Source code for aiida.common.hashing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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"""Common password and hash generation functions."""
from collections import OrderedDict, abc
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import singledispatch
import hashlib
from itertools import chain
import numbers
from operator import itemgetter
import random
import time
import typing
import uuid

import pytz

from aiida.common.constants import AIIDA_FLOAT_PRECISION
from aiida.common.exceptions import HashingError
from aiida.common.utils import DatetimePrecision

from .folders import Folder

# The prefix of the hashed using pbkdf2_sha256 algorithm in Django
HASHING_PREFIX_DJANGO = 'pbkdf2_sha256'
# The prefix of the hashed using pbkdf2_sha256 algorithm in Passlib
HASHING_PREFIX_PBKDF2_SHA256 = '$pbkdf2-sha256'

# This will never be a valid encoded hash
# Number of random chars to add after UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_PREFIX

HASHING_KEY = 'HashingKey'


# Use the system PRNG if possible
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    random = random.SystemRandom()
    using_sysrandom = True
except NotImplementedError:
    import warnings
    warnings.warn('A secure pseudo-random number generator is not available. Falling back to Mersenne Twister.')  # pylint: disable=no-member
    using_sysrandom = False  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]def get_random_string(length=12, allowed_chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'): """ Returns a securely generated random string. The default length of 12 with the a-z, A-Z, 0-9 character set returns a 71-bit value. log_2((26+26+10)^12) =~ 71 bits """ if not using_sysrandom: # This is ugly, and a hack, but it makes things better than # the alternative of predictability. This re-seeds the PRNG # using a value that is hard for an attacker to predict, every # time a random string is required. This may change the # properties of the chosen random sequence slightly, but this # is better than absolute predictability. random.seed(hashlib.sha256(f'{random.getstate()}{time.time()}{HASHING_KEY}'.encode('utf-8')).digest()) return ''.join(random.choice(allowed_chars) for i in range(length))
BLAKE2B_OPTIONS = { 'fanout': 0, # unlimited fanout/depth mode 'depth': 2, # has fixed depth of 2 'digest_size': 32, # we do not need a cryptographically relevant digest 'inner_size': 64, # ... but still use 64 as the inner size }
[docs]def chunked_file_hash( handle: typing.BinaryIO, hash_cls: typing.Any, chunksize: int = 524288, **kwargs: typing.Any ) -> str: """Return the hash for the given file handle Will read the file in chunks, which should be opened in 'rb' mode. :param handle: a file handle, opened in 'rb' mode. :param hash_cls: a class implementing hashlib._Hash :param chunksize: number of bytes to chunk the file read in :param kwargs: arguments to pass to the hasher initialisation :return: the hash hexdigest (the hash key) """ hasher = hash_cls(**kwargs) while True: chunk = hasher.update(chunk) if not chunk: # Empty returned value: EOF break return hasher.hexdigest()
[docs]def make_hash(object_to_hash, **kwargs): """ Makes a hash from a dictionary, list, tuple or set to any level, that contains only other hashable or nonhashable types (including lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries). :param object_to_hash: the object to hash :returns: a unique hash There are a lot of modules providing functionalities to create unique hashes for hashable values. However, getting hashes for nonhashable items like sets or dictionaries is not easily doable because order is not fixed. This leads to the peril of getting different hashes for the same dictionary. This function avoids this by recursing through nonhashable items and hashing iteratively. Uses python's sorted function to sort unsorted sets and dictionaries by sorting the hashed keys. """ hashes = _make_hash(object_to_hash, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return # use the Unlimited fanout hashing protocol outlined in # final_hash = hashlib.blake2b(node_depth=1, last_node=True, **BLAKE2B_OPTIONS) for sub in hashes: final_hash.update(sub) # add an empty last leaf node final_hash.update(hashlib.blake2b(node_depth=0, last_node=True, **BLAKE2B_OPTIONS).digest()) return final_hash.hexdigest()
[docs]@singledispatch def _make_hash(object_to_hash, **_): """ Implementation of the ``make_hash`` function. The hash is created as a 28 byte integer, and only later converted to a string. """ raise HashingError(f'Value of type {type(object_to_hash)} cannot be hashed')
[docs]def _single_digest(obj_type, obj_bytes=b''): return hashlib.blake2b(obj_bytes, person=obj_type.encode('ascii'), node_depth=0, **BLAKE2B_OPTIONS).digest()
_END_DIGEST = _single_digest(')') @_make_hash.register(bytes) def _(bytes_obj, **kwargs): """Hash arbitrary byte strings.""" return [_single_digest('str', bytes_obj)] @_make_hash.register(str) def _(val, **kwargs): """Convert strings explicitly to bytes.""" return [_single_digest('str', val.encode('utf-8'))] @_make_hash.register(abc.Sequence) def _(sequence_obj, **kwargs): # unpack the list and use the elements return [_single_digest('list(')] + list(chain.from_iterable(_make_hash(i, **kwargs) for i in sequence_obj) ) + [_END_DIGEST] @_make_hash.register(abc.Set) def _(set_obj, **kwargs): # turn the set objects into a list of hashes which are always sortable, # then return a flattened list of the hashes return [_single_digest('set(')] + list(chain.from_iterable(sorted(_make_hash(i, **kwargs) for i in set_obj)) ) + [_END_DIGEST] @_make_hash.register(abc.Mapping) def _(mapping, **kwargs): """Hashing arbitrary mapping containers (dict, OrderedDict) by first sorting by hashed keys""" def hashed_key_mapping(): for key, value in mapping.items(): yield (_make_hash(key, **kwargs), value) return [_single_digest('dict(')] + list( chain.from_iterable( (k_digest + _make_hash(val, **kwargs)) for k_digest, val in sorted(hashed_key_mapping(), key=itemgetter(0)) ) ) + [_END_DIGEST] @_make_hash.register(OrderedDict) def _(mapping, **kwargs): """ Hashing of OrderedDicts :param odict_as_unordered: hash OrderedDicts as normal dicts (mostly for testing) """ if kwargs.get('odict_as_unordered', False): return _make_hash.registry[abc.Mapping](mapping) return ([_single_digest('odict(')] + list( chain.from_iterable((_make_hash(key, **kwargs) + _make_hash(val, **kwargs)) for key, val in mapping.items()) ) + [_END_DIGEST]) @_make_hash.register(numbers.Real) def _(val, **kwargs): """ Before hashing a float, convert to a string (via rounding) and with a fixed number of digits after the comma. Note that the `_single_digest` requires a bytes object so we need to encode the utf-8 string first """ return [_single_digest('float', float_to_text(val, sig=AIIDA_FLOAT_PRECISION).encode('utf-8'))] @_make_hash.register(Decimal) def _(val, **kwargs): """ While a decimal can be converted exactly to a string which captures all characteristics of the underlying implementation, we also need compatibility with "equal" representations as int or float. Hence we are checking for the exponent (which is negative if there is a fractional component, 0 otherwise) and get the same hash as for a corresponding float or int. """ if val.as_tuple().exponent < 0: return [_single_digest('float', float_to_text(val, sig=AIIDA_FLOAT_PRECISION).encode('utf-8'))] return [_single_digest('int', f'{val}'.encode('utf-8'))] @_make_hash.register(numbers.Complex) def _(val, **kwargs): """ In case of a complex number, use the same encoding of two floats and join them with a special symbol (a ! here). """ return [ _single_digest( 'complex', '{}!{}'.format( float_to_text(val.real, sig=AIIDA_FLOAT_PRECISION), float_to_text(val.imag, sig=AIIDA_FLOAT_PRECISION) ).encode('utf-8') ) ] @_make_hash.register(numbers.Integral) def _(val, **kwargs): """get the hash of the little-endian signed long long representation of the integer""" return [_single_digest('int', f'{val}'.encode('utf-8'))] @_make_hash.register(bool) def _(val, **kwargs): return [_single_digest('bool', b'\x01' if val else b'\x00')] @_make_hash.register(type(None)) def _(val, **kwargs): return [_single_digest('none')] @_make_hash.register(datetime.datetime) def _(val, **kwargs): """hashes the little-endian rep of the float <epoch-seconds>.<subseconds>""" # see also for an excellent elaboration if val.tzinfo is None or val.utcoffset() is None: val = val.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) timestamp = val.timestamp() return [_single_digest('datetime', float_to_text(timestamp, sig=AIIDA_FLOAT_PRECISION).encode('utf-8'))] @_make_hash.register( def _(val, **kwargs): """Hashes the string representation in ISO format of the `` object.""" return [_single_digest('date', val.isoformat().encode('utf-8'))] @_make_hash.register(uuid.UUID) def _(val, **kwargs): return [_single_digest('uuid', val.bytes)] @_make_hash.register(DatetimePrecision) def _(datetime_precision, **kwargs): """ Hashes for DatetimePrecision object """ return [_single_digest('dt_prec')] + list( chain.from_iterable(_make_hash(i, **kwargs) for i in [datetime_precision.dtobj, datetime_precision.precision]) ) + [_END_DIGEST]
[docs]@_make_hash.register(Folder) def _(folder, **kwargs): """ Hash the content of a Folder object. The name of the folder itself is actually ignored :param ignored_folder_content: list of filenames to be ignored for the hashing """ ignored_folder_content = kwargs.get('ignored_folder_content', []) def folder_digests(subfolder): """traverses the given folder and yields digests for the contained objects""" for name, isfile in sorted(subfolder.get_content_list(only_paths=False), key=itemgetter(0)): if name in ignored_folder_content: continue if isfile: yield _single_digest('fname', name.encode('utf-8')) with, mode='rb') as fhandle: yield _single_digest('fcontent', else: yield _single_digest('dir(', name.encode('utf-8')) for digest in folder_digests(subfolder.get_subfolder(name)): yield digest yield _END_DIGEST return [_single_digest('folder')] + list(folder_digests(folder))
[docs]def float_to_text(value, sig): """ Convert float to text string for computing hash. Preseve up to N significant number given by sig. :param value: the float value to convert :param sig: choose how many digits after the comma should be output """ if value == 0: value = 0. # Identify value of -0. and overwrite with 0. fmt = f'{{:.{sig}g}}' return fmt.format(value)