashable, 'JobInfo']"}})#
__init__(transport_queue: TransportQueue) None[source]#
__module__ = 'aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.manager'#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

get_jobs_list(authinfo: aiida.orm.authinfos.AuthInfo) aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.manager.JobsList[source]#

Get or create a new JobLists instance for the given authinfo.


authinfo – the AuthInfo


a JobsList instance

request_job_info_update(authinfo: aiida.orm.authinfos.AuthInfo, job_id: Hashable) Iterator[asyncio.Future[JobInfo]][source]#

Get a future that will resolve to information about a given job.

This is a context manager so that if the user leaves the context the request is automatically cancelled.

class aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.manager.JobsList(authinfo: aiida.orm.authinfos.AuthInfo, transport_queue: TransportQueue, last_updated: Optional[float] = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Manager of calculation jobs submitted with a specific AuthInfo, i.e. computer configured for a specific user.

This container of active calculation jobs is used to update their status periodically in batches, ensuring that even when a lot of jobs are running, the scheduler update command is not triggered for each job individually.

In addition, the Computer for which the AuthInfo is configured, can define a minimum polling interval. This class will guarantee that the time between update calls to the scheduler is larger or equal to that minimum interval.

Note that since each instance operates on a specific authinfo, the guarantees of batching scheduler update calls and the limiting of number of calls per unit time, through the minimum polling interval, is only applicable for jobs launched with that particular authinfo. If multiple authinfo instances with the same computer, have active jobs these limitations are not respected between them, since there is no communication between JobsList instances. See the JobManager for example usage.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.manager', '__doc__': 'Manager of calculation jobs submitted with a specific ``AuthInfo``, i.e. computer configured for a specific user.\n\n    This container of active calculation jobs is used to update their status periodically in batches, ensuring that\n    even when a lot of jobs are running, the scheduler update command is not triggered for each job individually.\n\n    In addition, the :py:class:`~aiida.orm.computers.Computer` for which the :py:class:`~aiida.orm.authinfos.AuthInfo`\n    is configured, can define a minimum polling interval. This class will guarantee that the time between update calls\n    to the scheduler is larger or equal to that minimum interval.\n\n    Note that since each instance operates on a specific authinfo, the guarantees of batching scheduler update calls\n    and the limiting of number of calls per unit time, through the minimum polling interval, is only applicable for jobs\n    launched with that particular authinfo. If multiple authinfo instances with the same computer, have active jobs\n    these limitations are not respected between them, since there is no communication between ``JobsList`` instances.\n    See the :py:class:`~aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.manager.JobManager` for example usage.\n    ', '__init__': <function JobsList.__init__>, 'logger': <property object>, 'get_minimum_update_interval': <function JobsList.get_minimum_update_interval>, 'last_updated': <property object>, '_get_jobs_from_scheduler': <function JobsList._get_jobs_from_scheduler>, '_update_job_info': <function JobsList._update_job_info>, 'request_job_info_update': <function JobsList.request_job_info_update>, '_ensure_updating': <function JobsList._ensure_updating>, '_has_job_state_changed': <staticmethod object>, '_get_next_update_delay': <function JobsList._get_next_update_delay>, '_update_requests_outstanding': <function JobsList._update_requests_outstanding>, '_get_jobs_with_scheduler': <function JobsList._get_jobs_with_scheduler>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'JobsList' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'JobsList' objects>, '__annotations__': {'_jobs_cache': "Dict[Hashable, 'JobInfo']", '_job_update_requests': 'Dict[Hashable, asyncio.Future]', '_update_handle': 'Optional[asyncio.TimerHandle]'}})#
__init__(authinfo: aiida.orm.authinfos.AuthInfo, transport_queue: TransportQueue, last_updated: Optional[float] = None)[source]#

Construct an instance for the given authinfo and transport queue.

  • authinfo – The authinfo used to check the jobs list

  • transport_queue – A transport queue

  • last_updated – initialize the last updated timestamp

__module__ = 'aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.manager'#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_ensure_updating() None[source]#

Ensure that we are updating the job list from the remote resource.

This will automatically stop if there are no outstanding requests.

async _get_jobs_from_scheduler() Dict[Hashable, JobInfo][source]#

Get the current jobs list from the scheduler.


a mapping of job ids to JobInfo instances

_get_jobs_with_scheduler() List[str][source]#

Get all the jobs that are currently with scheduler.


the list of jobs with the scheduler

Return type


_get_next_update_delay() float[source]#

Calculate when we are next allowed to poll the scheduler.

This delay is calculated as the minimum polling interval defined by the authentication info for this instance, minus time elapsed since the last update.


delay (in seconds) after which the scheduler may be polled again

static _has_job_state_changed(old: Optional[JobInfo], new: Optional[JobInfo]) bool[source]#

Return whether the states old and new are different.

async _update_job_info() None[source]#

Update all of the job information objects.

This will set the futures for all pending update requests where the corresponding job has a new status compared to the last update.

_update_requests_outstanding() bool[source]#
get_minimum_update_interval() float[source]#

Get the minimum interval that should be respected between updates of the list.


the minimum interval

property last_updated: Optional[float]#

Get the timestamp of when the list was last updated as produced by time.time()


The last update point

property logger: logging.Logger#

Return the logger configured for this instance.


the logger

request_job_info_update(job_id: Hashable) Iterator[asyncio.Future[JobInfo]][source]#

Request job info about a job when the job next changes state.

If the job is not found in the jobs list at the update, the future will resolve to None.


job_id – job identifier


future that will resolve to a JobInfo object when the job changes state

Transport tasks for calculation jobs.

exception aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.PreSubmitException[source]#

Bases: Exception

Raise in the do_upload coroutine when an exception is raised in CalcJob.presubmit.

__module__ = 'aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks'#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.Waiting(process: CalcJob, done_callback: Optional[Callable[[...], Any]], msg: Optional[str] = None, data: Optional[Any] = None)[source]#

Bases: plumpy.process_states.Waiting

The waiting state for the CalcJob process.

__init__(process: CalcJob, done_callback: Optional[Callable[[...], Any]], msg: Optional[str] = None, data: Optional[Any] = None)[source]#

process – The process this state belongs to

__module__ = 'aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks'#
async _launch_task(coro, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Launch a coroutine as a task, making sure to make it interruptable.

async execute() plumpy.process_states.State[source]#

Override the execute coroutine of the base Waiting state.

interrupt(reason: Any) Optional[_asyncio.Future][source]#

Interrupt the Waiting state by calling interrupt on the transport task InterruptableFuture.

load_instance_state(saved_state, load_context)[source]#
parse(retrieved_temporary_folder: str) plumpy.process_states.Running[source]#

Return the Running state that will parse the CalcJob.


retrieved_temporary_folder – temporary folder used in retrieving that can be used during parsing.

property process: CalcJob#

The process

retrieve() aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.Waiting[source]#

Return the Waiting state that will retrieve the CalcJob.


Return the Waiting state that will stash the CalcJob.

submit() aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.Waiting[source]#

Return the Waiting state that will submit the CalcJob.

update() aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.Waiting[source]#

Return the Waiting state that will update the CalcJob.

upload() aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.Waiting[source]#

Return the Waiting state that will upload the CalcJob.

async aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.task_kill_job(node: aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode, transport_queue: aiida.engine.transports.TransportQueue, cancellable: aiida.engine.utils.InterruptableFuture)[source]#

Transport task that will attempt to kill a job calculation.

The task will first request a transport from the queue. Once the transport is yielded, the relevant execmanager function is called, wrapped in the exponential_backoff_retry coroutine, which, in case of a caught exception, will retry after an interval that increases exponentially with the number of retries, for a maximum number of retries. If all retries fail, the task will raise a TransportTaskException

  • node – the node that represents the job calculation

  • transport_queue – the TransportQueue from which to request a Transport

  • cancellable – the cancelled flag that will be queried to determine whether the task was cancelled


TransportTaskException if after the maximum number of retries the transport task still excepted

async aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.task_retrieve_job(node: aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode, transport_queue: aiida.engine.transports.TransportQueue, retrieved_temporary_folder: str, cancellable: aiida.engine.utils.InterruptableFuture)[source]#

Transport task that will attempt to retrieve all files of a completed job calculation.

The task will first request a transport from the queue. Once the transport is yielded, the relevant execmanager function is called, wrapped in the exponential_backoff_retry coroutine, which, in case of a caught exception, will retry after an interval that increases exponentially with the number of retries, for a maximum number of retries. If all retries fail, the task will raise a TransportTaskException

  • node – the node that represents the job calculation

  • transport_queue – the TransportQueue from which to request a Transport

  • retrieved_temporary_folder – the absolute path to a directory to store files

  • cancellable – the cancelled flag that will be queried to determine whether the task was cancelled


TransportTaskException if after the maximum number of retries the transport task still excepted

async aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.task_stash_job(node: aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode, transport_queue: aiida.engine.transports.TransportQueue, cancellable: aiida.engine.utils.InterruptableFuture)[source]#

Transport task that will optionally stash files of a completed job calculation on the remote.

The task will first request a transport from the queue. Once the transport is yielded, the relevant execmanager function is called, wrapped in the exponential_backoff_retry coroutine, which, in case of a caught exception, will retry after an interval that increases exponentially with the number of retries, for a maximum number of retries. If all retries fail, the task will raise a TransportTaskException

  • node – the node that represents the job calculation

  • transport_queue – the TransportQueue from which to request a Transport

  • cancellable (aiida.engine.utils.InterruptableFuture) – the cancelled flag that will be queried to determine whether the task was cancelled


Return if the tasks was successfully completed


TransportTaskException if after the maximum number of retries the transport task still excepted

async aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.task_submit_job(node: aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode, transport_queue: aiida.engine.transports.TransportQueue, cancellable: aiida.engine.utils.InterruptableFuture)[source]#

Transport task that will attempt to submit a job calculation.

The task will first request a transport from the queue. Once the transport is yielded, the relevant execmanager function is called, wrapped in the exponential_backoff_retry coroutine, which, in case of a caught exception, will retry after an interval that increases exponentially with the number of retries, for a maximum number of retries. If all retries fail, the task will raise a TransportTaskException

  • node – the node that represents the job calculation

  • transport_queue – the TransportQueue from which to request a Transport

  • cancellable – the cancelled flag that will be queried to determine whether the task was cancelled


TransportTaskException if after the maximum number of retries the transport task still excepted

async aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.task_update_job(node: aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode, job_manager, cancellable: aiida.engine.utils.InterruptableFuture)[source]#

Transport task that will attempt to update the scheduler status of the job calculation.

The task will first request a transport from the queue. Once the transport is yielded, the relevant execmanager function is called, wrapped in the exponential_backoff_retry coroutine, which, in case of a caught exception, will retry after an interval that increases exponentially with the number of retries, for a maximum number of retries. If all retries fail, the task will raise a TransportTaskException


True if the tasks was successfully completed, False otherwise

async aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.tasks.task_upload_job(process: CalcJob, transport_queue: aiida.engine.transports.TransportQueue, cancellable: aiida.engine.utils.InterruptableFuture)[source]#

Transport task that will attempt to upload the files of a job calculation to the remote.

The task will first request a transport from the queue. Once the transport is yielded, the relevant execmanager function is called, wrapped in the exponential_backoff_retry coroutine, which, in case of a caught exception, will retry after an interval that increases exponentially with the number of retries, for a maximum number of retries. If all retries fail, the task will raise a TransportTaskException

  • process – the job calculation

  • transport_queue – the TransportQueue from which to request a Transport

  • cancellable – the cancelled flag that will be queried to determine whether the task was cancelled


TransportTaskException if after the maximum number of retries the transport task still excepted