aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_data.cmd_structure 源代码

# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""`verdi data core.structure` command."""

import click

from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_data import cmd_show, verdi_data
from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_data.cmd_export import data_export, export_options
from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_data.cmd_list import data_list, list_options
from aiida.cmdline.params import arguments, options, types
from aiida.cmdline.utils import decorators, echo
from aiida.cmdline.utils.pluginable import Pluginable

LIST_PROJECT_HEADERS = ['Id', 'Label', 'Formula']
EXPORT_FORMATS = ['cif', 'xsf', 'xyz']
VISUALIZATION_FORMATS = ['ase', 'jmol', 'vesta', 'vmd', 'xcrysden']

[文档] def _store_structure(new_structure, dry_run): """Store a structure and print a message (or don't store it if it's a dry_run) This is a utility function to avoid code duplication. :param new_structure: an unstored StructureData :param dry_run: if True, do not store but print a different message """ if dry_run: echo.echo( f' Successfully imported structure {new_structure.get_formula()} (not storing it, dry-run requested)' ) else: echo.echo(f' Successfully imported structure {new_structure.get_formula()} (PK = {})')'core.structure') def structure(): """Manipulate StructureData objects (crystal structures).""" @structure.command('list') @options.FORMULA_MODE() @options.WITH_ELEMENTS() @list_options @decorators.with_dbenv() def structure_list(elements, raw, formula_mode, past_days, groups, all_users): """List StructureData objects.""" from tabulate import tabulate from import StructureData, get_formula, get_symbols_string elements_only = False lst = data_list( StructureData, ['Id', 'Label', 'Kinds', 'Sites'], elements, elements_only, formula_mode, past_days, groups, all_users, ) entry_list = [] for [pid, label, akinds, asites] in lst: # If symbols are defined there is a filtering of the structures # based on the element # When QueryBuilder will support this (attribute)s filtering, # it will be pushed in the query. if elements is not None: all_symbols = [_['symbols'][0] for _ in akinds] if not any(s in elements for s in all_symbols): continue if elements_only: echo.echo_critical('Not implemented elements-only search') # We want only the StructureData that have attributes if akinds is None or asites is None: continue symbol_dict = {} for k in akinds: symbols = k['symbols'] weights = k['weights'] symbol_dict[k['name']] = get_symbols_string(symbols, weights) try: symbol_list = [] for site in asites: symbol_list.append(symbol_dict[site['kind_name']]) formula = get_formula(symbol_list, mode=formula_mode) # If for some reason there is no kind with the name # referenced by the site except KeyError: formula = '<<UNKNOWN>>' entry_list.append([str(pid), label, str(formula)]) counter = 0 struct_list_data = [] if not raw: struct_list_data.append(LIST_PROJECT_HEADERS) for entry in entry_list: for i, value in enumerate(entry): if isinstance(value, list): entry[i] = ','.join(value) for i in range(len(entry), len(LIST_PROJECT_HEADERS)): entry.append(None) counter += 1 struct_list_data.extend(entry_list) if raw: echo.echo(tabulate(struct_list_data, tablefmt='plain')) else: echo.echo(tabulate(struct_list_data, headers='firstrow')) echo.echo(f'\nTotal results: {counter}\n') @structure.command('show') @arguments.DATA(type=types.DataParamType(sub_classes=('',))) @options.VISUALIZATION_FORMAT(type=click.Choice(VISUALIZATION_FORMATS), default='ase') @decorators.with_dbenv() def structure_show(data, fmt): """Visualize StructureData objects.""" try: show_function = getattr(cmd_show, f'_show_{fmt}') except AttributeError: echo.echo_critical(f'visualization format {fmt} is not supported') show_function(fmt, data) @structure.command('export') @arguments.DATUM(type=types.DataParamType(sub_classes=('',))) @options.EXPORT_FORMAT( type=click.Choice(EXPORT_FORMATS), default='xyz', ) @export_options @decorators.with_dbenv() def structure_export(**kwargs): """Export StructureData object to file.""" node = kwargs.pop('datum') output = kwargs.pop('output') fmt = kwargs.pop('fmt') force = kwargs.pop('force') kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} data_export(node, output, fmt, other_args=kwargs, overwrite=force)'import', entry_point_group='', cls=Pluginable) def structure_import(): """Import a crystal structure from file into a StructureData object.""" @structure_import.command('aiida-xyz') @click.argument('filename', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True)) @click.option( '--vacuum-factor', type=click.FLOAT, show_default=True, default=1.0, help='The factor by which the cell accomodating the structure should be increased (angstrom).', ) @click.option( '--vacuum-addition', type=click.FLOAT, show_default=True, default=10.0, help='The distance to add to the unit cell after vacuum factor was applied to expand in each dimension (angstrom).', ) @click.option( '--pbc', type=click.INT, nargs=3, show_default=True, default=[0, 0, 0], help='Set periodic boundary conditions for each lattice direction, where 0 means periodic and 1 means periodic.', ) @click.option('--label', type=click.STRING, show_default=False, help='Set the structure node label (empty by default)') @options.GROUP() @options.DRY_RUN() @decorators.with_dbenv() def import_aiida_xyz(filename, vacuum_factor, vacuum_addition, pbc, label, group, dry_run): """Import structure in XYZ format using AiiDA's internal importer""" from aiida.orm import StructureData with open(filename, encoding='utf8') as fobj: xyz_txt = new_structure = StructureData() pbc_bools = [] for pbc_int in pbc: if pbc_int == 0: pbc_bools.append(False) elif pbc_int == 1: pbc_bools.append(True) else: raise click.BadParameter('values for pbc must be either 0 or 1', param_hint='pbc') try: new_structure._parse_xyz(xyz_txt) new_structure._adjust_default_cell(vacuum_addition=vacuum_addition, vacuum_factor=vacuum_factor, pbc=pbc_bools) except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: echo.echo_critical(str(err)) if label: new_structure.label = label _store_structure(new_structure, dry_run) if group: group.add_nodes(new_structure) @structure_import.command('ase') @click.argument('filename', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True)) @click.option('--label', type=click.STRING, show_default=False, help='Set the structure node label (empty by default)') @options.GROUP() @options.DRY_RUN() @decorators.with_dbenv() def import_ase(filename, label, group, dry_run): """Import structure with the ase library that supports a number of different formats""" from aiida.orm import StructureData try: import except ImportError: echo.echo_critical('You have not installed the package ase. \nYou can install it with: pip install ase') try: asecell = new_structure = StructureData(ase=asecell) except ValueError as err: echo.echo_critical(str(err)) if label: new_structure.label = label _store_structure(new_structure, dry_run) if group: group.add_nodes(new_structure)