Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Methods to validate the database integrity and fix violations."""
WARNING_BORDER = '*' * 120

# These are all the entry points from the `aiida.calculations` category as registered with the AiiDA registry
# on Tuesday December 4 at 13:00:00 UTC
registered_calculation_entry_points = [
    'ase.ase = aiida_ase.calculations.ase:AseCalculation',
    ' = aiida_castep.calculations.castep:CastepBSCalculation',
    'castep.castep = aiida_castep.calculations.castep:CastepCalculation',
    'castep.pot1d = aiida_castep.calculations.castep:Pot1dCalculation',
    'castep.spec = aiida_castep.calculations.castep:CastepSpectralCalculation',
    'castep.ts = aiida_castep.calculations.castep:CastepTSCalculation',
    'codtools.cifcellcontents = aiida_codtools.calculations.cifcellcontents:CifcellcontentsCalculation',
    'codtools.cifcodcheck = aiida_codtools.calculations.cifcodcheck:CifcodcheckCalculation',
    'codtools.cifcoddeposit = aiida_codtools.calculations.cifcoddeposit:CifcoddepositCalculation',
    'codtools.cifcodnumbers = aiida_codtools.calculations.cifcodnumbers:CifcodnumbersCalculation',
    'codtools.ciffilter = aiida_codtools.calculations.ciffilter:CiffilterCalculation',
    'codtools.cifsplitprimitive = aiida_codtools.calculations.cifsplitprimitive:CifsplitprimitiveCalculation',
    'cp2k = aiida_cp2k.calculations:Cp2kCalculation',
    'crystal17.basic = aiida_crystal17.calculations.cry_basic:CryBasicCalculation',
    'crystal17.immigrant = aiida_crystal17.calculations.cry_main_immigrant:CryMainImmigrantCalculation',
    'crystal17.main = aiida_crystal17.calculations.cry_main:CryMainCalculation',
    'ddec = aiida_ddec.calculations:DdecCalculation', 'diff = aiida_diff.calculations:DiffCalculation',
    'dynaphopy = aiida_lammps.calculations.dynaphopy: DynaphopyCalculation',
    'gollum.gollum = aiida_gollum.calculations.gollum:GollumCalculation',
    'gudhi.rdm = aiida_gudhi.calculations.rips:RipsDistanceMatrixCalculation',
    'kkr.kkr = aiida_kkr.calculations.kkr:KkrCalculation',
    'kkr.kkrimp = aiida_kkr.calculations.kkrimp:KkrimpCalculation',
    'kkr.kkrimporter = aiida_kkr.calculations.kkrimporter:KkrImporterCalculation',
    'kkr.voro = aiida_kkr.calculations.voro:VoronoiCalculation',
    'lammps.combinate = aiida_lammps.calculations.lammps.combinate:CombinateCalculation',
    'lammps.force = aiida_lammps.calculations.lammps.force:ForceCalculation',
    ' =',
    'lammps.optimize = aiida_lammps.calculations.lammps.optimize:OptimizeCalculation',
    'nwchem.basic = aiida_nwchem.calculations.basic:BasicCalculation',
    'nwchem.pymatgen = aiida_nwchem.calculations.nwcpymatgen:NwcpymatgenCalculation',
    'phonopy.phono3py = aiida_phonopy.calculations.phonopy.phono3py: Phono3pyCalculation',
    'phonopy.phonopy = aiida_phonopy.calculations.phonopy.phonopy: PhonopyCalculation',
    'phtools.dmatrix = aiida_phtools.calculations.distance_matrix:DistanceMatrixCalculation',
    'phtools.surface = aiida_phtools.calculations.pore_surface:PoreSurfaceCalculation',
    'qeq.eqeq = aiida_qeq.calculations.eqeq:EQeqCalculation', 'qeq.qeq = aiida_qeq.calculations.qeq:QeqCalculation',
    'quantumespresso.cp = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.cp:CpCalculation',
    'quantumespresso.dos = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.dos:DosCalculation',
    'quantumespresso.hp = aiida_quantumespresso_hp.calculations.hp:HpCalculation',
    'quantumespresso.matdyn = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.matdyn:MatdynCalculation',
    'quantumespresso.namelists = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.namelists:NamelistsCalculation',
    'quantumespresso.neb = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.neb:NebCalculation',
    ' =',
    'quantumespresso.pp = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.pp:PpCalculation',
    'quantumespresso.projwfc = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.projwfc:ProjwfcCalculation',
    ' =',
    'quantumespresso.pw2wannier90 = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.pw2wannier90:Pw2wannier90Calculation',
    'quantumespresso.pwimmigrant = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.pwimmigrant:PwimmigrantCalculation',
    'quantumespresso.q2r = aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.q2r:Q2rCalculation',
    'raspa = aiida_raspa.calculations:RaspaCalculation',
    'siesta.siesta = aiida_siesta.calculations.siesta:SiestaCalculation',
    'siesta.stm = aiida_siesta.calculations.stm:STMCalculation', 'vasp.vasp = aiida_vasp.calcs.vasp:VaspCalculation',
    'vasp.vasp2w90 = aiida_vasp.calcs.vasp2w90:Vasp2w90Calculation',
    'wannier90.wannier90 = aiida_wannier90.calculations:Wannier90Calculation',
    'yambo.yambo =',
    ' ='

[docs]def infer_calculation_entry_point(type_strings): """Try to infer a calculation entry point name for all the calculation type strings that are found in the database. Before the plugin system was introduced, the `type` column of the node table was a string based on the base node type with the module path and class name appended. For example, for the `PwCalculation` class, which was a sub class of `JobCalculation`, would get `` as its `type` string. At this point, the `JobCalculation` also still fullfilled the role of both the `Process` class as well as the `Node` class. In the migration for `v1.0.0`, this had to be migrated, where the `type` became that of the actual node i.e. `node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.` which would lose the information of which actual sub class it represented. This information should be stored in the `process_type` column, where the value is the name of the entry point of that calculation class. This function will, for a given set of calculation type strings of pre v1.0.0, try to map them on the known entry points for the calculation category. This is the union of those entry points registered at the AiiDA registry (see the mapping above) and those available in the environment in which this function is ran. If a type string cannot be mapped onto an entry point name, a fallback `process_type` string will be generated which is based on part of the old `type` string. For example, `calculation.job.unknown.UnknownCalculation.` would get the process type string `~unknown.UnknownCalculation`. The function will return a mapping of type strings onto their inferred process type strings. :param type_strings: a set of type strings whose entry point is to be inferred :return: a mapping of current node type string to the inferred entry point name """ from aiida.plugins.entry_point import get_entry_points, parse_entry_point prefix_calc_job = 'calculation.job.' entry_point_group = 'aiida.calculations' entry_point_names = [] mapping_node_type_to_entry_point = {} # Build the list of known entry points, joining those present in the environment with the hard-coded set from taken # from the aiida-registry. Note that if entry points with the same name are found in both sets, the entry point # from the local environment is kept as leading. entry_points_local = get_entry_points(group=entry_point_group) entry_points_registry = [ parse_entry_point(entry_point_group, entry_point) for entry_point in registered_calculation_entry_points ] entry_points = entry_points_local entry_point_names = [ for entry_point in entry_points] for entry_point in entry_points_registry: if not in entry_point_names: entry_point_names.append( for type_string in type_strings: # If it does not start with the calculation job prefix, it cannot possibly reference a calculation plugin if not type_string.startswith(prefix_calc_job): continue plugin_string = type_string[len(prefix_calc_job):] plugin_parts = [part for part in plugin_string.split('.') if part] plugin_class = plugin_parts.pop() inferred_entry_point_name = '.'.join(plugin_parts) if inferred_entry_point_name in entry_point_names: entry_point_string = f'{entry_point_group}:{inferred_entry_point_name}' elif inferred_entry_point_name: entry_point_string = f'{inferred_entry_point_name}.{plugin_class}' else: # If there is no inferred entry point name, i.e. there is no module name, use an empty string as fall back # This should only be the case for the type string `calculation.job.JobCalculation.` entry_point_string = '' mapping_node_type_to_entry_point[type_string] = entry_point_string return mapping_node_type_to_entry_point
[docs]def write_database_integrity_violation(results, headers, reason_message, action_message=None): """Emit a integrity violation warning and write the violating records to a log file in the current directory :param results: a list of tuples representing the violating records :param headers: a tuple of strings that will be used as a header for the log file. Should have the same length as each tuple in the results list. :param reason_message: a human readable message detailing the reason of the integrity violation :param action_message: an optional human readable message detailing a performed action, if any """ # pylint: disable=duplicate-string-formatting-argument from datetime import datetime from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from tabulate import tabulate from aiida.cmdline.utils import echo from aiida.manage import configuration global_profile = configuration.get_profile() if global_profile and global_profile.is_test_profile: return if action_message is None: action_message = 'nothing' with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='migration-', suffix='.log', dir='.', delete=False, mode='w+') as handle: echo.echo('') echo.echo_warning( '\n{}\nFound one or multiple records that violate the integrity of the database\nViolation reason: {}\n' 'Performed action: {}\nViolators written to: {}\n{}\n'.format( WARNING_BORDER, reason_message, action_message,, WARNING_BORDER ) ) handle.write(f'# {datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}\n') handle.write(f'# Violation reason: {reason_message}\n') handle.write(f'# Performed action: {action_message}\n') handle.write('\n') handle.write(tabulate(results, headers))
# Currently valid hash key _HASH_EXTRA_KEY = '_aiida_hash'
[docs]def drop_hashes(conn): """Drop hashes of nodes. Print warning only if the DB actually contains nodes. """ # Remove when is fixed # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error from sqlalchemy.sql import text from aiida.cmdline.utils import echo n_nodes = conn.execute(text("""SELECT count(*) FROM db_dbnode;""")).fetchall()[0][0] if n_nodes > 0: echo.echo_warning('Invalidating the hashes of all nodes. Please run "verdi rehash".', bold=True) statement = text(f"UPDATE db_dbnode SET extras = extras #- '{{{_HASH_EXTRA_KEY}}}'::text[];") conn.execute(statement)