Source code for aiida.workflows.arithmetic.multiply_add

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# start-marker for docs
"""Implementation of the MultiplyAddWorkChain for testing and demonstration purposes."""
from aiida.engine import ToContext, WorkChain, calcfunction
from aiida.orm import AbstractCode, Int
from aiida.plugins.factories import CalculationFactory

ArithmeticAddCalculation = CalculationFactory('core.arithmetic.add')

[docs]@calcfunction def multiply(x, y): return x * y
[docs]class MultiplyAddWorkChain(WorkChain): """WorkChain to multiply two numbers and add a third, for testing and demonstration purposes."""
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """Specify inputs and outputs.""" super().define(spec) spec.input('x', valid_type=Int) spec.input('y', valid_type=Int) spec.input('z', valid_type=Int) spec.input('code', valid_type=AbstractCode) spec.outline( cls.multiply, cls.add, cls.validate_result, cls.result, ) spec.output('result', valid_type=Int) spec.exit_code(400, 'ERROR_NEGATIVE_NUMBER', message='The result is a negative number.')
[docs] def multiply(self): """Multiply two integers.""" self.ctx.product = multiply(self.inputs.x, self.inputs.y)
[docs] def add(self): """Add two numbers using the `ArithmeticAddCalculation` calculation job plugin.""" inputs = {'x': self.ctx.product, 'y': self.inputs.z, 'code': self.inputs.code} future = self.submit(ArithmeticAddCalculation, **inputs) return ToContext(addition=future)
[docs] def validate_result(self): """Make sure the result is not negative.""" result = self.ctx.addition.outputs.sum if result.value < 0: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NEGATIVE_NUMBER
[docs] def result(self): """Add the result to the outputs.""" self.out('result', self.ctx.addition.outputs.sum)