aiida.engine.processes.workchains.workchain 源代码

# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Components for the WorkChain concept of the workflow engine."""

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging
import typing as t

from plumpy.persistence import auto_persist
from plumpy.process_states import Continue, Wait
from plumpy.processes import ProcessStateMachineMeta
from plumpy.workchains import Stepper, _PropagateReturn, if_, return_, while_
from plumpy.workchains import WorkChainSpec as PlumpyWorkChainSpec

from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.common.extendeddicts import AttributeDict
from aiida.common.lang import override
from aiida.orm import Node, ProcessNode, WorkChainNode
from aiida.orm.utils import load_node

from ..exit_code import ExitCode
from ..process import Process, ProcessState
from ..process_spec import ProcessSpec
from .awaitable import Awaitable, AwaitableAction, AwaitableTarget, construct_awaitable

    from aiida.engine.runners import Runner

__all__ = ('WorkChain', 'if_', 'while_', 'return_')

[文档] class WorkChainSpec(ProcessSpec, PlumpyWorkChainSpec): pass
MethodType = t.TypeVar('MethodType')
[文档] class Protect(ProcessStateMachineMeta): """Metaclass that allows protecting class methods from being overridden by subclasses. Usage as follows:: class SomeClass(metaclass=Protect): def private_method(self): "This method cannot be overridden by a subclass." If a subclass is imported that overrides the subclass, a ``RuntimeError`` is raised. """ __SENTINEL = object()
[文档] def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs): # noqa: N804 """Collect all methods that were marked as protected and raise if the subclass defines it. :raises RuntimeError: If the new class defines (i.e. overrides) a method that was decorated with ``final``. """ private = { key for base in bases for key, value in vars(base).items() if callable(value) and mcs.__is_final(value) } for key in namespace: if key in private: raise RuntimeError(f'the method `{key}` is protected cannot be overridden.') return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
@classmethod def __is_final(mcs, method) -> bool: # noqa: N804 """Return whether the method has been decorated by the ``final`` classmethod. :return: Boolean, ``True`` if the method is marked as final, ``False`` otherwise. """ try: return method.__final is mcs.__SENTINEL except AttributeError: return False
[文档] @classmethod def final(mcs, method: MethodType) -> MethodType: # noqa: N804 """Decorate a method with this method to protect it from being overridden. Adds the ``__SENTINEL`` object as the ``__final`` private attribute to the given ``method`` and wraps it in the ```` decorator. The latter indicates to typing systems that it cannot be overridden in subclasses. """ method.__final = mcs.__SENTINEL # type: ignore[attr-defined] return
[文档] @auto_persist('_awaitables') class WorkChain(Process, metaclass=Protect): """The `WorkChain` class is the principle component to implement workflows in AiiDA.""" _node_class = WorkChainNode _spec_class = WorkChainSpec _STEPPER_STATE = 'stepper_state' _CONTEXT = 'CONTEXT'
[文档] def __init__( self, inputs: dict | None = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None, runner: 'Runner' | None = None, enable_persistence: bool = True, ) -> None: """Construct a WorkChain instance. Construct the instance only if it is a sub class of `WorkChain`, otherwise raise `InvalidOperation`. :param inputs: work chain inputs :param logger: aiida logger :param runner: work chain runner :param enable_persistence: whether to persist this work chain """ if self.__class__ == WorkChain: raise exceptions.InvalidOperation('cannot construct or launch a base `WorkChain` class.') super().__init__(inputs, logger, runner, enable_persistence=enable_persistence) self._stepper: Stepper | None = None self._awaitables: list[Awaitable] = [] self._context = AttributeDict()
[文档] @classmethod def spec(cls) -> WorkChainSpec: return super().spec() # type: ignore[return-value]
@property def node(self) -> WorkChainNode: return super().node # type: ignore[return-value] @property def ctx(self) -> AttributeDict: """Get the context.""" return self._context
[文档] @override def save_instance_state(self, out_state, save_context): """Save instance state. :param out_state: state to save in :param save_context: :type save_context: :class:`!plumpy.persistence.LoadSaveContext` """ super().save_instance_state(out_state, save_context) # Save the context out_state[self._CONTEXT] = self.ctx # Ask the stepper to save itself if self._stepper is not None: out_state[self._STEPPER_STATE] =
[文档] @override def load_instance_state(self, saved_state, load_context): super().load_instance_state(saved_state, load_context) # Load the context self._context = saved_state[self._CONTEXT] # Recreate the stepper self._stepper = None stepper_state = saved_state.get(self._STEPPER_STATE, None) if stepper_state is not None: self._stepper = self.spec().get_outline().recreate_stepper(stepper_state, self) # type: ignore[arg-type] self.set_logger(self.node.logger) if self._awaitables: self._action_awaitables()
[文档] def on_run(self): super().on_run() self.node.set_stepper_state_info(str(self._stepper))
[文档] def _resolve_nested_context(self, key: str) -> tuple[AttributeDict, str]: """Returns a reference to a sub-dictionary of the context and the last key, after resolving a potentially segmented key where required sub-dictionaries are created as needed. :param key: A key into the context, where words before a dot are interpreted as a key for a sub-dictionary """ ctx = self.ctx ctx_path = key.split('.') for index, path in enumerate(ctx_path[:-1]): try: ctx = ctx[path] except KeyError: # see below why this is the only exception we have to catch here ctx[path] = AttributeDict() # create the sub-dict and update the context ctx = ctx[path] continue # Notes: # * the first ctx (self.ctx) is guaranteed to be an AttributeDict, hence the post-"dereference" checking # * the values can be many different things: on insertion they are either AtrributeDict, List or Awaitables # (subclasses of AttributeDict) but after resolution of an Awaitable this will be the value itself # * assumption: a resolved value is never a plain AttributeDict, on the other hand if a resolved Awaitable # would be an AttributeDict we can append things to it since the order of tasks is maintained. if type(ctx) != AttributeDict: raise ValueError( f'Can not update the context for key `{key}`:' f' found instance of `{type(ctx)}` at `{".".join(ctx_path[:index+1])}`, expected AttributeDict' ) return ctx, ctx_path[-1]
[文档] def _insert_awaitable(self, awaitable: Awaitable) -> None: """Insert an awaitable that should be terminated before before continuing to the next step. :param awaitable: the thing to await """ ctx, key = self._resolve_nested_context(awaitable.key) # Already assign the awaitable itself to the location in the context container where it is supposed to end up # once it is resolved. This is especially important for the `APPEND` action, since it needs to maintain the # order, but the awaitables will not necessarily be resolved in the order in which they are added. By using the # awaitable as a placeholder, in the `_resolve_awaitable`, it can be found and replaced by the resolved value. if awaitable.action == AwaitableAction.ASSIGN: ctx[key] = awaitable elif awaitable.action == AwaitableAction.APPEND: ctx.setdefault(key, []).append(awaitable) else: raise AssertionError(f'Unsupported awaitable action: {awaitable.action}') self._awaitables.append( awaitable ) # add only if everything went ok, otherwise we end up in an inconsistent state self._update_process_status()
[文档] def _resolve_awaitable(self, awaitable: Awaitable, value: t.Any) -> None: """Resolve an awaitable. Precondition: must be an awaitable that was previously inserted. :param awaitable: the awaitable to resolve """ ctx, key = self._resolve_nested_context(awaitable.key) if awaitable.action == AwaitableAction.ASSIGN: ctx[key] = value elif awaitable.action == AwaitableAction.APPEND: # Find the same awaitable inserted in the context container = ctx[key] for index, placeholder in enumerate(container): if isinstance(placeholder, Awaitable) and == container[index] = value break else: raise AssertionError(f'Awaitable `{} was not found in `ctx.{awaitable.key}`') else: raise AssertionError(f'Unsupported awaitable action: {awaitable.action}') awaitable.resolved = True self._awaitables.remove(awaitable) # remove only if everything went ok, otherwise we may lose track if not self.has_terminated(): # the process may be terminated, for example, if the process was killed or excepted # then we should not try to update it self._update_process_status()
[文档] def to_context(self, **kwargs: Awaitable | ProcessNode) -> None: """Add a dictionary of awaitables to the context. This is a convenience method that provides syntactic sugar, for a user to add multiple intersteps that will assign a certain value to the corresponding key in the context of the work chain. """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): awaitable = construct_awaitable(value) awaitable.key = key self._insert_awaitable(awaitable)
[文档] def _update_process_status(self) -> None: """Set the process status with a message accounting the current sub processes that we are waiting for.""" if self._awaitables: status = f"Waiting for child processes: {', '.join([str( for _ in self._awaitables])}" else: status = None if self.paused: # Update the pre-paused status so that when the process is played # it will be set to the new status self._pre_paused_status = status else: self.set_status(status)
[文档] @override def run(self) -> t.Any: self._stepper = self.spec().get_outline().create_stepper(self) # type: ignore[arg-type] return self._do_step()
[文档] def _do_step(self) -> t.Any: """Execute the next step in the outline and return the result. If the stepper returns a non-finished status and the return value is of type ToContext, the contents of the ToContext container will be turned into awaitables if necessary. If any awaitables were created, the process will enter in the Wait state, otherwise it will go to Continue. When the stepper returns that it is done, the stepper result will be converted to None and returned, unless it is an integer or instance of ExitCode. """ from .context import ToContext self._awaitables = [] result: t.Any = None try: assert self._stepper is not None finished, stepper_result = self._stepper.step() except _PropagateReturn as exception: finished, result = True, exception.exit_code else: # Set result to None unless stepper_result was non-zero positive integer or ExitCode with similar status if isinstance(stepper_result, int) and stepper_result > 0: result = ExitCode(stepper_result) elif isinstance(stepper_result, ExitCode) and stepper_result.status > 0: result = stepper_result else: result = None # If the stepper said we are finished or the result is an ExitCode, we exit by returning if finished or isinstance(result, ExitCode): return result if isinstance(stepper_result, ToContext): self.to_context(**stepper_result) if self._awaitables: return Wait(self._do_step, 'Waiting before next step') return Continue(self._do_step)
[文档] def _store_nodes(self, data: t.Any) -> None: """Recurse through a data structure and store any unstored nodes that are found along the way :param data: a data structure potentially containing unstored nodes """ if isinstance(data, Node) and not data.is_stored: elif isinstance(data, for _, value in data.items(): self._store_nodes(value) elif isinstance(data, and not isinstance(data, str): for value in data: self._store_nodes(value)
[文档] @override def on_exiting(self) -> None: """Ensure that any unstored nodes in the context are stored, before the state is exited After the state is exited the next state will be entered and if persistence is enabled, a checkpoint will be saved. If the context contains unstored nodes, the serialization necessary for checkpointing will fail. """ super().on_exiting() try: self._store_nodes(self.ctx) except Exception: # An uncaught exception here will have bizarre and disastrous consequences self.logger.exception('exception in _store_nodes called in on_exiting')
[文档] def on_wait(self, awaitables: t.Sequence[t.Awaitable]): """Entering the WAITING state.""" super().on_wait(awaitables) if self._awaitables: self._action_awaitables() else: self.call_soon(self.resume)
[文档] def _action_awaitables(self) -> None: """Handle the awaitables that are currently registered with the work chain. Depending on the class type of the awaitable's target a different callback function will be bound with the awaitable and the runner will be asked to call it when the target is completed """ for awaitable in self._awaitables: if == AwaitableTarget.PROCESS: callback = functools.partial(self.call_soon, self._on_awaitable_finished, awaitable) self.runner.call_on_process_finish(, callback) else: raise AssertionError(f"invalid awaitable target '{}'")
[文档] def _on_awaitable_finished(self, awaitable: Awaitable) -> None: """Callback function, for when an awaitable process instance is completed. The awaitable will be effectuated on the context of the work chain and removed from the internal list. If all awaitables have been dealt with, the work chain process is resumed. :param awaitable: an Awaitable instance """'received callback that awaitable %d has terminated', try: node = load_node( except (exceptions.MultipleObjectsError, exceptions.NotExistent): raise ValueError(f'provided pk<{}> could not be resolved to a valid Node instance') if awaitable.outputs: value = {entry.link_label: entry.node for entry in node.base.links.get_outgoing()} else: value = node # type: ignore[assignment] self._resolve_awaitable(awaitable, value) if self.state == ProcessState.WAITING and not self._awaitables: self.resume()