Source code for aiida.manage.external.rmq.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Client for RabbitMQ Management HTTP API."""
from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
from urllib.parse import quote

import requests

from aiida.common.exceptions import AiidaException

__all__ = ('RabbitmqManagementClient', 'ManagementApiConnectionError')

[docs]class ManagementApiConnectionError(AiidaException): """Raised when no connection can be made to the management HTTP API."""
[docs]class RabbitmqManagementClient: """Client for RabbitMQ Management HTTP API. This requires the ``rabbitmq_management`` plugin ( to be enabled. Typically this is enabled by running ``rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, username: str, password: str, hostname: str, virtual_host: str): """Construct a new instance. :param username: The username to authenticate with. :param password: The password to authenticate with. :param hostname: The hostname of the RabbitMQ server. :param virtual_host: The virtual host. """ self._username = username self._password = password self._hostname = hostname self._virtual_host = virtual_host self._authentication = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
[docs] def format_url(self, url: str, url_params: dict[str, str] = None) -> str: """Format the complete URL from a partial resource path with placeholders. The base URL will be automatically prepended. :param url: The resource path with placeholders, e.g., ``queues/{virtual_host}/{queue}``. :param url_params: Dictionary with values for the placeholders in the ``url``. The ``virtual_host`` value is automatically inserted and should not be specified. :returns: The complete URL. """ url_params = url_params or {} url_params['virtual_host'] = self._virtual_host if self._virtual_host else '/' url_params = {key: quote(value, safe='') for key, value in url_params.items()} return f'http://{self._hostname}:15672/api/{url.format(**url_params)}'
[docs] def request( self, url: str, url_params: dict[str, str] = None, method: str = 'GET', params: dict[str, t.Any] = None, ) -> requests.Response: """Make a request. :param url: The resource path with placeholders, e.g., ``queues/{virtual_host}/{queue}``. :param url_params: Dictionary with values for the placeholders in the ``url``. The ``virtual_host`` value is automatically inserted and should not be specified. :param method: The HTTP method. :param params: Query parameters to add to the URL. :returns: The response of the request. :raises `ManagementApiConnectionError`: If connection to the API cannot be made. """ url = self.format_url(url, url_params) try: return requests.request(method, url, auth=self._authentication, params=params or {}) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exception: raise ManagementApiConnectionError( 'Could not connect to the management API. Make sure RabbitMQ is running and the management plugin is ' 'installed using `sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management`.' ) from exception
@property def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Return whether the API server can be connected to. .. note:: Tries to reach the server at the ``/api/cluster-name`` end-point. :returns: ``True`` if the server can be reached, ``False`` otherwise. """ try: self.request('cluster-name') except ManagementApiConnectionError: return False else: return True