
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Common variables"""

import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Sequence

from archive_path import TarPath, ZipPath

from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.common.progress_reporter import create_callback, get_progress_reporter

[文档] def update_metadata(metadata, version): """Update the metadata with a new version number and a notification of the conversion that was executed. :param metadata: the content of an export archive metadata.json file :param version: string version number that the updated metadata should get """ from aiida import get_version old_version = metadata['export_version'] conversion_info = metadata.get('conversion_info', []) conversion_message = f'Converted from version {old_version} to {version} with AiiDA v{get_version()}' conversion_info.append(conversion_message) metadata['aiida_version'] = get_version() metadata['export_version'] = version metadata['conversion_info'] = conversion_info
[文档] def verify_metadata_version(metadata, version=None): """Utility function to verify that the metadata has the correct version number. If no version number is passed, it will just extract the version number and return it. :param metadata: the content of an export archive metadata.json file :param version: string version number that the metadata is expected to have """ try: metadata_version = metadata['export_version'] except KeyError: raise exceptions.StorageMigrationError("metadata is missing the 'export_version' key") if version is None: return metadata_version if metadata_version != version: raise exceptions.StorageMigrationError( f'expected archive file with version {version} but found version {metadata_version}' ) return None
[文档] def copy_zip_to_zip( inpath: Path, outpath: Path, path_callback: Callable[[ZipPath, ZipPath], bool], *, compression: int = 6, overwrite: bool = True, title: str = 'Writing new zip file', info_order: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> None: """Create a new zip file from an existing zip file. All files/folders are streamed directly to the new zip file, with the ``path_callback`` allowing for per path modifications. The new zip file is first created in a temporary directory, and then moved to the desired location. :param inpath: the path to the existing archive :param outpath: the path to output the new archive :param path_callback: a callback that is called for each path in the archive: ``(inpath, outpath) -> handled`` If handled is ``True``, the path is assumed to already have been copied to the new zip file. :param compression: the default compression level to use for the new zip file :param overwrite: whether to overwrite the output file if it already exists :param title: the title of the progress bar :param info_order: ``ZipInfo`` for these file names will be written first to the zip central directory. This allows for faster reading of these files, with ``archive_path.read_file_in_zip``. """ if (not overwrite) and outpath.exists() and outpath.is_file(): raise FileExistsError(f'{outpath} already exists') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: temp_archive = Path(tmpdirname) / '' with ZipPath(temp_archive, mode='w', compresslevel=compression, info_order=info_order) as new_path: with ZipPath(inpath, mode='r') as path: length = sum(1 for _ in path.glob('**/*', include_virtual=False)) with get_progress_reporter()(desc=title, total=length) as progress: for subpath in path.glob('**/*', include_virtual=False): new_path_sub = new_path.joinpath( if path_callback(subpath, new_path_sub): pass elif subpath.is_dir(): new_path_sub.mkdir(exist_ok=True) else: new_path_sub.putfile(subpath) progress.update() if overwrite and outpath.exists() and outpath.is_file(): outpath.unlink() shutil.move(temp_archive, outpath)
[文档] def copy_tar_to_zip( inpath: Path, outpath: Path, path_callback: Callable[[Path, ZipPath], bool], *, compression: int = 6, overwrite: bool = True, title: str = 'Writing new zip file', info_order: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> None: """Create a new zip file from an existing tar file. The tar file is first extracted to a temporary directory, and then the new zip file is created, with the ``path_callback`` allowing for per path modifications. The new zip file is first created in a temporary directory, and then moved to the desired location. :param inpath: the path to the existing archive :param outpath: the path to output the new archive :param path_callback: a callback that is called for each path in the archive: ``(inpath, outpath) -> handled`` If handled is ``True``, the path is assumed to already have been copied to the new zip file. :param compression: the default compression level to use for the new zip file :param overwrite: whether to overwrite the output file if it already exists :param title: the title of the progress bar :param info_order: ``ZipInfo`` for these file names will be written first to the zip central directory. This allows for faster reading of these files, with ``archive_path.read_file_in_zip``. """ if (not overwrite) and outpath.exists() and outpath.is_file(): raise FileExistsError(f'{outpath} already exists') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # for tar files we extract first, since the file is compressed as a single object temp_extracted = Path(tmpdirname) / 'extracted' with get_progress_reporter()(total=1) as progress: callback = create_callback(progress) with TarPath(inpath, mode='r:*') as path: path.extract_tree( temp_extracted, allow_dev=False, allow_symlink=False, callback=callback, cb_descript=f'{title} (extracting tar)', ) temp_archive = Path(tmpdirname) / '' with ZipPath(temp_archive, mode='w', compresslevel=compression, info_order=info_order) as new_path: length = sum(1 for _ in temp_extracted.glob('**/*')) with get_progress_reporter()(desc=title, total=length) as progress: for subpath in temp_extracted.glob('**/*'): new_path_sub = new_path.joinpath(subpath.relative_to(temp_extracted).as_posix()) if path_callback(subpath.relative_to(temp_extracted), new_path_sub): pass elif subpath.is_dir(): new_path_sub.mkdir(exist_ok=True) else: # files extracted from the tar do not include a modified time, yet zip requires one os.utime(subpath, (subpath.stat().st_ctime, subpath.stat().st_ctime)) new_path_sub.putfile(subpath) progress.update() if overwrite and outpath.exists() and outpath.is_file(): outpath.unlink() shutil.move(temp_archive, outpath)