Source code for aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_daemon

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""`verdi daemon` commands."""
import subprocess
import sys
import time

import click
from click_spinner import spinner

from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_verdi import verdi
from aiida.cmdline.utils import decorators, echo
from aiida.cmdline.utils.daemon import delete_stale_pid_file, get_daemon_status, print_client_response_status
from aiida.manage import get_manager

[docs]def validate_daemon_workers(ctx, param, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,invalid-name """Validate the value for the number of daemon workers to start with default set by config.""" if value is None: value = ctx.obj.config.get_option('daemon.default_workers', if not isinstance(value, int): raise click.BadParameter(f'{value} is not an integer') if value <= 0: raise click.BadParameter(f'{value} is not a positive non-zero integer') return value'daemon') def verdi_daemon(): """Inspect and manage the daemon.""" @verdi_daemon.command() @click.option('--foreground', is_flag=True, help='Run in foreground.') @click.argument('number', required=False, type=int, callback=validate_daemon_workers) @decorators.with_dbenv() @decorators.check_circus_zmq_version def start(foreground, number): """Start the daemon with NUMBER workers. If the NUMBER of desired workers is not specified, the default is used, which is determined by the configuration option `daemon.default_workers`, which if not explicitly changed defaults to 1. Returns exit code 0 if the daemon is OK, non-zero if there was an error. """ from aiida.engine.daemon.client import DaemonException, get_daemon_client client = get_daemon_client() try: echo.echo(f'Starting the daemon with {number} workers... ', nl=False) client.start_daemon(number_workers=number, foreground=foreground) except DaemonException as exception: echo.echo('FAILED', fg=echo.COLORS['error'], bold=True) echo.echo_critical(str(exception)) with spinner(): time.sleep(1) response = client.get_status() retcode = print_client_response_status(response) if retcode: sys.exit(retcode) @verdi_daemon.command() @click.option('--all', 'all_profiles', is_flag=True, help='Show status of all daemons.') def status(all_profiles): """Print the status of the current daemon or all daemons. Returns exit code 0 if all requested daemons are running, else exit code 3. """ from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client manager = get_manager() config = manager.get_config() if all_profiles is True: profiles = [profile for profile in config.profiles if not profile.is_test_profile] else: profiles = [manager.get_profile()] daemons_running = [] for profile in profiles: client = get_daemon_client( delete_stale_pid_file(client) echo.echo('Profile: ', fg=echo.COLORS['report'], bold=True, nl=False) echo.echo(f'{}', bold=True) result = get_daemon_status(client) echo.echo(result) daemons_running.append(client.is_daemon_running) if not all(daemons_running): sys.exit(3) @verdi_daemon.command() @click.argument('number', default=1, type=int) @decorators.only_if_daemon_running() def incr(number): """Add NUMBER [default=1] workers to the running daemon. Returns exit code 0 if the daemon is OK, non-zero if there was an error. """ from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client client = get_daemon_client() response = client.increase_workers(number) retcode = print_client_response_status(response) if retcode: sys.exit(retcode) @verdi_daemon.command() @click.argument('number', default=1, type=int) @decorators.only_if_daemon_running() def decr(number): """Remove NUMBER [default=1] workers from the running daemon. Returns exit code 0 if the daemon is OK, non-zero if there was an error. """ from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client client = get_daemon_client() response = client.decrease_workers(number) retcode = print_client_response_status(response) if retcode: sys.exit(retcode) @verdi_daemon.command() def logshow(): """Show the log of the daemon, press CTRL+C to quit.""" from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client client = get_daemon_client() with subprocess.Popen(['tail', '-f', client.daemon_log_file], env=client.get_env()) as process: process.wait() @verdi_daemon.command() @click.option('--no-wait', is_flag=True, help='Do not wait for confirmation.') @click.option('--all', 'all_profiles', is_flag=True, help='Stop all daemons.') def stop(no_wait, all_profiles): """Stop the daemon. Returns exit code 0 if the daemon was shut down successfully (or was not running), non-zero if there was an error. """ from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client manager = get_manager() config = manager.get_config() if all_profiles is True: profiles = [profile for profile in config.profiles if not profile.is_test_profile] else: profiles = [manager.get_profile()] for profile in profiles: client = get_daemon_client( echo.echo('Profile: ', fg=echo.COLORS['report'], bold=True, nl=False) echo.echo(f'{}', bold=True) if not client.is_daemon_running: echo.echo('Daemon was not running') continue delete_stale_pid_file(client) wait = not no_wait if wait: echo.echo('Waiting for the daemon to shut down... ', nl=False) else: echo.echo('Shutting the daemon down') response = client.stop_daemon(wait) if wait: if response['status'] == client.DAEMON_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING: echo.echo('The daemon was not running.') else: retcode = print_client_response_status(response) if retcode: sys.exit(retcode) @verdi_daemon.command() @click.option('--reset', is_flag=True, help='Completely reset the daemon.') @click.option('--no-wait', is_flag=True, help='Do not wait for confirmation.') @click.pass_context @decorators.with_dbenv() @decorators.only_if_daemon_running() def restart(ctx, reset, no_wait): """Restart the daemon. By default will only reset the workers of the running daemon. After the restart the same amount of workers will be running. If the `--reset` flag is passed, however, the full daemon will be stopped and restarted with the default number of workers that is started when calling `verdi daemon start` manually. Returns exit code 0 if the result is OK, non-zero if there was an error. """ from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client client = get_daemon_client() wait = not no_wait if reset: ctx.invoke(stop) # These two lines can be simplified to `ctx.invoke(start)` once issue #950 in `click` is resolved. # Due to that bug, the `callback` of the `number` argument the `start` command is not being called, which is # responsible for settting the default value, which causes `None` to be passed and that triggers an exception. # As a temporary workaround, we fetch the default here manually and pass that in explicitly. number = ctx.obj.config.get_option('daemon.default_workers', ctx.invoke(start, number=number) else: if wait: echo.echo('Restarting the daemon... ', nl=False) else: echo.echo('Restarting the daemon') response = client.restart_daemon(wait) if wait: retcode = print_client_response_status(response) if retcode: sys.exit(retcode) @verdi_daemon.command(hidden=True) @click.option('--foreground', is_flag=True, help='Run in foreground.') @click.argument('number', required=False, type=int, callback=validate_daemon_workers) @decorators.with_dbenv() @decorators.check_circus_zmq_version def start_circus(foreground, number): """This will actually launch the circus daemon, either daemonized in the background or in the foreground. If run in the foreground all logs are redirected to stdout. .. note:: this should not be called directly from the commandline! """ from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client get_daemon_client()._start_daemon(number_workers=number, foreground=foreground) # pylint: disable=protected-access @verdi_daemon.command('worker') @decorators.with_dbenv() def worker(): """Run a single daemon worker in the current interpreter.""" from aiida.engine.daemon.worker import start_daemon_worker start_daemon_worker()