Source code for aiida.restapi.resources

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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""" Resources for REST API """
from urllib.parse import unquote

from flask import make_response, request
from flask_restful import Resource

from aiida.common.lang import classproperty
from aiida.manage import get_config_option, load_profile
from aiida.restapi.common.exceptions import RestInputValidationError
from aiida.restapi.common.utils import Utils, close_thread_connection
from aiida.restapi.translator.nodes.node import NodeTranslator

[docs]class ServerInfo(Resource): """Endpoint to return general server info"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Configure utils utils_conf_keys = ('PREFIX', 'PERPAGE_DEFAULT', 'LIMIT_DEFAULT') self.utils_confs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in utils_conf_keys if k in kwargs} self.utils = Utils(**self.utils_confs)
[docs] def get(self): """ It returns the general info about the REST API :return: returns current AiiDA version defined in aiida/ """ path = unquote(request.path) url = unquote(request.url) url_root = unquote(request.url_root) query_string = unquote(request.query_string.decode('utf-8')) subpath = self.utils.strip_api_prefix(path).strip('/') pathlist = self.utils.split_path(subpath) if subpath == '': resource_type = 'endpoints' elif len(pathlist) > 1: resource_type = pathlist.pop(1) else: resource_type = 'info' response = {} from aiida import __version__ from aiida.restapi.common.config import API_CONFIG if resource_type == 'info': response = {} # Add Rest API version api_version = API_CONFIG['VERSION'].split('.') response['API_major_version'] = api_version[0] response['API_minor_version'] = api_version[1] response['API_revision_version'] = api_version[2] # Add Rest API prefix response['API_prefix'] = API_CONFIG['PREFIX'] # Add AiiDA version response['AiiDA_version'] = __version__ elif resource_type == 'endpoints': from aiida.restapi.common.utils import list_routes response['available_endpoints'] = list_routes() headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) ## Build response and return it data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=path, query_string=query_string, resource_type='Info', data=response ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)
[docs]class BaseResource(Resource): # pylint: disable=fixme """ Each derived class will instantiate a different type of translator. This is the only difference in the classes. """ from aiida.restapi.translator.base import BaseTranslator _translator_class = BaseTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = None # Flag to tell the path parser whether to expect a pk or a uuid pattern method_decorators = [close_thread_connection] # Close the thread's storage connection after any method call ## TODO add the caching support. I cache total count, results, and possibly
[docs] def __init__(self, profile, **kwargs): """Construct the resource.""" self.trans = self._translator_class(**kwargs) self.profile = profile # Configure utils utils_conf_keys = ('PREFIX', 'PERPAGE_DEFAULT', 'LIMIT_DEFAULT') self.utils_confs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in utils_conf_keys if k in kwargs} self.utils = Utils(**self.utils_confs) # HTTP Request method decorators if 'get_decorators' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['get_decorators'], (tuple, list, set)): self.method_decorators = {'get': list(kwargs['get_decorators'])}
[docs] @staticmethod def unquote_request(): """Unquote and return various parts of the request. :returns: Tuple of the request path, url, url root and query string. """ path = unquote(request.path) url = unquote(request.url) url_root = unquote(request.url_root) query_string = unquote(request.query_string.decode('utf-8')) return path, url, url_root, query_string
[docs] def parse_path(self, path): """Parse the request path.""" return self.utils.parse_path(path, parse_pk_uuid=self.parse_pk_uuid)
[docs] def parse_query_string(self, query_string): """Parse the request query string.""" return self.utils.parse_query_string(query_string)
@classproperty def parse_pk_uuid(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument return cls._parse_pk_uuid
[docs] def _load_and_verify(self, node_id=None): """Load node and verify it is of the required type""" from aiida.orm import load_node node = load_node(node_id) if not isinstance(node, self.trans._aiida_class): # pylint: disable=protected-access,isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type raise RestInputValidationError( f'node {node_id} is not of the required type {self.trans._aiida_class}' # pylint: disable=protected-access ) return node
[docs] def load_profile(self, profile=None): """Load the required profile. This will load the profile specified by the ``profile`` keyword in the query parameters, and if not specified it will default to the profile defined in the constructor. """ profile_switching_enabled = get_config_option('rest_api.profile_switching') if profile is not None and not profile_switching_enabled: raise RestInputValidationError('specifying an explicit profile is not enabled for this REST API.') load_profile(profile or self.profile, allow_switch=True)
[docs] def get(self, id=None, page=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name,unused-argument # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ Get method for the resource :param id: node identifier :param page: page no, used for pagination :return: http response """ path, url, url_root, query_string = self.unquote_request() resource_type, page, node_id, query_type = self.parse_path(path) parameters = self.parse_query_string(query_string) limit = parameters[0] offset = parameters[1] perpage = parameters[2] orderby = parameters[3] filters = parameters[4] profile = parameters[-1] try: self.load_profile(profile) except RestInputValidationError as exception: return self.utils.build_response( status=400, headers=self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0), data={ 'method': request.method, 'url': url, 'url_root': url_root, 'path': path, 'query_string': query_string, 'resource_type': self.__class__.__name__, 'data': { 'message': str(exception) }, } ) ## Validate request self.utils.validate_request( limit=limit, offset=offset, perpage=perpage, page=page, query_type=query_type, is_querystring_defined=(bool(query_string)) ) ## Treat the projectable_properties case which does not imply access to the DataBase if query_type == 'projectable_properties': ## Retrieve the projectable properties projectable_properties, ordering = self.trans.get_projectable_properties() results = dict(fields=projectable_properties, ordering=ordering) ## Build response and return it headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) else: ## Set the query, and initialize qb object self.trans.set_query(filters=filters, orders=orderby, node_id=node_id) ## Count results total_count = self.trans.get_total_count() ## Pagination (if required) if page is not None: (limit, offset, rel_pages) = self.utils.paginate(page, perpage, total_count) self.trans.set_limit_offset(limit=limit, offset=offset) headers = self.utils.build_headers(rel_pages=rel_pages, url=request.url, total_count=total_count) else: self.trans.set_limit_offset(limit=limit, offset=offset) headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=total_count) ## Retrieve results results = self.trans.get_results() ## Build response and return it data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=request.path, id=node_id, query_string=query_string, resource_type=resource_type, data=results ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)
[docs]class QueryBuilder(BaseResource): """ Representation of a QueryBuilder REST API resource (instantiated with a serialised QueryBuilder instance). It supports POST requests taking in JSON :py:func:`~aiida.orm.querybuilder.QueryBuilder.as_dict` objects and returning the :py:class:`~aiida.orm.querybuilder.QueryBuilder` result accordingly. """ _translator_class = NodeTranslator GET_MESSAGE = ( 'Method Not Allowed. Use HTTP POST requests to use the AiiDA QueryBuilder. ' 'POST JSON data, which MUST be a valid QueryBuilder.as_dict() dictionary as a JSON object. ' 'See the documentation at ' '' '#converting-the-querybuilder-to-from-a-dictionary for more information.' )
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # HTTP Request method decorators if 'get_decorators' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['get_decorators'], (tuple, list, set)): self.method_decorators.update({'post': list(kwargs['get_decorators'])})
[docs] def get(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Static return to state information about this endpoint.""" path, url, url_root, query_string = self.unquote_request() headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) return self.utils.build_response( status=405, # Method Not Allowed headers=headers, data={ 'method': request.method, 'url': url, 'url_root': url_root, 'path': path, 'query_string': query_string, 'resource_type': self.__class__.__name__, 'data': {'message': self.GET_MESSAGE}, }, )
[docs] def post(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """ POST method to pass query help JSON. If the posted JSON is not a valid QueryBuilder serialisation, the request will fail with an internal server error. This uses the NodeTranslator in order to best return Nodes according to the general AiiDA REST API data format, while still allowing the return of other AiiDA entities. :return: QueryBuilder result of AiiDA entities in "standard" REST API format. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access path, url, url_root, query_string = self.unquote_request() profile = self.parse_query_string(query_string)[-1] try: self.load_profile(profile) except RestInputValidationError as exception: return self.utils.build_response( status=400, headers=self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0), data={ 'method': request.method, 'url': url, 'url_root': url_root, 'path': path, 'query_string': query_string, 'resource_type': self.__class__.__name__, 'data': { 'message': str(exception) }, } ) self.trans._query_help = request.get_json(force=True) # While the data may be correct JSON, it MUST be a single JSON Object, # equivalent of a QueryBuilder.as_dict() dictionary. assert isinstance(self.trans._query_help, dict), ( 'POSTed data MUST be a valid QueryBuilder.as_dict() dictionary. ' f'Got instead (type: {type(self.trans._query_help)}): {self.trans._query_help}' ) self.trans.__label__ = self.trans._result_type = self.trans._query_help['path'][-1]['tag'] # Handle empty list projections number_projections = len(self.trans._query_help['project']) empty_projections_counter = 0 skip_tags = [] for tag, projections in tuple(self.trans._query_help['project'].items()): if projections == [{'*': {}}]: self.trans._query_help['project'][tag] = self.trans._default elif not projections: empty_projections_counter += 1 skip_tags.append(tag) else: # Use projections as given, no need to "correct" them. pass if empty_projections_counter == number_projections: # No projections have been specified in the dictionary. # To be true to the QueryBuilder response, the last entry in path # is the only entry to be returned, all without edges/links. self.trans._query_help['project'][self.trans.__label__] = self.trans._default self.trans.init_qb() data = {} if self.trans.get_total_count(): if empty_projections_counter == number_projections: # "Normal" REST API retrieval can be used. data = self.trans.get_results() else: # Since the "normal" REST API retrieval relies on single-tag retrieval, # we must instead be more creative with how we retrieve the results here. # So we opt for a dictionary, with the tags being the keys. for tag in self.trans._query_help['project']: if tag in skip_tags: continue self.trans.__label__ = tag data.update(self.trans.get_formatted_result(tag)) # Remove 'full_type's when they're `None` for tag, entities in list(data.items()): updated_entities = [] for entity in entities: if entity.get('full_type') is None: entity.pop('full_type', None) updated_entities.append(entity) data[tag] = updated_entities headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=self.trans.get_total_count()) return self.utils.build_response( status=200, headers=headers, data={ 'method': request.method, 'url': unquote(request.url), 'url_root': unquote(request.url_root), 'path': unquote(request.path), 'query_string': request.query_string.decode('utf-8'), 'resource_type': self.__class__.__name__, 'data': data, }, )
[docs]class Node(BaseResource): """ Differs from BaseResource in trans.set_query() mostly because it takes query_type as an input and the presence of additional result types like "tree" """ _translator_class = NodeTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = 'uuid' # Parse a uuid pattern in the URL path (not a pk)
[docs] def get(self, id=None, page=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name,unused-argument # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches,fixme,unused-variable """ Get method for the Node resource. :param id: node identifier :param page: page no, used for pagination :return: http response """ path, url, url_root, query_string = self.unquote_request() (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type) = self.parse_path(path) ( limit, offset, perpage, orderby, filters, download_format, download, filename, tree_in_limit, tree_out_limit, attributes, attributes_filter, extras, extras_filter, full_type, profile ) = self.parse_query_string(query_string) try: self.load_profile(profile) except RestInputValidationError as exception: return self.utils.build_response( status=400, headers=self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0), data={ 'method': request.method, 'url': url, 'url_root': url_root, 'path': path, 'query_string': query_string, 'resource_type': self.__class__.__name__, 'data': { 'message': str(exception) }, } ) ## Validate request self.utils.validate_request( limit=limit, offset=offset, perpage=perpage, page=page, query_type=query_type, is_querystring_defined=(bool(query_string)) ) ## Treat the projectable properties case which does not imply access to the DataBase if query_type == 'projectable_properties': ## Retrieve the projectable properties projectable_properties, ordering = self.trans.get_projectable_properties() results = dict(fields=projectable_properties, ordering=ordering) ## Build response and return it headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) ## Treat the statistics elif query_type == 'statistics': headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0) if filters: user_pk = filters['user']['=='] else: user_pk = None results = self.trans.get_statistics(user_pk) elif query_type == 'full_types': headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0) results = self.trans.get_namespace() elif query_type == 'full_types_count': headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0) if filters: user_pk = filters['user']['=='] else: user_pk = None results = self.trans.get_namespace(user_pk=user_pk, count_nodes=True) # TODO improve the performance of tree endpoint by getting the data from database faster # TODO add pagination for this endpoint (add default max limit) elif query_type == 'tree': headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0) results = self.trans.get_io_tree(node_id, tree_in_limit, tree_out_limit) elif node_id is None and query_type == 'download_formats': headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0) results = self.trans.get_all_download_formats(full_type) else: ## Initialize the translator self.trans.set_query( filters=filters, orders=orderby, query_type=query_type, node_id=node_id, download_format=download_format, download=download, filename=filename, attributes=attributes, attributes_filter=attributes_filter, extras=extras, extras_filter=extras_filter, full_type=full_type ) ## Count results total_count = self.trans.get_total_count() ## Pagination (if required) if page is not None: (limit, offset, rel_pages) = self.utils.paginate(page, perpage, total_count) self.trans.set_limit_offset(limit=limit, offset=offset) ## Retrieve results results = self.trans.get_results() headers = self.utils.build_headers(rel_pages=rel_pages, url=request.url, total_count=total_count) else: self.trans.set_limit_offset(limit=limit, offset=offset) ## Retrieve results results = self.trans.get_results() if query_type == 'repo_contents' and results: response = make_response(results) response.headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = f'attachment; filename="{filename}"' return response if query_type == 'download' and download not in ['false', 'False', False] and results: if results['download']['status'] == 200: data = results['download']['data'] response = make_response(data) response.headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format( results['download']['filename'] ) return response results = results['download']['data'] headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=total_count) if attributes_filter is not None and attributes: for node in results['nodes']: node['attributes'] = {} if not isinstance(attributes_filter, list): attributes_filter = [attributes_filter] for attr in attributes_filter: node['attributes'][str(attr)] = node[f'attributes.{str(attr)}'] del node[f'attributes.{str(attr)}'] if extras_filter is not None and extras: for node in results['nodes']: node['extras'] = {} if not isinstance(extras_filter, list): extras_filter = [extras_filter] for extra in extras_filter: node['extras'][str(extra)] = node[f'extras.{str(extra)}'] del node[f'extras.{str(extra)}'] ## Build response data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=path, id=node_id, query_string=query_string, resource_type=resource_type, data=results ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)
[docs]class Computer(BaseResource): """ Resource for Computer """ from import ComputerTranslator _translator_class = ComputerTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = 'uuid'
[docs]class Group(BaseResource): """ Resource for Group """ from import GroupTranslator _translator_class = GroupTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = 'uuid'
[docs]class User(BaseResource): """ Resource for User """ from aiida.restapi.translator.user import UserTranslator _translator_class = UserTranslator _parse_pk_uuid = 'pk'
[docs]class ProcessNode(Node): """ Resource for ProcessNode """ from aiida.restapi.translator.nodes.process.process import ProcessTranslator _translator_class = ProcessTranslator
[docs] def get(self, id=None, page=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ Get method for the Process resource. :param id: node identifier :return: http response """ path, url, url_root, query_string = self.unquote_request() resource_type, page, node_id, query_type = self.parse_path(path) profile = self.parse_query_string(query_string)[-1] try: self.load_profile(profile) except RestInputValidationError as exception: return self.utils.build_response( status=400, headers=self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0), data={ 'method': request.method, 'url': url, 'url_root': url_root, 'path': path, 'query_string': query_string, 'resource_type': self.__class__.__name__, 'data': { 'message': str(exception) }, } ) headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) results = None if query_type == 'report': node = self._load_and_verify(node_id) report = self.trans.get_report(node) results = report elif query_type == 'projectable_properties': ## Retrieve the projectable properties projectable_properties, ordering = self.trans.get_projectable_properties() results = dict(fields=projectable_properties, ordering=ordering) ## Build response data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=path, id=node_id, query_string=query_string, resource_type=resource_type, data=results ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)
[docs]class CalcJobNode(ProcessNode): """ Resource for CalcJobNode """ from aiida.restapi.translator.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob import CalcJobTranslator _translator_class = CalcJobTranslator
[docs] def get(self, id=None, page=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ Get method for the Process resource. :param id: node identifier :return: http response """ path, url, url_root, query_string = self.unquote_request() resource_type, page, node_id, query_type = self.parse_path(path) profile = self.parse_query_string(query_string)[-1] try: self.load_profile(profile) except RestInputValidationError as exception: return self.utils.build_response( status=400, headers=self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=0), data={ 'method': request.method, 'url': url, 'url_root': url_root, 'path': path, 'query_string': query_string, 'resource_type': self.__class__.__name__, 'data': { 'message': str(exception) }, } ) node = self._load_and_verify(node_id) results = None params = request.args filename = params.get('filename', '') if query_type == 'input_files': results = self.trans.get_input_files(node, filename) elif query_type == 'output_files': results = self.trans.get_output_files(node, filename) ## Build response and return it headers = self.utils.build_headers(url=request.url, total_count=1) ## Build response data = dict( method=request.method, url=url, url_root=url_root, path=path, id=node_id, query_string=query_string, resource_type=resource_type, data=results ) return self.utils.build_response(status=200, headers=headers, data=data)