aiida.cmdline.groups.dynamic 源代码

"""Subclass of :class:`click.Group` that loads subcommands dynamically from entry points."""

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import re
import typing as t
import warnings

import click

from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.plugins.entry_point import ENTRY_POINT_GROUP_FACTORY_MAPPING, get_entry_point_names
from aiida.plugins.factories import BaseFactory

from ..params import options
from ..params.options.interactive import InteractiveOption
from .verdi import VerdiCommandGroup

__all__ = ('DynamicEntryPointCommandGroup',)

[文档] class DynamicEntryPointCommandGroup(VerdiCommandGroup): """Subclass of :class:`click.Group` that loads subcommands dynamically from entry points. A command group using this class will automatically generate the sub commands from the entry points registered in the given ``entry_point_group``. The entry points can be additionally filtered using a regex defined for the ``entry_point_name_filter`` keyword. The actual command for each entry point is defined by ``command``, which should take as a first argument the class that corresponds to the entry point. In addition, it should accept ``kwargs`` which will be the values for the options passed when the command is invoked. The help string of the command will be provided by the docstring of the class registered at the respective entry point. Example usage: .. code:: python def create_instance(cls, **kwargs): instance = cls(**kwargs) echo.echo_success(f'Created {cls.__name__}<{}>')'create', cls=DynamicEntryPointCommandGroup, command=create_instance,) def cmd_create(): pass """
[文档] def __init__( self, command: t.Callable, entry_point_group: str, entry_point_name_filter: str = r'.*', shared_options: list[click.Option] | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._command = command self.entry_point_group = entry_point_group self.entry_point_name_filter = entry_point_name_filter self.factory = ENTRY_POINT_GROUP_FACTORY_MAPPING.get( entry_point_group, functools.partial(BaseFactory, entry_point_group) ) self.shared_options = shared_options
[文档] def list_commands(self, ctx: click.Context) -> list[str]: """Return the sorted list of subcommands for this group. :param ctx: The :class:`click.Context`. """ commands = super().list_commands(ctx) commands.extend( [ entry_point for entry_point in get_entry_point_names(self.entry_point_group) if re.match(self.entry_point_name_filter, entry_point) and getattr(self.factory(entry_point), 'cli_exposed', True) ] ) return sorted(commands)
[文档] def get_command(self, ctx: click.Context, cmd_name: str) -> click.Command | None: """Return the command with the given name. :param ctx: The :class:`click.Context`. :param cmd_name: The name of the command. :returns: The :class:`click.Command`. """ try: command: click.Command | None = self.create_command(ctx, cmd_name) except exceptions.EntryPointError: command = super().get_command(ctx, cmd_name) return command
[文档] def call_command(self, ctx, cls, **kwargs): """Call the ``command`` after validating the provided inputs.""" from pydantic import ValidationError if hasattr(cls, 'Model'): # The plugin defines a pydantic model: use it to validate the provided arguments try: model = cls.Model(**kwargs) except ValidationError as exception: param_hint = [ f'--{loc.replace("_", "-")}' # type: ignore[union-attr] for loc in exception.errors()[0]['loc'] ] message = '\n'.join([str(e['ctx']['error']) for e in exception.errors()]) raise click.BadParameter( message, param_hint=param_hint or 'multiple parameters', # type: ignore[arg-type] ) from exception # Update the arguments with the dictionary representation of the model. This will include any type coercions # that may have been applied with validators defined for the model. kwargs.update(**model.model_dump()) return self._command(ctx, cls, **kwargs)
[文档] def create_command(self, ctx: click.Context, entry_point: str) -> click.Command: """Create a subcommand for the given ``entry_point``.""" cls = self.factory(entry_point) command = functools.partial(self.call_command, ctx, cls) command.__doc__ = cls.__doc__ return click.command(entry_point)(self.create_options(entry_point)(command))
[文档] def create_options(self, entry_point: str) -> t.Callable: """Create the option decorators for the command function for the given entry point. :param entry_point: The entry point. """ def apply_options(func): """Decorate the command function with the appropriate options for the given entry point.""" func = options.NON_INTERACTIVE()(func) func = options.CONFIG_FILE()(func) options_list = self.list_options(entry_point) options_list.reverse() for option in options_list: func = option(func) shared_options = self.shared_options or [] shared_options.reverse() for option in shared_options: func = option(func) return func return apply_options
[文档] def list_options(self, entry_point: str) -> list: """Return the list of options that should be applied to the command for the given entry point. :param entry_point: The entry point. """ from pydantic_core import PydanticUndefined cls = self.factory(entry_point) if not hasattr(cls, 'Model'): from aiida.common.warnings import warn_deprecation warn_deprecation( 'Relying on `_get_cli_options` is deprecated. The options should be defined through a ' '`pydantic.BaseModel` that should be assigned to the `Model` class attribute.', version=3, ) options_spec = self.factory(entry_point).get_cli_options() # type: ignore[union-attr] return [self.create_option(*item) for item in options_spec] options_spec = {} for key, field_info in cls.Model.model_fields.items(): default = field_info.default_factory if field_info.default is PydanticUndefined else field_info.default # If the annotation has the ``__args__`` attribute it is an instance of a type from ``typing`` and the real # type can be gotten from the arguments. For example it could be ``typing.Union[str, None]`` calling # ``typing.Union[str, None].__args__`` will return the tuple ``(str, NoneType)``. So to get the real type, # we simply remove all ``NoneType`` and the remaining type should be the type of the option. if hasattr(field_info.annotation, '__args__'): args = list(filter(lambda e: e != type(None), field_info.annotation.__args__)) if len(args) > 1: warnings.warn( f'field `{key}` defines multiple types, but can take only one, taking the first: `{args[0]}`', UserWarning, ) field_type = args[0] else: field_type = field_info.annotation options_spec[key] = { 'required': field_info.is_required(), 'type': field_type, 'is_flag': field_type is bool, 'prompt': field_info.title, 'default': default, 'help': field_info.description, } for metadata in field_info.metadata: for metadata_key, metadata_value in metadata.items(): options_spec[key][metadata_key] = metadata_value options_ordered = [] for name, spec in sorted(options_spec.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].get('priority', 0), reverse=True): spec.pop('priority', None) options_ordered.append(self.create_option(name, spec)) return options_ordered
[文档] @staticmethod def create_option(name, spec: dict) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]: """Create a click option from a name and a specification.""" is_flag = spec.pop('is_flag', False) name_dashed = name.replace('_', '-') option_name = f'--{name_dashed}/--no-{name_dashed}' if is_flag else f'--{name_dashed}' option_short_name = spec.pop('short_name', None) option_names = (option_short_name, option_name) if option_short_name else (option_name,) kwargs = {'cls': spec.pop('option_cls', InteractiveOption), 'show_default': True, 'is_flag': is_flag, **spec} # If the option is a flag with no default, make sure it is not prompted for, as that will force the user to # specify it to be on or off, but cannot let it unspecified. if kwargs['cls'] is InteractiveOption and is_flag and spec.get('default') is None: kwargs['cls'] = functools.partial(InteractiveOption, prompt_fn=lambda ctx: False) return click.option(*(option_names), **kwargs)