Source code for aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_process

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# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
"""`verdi process` command."""
import click

from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_verdi import verdi
from aiida.cmdline.params import arguments, options, types
from aiida.cmdline.utils import decorators, echo
from aiida.common.log import LOG_LEVELS
from aiida.manage import get_manager

[docs]def valid_projections(): """Return list of valid projections for the ``--project`` option of ``verdi process list``. This indirection is necessary to prevent loading the imported module which slows down tab-completion. """ from import CalculationQueryBuilder return CalculationQueryBuilder.valid_projections
[docs]def default_projections(): """Return list of default projections for the ``--project`` option of ``verdi process list``. This indirection is necessary to prevent loading the imported module which slows down tab-completion. """ from import CalculationQueryBuilder return CalculationQueryBuilder.default_projections'process') def verdi_process(): """Inspect and manage processes.""" @verdi_process.command('list') @options.PROJECT(type=types.LazyChoice(valid_projections), default=lambda: default_projections()) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda @options.ORDER_BY() @options.ORDER_DIRECTION() @options.GROUP(help='Only include entries that are a member of this group.') @options.ALL(help='Show all entries, regardless of their process state.') @options.PROCESS_STATE() @options.PROCESS_LABEL() @options.PAUSED() @options.EXIT_STATUS() @options.FAILED() @options.PAST_DAYS() @options.LIMIT() @options.RAW() @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_list( all_entries, group, process_state, process_label, paused, exit_status, failed, past_days, limit, project, raw, order_by, order_dir ): """Show a list of running or terminated processes. By default, only those that are still running are shown, but there are options to show also the finished ones. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals from tabulate import tabulate from aiida.cmdline.utils.common import check_worker_load, print_last_process_state_change from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client from import CalculationQueryBuilder relationships = {} if group: relationships['with_node'] = group builder = CalculationQueryBuilder() filters = builder.get_filters(all_entries, process_state, process_label, paused, exit_status, failed) query_set = builder.get_query_set( relationships=relationships, filters=filters, order_by={order_by: order_dir}, past_days=past_days, limit=limit ) projected = builder.get_projected(query_set, projections=project) headers = projected.pop(0) if raw: tabulated = tabulate(projected, tablefmt='plain') echo.echo(tabulated) else: tabulated = tabulate(projected, headers=headers) echo.echo(tabulated) echo.echo(f'\nTotal results: {len(projected)}\n') print_last_process_state_change() if not get_daemon_client().is_daemon_running: echo.echo_warning('the daemon is not running', bold=True) else: # Second query to get active process count # Currently this is slow but will be fixed with issue #2770 # We place it at the end so that the user can Ctrl+C after getting the process table. builder = CalculationQueryBuilder() filters = builder.get_filters(process_state=('created', 'waiting', 'running')) query_set = builder.get_query_set(filters=filters) projected = builder.get_projected(query_set, projections=['pk']) worker_slot_use = len(projected) - 1 check_worker_load(worker_slot_use) @verdi_process.command('show') @arguments.PROCESSES() @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_show(processes): """Show details for one or multiple processes.""" from aiida.cmdline.utils.common import get_node_info for process in processes: echo.echo(get_node_info(process)) @verdi_process.command('call-root') @arguments.PROCESSES() @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_call_root(processes): """Show root process of the call stack for the given processes.""" for process in processes: caller = process.caller if caller is None: echo.echo(f'No callers found for Process<{}>') continue while True: next_caller = caller.caller if next_caller is None: break caller = next_caller echo.echo(f'{}') @verdi_process.command('report') @arguments.PROCESSES() @click.option('-i', '--indent-size', type=int, default=2, help='Set the number of spaces to indent each level by.') @click.option( '-l', '--levelname', type=click.Choice(LOG_LEVELS.keys()), default='REPORT', help='Filter the results by name of the log level.' ) @click.option( '-m', '--max-depth', 'max_depth', type=int, default=None, help='Limit the number of levels to be printed.' ) @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_report(processes, levelname, indent_size, max_depth): """Show the log report for one or multiple processes.""" from aiida.cmdline.utils.common import get_calcjob_report, get_process_function_report, get_workchain_report from aiida.orm import CalcFunctionNode, CalcJobNode, WorkChainNode, WorkFunctionNode for process in processes: if isinstance(process, CalcJobNode): echo.echo(get_calcjob_report(process)) elif isinstance(process, WorkChainNode): echo.echo(get_workchain_report(process, levelname, indent_size, max_depth)) elif isinstance(process, (CalcFunctionNode, WorkFunctionNode)): echo.echo(get_process_function_report(process)) else: echo.echo(f'Nothing to show for node type {process.__class__}') @verdi_process.command('status') @click.option( '-m', '--max-depth', 'max_depth', type=int, default=None, help='Limit the number of levels to be printed.' ) @arguments.PROCESSES() def process_status(max_depth, processes): """Print the status of one or multiple processes.""" from aiida.cmdline.utils.ascii_vis import format_call_graph for process in processes: graph = format_call_graph(process, max_depth=max_depth) echo.echo(graph) @verdi_process.command('kill') @arguments.PROCESSES() @options.TIMEOUT() @options.WAIT() @decorators.with_dbenv() @decorators.only_if_daemon_running(echo.echo_warning, 'daemon is not running, so process may not be reachable') def process_kill(processes, timeout, wait): """Kill running processes.""" from aiida.engine.processes import control try: control.kill_processes(processes, timeout=timeout, wait=wait) except control.ProcessTimeoutException as exception: echo.echo_critical(str(exception) + '\nFrom the CLI you can call `verdi devel revive <PID>`.') @verdi_process.command('pause') @arguments.PROCESSES() @options.ALL(help='Pause all active processes if no specific processes are specified.') @options.TIMEOUT() @options.WAIT() @decorators.with_dbenv() @decorators.only_if_daemon_running(echo.echo_warning, 'daemon is not running, so process may not be reachable') def process_pause(processes, all_entries, timeout, wait): """Pause running processes.""" from aiida.engine.processes import control if processes and all_entries: raise click.BadOptionUsage('all', 'cannot specify individual processes and the `--all` flag at the same time.') try: control.pause_processes(processes, all_entries=all_entries, timeout=timeout, wait=wait) except control.ProcessTimeoutException as exception: echo.echo_critical(str(exception) + '\nFrom the CLI you can call `verdi devel revive <PID>`.') @verdi_process.command('play') @arguments.PROCESSES() @options.ALL(help='Play all paused processes if no specific processes are specified.') @options.TIMEOUT() @options.WAIT() @decorators.with_dbenv() @decorators.only_if_daemon_running(echo.echo_warning, 'daemon is not running, so process may not be reachable') def process_play(processes, all_entries, timeout, wait): """Play (unpause) paused processes.""" from aiida.engine.processes import control if processes and all_entries: raise click.BadOptionUsage('all', 'cannot specify individual processes and the `--all` flag at the same time.') try: control.play_processes(processes, all_entries=all_entries, timeout=timeout, wait=wait) except control.ProcessTimeoutException as exception: echo.echo_critical(str(exception) + '\nFrom the CLI you can call `verdi devel revive <PID>`.') @verdi_process.command('watch') @arguments.PROCESSES() @decorators.with_dbenv() @decorators.only_if_daemon_running(echo.echo_warning, 'daemon is not running, so process may not be reachable') def process_watch(processes): """Watch the state transitions for a process.""" from time import sleep from kiwipy import BroadcastFilter def _print(communicator, body, sender, subject, correlation_id): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Format the incoming broadcast data into a message and echo it to stdout.""" if body is None: body = 'No message specified' if correlation_id is None: correlation_id = '--' echo.echo(f'Process<{sender}> [{subject}|{correlation_id}]: {body}') communicator = get_manager().get_communicator() echo.echo_report('watching for broadcasted messages, press CTRL+C to stop...') for process in processes: if process.is_terminated: echo.echo_error(f'Process<{}> is already terminated') continue communicator.add_broadcast_subscriber(BroadcastFilter(_print, try: # Block this thread indefinitely until interrupt while True: sleep(2) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): echo.echo('') # add a new line after the interrupt character echo.echo_report('received interrupt, exiting...') try: communicator.close() except RuntimeError: pass # Reraise to trigger clicks builtin abort sequence raise