
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Various utils that should be used during migrations and migrations tests because the AiiDA ORM cannot be used."""

import datetime
import functools
import io
import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union

import numpy
from disk_objectstore import Container
from disk_objectstore.utils import LazyOpener

from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.repository.backend import AbstractRepositoryBackend
from aiida.repository.common import File, FileType
from aiida.repository.repository import Repository
from import get_filepath_container

ISOFORMAT_DATETIME_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+(\+\d{2}:\d{2})?$')
REGEX_SHARD_SUB_LEVEL = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-f]{2}$')
REGEX_SHARD_FINAL_LEVEL = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-f-]{32}$')

[文档] class LazyFile(File): """Subclass of `File` where `key` also allows `LazyOpener` in addition to a string. This subclass is necessary because the migration will be storing instances of `LazyOpener` as the `key` which should normally only be a string. This subclass updates the `key` type check to allow this. """
[文档] def __init__( self, name: str = '', file_type: FileType = FileType.DIRECTORY, key: Union[str, None, LazyOpener] = None, objects: Optional[Dict[str, 'File']] = None, ): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('name should be a string.') if not isinstance(file_type, FileType): raise TypeError('file_type should be an instance of `FileType`.') if key is not None and not isinstance(key, (str, LazyOpener)): raise TypeError('key should be `None` or a string.') if objects is not None and any(not isinstance(obj, self.__class__) for obj in objects.values()): raise TypeError('objects should be `None` or a dictionary of `File` instances.') if file_type == FileType.DIRECTORY and key is not None: raise ValueError('an object of type `FileType.DIRECTORY` cannot define a key.') if file_type == FileType.FILE and objects is not None: raise ValueError('an object of type `FileType.FILE` cannot define any objects.') self._name = name self._file_type = file_type self._key = key self._objects = objects or {}
[文档] class MigrationRepository(Repository): """Subclass of `Repository` that uses `LazyFile` instead of `File` as its file class.""" _file_cls = LazyFile
[文档] class NoopRepositoryBackend(AbstractRepositoryBackend): """Implementation of the ``AbstractRepositoryBackend`` where all write operations are no-ops. This repository backend is used to use the ``Repository`` interface to build repository metadata but instead of actually writing the content of the current repository to disk elsewhere, it will simply open a lazy file opener. In a subsequent step, all these streams are passed to the new Disk Object Store that will write their content directly to pack files for optimal efficiency. """ @property def uuid(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the unique identifier of the repository. .. note:: A sandbox folder does not have the concept of a unique identifier and so always returns ``None``. """ return None @property def key_format(self) -> Optional[str]: return None
[文档] def initialise(self, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError()
@property def is_initialised(self) -> bool: return True
[文档] def erase(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[文档] def _put_object_from_filelike(self, handle: io.BufferedIOBase) -> str: return LazyOpener(
[文档] def has_objects(self, keys: List[str]) -> List[bool]: raise NotImplementedError()
[文档] def delete_objects(self, keys: List[str]) -> None: raise NotImplementedError()
[文档] def list_objects(self) -> Iterable[str]: raise NotImplementedError()
[文档] def iter_object_streams(self, keys: List[str]): raise NotImplementedError()
[文档] def maintain(self, dry_run: bool = False, live: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def get_info(self, detailed: bool = False, **kwargs) -> dict: raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def migrate_legacy_repository(profile, shard=None): """Migrate the legacy file repository to the new disk object store and return mapping of repository metadata. .. warning:: this method assumes that the new disk object store container has been initialized. The format of the return value will be a dictionary where the keys are the UUIDs of the nodes whose repository folder has contents have been migrated to the disk object store. The values are the repository metadata that contain the keys for the generated files with which the files in the disk object store can be retrieved. The format of the repository metadata follows exactly that of what is generated normally by the ORM. This implementation consciously uses the ``Repository`` interface in order to not have to rewrite the logic that builds the nested repository metadata based on the contents of a folder on disk. The advantage is that in this way it is guarantee that the exact same repository metadata is generated as it would have during normal operation. However, if the ``Repository`` interface or its implementation ever changes, it is possible that this solution will have to be adapted and the significant parts of the implementation will have to be copy pasted here. :return: mapping of node UUIDs onto the new repository metadata. """ backend = NoopRepositoryBackend() repository = MigrationRepository(backend=backend) # The original repository should be in the same parent as the DOS container, whose location can be retrieved from # the currently loaded storage backend. filepath_container = get_filepath_container(profile) filepath_repository = filepath_container.parent / 'repository' / 'node' container = Container(filepath_container) if not filepath_repository.exists(): return None, None node_repository_dirpaths, missing_sub_repo_folder = get_node_repository_dirpaths( profile, filepath_repository, shard ) filepaths = [] streams = [] mapping_metadata = {} # Loop over all the folders for each node that was found in the existing file repository and generate the repository # metadata that will have to be stored on the node. Calling `put_object_from_tree` will generate the virtual # hierarchy in memory, writing the files not actually to disk but opening lazy file handles, and then the call to # `serialize_repository` serializes the virtual hierarchy into JSON storable dictionary. This will later be stored # on the nodes in the database, and so it is added to the `mapping_metadata` which will be returned from this # function. After having constructed the virtual hierarchy, we walk over the contents and take just the files and # add the value (which is the `LazyOpener`) to the `streams` list as well as its relative path to `filepaths`. for node_uuid, node_dirpath in node_repository_dirpaths.items(): repository.put_object_from_tree(node_dirpath) metadata = serialize_repository(repository) mapping_metadata[node_uuid] = metadata for root, _, filenames in repository.walk(): for filename in filenames: parts = list(pathlib.Path(root / filename).parts) filepaths.append((node_uuid, parts)) streams.append(functools.reduce(lambda objects, part: objects['o'].get(part), parts, metadata)['k']) # Reset the repository to a clean node repository, which removes the internal virtual file hierarchy repository.reset() # Free up the memory of this mapping that is no longer needed and can be big del node_repository_dirpaths hashkeys = container.add_streamed_objects_to_pack(streams, compress=False, open_streams=True) # Now all that remains is to go through all the generated repository metadata, stored for each node in the # `mapping_metadata` and replace the "values" for all the files, which are currently still the `LazyOpener` # instances, and replace them with the hashkey that was generated from its content by the DOS container. for hashkey, (node_uuid, parts) in zip(hashkeys, filepaths): repository_metadata = mapping_metadata[node_uuid] functools.reduce(lambda objects, part: objects['o'].get(part), parts, repository_metadata)['k'] = hashkey del filepaths del streams return mapping_metadata, missing_sub_repo_folder
[文档] def get_node_repository_dirpaths(profile, basepath, shard=None): """Return a mapping of node UUIDs onto the path to their current repository folder in the old repository. :param basepath: the absolute path of the base folder of the old file repository. :param shard: optional shard to define which first shard level to check. If `None`, all shard levels are checked. :return: dictionary of node UUID onto absolute filepath and list of node repo missing one of the two known sub folders, ``path`` or ``raw_input``, which is unexpected. :raises `~aiida.common.exceptions.StorageMigrationError`: if the repository contains node folders that contain both the `path` and `raw_input` subdirectories, which should never happen. """ mapping = {} missing_sub_repo_folder = [] contains_both = [] if shard is not None: # If the shard is not present in the basepath, there is nothing to do if shard not in os.listdir(basepath): return mapping, missing_sub_repo_folder shards = [pathlib.Path(basepath) / shard] else: shards = basepath.iterdir() for shard_one in shards: if not REGEX_SHARD_SUB_LEVEL.match( continue for shard_two in shard_one.iterdir(): if not REGEX_SHARD_SUB_LEVEL.match( continue for shard_three in shard_two.iterdir(): if not REGEX_SHARD_FINAL_LEVEL.match( continue uuid = + + dirpath = basepath / shard_one / shard_two / shard_three subdirs = [ for path in dirpath.iterdir()] path = None if 'path' in subdirs and 'raw_input' in subdirs: # If the `path` folder is empty OR it contains *only* a `.gitignore`, we simply ignore and set # `raw_input` to be migrated, otherwise we add the entry to `contains_both` which will cause the # migration to fail. # See issue #4910 ( for more information on the # `.gitignore` case. path_contents = os.listdir(dirpath / 'path') if not path_contents or path_contents == ['.gitignore']: path = dirpath / 'raw_input' else: contains_both.append(str(dirpath)) elif 'path' in subdirs: path = dirpath / 'path' elif 'raw_input' in subdirs: path = dirpath / 'raw_input' else: missing_sub_repo_folder.append(str(dirpath)) if path is not None: mapping[uuid] = path if contains_both and not profile.is_test_profile: raise exceptions.StorageMigrationError( f'The file repository `{basepath}` contained node repository folders that contained both the `path` as well' ' as the `raw_input` subfolders. This should not have happened, as the latter is used for calculation job ' 'nodes, and the former for all other nodes. The migration will be aborted and the paths of the offending ' 'node folders will be printed below. If you know which of the subpaths is incorrect, you can manually ' 'delete it and then restart the migration. Here is the list of offending node folders:\n' + '\n'.join(contains_both) ) return mapping, missing_sub_repo_folder
[文档] def serialize_repository(repository: Repository) -> dict: """Serialize the metadata into a JSON-serializable format. .. note:: the serialization format is optimized to reduce the size in bytes. :return: dictionary with the content metadata. """ file_object = repository._directory if file_object.file_type == FileType.DIRECTORY: if file_object.objects: return {'o': {key: obj.serialize() for key, obj in file_object.objects.items()}} return {} return {'k': file_object.key}
[文档] def ensure_repository_folder_created(repository_path, uuid): """Make sure that the repository sub folder for the node with the given UUID exists or create it. :param uuid: UUID of the node """ dirpath = get_node_repository_sub_folder(repository_path, uuid) os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True)
[文档] def put_object_from_string(repository_path, uuid, name, content): """Write a file with the given content in the repository sub folder of the given node. :param uuid: UUID of the node :param name: name to use for the file :param content: the content to write to the file """ ensure_repository_folder_created(repository_path, uuid) basepath = get_node_repository_sub_folder(repository_path, uuid) dirname = os.path.dirname(name) if dirname: os.makedirs(os.path.join(basepath, dirname), exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(basepath, name) with open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as handle: handle.write(content)
[文档] def get_node_repository_sub_folder(repository_path, uuid, subfolder='path'): """Return the absolute path to the sub folder `path` within the repository of the node with the given UUID. :param uuid: UUID of the node :return: absolute path to node repository folder, i.e `/some/path/repository/node/12/ab/c123134-a123/path` """ uuid = str(uuid) repo_dirpath = os.path.join(repository_path, 'repository') node_dirpath = os.path.join(repo_dirpath, 'node', uuid[:2], uuid[2:4], uuid[4:], subfolder) return node_dirpath
[文档] def get_numpy_array_absolute_path(repository_path, uuid, name): """Return the absolute path of a numpy array with the given name in the repository of the node with the given uuid. :param uuid: the UUID of the node :param name: the name of the numpy array :return: the absolute path of the numpy array file """ return os.path.join(get_node_repository_sub_folder(repository_path, uuid), f'{name}.npy')
[文档] def store_numpy_array_in_repository(repository_path, uuid, name, array): """Store a numpy array in the repository folder of a node. :param uuid: the node UUID :param name: the name under which to store the array :param array: the numpy array to store """ ensure_repository_folder_created(repository_path, uuid) filepath = get_numpy_array_absolute_path(repository_path, uuid, name) with open(filepath, 'wb') as handle:, array)
[文档] def delete_numpy_array_from_repository(repository_path, uuid, name): """Delete the numpy array with a given name from the repository corresponding to a node with a given uuid. :param uuid: the UUID of the node :param name: the name of the numpy array """ filepath = get_numpy_array_absolute_path(repository_path, uuid, name) try: os.remove(filepath) except (IOError, OSError): pass
[文档] def load_numpy_array_from_repository(repository_path, uuid, name): """Load and return a numpy array from the repository folder of a node. :param uuid: the node UUID :param name: the name under which to store the array :return: the numpy array """ filepath = get_numpy_array_absolute_path(repository_path, uuid, name) return numpy.load(filepath)
[文档] def get_repository_object(profile, hashkey): """Return the content of an object stored in the disk object store repository for the given hashkey.""" filepath_container = get_filepath_container(profile) container = Container(filepath_container) return container.get_object_content(hashkey)
[文档] def recursive_datetime_to_isoformat(value): """Convert all datetime objects in the given value to string representations in ISO format. :param value: a mapping, sequence or single value optionally containing datetime objects """ if isinstance(value, list): return [recursive_datetime_to_isoformat(_) for _ in value] if isinstance(value, dict): return dict((key, recursive_datetime_to_isoformat(val)) for key, val in value.items()) if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value.isoformat() return value
[文档] def dumps_json(dictionary): """Transforms all datetime object into isoformat and then returns the JSON.""" return json.dumps(recursive_datetime_to_isoformat(dictionary))