aiida.calculations.arithmetic.add 源代码

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"""`CalcJob` implementation to add two numbers using bash for testing and demonstration purposes."""

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common.datastructures import CalcInfo, CodeInfo
from aiida.common.folders import Folder
from aiida.engine import CalcJob, CalcJobProcessSpec

[文档] class ArithmeticAddCalculation(CalcJob): """`CalcJob` implementation to add two numbers using bash for testing and demonstration purposes."""
[文档] @classmethod def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec): """Define the process specification, including its inputs, outputs and known exit codes. :param spec: the calculation job process spec to define. """ super().define(spec) spec.input('x', valid_type=(orm.Int, orm.Float), help='The left operand.') spec.input('y', valid_type=(orm.Int, orm.Float), help='The right operand.') spec.output('sum', valid_type=(orm.Int, orm.Float), help='The sum of the left and right operand.') spec.input('metadata.options.sleep', required=False, valid_type=int) # set default options (optional) spec.inputs['metadata']['options']['parser_name'].default = 'core.arithmetic.add' spec.inputs['metadata']['options']['input_filename'].default = '' spec.inputs['metadata']['options']['output_filename'].default = 'aiida.out' spec.inputs['metadata']['options']['resources'].default = {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1} # start exit codes - marker for docs spec.exit_code( 310, 'ERROR_READING_OUTPUT_FILE', invalidates_cache=True, message='The output file could not be read.' ) spec.exit_code( 320, 'ERROR_INVALID_OUTPUT', invalidates_cache=True, message='The output file contains invalid output.' ) spec.exit_code(410, 'ERROR_NEGATIVE_NUMBER', message='The sum of the operands is a negative number.')
# end exit codes - marker for docs
[文档] def prepare_for_submission(self, folder: Folder) -> CalcInfo: """Prepare the calculation for submission. Convert the input nodes into the corresponding input files in the format that the code will expect. In addition, define and return a `CalcInfo` instance, which is a simple data structure that contains information for the engine, for example, on what files to copy to the remote machine, what files to retrieve once it has completed, specific scheduler settings and more. :param folder: a temporary folder on the local file system. :returns: the `CalcInfo` instance """ with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as handle: if 'sleep' in self.options: handle.write(f'sleep {self.options.sleep}\n') handle.write(f'echo $(({self.inputs.x.value} + {self.inputs.y.value}))\n') codeinfo = CodeInfo() codeinfo.stdin_name = self.options.input_filename codeinfo.stdout_name = self.options.output_filename if 'code' in self.inputs: codeinfo.code_uuid = self.inputs.code.uuid calcinfo = CalcInfo() calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo] calcinfo.retrieve_list = [self.options.output_filename] return calcinfo