aiida.manage.configuration.migrations.migrations 源代码

# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Define the current configuration version and migrations."""

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Protocol, Type

from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.common.log import AIIDA_LOGGER

__all__ = (

ConfigType = Dict[str, Any]

# The expected version of the configuration file and the oldest backwards compatible configuration version.
# If the configuration file format is changed, the current version number should be upped and a migration added.
# When the configuration file format is changed in a backwards-incompatible way, the oldest compatible version should
# be set to the new current version.



[文档] class SingleMigration(Protocol): """A single migration of the configuration.""" down_revision: int """The initial configuration version.""" down_compatible: int """The initial oldest backwards compatible configuration version""" up_revision: int """The final configuration version.""" up_compatible: int """The final oldest backwards compatible configuration version"""
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: """Migrate the configuration in-place."""
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: """Downgrade the configuration in-place."""
[文档] class Initial(SingleMigration): """Base migration (no-op).""" down_revision = 0 down_compatible = 0 up_revision = 1 up_compatible = 0
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: pass
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: pass
[文档] class AddProfileUuid(SingleMigration): """Add the required values for a new default profile. * PROFILE_UUID The profile uuid will be used as a general purpose identifier for the profile, in for example the RabbitMQ message queues and exchanges. """ down_revision = 1 down_compatible = 0 up_revision = 2 up_compatible = 0
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: from uuid import uuid4 # we require this import here, to patch it in the tests for profile in config.get('profiles', {}).values(): profile.setdefault('PROFILE_UUID', uuid4().hex)
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: # leave the uuid present, so we could migrate back up pass
[文档] class SimplifyDefaultProfiles(SingleMigration): """Replace process specific default profiles with single default profile key. The concept of a different 'process' for a profile has been removed and as such the default profiles key in the configuration no longer needs a value per process ('verdi', 'daemon'). We remove the dictionary 'default_profiles' and replace it with a simple value 'default_profile'. """ down_revision = 2 down_compatible = 0 up_revision = 3 up_compatible = 3
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: from aiida.manage.configuration import get_profile global_profile = get_profile() default_profiles = config.pop('default_profiles', None) if default_profiles and 'daemon' in default_profiles: config['default_profile'] = default_profiles['daemon'] elif default_profiles and 'verdi' in default_profiles: config['default_profile'] = default_profiles['verdi'] elif global_profile is not None: config['default_profile'] =
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: if 'default_profile' in config: default = config.pop('default_profile') config['default_profiles'] = {'daemon': default, 'verdi': default}
[文档] class AddMessageBroker(SingleMigration): """Add the configuration for the message broker, which was not configurable up to now.""" down_revision = 3 down_compatible = 3 up_revision = 4 up_compatible = 3
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: from aiida.brokers.rabbitmq.defaults import BROKER_DEFAULTS defaults = [ ('broker_protocol', BROKER_DEFAULTS.protocol), ('broker_username', BROKER_DEFAULTS.username), ('broker_password', BROKER_DEFAULTS.password), ('broker_host',, ('broker_port', BROKER_DEFAULTS.port), ('broker_virtual_host', BROKER_DEFAULTS.virtual_host), ] for profile in config.get('profiles', {}).values(): for key, default in defaults: if key not in profile: profile[key] = default
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: pass
[文档] class SimplifyOptions(SingleMigration): """Remove unnecessary difference between file/internal representation of options""" down_revision = 4 down_compatible = 3 up_revision = 5 up_compatible = 5 conversions = ( ('runner_poll_interval', 'runner.poll.interval'), ('daemon_default_workers', 'daemon.default_workers'), ('daemon_timeout', 'daemon.timeout'), ('daemon_worker_process_slots', 'daemon.worker_process_slots'), ('db_batch_size', 'db.batch_size'), ('verdi_shell_auto_import', ''), ('logging_aiida_log_level', 'logging.aiida_loglevel'), ('logging_db_log_level', 'logging.db_loglevel'), ('logging_plumpy_log_level', 'logging.plumpy_loglevel'), ('logging_kiwipy_log_level', 'logging.kiwipy_loglevel'), ('logging_paramiko_log_level', 'logging.paramiko_loglevel'), ('logging_alembic_log_level', 'logging.alembic_loglevel'), ('logging_sqlalchemy_loglevel', 'logging.sqlalchemy_loglevel'), ('logging_circus_log_level', 'logging.circus_loglevel'), ('user_email', ''), ('user_first_name', 'autofill.user.first_name'), ('user_last_name', 'autofill.user.last_name'), ('user_institution', 'autofill.user.institution'), ('show_deprecations', 'warnings.showdeprecations'), ('task_retry_initial_interval', 'transport.task_retry_initial_interval'), ('task_maximum_attempts', 'transport.task_maximum_attempts'), )
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: for current, new in self.conversions: # replace in profile options for profile in config.get('profiles', {}).values(): if current in profile.get('options', {}): profile['options'][new] = profile['options'].pop(current) # replace in global options if current in config.get('options', {}): config['options'][new] = config['options'].pop(current)
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: for current, new in self.conversions: # replace in profile options for profile in config.get('profiles', {}).values(): if new in profile.get('options', {}): profile['options'][current] = profile['options'].pop(new) # replace in global options if new in config.get('options', {}): config['options'][current] = config['options'].pop(new)
[文档] class AbstractStorageAndProcess(SingleMigration): """Move the storage config under a top-level "storage" key and rabbitmq config under "processing". This allows for different storage backends to have different configuration. """ down_revision = 5 down_compatible = 5 up_revision = 6 up_compatible = 6 storage_conversions = ( ('AIIDADB_ENGINE', 'database_engine'), ('AIIDADB_HOST', 'database_hostname'), ('AIIDADB_PORT', 'database_port'), ('AIIDADB_USER', 'database_username'), ('AIIDADB_PASS', 'database_password'), ('AIIDADB_NAME', 'database_name'), ('AIIDADB_REPOSITORY_URI', 'repository_uri'), ) process_keys = ( 'broker_protocol', 'broker_username', 'broker_password', 'broker_host', 'broker_port', 'broker_virtual_host', 'broker_parameters', )
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: for profile_name, profile in config.get('profiles', {}).items(): profile.setdefault('storage', {}) if 'AIIDADB_BACKEND' not in profile: CONFIG_LOGGER.warning(f'profile {profile_name!r} had no expected "AIIDADB_BACKEND" key') profile['storage']['backend'] = profile.pop('AIIDADB_BACKEND', None) profile['storage'].setdefault('config', {}) for old, new in self.storage_conversions: if old in profile: profile['storage']['config'][new] = profile.pop(old) else: CONFIG_LOGGER.warning(f'profile {profile_name!r} had no expected {old!r} key') profile.setdefault('process_control', {}) profile['process_control']['backend'] = 'rabbitmq' profile['process_control'].setdefault('config', {}) for key in self.process_keys: if key in profile: profile['process_control']['config'][key] = profile.pop(key) elif key not in ('broker_parameters', 'broker_virtual_host'): CONFIG_LOGGER.warning(f'profile {profile_name!r} had no expected {old!r} key')
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: for profile_name, profile in config.get('profiles', {}).items(): profile['AIIDADB_BACKEND'] = profile.get('storage', {}).get('backend', None) if profile['AIIDADB_BACKEND'] is None: CONFIG_LOGGER.warning(f'profile {profile_name!r} had no expected "storage.backend" key') for old, new in self.storage_conversions: if new in profile.get('storage', {}).get('config', {}): profile[old] = profile['storage']['config'].pop(new) profile.pop('storage', None) for key in self.process_keys: if key in profile.get('process_control', {}).get('config', {}): profile[key] = profile['process_control']['config'].pop(key) profile.pop('process_control', None)
[文档] class MergeStorageBackendTypes(SingleMigration): """`django` and `sqlalchemy` are now merged into `psql_dos`. The legacy name is stored under the `_v6_backend` key, to allow for downgrades. """ down_revision = 6 down_compatible = 6 up_revision = 7 up_compatible = 7
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: for profile_name, profile in config.get('profiles', {}).items(): if 'storage' in profile: storage = profile['storage'] if 'backend' in storage: if storage['backend'] in ('django', 'sqlalchemy'): profile['storage']['_v6_backend'] = storage['backend'] storage['backend'] = 'psql_dos' else: CONFIG_LOGGER.warning( f'profile {profile_name!r} had unknown storage backend {storage["backend"]!r}' )
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: for profile_name, profile in config.get('profiles', {}).items(): if '_v6_backend' in profile.get('storage', {}): profile.setdefault('storage', {})['backend'] = profile['storage'].pop('_v6_backend') else: CONFIG_LOGGER.warning(f'profile {profile_name!r} had no expected "storage._v6_backend" key')
[文档] class AddTestProfileKey(SingleMigration): """Add the ``test_profile`` key.""" down_revision = 7 down_compatible = 7 up_revision = 8 up_compatible = 8
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: for profile_name, profile in config.get('profiles', {}).items(): profile['test_profile'] = profile_name.startswith('test_')
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: profiles = config.get('profiles', {}) profile_names = list(profiles.keys()) # Iterate over the fixed list of the profile names, since we are mutating the profiles dictionary. for profile_name in profile_names: profile = profiles.pop(profile_name) profile_name_new = None test_profile = profile.pop('test_profile', False) # If absent, assume it is not a test profile if test_profile and not profile_name.startswith('test_'): profile_name_new = f'test_{profile_name}' CONFIG_LOGGER.warning( f'profile `{profile_name}` is a test profile but does not start with the required `test_` prefix.' ) if not test_profile and profile_name.startswith('test_'): profile_name_new = profile_name[5:] CONFIG_LOGGER.warning( f'profile `{profile_name}` is not a test profile but starts with the `test_` prefix.' ) if profile_name_new is not None: if profile_name_new in profile_names: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError( f'cannot change `{profile_name}` to `{profile_name_new}` because it already exists.' ) CONFIG_LOGGER.warning(f'changing profile name from `{profile_name}` to `{profile_name_new}`.') profile_name = profile_name_new # noqa: PLW2901 profile['test_profile'] = test_profile profiles[profile_name] = profile
[文档] class AddPrefixToStorageBackendTypes(SingleMigration): """The ``storage.backend`` key should be prefixed with ``core.``. At this point, it should only ever contain ``psql_dos`` which should therefore become ``core.psql_dos``. To cover for cases where people manually added a read only ``sqlite_zip`` profile, we also migrate that. """ down_revision = 8 down_compatible = 8 up_revision = 9 up_compatible = 9
[文档] def upgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: for profile_name, profile in config.get('profiles', {}).items(): if 'storage' in profile: backend = profile['storage'].get('backend', None) if backend in ('psql_dos', 'sqlite_zip', 'sqlite_temp'): profile['storage']['backend'] = 'core.' + backend else: CONFIG_LOGGER.warning(f'profile {profile_name!r} had unknown storage backend {backend!r}')
[文档] def downgrade(self, config: ConfigType) -> None: for profile_name, profile in config.get('profiles', {}).items(): backend = profile.get('storage', {}).get('backend', None) if backend in ('core.psql_dos', 'core.sqlite_zip', 'core.sqlite_temp'): profile.setdefault('storage', {})['backend'] = backend[5:] else: CONFIG_LOGGER.warning( f'profile {profile_name!r} has storage backend {backend!r} that will not be compatible ' 'with the version of `aiida-core` that can be used with the new version of the configuration.' )
MIGRATIONS = ( Initial, AddProfileUuid, SimplifyDefaultProfiles, AddMessageBroker, SimplifyOptions, AbstractStorageAndProcess, MergeStorageBackendTypes, AddTestProfileKey, AddPrefixToStorageBackendTypes, )
[文档] def get_current_version(config): """Return the current version of the config. :return: current config version or 0 if not defined """ return config.get('CONFIG_VERSION', {}).get('CURRENT', 0)
[文档] def get_oldest_compatible_version(config): """Return the current oldest compatible version of the config. :return: current oldest compatible config version or 0 if not defined """ return config.get('CONFIG_VERSION', {}).get('OLDEST_COMPATIBLE', 0)
[文档] def upgrade_config( config: ConfigType, target: int = CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION, migrations: Iterable[Type[SingleMigration]] = MIGRATIONS ) -> ConfigType: """Run the registered configuration migrations up to the target version. :param config: the configuration dictionary :return: the migrated configuration dictionary """ current = get_current_version(config) used = [] while current < target: current = get_current_version(config) try: migrator = next(m for m in migrations if m.down_revision == current) except StopIteration: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f'No migration found to upgrade version {current}') if migrator in used: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f'Circular migration detected, upgrading to {target}') used.append(migrator) migrator().upgrade(config) current = migrator.up_revision config.setdefault('CONFIG_VERSION', {})['CURRENT'] = current config['CONFIG_VERSION']['OLDEST_COMPATIBLE'] = migrator.up_compatible if current != target: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f'Could not upgrade to version {target}, current version is {current}') return config
[文档] def downgrade_config( config: ConfigType, target: int, migrations: Iterable[Type[SingleMigration]] = MIGRATIONS ) -> ConfigType: """Run the registered configuration migrations down to the target version. :param config: the configuration dictionary :return: the migrated configuration dictionary """ current = get_current_version(config) used = [] while current > target: current = get_current_version(config) try: migrator = next(m for m in migrations if m.up_revision == current) except StopIteration: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f'No migration found to downgrade version {current}') if migrator in used: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f'Circular migration detected, downgrading to {target}') used.append(migrator) migrator().downgrade(config) config.setdefault('CONFIG_VERSION', {})['CURRENT'] = current = migrator.down_revision config['CONFIG_VERSION']['OLDEST_COMPATIBLE'] = migrator.down_compatible if current != target: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f'Could not downgrade to version {target}, current version is {current}') return config
[文档] def check_and_migrate_config(config, filepath: Optional[str] = None): """Checks if the config needs to be migrated, and performs the migration if needed. :param config: the configuration dictionary :param filepath: the path to the configuration file (optional, for error reporting) :return: the migrated configuration dictionary """ if config_needs_migrating(config, filepath): config = upgrade_config(config) return config
[文档] def config_needs_migrating(config, filepath: Optional[str] = None): """Checks if the config needs to be migrated. If the oldest compatible version of the configuration is higher than the current configuration version defined in the code, the config cannot be used and so the function will raise. :param filepath: the path to the configuration file (optional, for error reporting) :return: True if the configuration has an older version and needs to be migrated, False otherwise :raises aiida.common.ConfigurationVersionError: if the config's oldest compatible version is higher than the current """ current_version = get_current_version(config) oldest_compatible_version = get_oldest_compatible_version(config) if oldest_compatible_version > CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION: filepath = filepath if filepath else '' raise exceptions.ConfigurationVersionError( f'The configuration file has version {current_version} ' f'which is not compatible with the current version {CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION}: {filepath}\n' 'Use a newer version of AiiDA to downgrade this configuration.' ) return CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION > current_version