Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Data plugin representing an executable code on a remote computer.

This plugin should be used if an executable is pre-installed on a computer. The ``InstalledCode`` represents the code by
storing the absolute filepath of the relevant executable and the computer on which it is installed. The computer is
represented by an instance of :class:`aiida.orm.computers.Computer`. Each time a :class:`aiida.engine.CalcJob` is run
using an ``InstalledCode``, it will run its executable on the associated computer.
import pathlib

import click

from aiida.cmdline.params.types import ComputerParamType
from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.common.lang import type_check
from aiida.common.log import override_log_level
from aiida.orm import Computer

from .legacy import Code

__all__ = ('InstalledCode',)

[docs]class InstalledCode(Code): """Data plugin representing an executable code on a remote computer.""" _KEY_ATTRIBUTE_FILEPATH_EXECUTABLE: str = 'filepath_executable'
[docs] def __init__(self, computer: Computer, filepath_executable: str, **kwargs): """Construct a new instance. :param computer: The remote computer on which the executable is located. :param filepath_executable: The absolute filepath of the executable on the remote computer. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = computer self.filepath_executable = filepath_executable
[docs] def _validate(self): """Validate the instance by checking that a computer has been defined. :raises :class:`aiida.common.exceptions.ValidationError`: If the state of the node is invalid. """ super(Code, self)._validate() # Change to ``super()._validate()`` once deprecated ``Code`` class is removed. # pylint: disable=bad-super-call if not raise exceptions.ValidationError('The `computer` is undefined.') try: self.filepath_executable except TypeError as exception: raise exceptions.ValidationError('The `filepath_executable` is not set.') from exception
[docs] def validate_filepath_executable(self): """Validate the ``filepath_executable`` attribute. Checks whether the executable exists on the remote computer if a transport can be opened to it. This method is intentionally not called in ``_validate`` as to allow the creation of ``Code`` instances whose computers can not yet be connected to and as to not require the overhead of opening transports in storing a new code. :raises `~aiida.common.exceptions.ValidationError`: if no transport could be opened or if the defined executable does not exist on the remote computer. """ try: with override_log_level(): # Temporarily suppress noisy logging with as transport: file_exists = transport.isfile(self.filepath_executable) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise exceptions.ValidationError( 'Could not connect to the configured computer to determine whether the specified executable exists.' ) if not file_exists: raise exceptions.ValidationError( f'The provided remote absolute path `{self.filepath_executable}` does not exist on the computer.' )
[docs] def can_run_on_computer(self, computer: Computer) -> bool: """Return whether the code can run on a given computer. :param computer: The computer. :return: ``True`` if the provided computer is the same as the one configured for this code. """ type_check(computer, Computer) return ==
[docs] def get_executable(self) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the executable that the submission script should execute to run the code. :return: The executable to be called in the submission script. """ return self.filepath_executable
@property def full_label(self) -> str: """Return the full label of this code. The full label can be just the label itself but it can be something else. However, it at the very least has to include the label of the code. :return: The full label of the code. """ return f'{self.label}@{}' @property def filepath_executable(self) -> pathlib.PurePath: """Return the absolute filepath of the executable that this code represents. :return: The absolute filepath of the executable. """ return pathlib.PurePath(self.base.attributes.get(self._KEY_ATTRIBUTE_FILEPATH_EXECUTABLE)) @filepath_executable.setter def filepath_executable(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the absolute filepath of the executable that this code represents. :param value: The absolute filepath of the executable. """ type_check(value, str) if not pathlib.PurePath(value).is_absolute(): raise ValueError('the `filepath_executable` should be absolute.') self.base.attributes.set(self._KEY_ATTRIBUTE_FILEPATH_EXECUTABLE, value)
[docs] @staticmethod def cli_validate_label_uniqueness(ctx, _, value): """Validate the uniqueness of the label of the code.""" from aiida.orm import load_code computer = ctx.params.get('computer', None) if computer is None: return value full_label = f'{value}@{computer.label}' try: load_code(full_label) except exceptions.NotExistent: pass except exceptions.MultipleObjectsError: raise click.BadParameter(f'Multiple codes with the label `{full_label}` already exist.') else: raise click.BadParameter(f'A code with the label `{full_label}` already exists.') return value
[docs] @classmethod def _get_cli_options(cls) -> dict: """Return the CLI options that would allow to create an instance of this class.""" options = { 'computer': { 'required': True, 'prompt': 'Computer', 'help': 'The remote computer on which the executable resides.', 'type': ComputerParamType(), }, 'filepath_executable': { 'required': True, 'type': click.Path(exists=False), 'prompt': 'Absolute filepath executable', 'help': 'Absolute filepath of the executable on the remote computer.', } } options.update(**super()._get_cli_options()) return options