Source code for aiida.restapi.run_api

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
# For further information please visit               #
It defines the method with all required parameters to run restapi locally.
import importlib
import os

from flask_cors import CORS

from . import api as api_classes
from .common.config import API_CONFIG, APP_CONFIG, CLI_DEFAULTS

__all__ = ('run_api', 'configure_api')

[docs]def run_api(flask_app=api_classes.App, flask_api=api_classes.AiidaApi, **kwargs): """ Takes a flask.Flask instance and runs it. :param flask_app: Class inheriting from flask app class :type flask_app: :py:class:`flask.Flask` :param flask_api: flask_restful API class to be used to wrap the app :type flask_api: :py:class:`flask_restful.Api` :param hostname: hostname to run app on (only when using built-in server) :param port: port to run app on (only when using built-in server) :param config: directory containing the file used to configure the RESTapi :param catch_internal_server: If true, catch and print all inter server errors :param debug: enable debugging :param wsgi_profile: use WSGI profiler middleware for finding bottlenecks in web application :param posting: Whether or not to include POST-enabled endpoints (currently only `/querybuilder`). :returns: tuple (app, api) if hookup==False or runs app if hookup==True """ hostname = kwargs.pop('hostname', CLI_DEFAULTS['HOST_NAME']) port = kwargs.pop('port', CLI_DEFAULTS['PORT']) debug = kwargs.pop('debug', APP_CONFIG['DEBUG']) api = configure_api(flask_app, flask_api, **kwargs) # Run app through built-in werkzeug server print(f" * REST API running on http://{hostname}:{port}{API_CONFIG['PREFIX']}"), host=hostname, port=int(port), threaded=True)
[docs]def configure_api(flask_app=api_classes.App, flask_api=api_classes.AiidaApi, **kwargs): """ Configures a flask.Flask instance and returns it. :param flask_app: Class inheriting from flask app class :type flask_app: :py:class:`flask.Flask` :param flask_api: flask_restful API class to be used to wrap the app :type flask_api: :py:class:`flask_restful.Api` :param config: directory containing the configuration file :param catch_internal_server: If true, catch and print internal server errors with full python traceback. Useful during app development. :param wsgi_profile: use WSGI profiler middleware for finding bottlenecks in the web application :param posting: Whether or not to include POST-enabled endpoints (currently only `/querybuilder`). :returns: Flask RESTful API :rtype: :py:class:`flask_restful.Api` """ # Unpack parameters profile = kwargs.pop('profile', None) config = kwargs.pop('config', CLI_DEFAULTS['CONFIG_DIR']) catch_internal_server = kwargs.pop('catch_internal_server', CLI_DEFAULTS['CATCH_INTERNAL_SERVER']) wsgi_profile = kwargs.pop('wsgi_profile', CLI_DEFAULTS['WSGI_PROFILE']) posting = kwargs.pop('posting', CLI_DEFAULTS['POSTING']) if kwargs: raise ValueError(f'Unknown keyword arguments: {kwargs}') # Import the configuration file spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(os.path.join(config, 'config'), os.path.join(config, '')) config_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(config_module) # Instantiate an app app = flask_app(__name__, catch_internal_server=catch_internal_server) # Apply default configuration app.config.update(**config_module.APP_CONFIG) # Allow cross-origin resource sharing cors_prefix = r'{}/*'.format(config_module.API_CONFIG['PREFIX']) CORS(app, resources={cors_prefix: {'origins': '*'}}) # Configure the serializer if config_module.SERIALIZER_CONFIG: from aiida.restapi.common.utils import CustomJSONEncoder app.json_encoder = CustomJSONEncoder # Set up WSGI profiler if requested if wsgi_profile: from werkzeug.middleware.profiler import ProfilerMiddleware app.config['PROFILE'] = True app.wsgi_app = ProfilerMiddleware(app.wsgi_app, restrictions=[30]) # Instantiate and return a Flask RESTful API by associating its app return flask_api(app, posting=posting, **config_module.API_CONFIG, profile=profile)