aiida.cmdline.utils.decorators 源代码

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"""Various decorators useful for creating verdi commands, for example loading the dbenv lazily.

Always avoids trying to load the dbenv twice. When it has to be loaded,
a spinner ASCII widget is displayed.

 * with_dbenv, a decorator to frontload the dbenv for functions
 * dbenv, a contextmanager to load the dbenv only if a specific
    code branch gets visited and possibly avoiding the overhead if not


from contextlib import contextmanager

from click_spinner import spinner
from wrapt import decorator

from . import echo

DAEMON_NOT_RUNNING_DEFAULT_MESSAGE = 'daemon is not running'

__all__ = ('with_dbenv', 'dbenv', 'only_if_daemon_running')

[文档] @decorator def with_manager(wrapped, _, args, kwargs): """Decorate a function injecting a :class:`aiida.manage.manager.Manager` instance.""" from aiida.manage import get_manager kwargs['manager'] = get_manager() return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
[文档] @decorator def with_broker(wrapped, _, args, kwargs): """Decorate a function injecting a :class:`` instance. If the currently loaded profile does not define a broker, the command is aborted. """ from aiida.manage import get_manager broker = get_manager().get_broker() profile = get_manager().get_profile() assert profile is not None if broker is None: echo.echo_critical( f'Profile `{}` does not support this functionality as it does not provide a broker.' ) kwargs['broker'] = broker return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
[文档] def load_backend_if_not_loaded(): """Load the database backend environment for the currently loaded profile. If no profile has been loaded yet, the default profile will be loaded first. A spinner will be shown during both actions to indicate that the function is working and has not crashed, since loading can take a second. """ from aiida.manage import get_manager manager = get_manager() if manager.get_profile() is None or not manager.profile_storage_loaded: with spinner(): manager.load_profile() # This will load the default profile if no profile has already been loaded manager.get_profile_storage() # This will load the backend of the loaded profile, if not already loaded
[文档] def with_dbenv(): """Function decorator that will load the database environment for the currently loaded profile. .. note:: if no profile has been loaded yet, the default profile will be loaded first. Example:: @with_dbenv() def create_node(): from aiida.orm import Int # note the local import node = Int(1).store() """ @decorator def wrapper(wrapped, _, args, kwargs): """The wrapped function that should be called after having loaded the backend.""" from aiida.common.exceptions import ConfigurationError, IntegrityError, LockedProfileError try: load_backend_if_not_loaded() except (IntegrityError, ConfigurationError, LockedProfileError) as exception: echo.echo_critical(str(exception)) return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[文档] @contextmanager def dbenv(): """Loads the dbenv for a specific region of code, does not unload afterwards Only use when it makes it possible to avoid loading the dbenv for certain code paths Good Example:: # do this @click.command() @click.option('--with-db', is_flag=True) def profile_info(with_db): # read the config file click.echo(profile_config) # load the db only if necessary if with_db: with dbenv(): # gather db statistics for the profile click.echo(db_statistics) This will run very fast without the --with-db flag and slow only if database info is requested Do not use if you will end up loading the dbenv anyway Bad Example:: # don't do this def my_function(): with dbenv(): # read from db # do db unrelated stuff """ load_backend_if_not_loaded() yield
[文档] def only_if_daemon_running(echo_function=echo.echo_critical, message=None): """Function decorator for CLI command to print critical error and exit automatically when daemon is not running. The error printing and exit behavior can be controlled with the decorator keyword arguments. The default message that is printed can be overridden as well as the echo function that is to be used. By default it uses the `aiida.cmdline.utils.echo.echo_critical` function which automatically aborts the command. The function can be substituted by for example `aiida.cmdline.utils.echo.echo_warning` to instead print just a warning and continue. Example:: @only_if_daemon_running(echo_function=echo.echo_warning, message='beware that the daemon is not running') def create_node(): pass :param echo_function: echo function to issue the message, should be from `aiida.cmdline.utils.echo` :param message: optional message to override the default message """ if message is None: message = DAEMON_NOT_RUNNING_DEFAULT_MESSAGE @decorator def wrapper(wrapped, _, args, kwargs): """If daemon pid file is not found / empty, echo message and call decorated function.""" from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client daemon_client = get_daemon_client() if not daemon_client.is_daemon_running: echo_function(message) return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[文档] def only_if_daemon_not_running(echo_function=echo.echo_critical, message=None): """Function decorator for CLI command to print critical error and exit automatically when daemon is running. The error printing and exit behavior can be controlled with the decorator keyword arguments. The default message that is printed can be overridden as well as the echo function that is to be used. By default it uses the `aiida.cmdline.utils.echo.echo_critical` function which automatically aborts the command. The function can be substituted by for example `aiida.cmdline.utils.echo.echo_warning` to instead print just a warning and continue. Example:: @only_if_daemon_not_running(echo_function=echo.echo_warning, message='Cannot execute while daemon is running.') def create_node(): pass :param echo_function: echo function to issue the message, should be from `aiida.cmdline.utils.echo` :param message: optional message to override the default message """ if message is None: message = 'The daemon needs to be stopped before running this command.' @decorator def wrapper(wrapped, _, args, kwargs): """If daemon pid file is not found / empty, echo message and call decorated function.""" from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client daemon_client = get_daemon_client() if daemon_client.is_daemon_running: echo_function(message) return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[文档] @decorator def check_circus_zmq_version(wrapped, _, args, kwargs): """Function decorator to check for the right ZMQ version before trying to run circus. Example:: @click.command() @check_circus_zmq_version def do_circus_stuff(): pass """ import zmq try: zmq_version = [int(part) for part in zmq.__version__.split('.')[:2]] if len(zmq_version) < 2: raise ValueError() except (AttributeError, ValueError): echo.echo_critical('Unknown PyZQM version - aborting...') if zmq_version[0] < 13 or (zmq_version[0] == 13 and zmq_version[1] < 1): echo.echo_critical('AiiDA daemon needs PyZMQ >= 13.1.0 to run - aborting...') return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
[文档] def deprecated_command(message): """Function decorator that will mark a click command as deprecated when invoked. Example:: @click.command() @deprecated_command('This command has been deprecated in AiiDA v1.0, please use 'foo' instead.) def mycommand(): pass """ @decorator def wrapper(wrapped, _, args, kwargs): """Echo a deprecation warning before doing anything else.""" from textwrap import wrap from aiida.cmdline.utils import templates template = templates.env.get_template('deprecated.tpl') width = 80 echo.echo(template.render(msg=wrap(message, width - 4), width=width)) return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[文档] def requires_loaded_profile(): """Function decorator for CLI command that requires a profile to be loaded. Example:: @requires_loaded_profile() def create_node(): pass If no profile has been loaded, the command will exit with a critical error. Most ``verdi`` commands will automatically load the default profile. So if this error is hit, it is most likely that either no profile have been defined at all or the default is unspecified. """ @decorator def wrapper(wrapped, _, args, kwargs): from aiida.manage.configuration import get_profile if get_profile() is None: echo.echo_critical('No profile loaded: make sure at least one profile is configured and a default is set.') return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[文档] @decorator def requires_broker(wrapped, _, args, kwargs): """Function decorator for CLI command that requires a profile that defines a broker. Example:: @requires_broker def start_daemon(): pass If the loaded profile does not define a broker, the command will exit with a critical error. """ from aiida.manage import get_manager manager = get_manager() if (profile := manager.get_profile()) is None: echo.echo_critical('No profile loaded: make sure at least one profile is configured and a default is set.') assert profile is not None if manager.get_broker() is None: echo.echo_critical(f'profile `{}` does not define a broker and so cannot use this functionality.') return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)