aiida.cmdline.utils.ascii_vis 源代码

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"""Utility functions to draw ASCII diagrams to the command line."""

from typing import Optional

__all__ = ('format_call_graph',)

TREE_LAST_ENTRY = '\u2514\u2500\u2500 '
TREE_MIDDLE_ENTRY = '\u251c\u2500\u2500 '

[文档] def calc_info(node, call_link_label: bool = False) -> str: """Return a string with the summary of the state of a CalculationNode. :param calc_node: The calculation node :param call_link_label: Include the call link label if other from the default ``CALL``. """ from aiida.orm import ProcessNode, WorkChainNode if not isinstance(node, ProcessNode): raise TypeError(f'Unknown type: {type(node)}') process_label = node.process_label process_state = node.process_state.value.capitalize() exit_status = node.exit_status if call_link_label and (caller := node.caller): from aiida.common.links import LinkType call_link = next( triple.link_label for triple in caller.base.links.get_outgoing(link_type=(LinkType.CALL_CALC, LinkType.CALL_WORK)).all() if == ) else: call_link = None if call_link and call_link != 'CALL': string = f'{process_label}<{} | {call_link}> {process_state}' else: string = f'{process_label}<{}> {process_state}' if exit_status is not None: string += f' [{exit_status}]' if isinstance(node, WorkChainNode) and node.stepper_state_info: string += f' [{node.stepper_state_info}]' return string
[文档] def format_call_graph(calc_node, max_depth: Optional[int] = None, call_link_label: bool = False, info_fn=calc_info): """Print a tree like the POSIX tree command for the calculation call graph. :param calc_node: The calculation node :param max_depth: Maximum depth of the call graph to print :param call_link_label: Include the call link label if other from the default ``CALL``. :param info_fn: An optional function that takes the node and returns a string of information to be displayed for each node. """ call_tree = build_call_graph(calc_node, max_depth=max_depth, call_link_label=call_link_label, info_fn=info_fn) return format_tree_descending(call_tree)
[文档] def build_call_graph( calc_node, max_depth: Optional[int] = None, call_link_label: bool = False, info_fn=calc_info ) -> str: """Build the call graph of a given node. :param calc_node: The calculation node :param max_depth: Maximum depth of the call graph to build. Use `None` for unlimited. :param call_link_label: Include the call link label if other from the default ``CALL``. :param info_fn: An optional function that takes the node and returns a string of information to be displayed for each node. """ if max_depth is not None: if max_depth < 0: raise ValueError('max_depth must be >= 0') if max_depth == 0: return '' info_string = info_fn(calc_node, call_link_label) called = calc_node.called called.sort(key=lambda x: x.ctime) if called and max_depth != 1: if max_depth is not None: max_depth -= 1 return info_string, [ build_call_graph(c, max_depth=max_depth, call_link_label=call_link_label, info_fn=info_fn) for c in called ] return info_string
[文档] def format_tree_descending(tree, prefix='', pos=-1): """Format a descending tree.""" text = [] if isinstance(tree, tuple): info = tree[0] else: info = tree if pos == -1: pre = '' elif pos == 0: pre = f'{prefix}{TREE_FIRST_ENTRY}' elif pos == 1: pre = f'{prefix}{TREE_MIDDLE_ENTRY}' else: pre = f'{prefix}{TREE_LAST_ENTRY}' text.append(f'{pre}{info}') if isinstance(tree, tuple): _, value = tree num_entries = len(value) if pos in [-1, 2]: new_prefix = f'{prefix} ' else: new_prefix = f'{prefix}│ ' for i, entry in enumerate(value): if i == num_entries - 1: pos = 2 elif i == 0: pos = 0 else: pos = 1 text.append(format_tree_descending(entry, new_prefix, pos)) return '\n'.join(text)