aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_process 源代码

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"""`verdi process` command."""

import click

from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_verdi import verdi
from aiida.cmdline.params import arguments, options, types
from aiida.cmdline.utils import decorators, echo
from aiida.common.log import LOG_LEVELS, capture_logging

If one ore more processes are unreachable, you can run the following commands to try and repair them:

    verdi daemon stop
    verdi process repair
    verdi daemon start

[文档] def valid_projections(): """Return list of valid projections for the ``--project`` option of ``verdi process list``. This indirection is necessary to prevent loading the imported module which slows down tab-completion. """ from import CalculationQueryBuilder return CalculationQueryBuilder.valid_projections
[文档] def default_projections(): """Return list of default projections for the ``--project`` option of ``verdi process list``. This indirection is necessary to prevent loading the imported module which slows down tab-completion. """ from import CalculationQueryBuilder return CalculationQueryBuilder.default_projections
[文档] def get_most_recent_node(): """Return the most recent process node. :returns: The ``ProcessNode`` with the latest ``ctime``. """ from aiida.orm import ProcessNode, QueryBuilder process = QueryBuilder().append(ProcessNode, tag='n').order_by({'n': {'ctime': 'desc'}}).first(flat=True) echo.echo_info(f'Most recent node matched: `{process}`.') return process'process') def verdi_process(): """Inspect and manage processes.""" @verdi_process.command('list') @options.PROJECT(type=types.LazyChoice(valid_projections), default=lambda: default_projections()) @options.ORDER_BY() @options.ORDER_DIRECTION() @options.GROUP(help='Only include entries that are a member of this group.') @options.ALL(help='Show all entries, regardless of their process state.') @options.PROCESS_STATE() @options.PROCESS_LABEL() @options.PAUSED() @options.EXIT_STATUS() @options.FAILED() @options.PAST_DAYS() @options.LIMIT() @options.RAW() @click.pass_context @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_list( ctx, all_entries, group, process_state, process_label, paused, exit_status, failed, past_days, limit, project, raw, order_by, order_dir, ): """Show a list of running or terminated processes. By default, only those that are still running are shown, but there are options to show also the finished ones. """ from tabulate import tabulate from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_daemon import execute_client_command from aiida.cmdline.utils.common import print_last_process_state_change from aiida.common.exceptions import ConfigurationError from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client from aiida.orm import ProcessNode, QueryBuilder from import CalculationQueryBuilder relationships = {} if group: relationships['with_node'] = group builder = CalculationQueryBuilder() filters = builder.get_filters(all_entries, process_state, process_label, paused, exit_status, failed) query_set = builder.get_query_set( relationships=relationships, filters=filters, order_by={order_by: order_dir}, past_days=past_days, limit=limit ) projected = builder.get_projected(query_set, projections=project) headers = projected.pop(0) if raw: tabulated = tabulate(projected, tablefmt='plain') echo.echo(tabulated) return tabulated = tabulate(projected, headers=headers) echo.echo(tabulated) echo.echo(f'\nTotal results: {len(projected)}\n') if 'cached' in project: echo.echo_report('\u267b Processes marked with check-mark were not run but taken from the cache.') echo.echo_report('Add the option `-P pk cached_from` to the command to display cache source.') print_last_process_state_change() try: client = get_daemon_client() except ConfigurationError: echo.echo_warning('This profile does not have a broker and so it has no daemon.') return if not client.is_daemon_running: echo.echo_warning('The daemon is not running', bold=True) return echo.echo_report('Checking daemon load... ', nl=False) response = execute_client_command('get_numprocesses') if not response: # Daemon could not be reached return try: active_workers = response['numprocesses'] except KeyError: echo.echo_report('No active daemon workers.') else: # Second query to get active process count. Currently this is slow but will be fixed with issue #2770. It is # placed at the end of the command so that the user can Ctrl+C after getting the process table. slots_per_worker = ctx.obj.config.get_option('daemon.worker_process_slots', active_processes = ( QueryBuilder() .append(ProcessNode, filters={'attributes.process_state': {'in': ('created', 'waiting', 'running')}}) .count() ) available_slots = active_workers * slots_per_worker if active_workers == 0: echo.echo_warning('The daemon has no active workers!') echo.echo_warning('Increase the number of workers with `verdi daemon incr`.') return percent_load = active_processes / available_slots if percent_load > 0.9: # 90% echo.echo_warning(f'{percent_load * 100:.0f}% of the available daemon worker slots have been used!') echo.echo_warning('Increase the number of workers with `verdi daemon incr`.') else: echo.echo_report(f'Using {percent_load * 100:.0f}% of the available daemon worker slots.') @verdi_process.command('show') @arguments.PROCESSES() @options.MOST_RECENT_NODE() @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_show(processes, most_recent_node): """Show details for one or multiple processes.""" from aiida.cmdline.utils.common import get_node_info if processes and most_recent_node: raise click.BadOptionUsage( 'most_recent_node', 'cannot specify individual processes and the `-M/--most-recent-node` flag at the same time.', ) if most_recent_node: processes = [get_most_recent_node()] for process in processes: echo.echo(get_node_info(process)) @verdi_process.command('call-root') @arguments.PROCESSES() @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_call_root(processes): """Show root process of the call stack for the given processes.""" for process in processes: caller = process.caller if caller is None: echo.echo(f'No callers found for Process<{}>') continue while True: next_caller = caller.caller if next_caller is None: break caller = next_caller echo.echo(f'{}') @verdi_process.command('report') @arguments.PROCESSES() @options.MOST_RECENT_NODE() @click.option('-i', '--indent-size', type=int, default=2, help='Set the number of spaces to indent each level by.') @click.option( '-l', '--levelname', type=click.Choice(list(LOG_LEVELS)), default='REPORT', help='Filter the results by name of the log level.', ) @click.option( '-m', '--max-depth', 'max_depth', type=int, default=None, help='Limit the number of levels to be printed.' ) @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_report(processes, most_recent_node, levelname, indent_size, max_depth): """Show the log report for one or multiple processes.""" from aiida.cmdline.utils.common import get_calcjob_report, get_process_function_report, get_workchain_report from aiida.orm import CalcFunctionNode, CalcJobNode, WorkChainNode, WorkFunctionNode if processes and most_recent_node: raise click.BadOptionUsage( 'most_recent_node', 'cannot specify individual processes and the `-M/--most-recent-node` flag at the same time.', ) if most_recent_node: processes = [get_most_recent_node()] for process in processes: if isinstance(process, CalcJobNode): echo.echo(get_calcjob_report(process)) elif isinstance(process, WorkChainNode): echo.echo(get_workchain_report(process, levelname, indent_size, max_depth)) elif isinstance(process, (CalcFunctionNode, WorkFunctionNode)): echo.echo(get_process_function_report(process)) else: echo.echo(f'Nothing to show for node type {process.__class__}') @verdi_process.command('status') @options.MOST_RECENT_NODE() @click.option('-c', '--call-link-label', 'call_link_label', is_flag=True, help='Include the call link label if set.') @click.option( '-m', '--max-depth', 'max_depth', type=int, default=None, help='Limit the number of levels to be printed.' ) @arguments.PROCESSES() def process_status(call_link_label, most_recent_node, max_depth, processes): """Print the status of one or multiple processes.""" from aiida.cmdline.utils.ascii_vis import format_call_graph if processes and most_recent_node: raise click.BadOptionUsage( 'most_recent_node', 'cannot specify individual processes and the `-M/--most-recent-node` flag at the same time.', ) if most_recent_node: processes = [get_most_recent_node()] for process in processes: graph = format_call_graph(process, max_depth=max_depth, call_link_label=call_link_label) echo.echo(graph) @verdi_process.command('kill') @arguments.PROCESSES() @options.ALL(help='Kill all processes if no specific processes are specified.') @options.TIMEOUT() @options.WAIT() @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_kill(processes, all_entries, timeout, wait): """Kill running processes.""" from aiida.engine.processes import control if processes and all_entries: raise click.BadOptionUsage('all', 'cannot specify individual processes and the `--all` flag at the same time.') if all_entries: click.confirm('Are you sure you want to kill all processes?', abort=True) with capture_logging() as stream: try: message = 'Killed through `verdi process kill`' control.kill_processes(processes, all_entries=all_entries, timeout=timeout, wait=wait, message=message) except control.ProcessTimeoutException as exception: echo.echo_critical(f'{exception}\n{REPAIR_INSTRUCTIONS}') if 'unreachable' in stream.getvalue(): echo.echo_report(REPAIR_INSTRUCTIONS) @verdi_process.command('pause') @arguments.PROCESSES() @options.ALL(help='Pause all active processes if no specific processes are specified.') @options.TIMEOUT() @options.WAIT() @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_pause(processes, all_entries, timeout, wait): """Pause running processes.""" from aiida.engine.processes import control if processes and all_entries: raise click.BadOptionUsage('all', 'cannot specify individual processes and the `--all` flag at the same time.') with capture_logging() as stream: try: message = 'Paused through `verdi process pause`' control.pause_processes(processes, all_entries=all_entries, timeout=timeout, wait=wait, message=message) except control.ProcessTimeoutException as exception: echo.echo_critical(f'{exception}\n{REPAIR_INSTRUCTIONS}') if 'unreachable' in stream.getvalue(): echo.echo_report(REPAIR_INSTRUCTIONS) @verdi_process.command('play') @arguments.PROCESSES() @options.ALL(help='Play all paused processes if no specific processes are specified.') @options.TIMEOUT() @options.WAIT() @decorators.with_dbenv() def process_play(processes, all_entries, timeout, wait): """Play (unpause) paused processes.""" from aiida.engine.processes import control if processes and all_entries: raise click.BadOptionUsage('all', 'cannot specify individual processes and the `--all` flag at the same time.') with capture_logging() as stream: try: control.play_processes(processes, all_entries=all_entries, timeout=timeout, wait=wait) except control.ProcessTimeoutException as exception: echo.echo_critical(f'{exception}\n{REPAIR_INSTRUCTIONS}') if 'unreachable' in stream.getvalue(): echo.echo_report(REPAIR_INSTRUCTIONS) @verdi_process.command('watch') @arguments.PROCESSES() @decorators.with_dbenv() @decorators.with_broker @decorators.only_if_daemon_running(echo.echo_warning, 'daemon is not running, so process may not be reachable') def process_watch(broker, processes): """Watch the state transitions for a process.""" from time import sleep from kiwipy import BroadcastFilter def _print(communicator, body, sender, subject, correlation_id): """Format the incoming broadcast data into a message and echo it to stdout.""" if body is None: body = 'No message specified' if correlation_id is None: correlation_id = '--' echo.echo(f'Process<{sender}> [{subject}|{correlation_id}]: {body}') communicator = broker.get_communicator() echo.echo_report('watching for broadcasted messages, press CTRL+C to stop...') for process in processes: if process.is_terminated: echo.echo_error(f'Process<{}> is already terminated') continue communicator.add_broadcast_subscriber(BroadcastFilter(_print, try: # Block this thread indefinitely until interrupt while True: sleep(2) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): echo.echo('') # add a new line after the interrupt character echo.echo_report('received interrupt, exiting...') try: communicator.close() except RuntimeError: pass # Reraise to trigger clicks builtin abort sequence raise @verdi_process.command('repair') @options.DRY_RUN() @decorators.only_if_daemon_not_running() @decorators.with_manager @decorators.with_broker def process_repair(manager, broker, dry_run): """Automatically repair all stuck processes. N.B.: This command requires the daemon to be stopped. This command queries the database to find all "active" processes, meaning those that haven't yet reached a terminal state, and cross-references them with the active process tasks in the process queue of RabbitMQ. Any active process that does not have a corresponding process task can be considered a zombie, as it will never be picked up by a daemon worker to complete it and will effectively be "stuck". Any process task that does not correspond to an active process is useless and should be discarded. Finally, duplicate process tasks are also problematic and are discarded. """ from aiida.engine.processes.control import get_active_processes, get_process_tasks, iterate_process_tasks active_processes = get_active_processes(project='id') process_tasks = get_process_tasks(broker) set_active_processes = set(active_processes) set_process_tasks = set(process_tasks) echo.echo_info(f'Active processes: {active_processes}') echo.echo_info(f'Process tasks: {process_tasks}') state_inconsistent = False if len(process_tasks) != len(set_process_tasks): state_inconsistent = True echo.echo_warning('There are duplicates process tasks: ', nl=False) echo.echo(set(x for x in process_tasks if process_tasks.count(x) > 1)) if set_process_tasks.difference(set_active_processes): state_inconsistent = True echo.echo_warning('There are process tasks for terminated processes: ', nl=False) echo.echo(set_process_tasks.difference(set_active_processes)) if set_active_processes.difference(set_process_tasks): state_inconsistent = True echo.echo_warning('There are active processes without process task: ', nl=False) echo.echo(set_active_processes.difference(set_process_tasks)) if not state_inconsistent: echo.echo_success('No inconsistencies detected between database and RabbitMQ.') return echo.echo_warning('Inconsistencies detected between database and RabbitMQ.') if dry_run: echo.echo_critical('This was a dry-run, no changes will be made.') # At this point we have either exited because of inconsistencies and ``--dry-run`` was passed, or we returned # because there were no inconsistencies, so all that is left is to address inconsistencies echo.echo_report('Attempting to fix inconsistencies') # Eliminate duplicate tasks and tasks that correspond to terminated process for task in iterate_process_tasks(broker): pid = task.body.get('args', {}).get('pid', None) if pid not in set_active_processes: with task.processing() as outcome: outcome.set_result(False) echo.echo_report(f'Acknowledged task `{pid}`') # Revive zombie processes that no longer have a process task process_controller = manager.get_process_controller() for pid in set_active_processes: if pid not in set_process_tasks: process_controller.continue_process(pid) echo.echo_report(f'Revived process `{pid}`')