Source code for aiida.orm.autogroup

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Module to manage the autogrouping functionality by ``verdi run``."""
import re
from typing import List, Optional

from aiida.common import exceptions, timezone
from aiida.common.escaping import escape_for_sql_like, get_regex_pattern_from_sql
from aiida.orm import AutoGroup, QueryBuilder
from aiida.plugins.entry_point import get_entry_point_string_from_class

[docs]class AutogroupManager: """Class to automatically add all newly stored ``Node``s to an ``AutoGroup`` (whilst enabled). This class should not be instantiated directly, but rather accessed through the backend storage instance. The auto-grouping is checked by the ```` method which, if ``is_to_be_grouped`` is true, will store the node in the associated ``AutoGroup``. The exclude/include lists are lists of strings like: ````, ````, ````, ... i.e.: a string identifying the base class, followed by a colon and the path to the class as accepted by CalculationFactory/DataFactory. Each string can contain one or more wildcard characters ``%``; in this case this is used in a ``like`` comparison with the QueryBuilder. Note that in this case you have to remember that ``_`` means "any character" in the QueryBuilder, and you need to escape it if you mean a literal underscore. Only one of the two (between exclude and include) can be set. If none of the two is set, everything is included. """
[docs] def __init__(self, backend): """Initialize the manager for the storage backend.""" self._backend = backend self._enabled = False self._exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None self._include: Optional[List[str]] = None self._group_label_prefix = f"Verdi autogroup on {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}" self._group_label = None # Actual group label, set by `get_or_create_group`
@property def is_enabled(self) -> bool: """Return whether auto-grouping is enabled.""" return self._enabled
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: """Enable the auto-grouping.""" self._enabled = True
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: """Disable the auto-grouping.""" self._enabled = False
[docs] def get_exclude(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Return the list of classes to exclude from autogrouping. Returns ``None`` if no exclusion list has been set.""" return self._exclude
[docs] def get_include(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Return the list of classes to include in the autogrouping. Returns ``None`` if no inclusion list has been set.""" return self._include
[docs] def get_group_label_prefix(self) -> str: """Get the prefix of the label of the group. If no group label prefix was set, it will set a default one by itself.""" return self._group_label_prefix
[docs] @staticmethod def validate(strings: Optional[List[str]]): """Validate the list of strings passed to set_include and set_exclude.""" if strings is None: return valid_prefixes = set(['aiida.node', 'aiida.calculations', 'aiida.workflows', '']) for string in strings: pieces = string.split(':') if len(pieces) != 2: raise exceptions.ValidationError( f"'{string}' is not a valid include/exclude filter, must contain two parts split by a colon" ) if pieces[0] not in valid_prefixes: raise exceptions.ValidationError( f"'{string}' has an invalid prefix, must be among: {sorted(valid_prefixes)}" )
[docs] def set_exclude(self, exclude: Optional[List[str]]) -> None: """Set the list of classes to exclude in the autogrouping. :param exclude: a list of valid entry point strings (might contain '%' to be used as string to be matched using SQL's ``LIKE`` pattern-making logic), or ``None`` to specify no include list. """ if isinstance(exclude, str): exclude = [exclude] self.validate(exclude) if exclude is not None and self.get_include() is not None: # It's ok to set None, both as a default, or to 'undo' the exclude list raise exceptions.ValidationError('Cannot both specify exclude and include') self._exclude = exclude
[docs] def set_include(self, include: Optional[List[str]]) -> None: """Set the list of classes to include in the autogrouping. :param include: a list of valid entry point strings (might contain '%' to be used as string to be matched using SQL's ``LIKE`` pattern-making logic), or ``None`` to specify no include list. """ if isinstance(include, str): include = [include] self.validate(include) if include is not None and self.get_exclude() is not None: # It's ok to set None, both as a default, or to 'undo' the include list raise exceptions.ValidationError('Cannot both specify exclude and include') self._include = include
[docs] def set_group_label_prefix(self, label_prefix: Optional[str]) -> None: """Set the label of the group to be created (or use a default).""" if label_prefix is None: label_prefix = f"Verdi autogroup on {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}" if not isinstance(label_prefix, str): raise exceptions.ValidationError('group label must be a string') self._group_label_prefix = label_prefix self._group_label = None # reset the actual group label
[docs] @staticmethod def _matches(string, filter_string): """Check if 'string' matches the 'filter_string' (used for include and exclude filters). If 'filter_string' does not contain any % sign, perform an exact match. Otherwise, match with a SQL-like query, where % means any character sequence, and _ means a single character (these characters can be escaped with a backslash). :param string: the string to match. :param filter_string: the filter string. """ if '%' in filter_string: regex_filter = get_regex_pattern_from_sql(filter_string) return re.match(regex_filter, string) is not None return string == filter_string
[docs] def is_to_be_grouped(self, node) -> bool: """Return whether the given node is to be auto-grouped according to enable state and include/exclude lists.""" if not self._enabled: return False # strings, including possibly 'all' include = self.get_include() exclude = self.get_exclude() if include is None and exclude is None: # Include all classes by default if nothing is explicitly specified. return True # We should never be here, anyway - this should be catched by the `set_include/exclude` methods assert include is None or exclude is None, "You cannot specify both an 'include' and an 'exclude' list" entry_point_string = node.process_type # If there is no `process_type` we are dealing with a `Data` node so we get the entry point from the class if not entry_point_string: entry_point_string = get_entry_point_string_from_class(node.__class__.__module__, node.__class__.__name__) if include is not None: # As soon as a filter string matches, we include the class return any(self._matches(entry_point_string, filter_string) for filter_string in include) # If we are here, exclude is not None # include *only* in *none* of the filters match (that is, exclude as # soon as any of the filters matches) return not any(self._matches(entry_point_string, filter_string) for filter_string in (exclude or []))
[docs] def get_or_create_group(self) -> AutoGroup: """Return the current `AutoGroup`, or create one if None has been set yet. This function implements a somewhat complex logic that is however needed to make sure that, even if `verdi run` is called at the same time multiple times, e.g. in a for loop in bash, there is never the risk that two ``verdi run`` Unix processes try to create the same group, with the same label, ending up in a crash of the code (see PR #3650). Here, instead, we make sure that if this concurrency issue happens, one of the two will get a IntegrityError from the DB, and then recover trying to create a group with a different label (with a numeric suffix appended), until it manages to create it. """ # When this function is called, if it is the first time, just generate # a new group name (later on, after this ``if`` block`). # In that case, we will later cache in ``self._group_label`` the group label, # So the group with the same name can be returned quickly in future # calls of this method. if self._group_label is not None: builder = QueryBuilder(backend=self._backend).append(AutoGroup, filters={'label': self._group_label}) results = [res[0] for res in builder.iterall()] if results: # If it is not empty, it should have only one result due to the uniqueness constraints assert len(results) == 1, 'I got more than one autogroup with the same label!' return results[0] # There are no results: probably the group has been deleted. # I continue as if it was not cached self._group_label = None label_prefix = self.get_group_label_prefix() # Try to do a preliminary QB query to avoid to do too many try/except # if many of the prefix_NUMBER groups already exist queryb = QueryBuilder(self._backend).append( AutoGroup, filters={ 'or': [{ 'label': { '==': label_prefix } }, { 'label': { 'like': f"{escape_for_sql_like(f'{label_prefix}_')}%" } }] }, project='label' ) existing_group_labels = [res[0][len(label_prefix):] for res in queryb.all()] existing_group_ints = [] for label in existing_group_labels: if label == '': # This is just the prefix without name - corresponds to counter = 0 existing_group_ints.append(0) elif label.startswith('_'): try: existing_group_ints.append(int(label[1:])) except ValueError: # It's not an integer, so it will never collide - just ignore it pass if not existing_group_ints: counter = 0 else: counter = max(existing_group_ints) + 1 while True: try: label = label_prefix if counter == 0 else f'{label_prefix}_{counter}' group = AutoGroup(backend=self._backend, label=label).store() self._group_label = group.label except exceptions.IntegrityError: counter += 1 else: break return group