Source code for aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_node

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""`verdi node` command."""
import pathlib
import shutil

import click
import tabulate

from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_verdi import verdi
from aiida.cmdline.params import arguments, options
from aiida.cmdline.params.types.plugin import PluginParamType
from aiida.cmdline.utils import decorators, echo, multi_line_input
from aiida.cmdline.utils.decorators import with_dbenv
from aiida.common import exceptions, timezone
from aiida.common.links import GraphTraversalRules'node')
def verdi_node():
    """Inspect, create and manage nodes."""'repo')
def verdi_node_repo():
    """Inspect the content of a node repository folder."""

@click.argument('relative_path', type=str, required=False)
def repo_cat(node, relative_path):
    """Output the content of a file in the node repository folder.

    For ``SinglefileData`` nodes, the `RELATIVE_PATH` does not have to be specified as it is determined automatically.
    import errno
    import sys

    from aiida.orm import SinglefileData

    if not relative_path:
        if not isinstance(node, SinglefileData):
            raise click.BadArgumentUsage('Missing argument \'RELATIVE_PATH\'.')

        relative_path = node.filename

        with, mode='rb') as fhandle:
            shutil.copyfileobj(fhandle, sys.stdout.buffer)
    except OSError as exception:
        # The sepcial case is breakon pipe error, which is usually OK.
        if exception.errno != errno.EPIPE:
            # Incorrect path or file not readable
            echo.echo_critical(f'failed to get the content of file `{relative_path}`: {exception}')

@click.argument('relative_path', type=str, required=False)
@click.option('-c', '--color', 'color', flag_value=True, help='Use different color for folders and files.')
def repo_ls(node, relative_path, color):
    """List files in the node repository folder."""
    from aiida.cmdline.utils.repository import list_repository_contents

        list_repository_contents(node, relative_path, color)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        echo.echo_critical(f'the path `{relative_path}` does not exist for the given node')

def repo_dump(node, output_directory):
    """Copy the repository files of a node to an output directory.

    The output directory should not exist. If it does, the command
    will abort.
    from aiida.repository import FileType

    output_directory = pathlib.Path(output_directory)

        output_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)
    except FileExistsError:
        echo.echo_critical(f'Invalid value for "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY": Path "{output_directory}" exists.')

    def _copy_tree(key, output_dir):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        Recursively copy the content at the ``key`` path in the given node to
        the ``output_dir``.
        for file in node.base.repository.list_objects(key):
            # Not using os.path.join here, because this is the "path"
            # in the AiiDA node, not an actual OS - level path.
            file_key = if not key else f'{key}/{}'
            if file.file_type == FileType.DIRECTORY:
                new_out_dir = output_dir /
                assert not new_out_dir.exists()
                _copy_tree(key=file_key, output_dir=new_out_dir)

                assert file.file_type == FileType.FILE
                out_file_path = output_dir /
                assert not out_file_path.exists()
                with, 'rb') as in_file:
                    with'wb') as out_file:
                        shutil.copyfileobj(in_file, out_file)

    _copy_tree(key='', output_dir=output_directory)

@options.LABEL(help='Set LABEL as the new label for all NODES')
@options.RAW(help='Display only the labels, no extra information')
def node_label(nodes, label, raw, force):
    """View or set the label of one or more nodes."""
    table = []

    if label is None:
        for node in nodes:

            if raw:
                table.append([, node.label])

        if raw:
            echo.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, tablefmt='plain'))
            echo.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers=['ID', 'Label']))

        if not force:
            warning = f'Are you sure you want to set the label for {len(nodes)} nodes?'
            click.confirm(warning, abort=True)

        for node in nodes:
            node.label = label

        echo.echo_success(f"Set label '{label}' for {len(nodes)} nodes")

@options.DESCRIPTION(help='Set DESCRIPTION as the new description for all NODES', default=None)
@options.RAW(help='Display only descriptions, no extra information')
def node_description(nodes, description, force, raw):
    """View or set the description of one or more nodes."""
    table = []

    if description is None:
        for node in nodes:

            if raw:
                table.append([, node.description])

        if raw:
            echo.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, tablefmt='plain'))
            echo.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers=['ID', 'Description']))

        if not force:
            warning = f'Are you sure you want to set the description for  {len(nodes)} nodes?'
            click.confirm(warning, abort=True)

        for node in nodes:
            node.description = description

        echo.echo_success(f'Set description for {len(nodes)} nodes')

@click.option('--print-groups', 'print_groups', flag_value=True, help='Show groups containing the nodes.')
def node_show(nodes, print_groups):
    """Show generic information on one or more nodes."""
    from aiida.cmdline.utils.common import get_node_info

    for node in nodes:
        # pylint: disable=fixme
        # TODO: Add a check here on the node type, otherwise it might try to access
        # attributes such as code which are not necessarily there

        if print_groups:
            from aiida.orm import Node  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
            from aiida.orm.groups import Group
            from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder

            # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            qb = QueryBuilder()
            qb.append(Node, tag='node', filters={'id': {'==':}})
            qb.append(Group, tag='groups', with_node='node', project=['id', 'label', 'type_string'])

            echo.echo('#### GROUPS:')

            if qb.count() == 0:
                echo.echo(f'Node {} does not belong to any group')
                echo.echo(f'Node {} belongs to the following groups:')
                res = qb.iterdict()
                table = [(gr['groups']['id'], gr['groups']['label'], gr['groups']['type_string']) for gr in res]

                echo.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers=['PK', 'Label', 'Group type']))

[docs]def echo_node_dict(nodes, keys, fmt, identifier, raw, use_attrs=True): """Show the attributes or extras of one or more nodes.""" all_nodes = [] for node in nodes: if identifier == 'pk': id_name = 'PK' id_value = else: id_name = 'UUID' id_value = node.uuid if use_attrs: node_dict = node.base.attributes.all dict_name = 'attributes' else: node_dict = node.base.extras.all dict_name = 'extras' if keys is not None: node_dict = {k: v for k, v in node_dict.items() if k in keys} if raw: all_nodes.append({id_name: id_value, dict_name: node_dict}) else: echo.echo(f'{id_name}: {id_value}', bold=True) echo.echo_dictionary(node_dict, fmt=fmt) if raw: echo.echo_dictionary(all_nodes, fmt=fmt)
@verdi_node.command('attributes') @arguments.NODES() @options.DICT_KEYS() @options.DICT_FORMAT() @options.IDENTIFIER() @options.RAW(help='Print the results as a single dictionary.') @with_dbenv() def attributes(nodes, keys, fmt, identifier, raw): """Show the attributes of one or more nodes.""" echo_node_dict(nodes, keys, fmt, identifier, raw) @verdi_node.command('extras') @arguments.NODES() @options.DICT_KEYS() @options.DICT_FORMAT() @options.IDENTIFIER() @options.RAW(help='Print the results as a single dictionary.') @with_dbenv() def extras(nodes, keys, fmt, identifier, raw): """Show the extras of one or more nodes.""" echo_node_dict(nodes, keys, fmt, identifier, raw, use_attrs=False) @verdi_node.command('delete') @click.argument('identifier', nargs=-1, metavar='NODES') @options.DRY_RUN() @options.FORCE() @options.graph_traversal_rules(GraphTraversalRules.DELETE.value) @with_dbenv() def node_delete(identifier, dry_run, force, **traversal_rules): """Delete nodes from the provenance graph. This will not only delete the nodes explicitly provided via the command line, but will also include the nodes necessary to keep a consistent graph, according to the rules outlined in the documentation. You can modify some of those rules using options of this command. """ from aiida.orm.utils.loaders import NodeEntityLoader from import delete_nodes pks = [] for obj in identifier: # we only load the node if we need to convert from a uuid/label try: pks.append(int(obj)) except ValueError: pks.append(NodeEntityLoader.load_entity(obj).pk) def _dry_run_callback(pks): if not pks or force: return False echo.echo_warning(f'YOU ARE ABOUT TO DELETE {len(pks)} NODES! THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE!') return not click.confirm('Shall I continue?', abort=True) _, was_deleted = delete_nodes(pks, dry_run=dry_run or _dry_run_callback, **traversal_rules) if was_deleted: echo.echo_success('Finished deletion.') @verdi_node.command('rehash') @arguments.NODES() @click.option( '-e', '--entry-point', type=PluginParamType(group=('aiida.calculations', '', 'aiida.workflows'), load=True), default=None, help='Only include nodes that are class or sub class of the class identified by this entry point.' ) @options.FORCE() @with_dbenv() def rehash(nodes, entry_point, force): """Recompute the hash for nodes in the database. The set of nodes that will be rehashed can be filtered by their identifier and/or based on their class. """ from aiida.orm import Data, ProcessNode, QueryBuilder if not force: echo.echo_warning('This command will recompute and overwrite the hashes of all nodes.') echo.echo_warning('Note that this can take a lot of time for big databases.') echo.echo_warning('') echo.echo_warning('', nl=False) confirm_message = 'Do you want to continue?' try: click.confirm(text=confirm_message, abort=True) except click.Abort: echo.echo('\n') echo.echo_critical('Migration aborted, the data has not been affected.') # If no explicit entry point is defined, rehash all nodes, which are either Data nodes or ProcessNodes if entry_point is None: entry_point = (Data, ProcessNode) if nodes: to_hash = [(node,) for node in nodes if isinstance(node, entry_point)] num_nodes = len(to_hash) else: builder = QueryBuilder() builder.append(entry_point, tag='node') to_hash = builder.all() num_nodes = builder.count() if not to_hash: echo.echo_critical('no matching nodes found') with click.progressbar(to_hash, label='Rehashing Nodes:') as iter_hash: for node, in iter_hash: node.base.caching.rehash() echo.echo_success(f'{num_nodes} nodes re-hashed.')'graph') def verdi_graph(): """Create visual representations of the provenance graph.""" @verdi_graph.command('generate') @arguments.NODE('root_node') @click.option( '-l', '--link-types', help=( 'The link types to include: ' "'data' includes only 'input_calc' and 'create' links (data provenance only), " "'logic' includes only 'input_work' and 'return' links (logical provenance only)." ), default='all', type=click.Choice(['all', 'data', 'logic']) ) @click.option( '--identifier', help='the type of identifier to use within the node text', default='uuid', type=click.Choice(['pk', 'uuid', 'label']) ) @click.option( '-a', '--ancestor-depth', help='The maximum depth when recursing upwards, if not set it will recurse to the end.', type=click.IntRange(min=0) ) @click.option( '-d', '--descendant-depth', help='The maximum depth when recursing through the descendants. If not set it will recurse to the end.', type=click.IntRange(min=0) ) @click.option('-o', '--process-out', is_flag=True, help='Show outgoing links for all processes.') @click.option('-i', '--process-in', is_flag=True, help='Show incoming links for all processes.') @click.option( '-e', '--engine', help="The graphviz engine, e.g. 'dot', 'circo', ... " '(see', default='dot' ) @click.option('-f', '--output-format', help="The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', etc.).", default='pdf') @click.option( '-c', '--highlight-classes', help= "Only color nodes of specific class label (as displayed in the graph, e.g. 'StructureData', 'FolderData', etc.).", type=click.STRING, default=None, multiple=True ) @click.option('-s', '--show', is_flag=True, help='Open the rendered result with the default application.') @decorators.with_dbenv() def graph_generate( root_node, link_types, identifier, ancestor_depth, descendant_depth, process_out, process_in, engine, output_format, highlight_classes, show ): """ Generate a graph from a ROOT_NODE (specified by pk or uuid). """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments from import Graph link_types = {'all': (), 'logic': ('input_work', 'return'), 'data': ('input_calc', 'create')}[link_types] echo.echo_info(f'Initiating graphviz engine: {engine}') graph = Graph(engine=engine, node_id_type=identifier) echo.echo_info(f'Recursing ancestors, max depth={ancestor_depth}') graph.recurse_ancestors( root_node, depth=ancestor_depth, link_types=link_types, annotate_links='both', include_process_outputs=process_out, highlight_classes=highlight_classes, ) echo.echo_info(f'Recursing descendants, max depth={descendant_depth}') graph.recurse_descendants( root_node, depth=descendant_depth, link_types=link_types, annotate_links='both', include_process_inputs=process_in, highlight_classes=highlight_classes, ) output_file_name = graph.graphviz.render( filename=f'{}.{engine}', format=output_format, view=show, cleanup=True ) echo.echo_success(f'Output file: {output_file_name}')'comment') def verdi_comment(): """Inspect, create and manage node comments.""" @verdi_comment.command('add') @options.NODES(required=True) @click.argument('content', type=click.STRING, required=False) @decorators.with_dbenv() def comment_add(nodes, content): """Add a comment to one or more nodes.""" if not content: content = multi_line_input.edit_comment() for node in nodes: node.base.comments.add(content) echo.echo_success(f'comment added to {len(nodes)} nodes') @verdi_comment.command('update') @click.argument('comment_id', type=int, metavar='COMMENT_ID') @click.argument('content', type=click.STRING, required=False) @decorators.with_dbenv() def comment_update(comment_id, content): """Update a comment of a node.""" from aiida.orm.comments import Comment try: comment = Comment.collection.get(id=comment_id) except (exceptions.NotExistent, exceptions.MultipleObjectsError): echo.echo_critical(f'comment<{comment_id}> not found') if content is None: content = multi_line_input.edit_comment(comment.content) comment.set_content(content) echo.echo_success(f'comment<{comment_id}> updated') @verdi_comment.command('show') @options.USER() @arguments.NODES() @decorators.with_dbenv() def comment_show(user, nodes): """Show the comments of one or multiple nodes.""" for node in nodes: msg = f'* Comments for Node<{}>' echo.echo('*' * len(msg)) echo.echo(msg) echo.echo('*' * len(msg)) all_comments = node.base.comments.all() if user is not None: comments = [comment for comment in all_comments if ==] if not comments: valid_users = ', '.join(set( for comment in all_comments)) echo.echo_warning(f'no comments found for user {user}') echo.echo_report(f'valid users found for Node<{}>: {valid_users}') else: comments = all_comments for comment in comments: comment_msg = [ f'Comment<{}> for Node<{}> by {}', f"Created on {timezone.localtime(comment.ctime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}", f"Last modified on {timezone.localtime(comment.mtime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}", f'\n{comment.content}\n', ] echo.echo('\n'.join(comment_msg)) if not comments: echo.echo_report('no comments found') @verdi_comment.command('remove') @options.FORCE() @click.argument('comment', type=int, required=True, metavar='COMMENT_ID') @decorators.with_dbenv() def comment_remove(force, comment): """Remove a comment of a node.""" from aiida.orm.comments import Comment if not force: click.confirm(f'Are you sure you want to remove comment<{comment}>', abort=True) try: Comment.collection.delete(comment) except exceptions.NotExistent as exception: echo.echo_critical(f'failed to remove comment<{comment}>: {exception}') else: echo.echo_success(f'removed comment<{comment}>')